switching keyboard issues - Hero CDMA General

Hi! I am an iPhone convert to the HTC Hero on Sprint. Couldn't handle the crappy call quality and network with AT&T...that being said, I'm new to Android.
I followed Regaw's thread to root my Hero shortly after getting home. I am rooted. I am having issues with the standard Keyboard and decided to download some new ones to try out. While in the menu I can see the new keyboards and select them but they don't show up in any application when typing. I grabbed my brother's Moto Droid and he has an option to deselect the Android keyboard, he is also rooted and running a different ROM so I attributed it to that. After about two hours of searching and a six pack...I need help.
Please tell me I'm just an idiot and missed something really stupid...
Thanks in advance for the help!

Maybe in the input field, ie sms form, press long and chose 'input method', then your keyboard/IME?

and there we have it...i'm just an idiot.
THanks for the quick reply! Still getting used to the whole Android feel, but I'm glad I got away from the iPhone....too brainwashy for me (as I type this from my iPad) lol
THanks again!

Don't worry about it. I only know it because I had exactly the same problem when getting used to my Legend. Lol. Talk about intuitive software design. ;-)
Still one of the best gadgets I ever owned. I'm loving it. ;-)


text help

i am struggling with this phone, at first i loved it as the potential looked amazing, but i used to be a heavy texter, it was simple with a normal phone, and could text with out lookin at screen, so was pretty quick, new i would have to get used to the touch screen, but i have it set up for phone key pad so i can use it like a normal phone, but there will be no chance of texting without looking due to cant feel buttons, but i find it slow and end up spelling words wrong, and have to delete and respell, then u press a button and doesnt register, so again get a garbled word and have to resplell, and worse is when it highlights the words, if you dont press space and try to edit something you get you word insert again either to the end of the original word or halfway through message - how do i turn that off i dont need it suggesting words, just want to type and maybe use the arrows to scroll to the next word, and not have it inserted randomly onto the message.
this phone is not great for texts or email. is there a better programme out there for texting with? cheers
there are millions of text input programs, but I recommend you: TouchPal (for Thumb-use, with the smart-keyboard) and TenGo (for Stylus-use). If you get used to this, belive me, you can type really fast. I know what you mean, once, I came from a life with Nokia, too, and I could write everything without looking and extremely fast, but the time to get used to a touchscreen-phone is much longer than you/me thought!! But after some months (!) you will see, you can type very, very fast, with this keyboards. Or wait until the new maila comes out (you can flash Dutty's extreme ROM), this is much better in full-QWERTY than the one by now. So, search a little bit, you'll find really millions and millions of keyboards!! Try some
Good luck!! And don't give up hope
Greets, cad^^
thank you, i will check, i have browsed forums but hadnt seen anything about texting, so again, thank you
No prob. Just look around, xda is for 95% of the questions/problems the best source. But if you are new here, look at the xda-wiki!!!! It is very, very, very important and helpful, there you get the most information!!! You see, its at the upper bar, the 4th icon from left. So, happy reading and have fun with your new toy And enjoooooooy it^^
I actually thinky the HD is better for texting than I thought originally, but your point about words inserting themselves within words is very valid.
What I don't understand is that the phone is capable of haptic feedback but it doesn't do it for the keyboard input. I assume the only way is to install Touch Response
yes, it is, but it's very easy to install and it's very good working! So, no probs But if you text REALLY a lot, than look now in the accessory section, they are currently discussing about external bluetooth keyboards. Me too, I'm interested in one of these, and I find 55$ for the Brando one not expensive.. Just look at it
Greets, cad^^
SPB Keyboard works absolutely fantastically on the touch HD, the fact you can press a button to make the keyboard fullscreen and horizontal for text messaging makes it particularly handy.
I had the same problems when I had my very first touch screen phone (LG Viewty) and found that texting was very difficult using a phone keypad layout, I switched to the keyboard layout and using the tips of my thumbnails to tap out the messages it works a lot better! Maybe give it a try and tap out a few messages to see if it feels easier. Trust me you'll get used to it!
Yes, I like spb-keyboard, too, but it's only in ugly qvga theme, I didn't found any wvga so, it's very unsharp and not good looking. ok, I know, I'm absolutely crazy complaining about the "look" of a keyboard, but actually I think it matters so, I really like the Touchpal (I'm writing now on it) and until I fully test the new HTC keyboard, I think Ill stay with this But thanks for your information!! Have fun
Greets, cad^^

HTC HD2 Keyboard is KILLING ME!

I just wasted close to a thousand US$ on the most brain damaged SmartPhone ever constructed by HTC - and they've got a lot of brain damaged products to show for.
For one, that IDIOTIC keyboard they got built in there NEVER,EVER lets me finish what I'm typing.
IT allways(!) ends up "correcting me" in mid word and 99% of the time, it corrects it wrongly.
It simply exchanges one letter for another and I'm sure is darn proud of itself while doing it.
And no, I already tried disabling "auto-correction" in the device input options, and it doesn't change a thing.
This is just a moronic design!!!!
How the f$#! can I get that plain old & boring Windows Mobile keyboard to work on that thing?!
Then try TouchPal Pro. But for me, I prefer HD2 native keyboard. The T9 mode is useful.
I'd recommend calibrating the screen (with your thumbs, as if you're using the phone), and just slow down and get used to it. It does take a while, but I can type very fast with it now and very rarely make mistakes. The keyboard takes a lot of practice, but is worth it.
I have T9 mode on and auto-correct off. I like to have suggestions, but don't like it forcing words on me. It usually gives me the correct word by the time I'm half way through typing it, so this obviously speeds up typing.
Incidentally, T9 rather eerily learns how you type. It seems to adapt to your typing style as you go along, so stick with it, or just turn it off completely if you want no suggestions at all.
Deactivate T9 on the keyboard.
I didn't feel happy with the original keyboard, too.
Tried Resco keyboard 5.23.
Now i have a better accuracy.
If you must do the tap tap thing... Touchpal 4.0.... however, I find that Swype is the best and really really fast.... it's almost like magic...
Yes... turn off T9....
HTC HD2 Keyboard is KILLING ME!
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Then DIE or use the forum SEARCH!
T9 is supposed to learn your "style", you can't expect it to correct everything right without you teaching it first.
Dont run just yet
You shouldnt need to change ur keyboard... i tried Swipe and i think its really good but still can use the HTC at top speed with T9 and correction on
Things to try first
2.Install 3.3 Cab from this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604831
3 if you dont want to reduce sensitivity just add a screen protector takes away about 3-5% of sensitiveness
Thats all I have done and i dont dread sending texts anymore
Hope this helps
freyberry said:
Then DIE or use the forum SEARCH!
T9 is supposed to learn your "style", you can't expect it to correct everything right without you teaching it first.
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Your heart warming reply was so (not) helpful that it makes me appreciate the other responses which contain actual hints - rather than mindless insults - that much more.
Thanks once more (for nothing)
And by the way, I specifically stated that I did not want *anything* to be auto corrected - as I can correct myself a lot faster if I don't have to correct the keyboard first all the time.
Sorry, but there are countless threads about the keyboard. If you're not able to search before you open another one, then it's your fault if you get resposes like this.
Same for your stupid thread title. Make a proper thread title, use the search and you won't get such responses.
And if you disable T9 and autocorrection, then it won't correct you. If you're still not able to type, then it's your fault. It doesn't exchange letters just for fun. It's you pressing the wrong keys.
This is just a moronic design!!!!
How the f$#! can I get that plain old & boring Windows Mobile keyboard to work on that thing?![/QUOTE]
Try the Swype keyboard!
See that T9 switch at the left of the keyboard? Press it. Problem gone.
pharao said:
...I just wasted close to a thousand US$ on the most brain damaged SmartPhone ever constructed by HTC -This is just a moronic design!!!!
Understand your anger and frustration if the you are not getting on with the device but a couple of points:
- There are a lot of people (not all) who are happy with their device and have found solutions to the keyboard issue (some suggestions in this thread) so the problem might be your technique perhaps?
- Also, given that you spent nearly $1K on this device, did you not test one out thoroughly first BEFORE buying it? I can't see anyone being silly enough to spend that amount of money on anything, whether its a phone or a vehicle, before checking it out first?
Really interested in your answer to the 2nd question in particular.
Hopefully with the help you have been given here so far and if you take your time you will eventually be able to work with the device. I don't have the issues you have but where I have not been comfortable, adopting a solution off XDA, having searched first, has worked for me.
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I recommend to use Swype.
die and prove it
superplayboy said:
die and prove it
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Way to go making friends on the forum superplayboy.
kengkaj.s said:
I recommend to use Swype.
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I totally agree with this. Whilst I don't hate the original keyboard I did find it a touch fiddly. Swype is fantastic IMO' a great idea and so easy to use.
I can sympathise with the frustrations here. I like using auto correct and am very familiar with all of HTCs onscreen keyboards, along with those of the omnia i8000, Galaxy and iPhone and I must say that although the HD2 keyboard isn't the WORST, it can be most frustrating, particularly when you need to type out a quick text. most of my problems stem from what seems to be poor prediction algorithms. let me say that I am no Apple fanboy, but this keyboard has a long way to go to be as excellent as that of the iPhone: often on here if I get ONE letter wrong at the start of the word it will be incapable of understanding what I'm trying to type, whereas if I get a letter wrong somewhere in the middle it'll be fine. another problem I have is that sometimes when sending an sms the cursor will magically jump to the top of the text and I will unwittingly start typing over the start of my initial sentence. Also if I go to delete a number of letters often the keyboard will have a fit and start throwing letters and paragraphs everywhere. I accept that this is probably my finger not being 100 percent accurate but surely it is also a sign that the keyboard is just TOO SENSITIVE, even with the patch installed. I never had this problem on the Hero, nor the iPhone - both of which have vastly smaller screens.
lastly i'd like that t9 button moved as its just TOO easy to catch without realising.
I accept that some people on here don't seem to have any problem, but perhaps you guys are too forgiving, and sometimes it takes a bit of a whine and moan to get things fixed. Like I said, I'm very familiar with onscreen keyboards and accept that there is a certain learning curve to all of them, but after nearly two months with a HD2 I'm starting to believe that this one is very flawed: given the massive screen real estate of the hd2 I believe there is no excuse for a flawed onscreen keyboard. remember, this is a CRUCIAL part of a device with no hardware input facility, and we should not (in my opinion) have to buy third party software to get an acceptable basic user experience on a handset built as a thoroughly commercial mass-media device.
Thats my two cents.
leoni1980 said:
Thats my two cents.
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I agree with both of those cents fully
Also with regards to the post a few posts up, I presume that the person who spent $1000 on a phone lives in America where a HD2 would be hard to come buy as its not actually out there yet? You can't really blame him for buying it without testing it, especially with all the rave reviews on hundreds of sites, none of which seem to mention the flaws such as the keyboard and terrible (seriously terrible) sms sending issue.
Actually I also think HTC keyboard is not very good. I will not recommend anybody to use it. Anyway different people have different experience.
If you don't like Swype, you can try Finger Keyboard I think it's better than the HTC Keyboard.
I also have problems with my keyboard but I suspect a hardware fault and I am going to return my phone.
When I type it sometimes selects (multiple) letters on the other side of the keyboard or around the key i pressed. It usually comes in "bursts"; sometimes its nearly impossible to typ. Nearly threw the thing out of a window. Its a good phone but my keyboard is ruining the whole thing. Also (thats more rare) it can begin typing on its own, selecting or opening programs, switching tabs without me touching the screen! I waited for a new ROM and tried various tweaks but it doesn't get any better

The rubbishness of windows comes through very quickly

I got a bit suckered by all the good reviews for this phone on so many websites and bought it yesterday. I've had a long time [misplaced] affection for windows phones. I say misplaced because every single model I've owned has let me down.
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice.
why is this stuff so difficult for windows mobile phones? why does the phone not go into landscape mode for EVERY application? why is that so difficult to implement? Why did HTC not put a bloody switch for landscape mode? you have a wide screen which would make an onscreen keyborad far more friendly yet you're still stuck trying to hit the 'sweet spot' on a portrait-mode keyboard!??! Not only are you stuck in portait mode but you no longer have a stylus to help you hit those keys!
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
Install BSB Tweaks this allows landscape for any appplication
I tried but didn't seem to work for me. maybe i was doing something wrong?
i enabled the tickbox for IE and after the soft reset i tried running it but it did nothing when i rotated the screen. Am I missing something here?
try using Gyrator .. It works on every application
aloms said:
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
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I've just made an app that does just that. Have a look at PLToggle in my sig.
Calm down mate, trust me, windows mobile is by far the best OS out there for mobiles. The only reason everyone prefers the iphone is because of its usability, apart from that theres not much you can do but 'get an app for that', however thanks to this forum, you can do almost anything with a windows mobile device, especially one as powerful as the leo. You just need to get used to it, if sense is bugging you, get spb shell or another ui. And of course theres gonna be loads of problems with it, its pretty new, but its good points strongly outway its bad points (oh and might I add, you'll be getting all your tech support from this site, not htc, trust me), so just give it some time and you'll realise, after 'making it yours' how awesome a phone it is.
If the keyboard isnt doing it for you, download a new one! (thats the great thing about winmo) the two popular ones at the moment are swype ( a completely different style of keyboard) or finger keyboard. I personally like the one htc supply you with, heres a tweak taken from this thread which will lower the sensitivy of the screen which makes typing much easier. Alternatively, bsb tweaks can do this all for you from its menu.
Oh and about the rotate thing, on xanny tech's pandora rom, he has a little execuatable file in the start menu with rotates everything, and its mapped to a long press of the send key, so thats pretty useful, im not running his rom anymore but if you know anything about flashing, flash his first, its very good indeed and has lots of tweaks and useful stuff preinstalled.
Hope that helps a little, if not just ask
thanks for your help mate. having bought into a 24 month contract I'm pretty much stuck with getting to learn the phone whether i like it or not.
aloms said:
thanks for your help mate. having bought into a 24 month contract I'm pretty much stuck with getting to learn the phone whether i like it or not.
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I agree with [★]. Once you know it better, you'll get to love it. There's so much under the hood of this thing that yes, you'll find a few things that you don't like, but they'll be outweighed by the things that you do
aloms said:
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice
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You, Sir, need to check out my thread, which would surely have come up if you had used the search function. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5197442 Windows Live/Hotmail etc seem to only take 16 characters. Anything after that is ignored. But the Windows Live application on mobile accepts more than 16 and will try and authenticate with everything you type in. 20 character password will not work. Reduce your pass to 16 characters or less and it should work. Post back in this thread to let me know if this sorts your issue out.
If it's a keyboard you're after then try Swype. Have a search for it. I too had a lot of sensitivity problems with the keyboard and it would take ages to type a simple email. Swype solved that. It's a lot less sensitive than the native keyboard and I used SIP to make it my default. In terms of landscape mode, try using Opera instead of IE (although Opera lacks flash). BSB Tweaks will handle the rest although I don't use it myself.
Trust me, stick with the phone and, with a few tweaks to have it running how you like it, you won't look back!
Just return the darn phone, smack it to the floor and trample it good, or learn to use it since you've bought it. Please save yourself over a high blood pressure leading to a stroke, my friend. It's only a phone.. (but then there's always iPhones for usability's sake, whatever it means)
aloms said:
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
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Ok, you need to calm down a tad. Ok, the phone is not perfect. However, there is endless configurability for the phone. The best thing you could ever have done was to come to this site where there is a tweak for almost anything.
Sit down, fasten your seatbelt and take a look around. You need an open mind. The HD2 is no iphone. It's the iphone killer. Just needs a little tweaking that's all.
Alternatively, you could ditch it and join the bandwagon, I mean iphone!
Try Swype, best KB I hve used on a phone, my mate with an Iphone thought it was great and was going to look for it for the Iphone, once tweaked the HD2 is the best mob by far!
I was doubtful when I first had it like you say I thought I should have gone for the Iphone but now I am so happy with it
Windows is rubbish because of the HTC keyboard?? Ok...
Isnt the whole ADVANTAGE of winmo that if you dont like something you can change it?
The advantage of WinMo is the tweaking and Office Mobile My wife had a HTC Hero for 2 months and at the end she begged me to get her a new Windows Phone because the freaking Android won't open rich text format files (unfortunately in her job she is obliged to use rtf as standart file format) without great hassle even with all possible office replacements I cound find on the net. Not to speak of that, that even the enhanced HTC mail client for Android can't open messages that are sent from mail.bg (a very popular bulgarian web mail service). That was the end for Android
Hotmail mail on the HD1 was a pain, same on the HD2. Gmail is working perfectly though which is very annoying when like me, you use Hotmail on your desktop to access your Gmail emails...
aloms said:
I got a bit suckered by all the good reviews for this phone on so many websites and bought it yesterday. I've had a long time [misplaced] affection for windows phones. I say misplaced because every single model I've owned has let me down.
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice.
why is this stuff so difficult for windows mobile phones? why does the phone not go into landscape mode for EVERY application? why is that so difficult to implement? Why did HTC not put a bloody switch for landscape mode? you have a wide screen which would make an onscreen keyborad far more friendly yet you're still stuck trying to hit the 'sweet spot' on a portrait-mode keyboard!??! Not only are you stuck in portait mode but you no longer have a stylus to help you hit those keys!
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
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First of all get rid of that IDIOTIC iPhone imitation keyboard and replace it with the divine fingerkeyboard from xda.
And then deactivate the utterly unpredictive xt9 "predictive" (more like vindictive) text input.
I did these steps and now I can FINALLY type.
An $800 phone and it takes a donationware sw keyboard to make it usable
Aloms - I had the same problem with my Ipod Touch in the beginning. Don't worry, you will get use to it. BTW HD2 keyboard is better especially in landscape
I will join this thread with my three questions.
I have converted to the dark side and bought iPhone 3GS after having gone through a lot of phones and OSes. I have given up on WinMo (using HTC Pro) basically because of 3 issues:
1. Phone app in the sense of its responsiveness. I mean, someone is calling - first 2 seconds the hardware buttons light up, next 2 seconds the phone starts to vibrate, next 2 seconds there is a sound. Is it happening on the HD2 too? How responsive is it? Plus does it have a good gsm reception? With my HTC Pro I had to keep on testing different radio roms and have not been satisfied ever...
2. When you use HD2 say 4-5 days or longer, does it slow down over time. I mean especially when you use contacts with 1000 entries etc, or is it instant?
3. On a brand new HD2 just charged, when you load in your 1000 contacts, does it have an instant search of a contact in the contacts app? Or an email address in the "To" section when you want to write an email?
Frankly speaking, HD2 looks very tempting, but I am afraid mainly of the 3 above areas and am thinking to wait for Windows 7 or something?
PS. HTC Pro is still with me, but in the drawer...
OliveUK said:
Hotmail mail on the HD1 was a pain, same on the HD2.
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I've had a Diamond, a HD, and now a HD2 and I can say with 100% confidence that I never had 1 single problem with Hotmail. I've seen a very small number of users on here with issues and every single one of them has turned out to be user error.
I suggest the same in this instance as it works flawlessly when set up correctly, which 99.9% of users do.

after day one

I *love* it.. don't get me wrong.. but these are my gripes after one day, and I can't find any clear answers searching the forums.
the flipping clock.. literally.. it is annoying. how do you disable the clock animation? (I found a thread for this with a .cab file, but it wasn't proven to work on the Tmo USA version)
Opera will not let me click on links. this sucks all the way around- I can't go anywhere online on this huge beautiful screen. I refuse to use IE cuz.. well, it sucks on any platform.
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
my earthlink and gmail emails were up and running in no time. but I had one hell of a time setting up my work email. we have our own domain- I had to set up the email through my t-mobile.com and then set it up on the device. as far as I know, it's all working fine now.
I have a mac. I used syncmate- I don't use activesync, but can't figure out a way to disable it- always running in the background. I do run XP through Parallels- but I don't use Outlook, so activesync is of no use to me.
why can't All Messages be the default screen for sms/mms tab? same for email- inbox list please?
typing- I don't like xt9 cuz I don't want word suggestions, but I do want spell check. I enabled the spell check with abc, but it doesn't do it.
I un-checked the box for "notify of open wifi networks" but it still tells me all about them.
whenever I restart, I have a voicemail and txt notification- but no voicemail, and some random txt message, and it takes the led notification a few minutes to clear out.
after coming out of a locked screen, apps are open and active that were not when I locked it.
anyone know of updates or easy fixes? I don't have the opportunity to start messing around with different ROMs for a few weeks...
I find the phone to be a buggy mess, wait for an update from HTC/Tmo hopefully or flash it.
fociz said:
I find the phone to be a buggy mess, wait for an update from HTC/Tmo hopefully or flash it.
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You'll be waiting a loooong time. The best option (for the adventurous) is to simply flash one of the TMOUS compatible ROMs found here.
the clock flip cab will work.the only thing that will work on all other hd2s but not on yours is the ..51.. radios. in all other respects the phones are identical.
I know what you mean man. Previously to this phone, I had a iPhone 3GS 32gb which I traded for this phone. I had a lot of the same gripes as you have now. 95% of them probably can be fixed by HSPL'ing your phone and then flashing a different ROM on it. I am on the ATT network and so a lot of the apps that were on the phone I didn't need or use as they were meant for TMO users. So I flashed my HD2 with Kumar's lite rom. Not only did it stop a lot of the bugginess (stalling, freezing, random closing of apps, etc) but it made it a lot quicker. Might want to try that and see if it helps. The clock flipping was annoying as all hell so I just installed the cab to disable it.
I tell my friends who know me pretty well as being an iPhone addict that if the iPhone and HD2 were weapons, the iPhone would be a surgical knife. From the sleek look of the case to the smooth transitioning of the OS makes using it so easy. It doesn't have a lot of speed but with the thousands of apps and fluid movement within the phone, it feels great.
Now the HD2 on the other hand is like a broadsword. You have to put a lot of effort into getting it to do what you want it to do. With the 1ghz processor and 576mb of ram, it can do maul down anything you need it to. The HD2 you can't just pick it up and expect to use it to its fullest potential. It takes a lot of patience to learn your way around the phone. With the iPhone, you jailbreak it and modify it to be more aesthetically pleasing to your eyes and to your fingers. If you have ever just cruised cydia, you will notice not much is there in the way of performance modifications. Mainly just apps and packages that let you change how the phone moves and works for you. The roms, cabs, and registry tweaks you perform on the HD2 are more performance based I have noticed. Yes there are some cabs to help you disable or enable things but right off the bat it seems like you have to modify it. I attribute this to Microsoft's laziness in creating an OS that can perform as well as not crash at the same time.
But while you are waiting for that "oh so needed" port of Android, try kumar's rom. It might just be what you need.
I knew what I was getting into as far as WinMo is concerned... I've been reading the forums on many different sites getting ready for this.
the one thing I am not finding: absolute n00b, specific, clear, step by step instructions on how to do the hspl. I've jailbroken and rooted before- I was as nervous then and just don't wanna mess up. (I have to run anything like that with XP through Parallels on my mac, and I don't do it enough to know wtf I'm doing)
solace.discord said:
I knew what I was getting into as far as WinMo is concerned... I've been reading the forums on many different sites getting ready for this.
the one thing I am not finding: absolute n00b, specific, clear, step by step instructions on how to do the hspl. I've jailbroken and rooted before- I was as nervous then and just don't wanna mess up. (I have to run anything like that with XP through Parallels on my mac, and I don't do it enough to know wtf I'm doing)
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As I recall, you cannot flash via Parallels. You can with Bootcamp. I do it all the time on my MacBook Pro via XP sp3.
As a Mac user, I find that Missing Sync is great, but the iTunes integration is not the best. To transfer music, I use doubleTwist. I disabled the music sync plugins in Missing Sync, as I found that they did not do as good a job as doubleTwist. The two together has been fantastic.
I had the same opera problem here is how I fixed it
Download this on your windows computer
Do this
HKLM/controlpanel/pen and change the value of 'Hide' from 1 to 0.
Soft reset, then go settings tab - menu - all settings - system and you should see screen settings icon.
Then go to screen settings and enable "clear type"
that makes the fonts look better
now do this
Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32
thats why you can't click the links, it wants you to be zoomed all the way in, the above fix, fixes that problem easily
Also search for the cab, duttys task manager, its excellent
Where is the clear type setting, is that in Opera... just for 9.7? I'm running 10 anything comparable there?
solace.discord said:
I *love* it.. don't get me wrong.. but these are my gripes after one day, and I can't find any clear answers searching the forums.
the flipping clock.. literally.. it is annoying. how do you disable the clock animation? (I found a thread for this with a .cab file, but it wasn't proven to work on the Tmo USA version)
solace.discord said:
Opera will not let me click on links. this sucks all the way around- I can't go anywhere online on this huge beautiful screen. I refuse to use IE cuz.. well, it sucks on any platform.
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Use Opera 10. Its a lot faster and easier to use overall (click links included). If you can live without pinch to zoom, it blows the iPhone browser out of the water.
solace.discord said:
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
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Use the facebook full site. Its very much useable on the HD2 thanks to its screen size and processor speed. Plus if you use Skyfire with it, you have full flash support and will be able to use all of the facebook fullsites functions! (can't do that on the iPhone)
solace.discord said:
why can't All Messages be the default screen for sms/mms tab? same for email- inbox list please?
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The energy ROM I'm using has the option of defaulting to the classics SMS view. There are cabs out there that allow you to do the same.
solace.discord said:
typing- I don't like xt9 cuz I don't want word suggestions, but I do want spell check. I enabled the spell check with abc, but it doesn't do it.
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The XT9 keyboard sucks hard. It doesn't auto correct nearly as well as the iPhone. I turn it off. Fortunately for me, 3 years on an iPhone has made me proficient enough at typing on a touchscreen, and I hardly make mistakes on it anymore. There are alternative keyboards out there that people are using, but I haven't tried them yet. Swype apparently works really well, but again, I'm accustomed to typing on a touchscreen.
solace.discord said:
I un-checked the box for "notify of open wifi networks" but it still tells me all about them.
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I don't have that problem, although I keep my wifi off. T-mobiles 3G network is really fast and stable in Houston. If you can keep it off, that might be your best bet.
solace.discord said:
whenever I restart, I have a voicemail and txt notification- but no voicemail, and some random txt message, and it takes the led notification a few minutes to clear out.
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after coming out of a locked screen, apps are open and active that were not when I locked it.
anyone know of updates or easy fixes? I don't have the opportunity to start messing around with different ROMs for a few weeks...
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I haven't had any of these problems. Most of the problems you're having are attributable to the stock ROM. Once I flashed the rom, things started running perfectly. Its a pretty easy process...just as easy as updating the firmware on the iPhone, and it only takes about 10 minutes. Its A LOT easier than jailbreaking an iPhone.
Other than that, most of the problems I've encountered were fixed with cabs (even prior to flashing the ROM). Hopefully people will chime in on other fixes, but if not, search is your friend.
SEscobedo said:
I know what you mean man. Previously to this phone, I had a iPhone 3GS 32gb which I traded for this phone. I had a lot of the same gripes as you have now. 95% of them probably can be fixed by HSPL'ing your phone and then flashing a different ROM on it. I am on the ATT network and so a lot of the apps that were on the phone I didn't need or use as they were meant for TMO users. So I flashed my HD2 with Kumar's lite rom. Not only did it stop a lot of the bugginess (stalling, freezing, random closing of apps, etc) but it made it a lot quicker. Might want to try that and see if it helps. The clock flipping was annoying as all hell so I just installed the cab to disable it.
I tell my friends who know me pretty well as being an iPhone addict that if the iPhone and HD2 were weapons, the iPhone would be a surgical knife. From the sleek look of the case to the smooth transitioning of the OS makes using it so easy. It doesn't have a lot of speed but with the thousands of apps and fluid movement within the phone, it feels great.
Now the HD2 on the other hand is like a broadsword. You have to put a lot of effort into getting it to do what you want it to do. With the 1ghz processor and 576mb of ram, it can do maul down anything you need it to. The HD2 you can't just pick it up and expect to use it to its fullest potential. It takes a lot of patience to learn your way around the phone. With the iPhone, you jailbreak it and modify it to be more aesthetically pleasing to your eyes and to your fingers. If you have ever just cruised cydia, you will notice not much is there in the way of performance modifications. Mainly just apps and packages that let you change how the phone moves and works for you. The roms, cabs, and registry tweaks you perform on the HD2 are more performance based I have noticed. Yes there are some cabs to help you disable or enable things but right off the bat it seems like you have to modify it. I attribute this to Microsoft's laziness in creating an OS that can perform as well as not crash at the same time.
But while you are waiting for that "oh so needed" port of Android, try kumar's rom. It might just be what you need.
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An analogy that I used in another topic is that if the iPhone and HD2 were cars, the iPhone would be the automatic, the HD2 would be a stick-shift.
The 'automatic-iPhone' appeals to a wide variety of people because its a simple, intuitive device. Most people can pick it up, and figure it out right away. If people find something is lacking on the iPhone, they can easily access the App store and hopefully find what they need. Having gone from a windows mobile phone to the iphone and back to a windows mobile phone, I realized eventually that a lot of the Apps on the iPhone are adding functions that are innate in windows mobile...and while the iPhone Apps are prettier, they usually don't have as much function/utility as they would on WM.
The 'manual-transmission HD2' appeals to power-users who want to get a lot of use from there phone, are somewhat technical, and those who realize that by tinkering a little bit, they can customize the experience completely to suit their needs. Windows Mobile is more cumbersome to use initially, and isn't as intuitive, but once you get the hang of it and learn how to manage your resources, you can capitalize on how much more quickly you can jump between tasks, and flat out how much you can do on this device. Sense does a great job of streamlining your core functions (phone, text, email, twitter etc) and I really like how you can check these things very quickly. Its also nice to know that if I ever need to 'pop the hood' and tweak some things underneath it, I can.
The point is, it may not work perfectly for you initially, but you can tweak it to work perfectly. With the iPhone, a lot of functions are kinda half-assed, and I missed the 'mobile PC' functionality of the HD2....my main gripe with the old Wm phones is that the hardware couldn't keep up with the software...not an issue with the HD2.
if this were a BlackBerry, I wouldn't have started this thread... but it's a WM device, I've only had a Treo before, and didn't really get into changing anything about it, and then gave it up for BlackBerry, which I did tweak, and the MT3G, which I did root and tweak and ROMs and everything.. I never did anything but jailbreak and unlock the iphone so I could use it on TMobile
I don't know how to do the hspl or change registries... install a .cab? no problem.. but I can't find clear instructions on how to do the hspl and the install a new ROM.
and- I'm on a mac... running XP through Parallels for all purposes.
if someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
solace.discord said:
if this were a BlackBerry, I wouldn't have started this thread... but it's a WM device, I've only had a Treo before, and didn't really get into changing anything about it, and then gave it up for BlackBerry, which I did tweak, and the MT3G, which I did root and tweak and ROMs and everything.. I never did anything but jailbreak and unlock the iphone so I could use it on TMobile
I don't know how to do the hspl or change registries... install a .cab? no problem.. but I can't find clear instructions on how to do the hspl and the install a new ROM.
and- I'm on a mac... running XP through Parallels for all purposes.
if someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
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You won't be able to safely/effectively flash ROMs via Parallels. I would not do it, because there are reports of bricked HD2s via VM flashes. It's safer to use Bootcamp. That's what I do. I have an XPsp3 partition with all my phone stuff there (Radios, ROMs, MTTY, HSPL, etc.) and it works like a charm.
so I found a thread with noob instructions.. looks like I'm gonna have to fire up the old HP in the corner.
solace.discord said:
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
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Go to marketplace and download the new version - it's really good.
solace.discord said:
so I found a thread with noob instructions.. looks like I'm gonna have to fire up the old HP in the corner.
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Would you mind posting a link to the instructions you mention, so people who find this thread in the future can get to it easily? Thanks

HTC HD2 texting

Hi can anyone help make my HTC HD2 more accurate when texting especially in the compact QWERTY mode, I have recently changed from a Blackberry Storm and I have to say in this area the Storm is in a different class! The HTC is so inaccurate and doesn't appear to learn new words, can anyone help to improve this as I am about to change back to Blackberry!
There are two many issues to list but to give you an Idea no matter what I do the HTC won't write the word "Bro" even if I add the word it won't even list it in the drop down just multiple words including Bro, this is the same for many words also where as the Blackberry appears to chose the words I use most the HTC appears to choose the least used!
I use compact QWERTY for text and E mail so any advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,
Turn on the XT9, i have had blackberries for the last 2-3 years, including the storm, and when i changed to the HD2 i thought its XT9 feature was the best thing going, well, if it isnt compared to Swype or SlideIt.
Just bare with it and you will get there,
Hi, the XT9 is on but it just does not work very well, another example is "if" it always comes up with "id" and "if" isn't even in the first 3 words you have to use the drop down menu which makes it SLOW!
Thanks for the help though.
Try putting it on full qwerty, big screen really nice to work with a full keyboard, you have it why not use it lol...

