can somone swap the positions of 'ANSWER' and 'IGNORE' - HD2 General

hello there, i have a big problem : when i have to accept a cal, by mistake i always ignore it. My naturally action is to move the slider to the right when i have to answer because i hold the phone with my right hand. I am sure that many of you have the same problem. So, my question is: is it possible to swap the position of these 2 icons - i.e. to be able to answer to the call by moving the slider to the right hand side. I will be very grateful if somebody answers to this question ) Thank you in advance ))

Hold your phone in the other hand.


Change Scroll Bar to Left Side of Screen?

As the subjects states, is there a registry edit that will move the scroll bar from the right hand side of the screen to the left? Being left handed, it is quite a pain to cover the screen with my hand when scrolling.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Bump - Anyone? Any ideas?
This is a possible deal breaker for me.
I think I just saw this feature in 8125. You could change the layout so that the scroll bar is on the left side and not right.
Check Display...
I've got two ideas - not exactly what you want, but hopefully better. One should work. One should be very very cool. But time frame is some way off - I'm working on one or two urgent things first. I apologise
But I'll be working on this once I clear my decks a little.
Thanks for your assistance. The 8125 does have a "Left Hand" mode, but only for Landscape. Since I use my 8125 90% of the time in portrait, it makes it very difficult for web browsing and scrolling email.
Thanks everyone for your help. I look forward to any ideas that you come up with (anything will be better)
General question: do you guys use your scrollbar with a stylus or thumb?
Thumb. Mostly because my stylus falls out if i put one in, so I just dont even bring one with me anymore.
I ask because at some point I'm considering a third party solution to the problem, and I need to think about how big to make it graphically.
Evidently both thumb and stylus need to be considered.
Yeah, I gotta imagine there are alot of other Lefty's out there like myself that are running into the same issue. A 3rd party application sounds like it would be very useful.

answer call slider

Is there any chance to get rid off that slider and put normal button instead?
not that i'm aware of...but give the ROM cookers time and they'll come up with a solution. for now, i simply hit the Send or End key to answer or ignore the call.

answer a call

hello everyone
we all know that we can answer a call by pushing the soft answer key or slide the bar on the screen, my doubt is, is there a method to answer the call only by sliding the bar? to avoid accidently pickups
Yes, that would be helpful avoiding accidently pickups. I haven't see any talks around this.
This post might have gotten more attention in the "Themes, Applications and Software" thread.
no one know's if that is possible?

[Q] Noob Question

Sorry for the noob question, but moving from HTC to Vibrant, I am still learning things as I go.
Here is the question:
I have Launch pro and I really love it. The problem I am having is I can not move my short cuts between the diffrent screens.
Yes I did a search and could not find anything on this.
Could someone please give me a quick hand
Thanks in advance
Just go to the screen where you want the shortcut, open the app drawer, long press on the one you want and put it on the screen. No need to move them between screens, just place new ones.
Typos and other gibberish courtesy of Swype
you can move between screens you just have to move the icon as far over as you can then hold it there for a second and i should transition
Yea I tried to swipe it to the next screen really fast, did not work. I tried holding it there for about 10 seconds, did not move it.
So is it possibule that you have to delete the old one and create and new short cut if you want that short cut on a diffrent screen????
Don't seem right to me, that you would need to do that
Ok got it. Thanks guys for the help.
I had to use almost my finger nail to get it as far over as I could, man that was rough
Thanks again

Change incoming call screen?

I did a little hunting around and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for:
My girlfriend has a captivate, and hates the default answering screen you get when there's an incoming phone call. She finds the small slider too difficult to reliably slide all the way over on a consistent basis. I found a few apps that will change it to a single button, but they have mixed feedback, and that raises the problem of the phone accidentally being answered in her purse/pocket. Short of loading a custom ROM (I am /not/ going down that road on a phone that isn't mine) does anyone know of a way to change the answer screen to have a larger slider or like the glass style lock screen? Am I missing something obvious?

