Upload pic to picasa borked - Hero CDMA General

I am having an issue uploading a picture to my picasa album on fresh 2.1.2 (might be the same for all 2.1 roms).
In photos I select the picture to upload, then choose picasa, then it tells me to sign in to my google account. Even if I do re-signin it doesn't work.
Can anyone else replicate this? Is there a step I'm missing?


Picasa Error

hi I just tired to upload a picture in picasa (first use of it)
and the SGT wants me to login in my gmail acc, did that and the login started again ... no way to upload anything
some experience with this?
NightFire123 said:
hi I just tired to upload a picture in picasa (first use of it)
and the SGT wants me to login in my gmail acc, did that and the login started again ... no way to upload anything
some experience with this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
working fine for me... from where r u trying to upload? gallery?
Jipp from gallery.
Just leads me to the login screen
update: now it works, obviously it was an picasa error

Backup pics to Picasa faster

I found the app Picasa Tool in the market. You can bulk upload pictures to Picasa web albums from your phone way easier than the normal gallery. Also can try one called PicPush, its supposed to upload the pic to your Dropbox automatically after a picture is taken. Its not always right away, but it will upload them.
Thank you for the information, I ll remember that.

Gallery problems.

I just got my N7 yesterday from Gamestop! Woot! Loving it so far. The only thing I'm not loving is the Gallery app, It keeps syncing my picasa pics to the gallery. I tried the disable gallery, remove google account fix and it works, but only for a minute or two, after which the gallery shows my picasa pics again.
Also, a possibly related problem, Gallery won't show my downloaded pics or any screenshots I take. I download QuickPic for now, and it shows everything the way I'd like it: No picasa pics, only on-device pics.
Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks.
likwidsage said:
I just got my N7 yesterday from Gamestop! Woot! Loving it so far. The only thing I'm not loving is the Gallery app, It keeps syncing my picasa pics to the gallery. I tried the disable gallery, remove google account fix and it works, but only for a minute or two, after which the gallery shows my picasa pics again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is what I did:
-log into your account
-go to settings, account, google, your account and disable photo sync
-go to settings, apps, all apps, Gallery, and clear cache
-open gallery and they should be gone

Edit Picasa Pictures in Gallery makes Gallery FC

I have a Problem, which is really annoying me:
If I try to:
- edit
- cut
- choose as picture in the picture-frame-widget
from my Picasa Web albums (either Profilefotos or Instantupload Album) in my GoogleGallery app, my gallery forcecloses. ALso if I try to share a picture from said Albums by whatsapp or Gmail or whatever, I just opens whatsapp without sending the attachment.
I have no problem if I choose a picture from my internal storage with all the actions above.
I run CM 10.1. I also restored my STOCK IMAGE and still get the same Problem.
Now the weird thing is: ca 1 week ago, I had no problems with e.g. editing my picasa pictures, my Gallery didn't FC and saved my Edited picture in a folder named "EditedOnlinePhotos" and I was on CM 10.1.
I can't remember what I've changed since then, but now I can't edit,share etc. my Picasa Pictures, but I can view them without problem, and my Albums also Syncing without any issue.
PS: If I try to edit a Picture from picasa, it Forcecloses but anyway creates the folder "EditedOnlinePhotos".
please somebody help, I'd really appreciate that
(sry for my bad english, I'm german )
Did you freeze anything related to picasa?
Try other apps like snapseed, picsart, they do the job

Nexus 4 Instant Upload issue

Hi! I have an annoying issue with google instant upload. If I go to my gallery and settings and I go to the synced accounts , it is selected in the google account , the google photos and instant upload are selected. Now , for whatever reason in the gallery I have the Camera folder and two instant upload folders.... one of them is the normal one with all the photos and one is empty. That one dissapears only when I go to picasa web albums and delete de empty album but that doesn;t work because everytime I take a new photo that empty album appears again and it has as name the date I took the picture. Can someone please help me to fix this and only appear a single instant upload folder?
PS I already tried this: I disable instant upload and only let google photos but then it won't upload the pics anymore; If i disable google photos and let only instant upload it happens exactly the same
It has been assumed that this is a bug on Google's side with the transition away from Picasa to G+. There is only one way I know to get rid of it and that is to delete both folders and then turn photo sharing off. Instant upload will still work, but the albums will no longer keep appearing in Gallery.
