Overnight charging SOD Solved (for me anyway) - HD2 General

Here's the story, whenever charging overnight, I plug in the charger, as you do, the screen lights up so I press the right hand screen off button, thinking it might help with the charging or whatever, then I get up the next morning to find the green light permenantly on and the phone won't boot until I take the battery out, put back in and all is well, VERY annoying.
So the other night I just put it on charge as normal, but this time didn't turn the screen off for some reason, I get up the next day thinking I'll have to do my normal routine of taking the battery out etc, but no, to my surprise no SOD, done it a few times now and all is well.
Funny thing I know but like I say it works for me and might help a few others with the same problem.


Charging problem ..

(Bare with me, this IS wm6 related)
Okay, so i got this qtek 9090 from a trade online, and the owner pointed out that he had used it for some time now and it worked without problems.
However that seems not to be my experience. At first I was a little worried that it did not came with a charger.. Only a USB cable. No worries i thought, I will just charge it through USB. Now I have had some experiences where phones wouldn't charge from some of my computers, apparently because of some boards that put out lower amps than others. However I knew atleast one computer should have no problem charge ordinary cell phones.
So i plugged it in, and to my worries the battery kept going down... Untill the phone was dried from power and everything got lost again.. and again.. and again.. It seemed a little odd that it apparently deleted everything each time, since the backup battery indicated 100%.
So at last it went into flightmode and I shut it down with the powerbutton and let it be connected.. The first many hours nothing happened.. But suddenly, when i did an occasional check, it said 3% battery. I went to sleep and the next morning it was fully charged. I used it all day in school and it held its power real fine.
Now I got the feeling that this probably was caused by the low amp output from the computer, making it unable of charging to the extend where the phone would still be able of running whilst charging. So i figured i would order a 220v (the powercurrent here in Denmark) -> 5v USB that outputs 700mA, to make a quicker charge.
Well, to day I was gonna receive that adapter, and since I'd read that the wm6 apparently draines the battery some bit, I waited untill today to upgrade to wm6.
I upgraded and everything truely runs quick and stable. But when i recieved the adapter and plugged it in, i was horrified. The power kept going down, as I had experienced when it was plugged into USB.
Now my girlfriend really wanted to play bejeweled on this thing, so she did and then shortly afterwards we took a few hours nap. I had her plug it in the new adapter to charge it. When i woke up i saw the screen blinking.
I could se it was rebooting over and over again, as it had done the first time it completely lost power..
Now besides that extremely annoying charging problem, I now had another concern....
The boot screen shows NONE next to the R and the G.
Next to the D is the wm version displayed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
red LED?
Hm.. By doing a hard reset it shows numbers next to R and G again.
It continuely reboots, display boot screen, shuts down, LED is red, reboots, displays boot screen, shuts down, LED is red again and again.
If i hard reset it some times it will at one point stay off, but the LED still lights red.
And now I question wether 700mA is even enough for charging the BA?
1. Higher power given by power supply does not mean, you will get faster charging
2. If you use WM5/WM6 and have Bluetooth turned on, device turns on every few minutes (bug/feature of the driver needed to keep Bluetooth running: look for BigMike's fix for more information). If your deivce is set up to turn off after long time (for ex. 5 mins), battery might drain out in half a day.
3. Check power settings (delays for device power down etc.)
4. In WM6 be sure, that audio manager is not running (prevents device from deep sleep, allows only screen shutdown)
5. If battery shows up 100% and after disconnecting device discharges in less than 2h being turned on all the time (wifi, bt, phone, screen all the time turned on) it means, that battery might be worn. Consider exchange.
R and G showing NONE is normal in WM5/WM6 because of bug (unfixable for now) in the device and it's incomatibility with this OS: after turning on from power down (taking battery out or total discharging) make soft reset just when R NONE G NONE shows up on the screen. Everything will be normal.
jakubd said:
1. Higher power given by power supply does not mean, you will get faster charging
2. If you use WM5/WM6 and have Bluetooth turned on, device turns on every few minutes (bug/feature of the driver needed to keep Bluetooth running: look for BigMike's fix for more information). If your deivce is set up to turn off after long time (for ex. 5 mins), battery might drain out in half a day.
3. Check power settings (delays for device power down etc.)
4. In WM6 be sure, that audio manager is not running (prevents device from deep sleep, allows only screen shutdown)
5. If battery shows up 100% and after disconnecting device discharges in less than 2h being turned on all the time (wifi, bt, phone, screen all the time turned on) it means, that battery might be worn. Consider exchange.
R and G showing NONE is normal in WM5/WM6 because of bug (unfixable for now) in the device and it's incomatibility with this OS: after turning on from power down (taking battery out or total discharging) make soft reset just when R NONE G NONE shows up on the screen. Everything will be normal.
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AFAIK the lower the mA output, the slower the charge period.
I have had wifi, bluetooth, beam off. I've set shutdown to 2 minutes. I've set it to low brightness and etc.
As i mentioned it had no problems going a whole day of usage in school.
Didn't know about the bug in wm6 that makes only the screen shut off, but at the momemt i can't even boot the device, apparently because it has no batterypower. And having it connected to the charger makes no real difference (other than it will display the bootscreen and perhaps even the Windows Mobile welcome screen thing, for a few seconds.. then go dead again.)
I've had it in the charger for about an hour or two, still not enough power to boot it up.
It feels like it's just not charging sometimes.. And other times it will charge just fine.
Found out about the reset to solve the NONE issue, but i still don't know what it means that its LED is red all the time?
Even 500mA is enough for sure, as charging from USB works fine.
Device will shut down soon after turning on if there is not enough power in battery, even it if is charging. Leave it charging (amber led on the right) for some time. RED led means low battery and no charging (AFAIR).
jakubd said:
Even 500mA is enough for sure, as charging from USB works fine.
Device will shut down soon after turning on if there is not enough power in battery, even it if is charging. Leave it charging (amber led on the right) for some time. RED led means low battery and no charging (AFAIR).
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Hmm, i see. I just don't understand why it's not charging then :/
trylleklovn said:
Didn't know about the bug in wm6 that makes only the screen shut off
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This is not a bug - thanks to this you can still listen to your music keeping device with screen turned off, when you don't need it to spare battery.
trylleklovn said:
Found out about the reset to solve the NONE issue, but i still don't know what it means that its LED is red all the time?
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Red LED (right one) means low battery, no charging. To charge this led must be amber. Details - you must look for manual.
jakubd said:
This is not a bug - thanks to this you can still listen to your music keeping device with screen turned off, when you don't need it to spare battery.
Red LED (right one) means low battery, no charging. To charge this led must be amber. Details - you must look for manual.
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It's odd still. When i connect the charger the right LED starts to light red.
If it means that its not charging, there must be something wrong, since it only happens when connecting the charger..
it can be amber or red. Those are different colors and meaning.
You can confirm it charges touching the battery - it becomes slightly warm after some time.
jakubd said:
it can be amber or red. Those are different colors and meaning.
You can confirm it charges touching the battery - it becomes slightly warm after some time.
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I KNOW that, but it is not going amber. It stays red all the time.
Found this thread that discusses a similar problem; http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-233782.html
Apparently it shows RED light all the time if the battery is dead.. However i hardly doubt that the battery, which could power the phone just fine for and entire day, should be dead.
However, one suggestion in the thread was to take out the battery for some time and then try again. So I will do that for now.
Behavior has changed a bit now..
The LED is still red when i connect the charger. However, if i try to turn it on following happens:
Boot Screen shows for a couple of seconds...
Windows Mobile startup screen appears and the LED changes to orange/amber..
After a few seconds the screen turns black and the LED changes to red again...
And then after a few more seconds the boot screen appears again and everything is repeated, over and over.
If I disconnect the charger the boot screen appears, the wm startup screen appears, this time with a flashing red LED.. shortly after the phone turns off.
trylleklovn said:
Behavior has changed a bit now..
The LED is still red when i connect the charger. However, if i try to turn it on following happens:
Boot Screen shows for a couple of seconds...
Windows Mobile startup screen appears and the LED changes to orange/amber..
After a few seconds the screen turns black and the LED changes to red again...
And then after a few more seconds the boot screen appears again and everything is repeated, over and over.
If I disconnect the charger the boot screen appears, the wm startup screen appears, this time with a flashing red LED.. shortly after the phone turns off.
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I've seen this problem before. The charger is not putting out enough power to both charge and boot the BA. So what happens is that it starts charging enough to start boot, but as soon as it has enough power to start the boot, it immediately drains it by starting to boot with screen at full brightness.
What I do in this case is to try to catch it just as it starts to boot and turn the backlight off by holding down the power button for 5 sec. This turns off the backlight so there is less drain and the thing can boot up and start charging.
All in all, its a pretty stupid bug but what the hell, there is a solution to it.
Good luck.
motisu said:
I've seen this problem before. The charger is not putting out enough power to both charge and boot the BA. So what happens is that it starts charging enough to start boot, but as soon as it has enough power to start the boot, it immediately drains it by starting to boot with screen at full brightness.
What I do in this case is to try to catch it just as it starts to boot and turn the backlight off by holding down the power button for 5 sec. This turns off the backlight so there is less drain and the thing can boot up and start charging.
All in all, its a pretty stupid bug but what the hell, there is a solution to it.
Good luck.
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This seems to work atm. (just a few seconds since it successfully booted)..
Does this mean that the device really cant charge if its not "on" ?
(I can see its booted and the LED is now orange. If only it will stay this way untill it has been recharged further ))
trylleklovn said:
This seems to work atm. (just a few seconds since it successfully booted)..
Does this mean that the device really cant charge if its not "on" ?
(I can see its booted and the LED is now orange. If only it will stay this way untill it has been recharged further ))
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It can charge when it is off. BUT... When its off, its not really off... It has to finish booting and then you can turn it off. Then it will charge faster as it only has minimum drain on the battery. As I said before, its a stupid design.
motisu said:
It can charge when it is off. BUT... When its off, its not really off... It has to finish booting and then you can turn it off. Then it will charge faster as it only has minimum drain on the battery. As I said before, its a stupid design.
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Well we can certainly agree on that
So does the phone also basicly use to much power to be used and charged at the same time? Which would explain why it seemed to lose power even though it was connected to the charger.
Although it still doesn't add up for me, as at one point i was playing a game on it, while charging and then it charged real fast, where you would expect it to use more power
Oh well, if only it keeps charging now i'll be glad
trylleklovn said:
Well we can certainly agree on that
So does the phone also basicly use to much power to be used and charged at the same time? Which would explain why it seemed to lose power even though it was connected to the charger.
Although it still doesn't add up for me, as at one point i was playing a game on it, while charging and then it charged real fast, where you would expect it to use more power
Oh well, if only it keeps charging now i'll be glad
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I have found that if you only use the USB cable to charge, it takes much longer (if at all) to charge if it is on. Thats why I bought cradles that have external power suppies as well as the USB sync cable. With this configuration, it gets to full charge in about 90 minutes.
Hm.. yeah.. I let it charge for some time, until it shut down and the LED changed to red again.. The same thing has happened about 3 times now.. If I try to navigate it with the brightness off it will shut down after a few clicks..
Seems like either the battery is completely dead or it's simply not charging.. :/
Think i have to buy a new battery and a cradle, although i didn't really want to spend money on this phone as i got it virtually for free (through a trade of a w810i)
trylleklovn said:
Hm.. yeah.. I let it charge for some time, until it shut down and the LED changed to red again.. The same thing has happened about 3 times now.. If I try to navigate it with the brightness off it will shut down after a few clicks..
Seems like either the battery is completely dead or it's simply not charging.. :/
Think i have to buy a new battery and a cradle, although i didn't really want to spend money on this phone as i got it virtually for free (through a trade of a w810i)
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Get it to orange and then push the power button (short push) to turn it off (not long push which only turns off the backlight). Then let it charge for an hour or 2 (or even all night). By then, it should work OK.
motisu said:
Get it to orange and then push the power button (short push) to turn it off (not long push which only turns off the backlight). Then let it charge for an hour or 2 (or even all night). By then, it should work OK.
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Yeah, i tried that. As soon as i press the power button it goes to red again.
A litte update (i might as well document everything I find out here, if anyone should run into a similar problem).
Now, I've had the device connected to the charge for some time now.
What happens is that the device boots up, automaticly dimms down to no light (since i once had hold down the power button, to dimm down light).
Then it boots up, and i can see everything running.
I can navigate to the battery status menu, which shows
Battery: 0% (charging)
Backup battery: 25%
After a few minutes the device shuts down, and the LED goes red again. But after about a half a minute it will try to boot up again, and it goes through everything again.
What I've noticed is that the backup battery slowly increases, and while im writing it has gone all the way to 75%. The good thing about this completely automatic procedure is that it apparently slowly charges, at least, the backup battery.
My theory is that the backup battery has first priority in the system, so that the regular battery wont charge untill the backup battery is up. And since the backup battery can't apparently be used for actualy powering the system, the system will continuesly reboot because of lack of power, theoreticly untill the backup battery reaches 100% and it starts to charge the regular battery.
The whole problem seems to be cause by some charging malfunction, so that both batteries has been completely discharged. I hope that by letting it continue to reboot, charge, reboot, charge, etc. it will revive the battery.
I will return with more info tomorrow.
Any suggestions are still greatly appreciated.

Charge till hang?

Anyone ever charge your X1 till it hanged? Happened to me twice lately, both times when my X1 was on while charging (usually would turn it off to charge). Basically it'd just switch off (or so it seems cos no lights and no reaction to me pressing any buttons) and no matter what I pressed it wouldn't turn on again. Only way was to do a soft reset. Anyone ever encounter this? Wonder if it's normal or there's something wrong with my X1.
Something similar just happened to me today. Left my phone charging all night and I'm thinking it might have gotten overcharged. When I woke this morning the phone had rebooted and was asking for a Pin to the sim card. hm... this isn't good at all.
Mine didn't reboot. Just hanged/switched off. Hmm... really overcharge?
Have not experienced this but I know the phone does really heat up while charging. So that might be the case. Overheating or something maybe. I suggest not to keep the phone on charging overnight. I think its easier if u switch off the phone and charge if you want a fast charge. I guess it would not even take an hour for the x1 to go from 0 to 100% charge if charged using the charger and not the USB.
Well, even if my phone's off, it takes about 3 hours for a full charge.

Really annoying problem...

Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
Have you tried keeping the battery out for a day?
When I got my phone, the first 7 charges I turned the phone off and charged it all the the way up (to get the calibration accurate). Now the battery life is excellent, I can use it for couple of days without charging.
You should try returning the phone, seems it is fine software wise. Can you use the phone with the charger in? If yes, then there is probably something wrong with the battery or the hardware that is interacting with the charging.
I've tried keeping the battery out for about 24 hours but it didn't help. I can't start the phone when I have it plugged to the charger. I'm going to return it today and see if they can just exchange the phone in store or if they need to ship it somewhere to be repaired
Thanks anyway.
Sounds like a defective battery to me...
That's a good idea, better to get a new one.
crapforbrains said:
Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
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switch off wifi, install Advanced Config, select all power management enabled
and try again. i also had the situation that my hd took 1550 mA. so the battery was sucked empty within several hours. now everything runs perfect...
Have exactly the same problem
I have exactly the same problem. One moment the phone works and charges fine and the next it shows irratic battery levels and eventually needs to be shut down. Following the shutdown you get the 'Battery level too low' message on startup, right after the Smart Mobility screen. In my case I think the problem mostly started when the phone was either just connected to a PC using the sync cable or when trying to top-up the charge using the wall charger. I also noticed that when the problem appears the plug symbol would appear (indicating it is charging) or sometimes not and then when checking the battery level, the indicators would actually go down sometimes losing 2 or 3 at a time until there is only 1 left and the phone says it needs to shut down. Pluging in the wall charger does not help as the LED indicating the phone is charging only stays on for a few seconds.
Now, I had many trials with removing battery, sim card, memory card or any of those in combination and sometimes these seem to work, but I think the key is the temperature of the phone. Every time I went to the car to drive home, where it was cold, the phone would start charging again, when just before that it would not react to anything all the time I was in the warm office.
I have now contacted HTC and am sending it to their repair centre tomorrow. Hopefully this is recognised as a fault and I will get a replacement. BTW, they arranged for a free courier pickup. Not bad, but the key for me is that the phone is being replaced as I really like the phone.
Update: Got a replacement after 1 week
Got my replacement phone today and hope that this time I have no further problems. I also had to return my previous one with a screen problem (see my post here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=439410&page=2).
Everything went quite smootly and I liked the offer of a free of charge UPS pickup, so the only complaint I really have is that HTC send me a new phone but no replacement screen protector. Just the original screen sticker (the one with some writing on it) had been stuck on. It was in a bit of state like it had been taken off and put back on several times. I just called them to send me a replacement screen protector, but I don't hold my breath to get one. Probably end up buying it from the website.

[Q] [NAND] Turns on and dies.

On my TMOUS HD2 I am running a build of Desire 2.2
Its been working great for the better part of a week.
The only kind of problem I have been having with it is when it dies, I would sometimes need to pull out the battery before it would once more charge.
But that really wasnt a big deal for me, my thinking was, well i'll just start charging it before it dies.
Last night I was up playing angry birds and the battery became pretty low, so I called it a night and I pluged it in to my Chome Notebook for an over night charge.
When I woke up this morning my phone will no longer turn on.
My first thought was my notebook lost power and in turn the phone never charged, but that wasnt it.
The I thought maybe the notebook didnt send out enough power to charge the phone ( I have charged it through this notebook before ) so I plugged it into the wall and the charge light just blinked... almost as if it had a full charge.
I went to boot it up and it only flashed my boot screen before shutting off again.
After I repeated this I would eventually get to the MAGLDR, but right after it would shut off.
I took the battery out for about a minute this next time and I was able to boot all the way to the DFT screen, but it shut off yet again.
I checked to see if I could get into the bootloader screen, and I could, but it still shuts off when I get in there.
So currently.... I have it with the battery out for another half hour before I try booting again.
Ok, its been 1 hour now I put the battery back in. When I pushed the power button it didnt do anything. But when I pluged it in, it turned on to the boot screen and once more turned off.
But a few seconds after that the charging light came on.
I am going to leave it like that for a bit and see where it gets me.
Right now, I have it charging from the wall. I will leave it there for an hour or 2.
haha, any ideas?
atm you can't charge the phone with magldr installed when the phone is off.
hope it helps
I don't believe that is the actually problem.
I had left the phone on the charger for the past hour and a half and just started it up, and to my surprise it loaded all the way back into android and showed that it was actually charging.
I guess.... maybe it was slowly dieing over night because it was not getting enough charge from the notebook.
And when I woke up and check my phone it was so drained it couldn't even boot past the boot screen.

My Desire Z wont turn on... [HELP]

Usually I dont use caps in titles or "help" "urgent" etc but something has happpened to my Desire Z and now it just wont turn on.
Basically I left it charging with the green led on and when I went somewhere I noticed that the green led wasnt on but I supposed that it was actually blinking notifing me of some notification so I didnt even look. When I got to my destination, I went to turn it on and usual way a press of the power button. The screen didnt light up. I supposed it was some kernel panic or something so I simply took out the battery and put it back in and pressed the power button to turn on. This is when I started to worry: It didnt turn on. I again took it out and in and still nothing. Only at ONE point did it show the white HTC logo booting then it went black again and still nothing.
I came back home and plugged it into the charger, another fear: No LED at all. Im trying it with and without the battery and it seems like nothing. Seems dead.
Is there any other test I can do or something? Im worried about it....
Also, it is rooted so if I return it, I have the warranty problem of not serving rooted devices. And I cant unroot it since it wont turn on.
Please some help
After about 30 minutes without the batter inside, I reinstered it and it was plugged into the charger and orange LED went up I turned it on and it turned on
Relieved but....I do want to know the reason behind this just in case next time....My warranty expires May 5 so.....
On that last note, should I unroot it and return it just to get a refund? Scared something like this may rehappen.
By default, on a nightly, it was on the interactive governor when it has always been on ondamand. After reading a description, Ive changed it to ondamand just in case...
No one answered cause this is really common and you would have found hundreds of these threads if you had searched.
Next time it happens:
Take the battery out
Wait 5mins (not 5 seconds)
put battery in
hold the power button for a few seconds
plug in the charger after the screen has light up (NOT BEFORE)!)
Phone will boot and be charging
If that doesn't work, try again but leave the battery out for 30mins.
If that doesn't work you need a new battery.
Siddy1200 said:
No one answered cause this is really common and you would have found hundreds of these threads if you had searched.
Next time it happens:
Take the battery out
Wait 5mins (not 5 seconds)
put battery in
hold the power button for a few seconds
plug in the charger after the screen has light up (NOT BEFORE)!)
Phone will boot and be charging
If that doesn't work, try again but leave the battery out for 30mins.
If that doesn't work you need a new battery.
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Even though it is common, why does this happen?
The technical details behind it always help resolve a problem in the future.

