Idea: 3G/EDGE Auto Switcher - Nexus One General

Hey guys, I'm by no means an Android developer, so I could never make my idea a reality. But do you guys think this would be possible?
A small program that runs in the background, switching the network between HSDPA and EDGE. It would default to EDGE while idling, but activate HSDPA when a user-defined program is run (such as Opera, google maps, marketplace, etc). This way, you can idle on EDGE (and save power), but still have the speed of HSDPA when you need it!
I have no idea if this is even remotely possible so please don't flame the noob

I don't know if you searched the forums...but this was 4 threads down from yours. Don't know if it answers your application or what not...also try out Juice Defender
EDIT: oh hi from OCN

bloke226 said:
I don't know if you searched the forums...but this was 4 threads down from yours. Don't know if it answers your application or what not...also try out Juice Defender
EDIT: oh hi from OCN
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Yea already tried it But I still have the OCN mentality of "the pursuit of performance".. in this case, the pursuit of battery performance
Juice Defender does not switch between EDGE/3G based on the applications you're running AFAIK

I kinda had the same idea as you so last week I created a topic on the Nexus One Themes and Apps:
Feel free to join the discussion

I believe 3g uses less power while idling than edge
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

r34p3rex said:
Yea already tried it But I still have the OCN mentality of "the pursuit of performance".. in this case, the pursuit of battery performance
Juice Defender does not switch between EDGE/3G based on the applications you're running AFAIK
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I hear ya about the performance. I guess I read your post too quick and missed the part where it would be application based. I can't think of anything on the top of my head that can do that, it would be difficult I would imagine...

I think there are a couple problems here
1) the "context switch" (if you will) from Edge to 3G and back devours battery
2) its slow, so you grab your idling phone to figure out the nearest Starbucks and you miss your exit while it jumps from Edge to 3G

I know on the google api it isn't possible to do this, but I don't think that isn't the problem.
At the moment you have 3 options. GSM only, WCDMA only and GSM/WCDMA. Whenever you switch between the 3 of them, the phone will lose signal for 10 seconds before it can find the best network. So the switcher here is not the best as you will lose connection, and what if you are downloading something at the same time...
What you need is when the phone is on GSM/WCDMA that it knows the best network to pick from depending on the phones lifecycle. GSM/WCDMA loses battery power because it always tries to find the best network to connect to, so for example if you are on GSM it will constantly try to find a 3G network etc (as far as I understand it).
What we need is the ability for the phone to stay on GSM when the phone is idle and then when the phone is woken up to automatically start to search for a WCDMA network and then gracefully switch over like it does now. For this I have no idea if it is possible as I don't know how the scanning of the network works. If it is possible then that would be wicked. But this is what we need.

crachel said:
I think there are a couple problems here
1) the "context switch" (if you will) from Edge to 3G and back devours battery
2) its slow, so you grab your idling phone to figure out the nearest Starbucks and you miss your exit while it jumps from Edge to 3G
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It's the switch between the two that really eats battery. That said, I'm pretty sure you can do that with Tasker already.

Check out Chainfire's app


Poor/intermittent Signal - so far so good solution

There are a few thread's already on the site about signal problems with the X1 however many are quite old and I thought a specific one with a (so far so good) solution would be welcomed.
Many people have had problems with their signal being lost or being poor and there are posts on the Vodafone forums, here, as well as many other sites and many suggest they have contacted SE without much success. Mine got so bad I was ready to give up the phone and go to N97.
I had some advice from someone at a local friendly phone store about what may be the problem and he suggested (to stop me claiming on my insurance I'm sure) changing the connection settings so it only looks at GSM.....
.....I did this three days ago and since I have had no loss of signal and my signal strength has been better than ever.
To do this:
Start > settings > comm manager > settings > phone > band
Select your network type : GSM
Not sure of the significance of this change (from auto) but its worked wonders for me
O2 UK, R3A, xperiatweak, mms changes, Dashwire, advanced config, spb galore
Good luck and I hope this works for you (let me know how it goes)
Found the same problem when I first received the phone, I too changed the band to GSM, mainly to save battery usage as 3G wasn't needed and noticed the signal is A LOT stronger...
Not noticed any downsides to disabling 3G either as my internet browsing is still very fast using Opera Mini.
maybe a stupid question: with 3g disabled, can the phone still lock in HSDPA?
i dont think so
in theory when its connected to 3g it should still have a gsm link as backup to switch to if there is a problem
still working
A week in now and the signal is still without problems and I've found the battery life of the phone is at its longest since I got the phone at the end of last year
In answer to other posts - I've remained connected to O2 UK Mobile WEb (GPRS, 3G) despite selecting GSM only
This is useful only if you don't need 3G or 3.5G... If your 3G coverage is ok, there is no trouble either... There is a huge change depending your operator and your location
i did this for a couple days and had to switch back. i've NEVER been able to connect to 3g (i have an X1i in america where the X1a is sold), but upon applying this change of setting i couldn't get HSDPA anymore and all my internet/data activities was like creeping death. i could only connect to Edge, which is practically unusable
asayamalaka said:
maybe a stupid question: with 3g disabled, can the phone still lock in HSDPA?
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nope! but its going to use EDGE which is also pretty fast.u probably wont notice the difference on a smartphone anyway.
achmed20 said:
nope! but its going to use EDGE which is also pretty fast.u probably wont notice the difference on a smartphone anyway.
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lol are you kidding? when i'm on edge i might as well be tapping morse code across two cans with a string between them. everytime i pull up google maps on edge i might as well pay a homeless guy to steal me map pages, it would take a lot less time..... HSDPA is the complete opposite for me, everything loads almost instantly

[GSM/3G] Question to data connection

I am owning a HD2 since 2 days now (and love it) and have a question about data connections. Maybe you guys can tell me more or help me. If you think this should be placed somewhere else, feel free to transfer it to the right category
I changed connection to gsm because 3g/hsdpa can drain battery life hard and i cannot charge it at all places...
Now, if I am using Google Maps or refresh the weather (to it on my own, not automatically) the Phone uses GPRS, right? Dont know much about this, it is my first phone (also windows mobile phone) which I am using with a "internet flatrate"... But I know with 3G it would be all faster...
My problem is that I dont want to change the settings everytime I want to use something which needs a better data connection like gmaps or surfing in web... So is there a program which I can setup for specific programs and functions (gmaps^^, browsing and so on) and which automatically changes to the better connection? And after closing the program it automatically changes back to the normal GSM connection?
I searched a little bit around but doesn't found anything like this.
I just want to save battery life if I am not using the phone (like I am sleeping or when it is just in the bag) because than it doesn't need a good connection...
I just found something called Bandswitch... Is this what i mean?
I hope you understood now what I am wanting. And just sorry if there are some mistakes in the text. I am just trying to improve my english knowledge every day
Greetz from germany, love your board!
best regards
AFAIK, if the connection is idle, battery drain doesn't change much between EDGE and 3G.
It's when you actually use the connection that the battery drain wil go higher.
When I'm connected all day long on MSN, with nothing else really using data, I don't see a difference when I'm on EDGE or 3G.
If I'm browsing a lot, then yes 3G drains more - but that's simply because as the connection is faster, I end transferring more data than I would on EDGE. For the same mount it doesn't matter much.
Check this out.
Thank you very much, will give it a try... Seems that this is what i want

HSDPA Nexus One users (tips, battery optimisation & stats, signal, etc..)

I'm starting this thread to collect informations about using the N1 on a HSDPA network. Over the next weeks I'll be posting stats and infos about my experience on a HSDPA network.
Battery optimization
HSDPA seems to be very hard on the battery, and to get the most of your N1 there will be some sacrifice.
What COULD help:
- Dial *#*#4636#*#* and set the phone to "WCDMA Only" in the phone informations.
- Try the app called "battery refresh" on the android store. It will discharge your phone. Then boot into recovery and wipe your battery stats.
- Install setCPU from the android store (1$) and force it to 245/576 while the phone is standby/sleep (thanks djmcnz)
- there's an app on the appstore called JuiceDefender that allow you to disable APN based on time or your location.
What WILL help
- disable sync (push). This have a MAJOR impact on HSDPA network
- and obliviously set brightness to auto or lowest acceptable value.
Signal optimization
So far I've tried two different radio rom, and the older seem to offer better signal. So you could try using that one.
Bandwith optimization
- If you have a rooted N1, you could try in "spare parts" the hotweiss's Radio mod (in miscellaneous). In my case, there's not difference but still could be worth a try.
N.B. : Fellow canadians, if you are on Bell or Telus with your N1, your are on a HSDPA network.
aad4321 said:
i NEED push on my work email at peek times. the sense ui version allows u to turn off push at different times. I would like to see this for the nexus
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You could try JuiceDefender, I think that app does exactly that.
I seem to get alot of network connection errors from market, to internet, and some games that use internet.
I noticed my signal is usally full bars but switches alot between 3G and H (HSDPA)
Are my connections errors due to the switching of 3G and H much like some people have issues with EDGE and 3G switching back and forth in certain spots?
Also that *#*#4636#*#* didn't work. EDIT: nevermind, needs to be done on the stock dialer.
I set my network from WCDMA prefered to WCDMA only. See how that works. EDIT: Still switches from 3G to HSDPA...
Sistum Id said:
I set my network from WCDMA prefered to WCDMA only. See how that works. EDIT: Still switches from 3G to HSDPA...
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I believe this is normal behavior. The 'WCDMA only' option disables EDGE network connections so that you only use the 3G/HSDPA.
I hope there is a bug on the N1 radios..Cause I can't last 20hrs with 1hr worth of calls..and small use of internet. Yet other people saying they easily go pass 30hrs with heavy use...liars..
I can still get though a full day, business and pleasure on a single charge using HSDPA, WiFi and making calls... lots of calls.
In an average (16h) day I will be connected via 3G for about 10 of those and WiFi for the remaining six. I make about 180 mins of calls a day, 20% of those using the speaker, I have a feed reader with 20 feeds that update constantly, I listen to music to and form work (20mins + 20mins), I might play a game or two and I often read xda and/or download during the day. Brightness at about 55% fixed.
I charge my phone overnight, every night (have been doing this since my original RAZR anyway).
I have never, ever run out of battery during a given day.
Setting the CPU to min in standby is not a good idea - it needs some headroom to actually complete background tasks and 245 is too low IMHO and will be counter-productive. I suggest 245/576.
If your usage is much above mine then I'm not sure how many marginal tips will be needed before it makes a meaningful difference...
Sistum Id said:
I seem to get alot of network connection errors from market, to internet, and some games that use internet.
I noticed my signal is usally full bars but switches alot between 3G and H (HSDPA)
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I got these errors on T-Mobile as well - since moving over to AT&T with the AT&T version they have completely disappeared.
krohnjw said:
I got these errors on T-Mobile as well - since moving over to AT&T with the AT&T version they have completely disappeared.
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Well I'm not sure but on mine it switch from 3G to H only when I fetch data. Else it stays on 3G.
Nierdal said:
You could try JuiceDefender, I think that app does exactly that.
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Testing Juice Defender now. So far it's an incredible solution to battery drain, if it does what it claims. Will post findings this weekend.
Daswolven said:
Testing Juice Defender now. So far it's an incredible solution to battery drain, if it does what it claims. Will post findings this weekend.
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Yep I'm getting the same results here. Juice Defender is the most effective thing I've tried so far. I'll collecting stats about it right now will post later.

Just figured something out!

When you hold down the search sensor button you get in-app-wifi toggle, It's really hot, because if your online and you decide to turn on your wifi, no more going to home screen to use your power widget, you just hold down that button and it automatically toggles your wifi. Every day I'm learning something new about this beautiful phone. Also, they have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time, wifi seems to be enhanced, and phone reception to, I was on the train earlier and I went into a tunnel and I was able to talk until I reached the station, which is a bit of a way underground. I'm using the prioritizer app, and I used to get reception like that on my G1 when I used it, people didn't believe me until I got a phone call in the subway one day, I heard a kid say who gets phone calls in the subway, lol, and whenever I pass one of those grates that lead to outside, text messages come through sometimes. Share your experiences with this incredible device. Screenshot taken with Android Commander
Rooted N1 w/locked bootloader
FRF91 eViL n-One-sh0t Noir 7
Setcpu= underclocked 883200 Max / 768000 Min
8GB sdcard class 6 / 512 ext3 partition/no swap
Mine is set to always use voice search. Anyone know who to change this?
I use QuickDesk Beta with a Power Control Widget as well as some other nifty shortcuts. If you download it from the market, the next time long press search there will be and option for the QuickDesk.
If you want to change yours going to search you have to go to settings>application>search(or the program being opened) and undo the defaults for that program.
Is that a stock option, on-app wifi? Or is it a piece of a wifi toggle app, why don't i have it.
You actually need an app to do that, try search in the market 'In App Wifi Toogle'
it's by Oliver Pearmain
A few ROMs have this in as standard (it's pretty useful) but it's not a FroYo thing. It's not in the CM ROMs and possibly won't be.
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
My vote goes to QuickDesk Pro + Power widget as well... much more useful IMHO
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
A little help
olavjunior said:
Mine is set to always use voice search. Anyone know who to change this?
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Go into application setting, then manage applications, scroll until you find voice search, click on it and there should be a option to clear defaults, clear it. next time you use this function you'll be prompted to choose default action, just don't check the box and the prompt will always come up.
Clarkster said:
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
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Sweet thanks for sharing this, awesome app
aureliusmaximus said:
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
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You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
blas4me said:
You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
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Er, not may improve network selection, but it won't improve signal.
WCDMA preferred - Use 3G but when signal is weak prefer 3G over GSM.
GSM only - obvious.
WCDMA only - Use only 3G, has no signal then when only GSM present.
GSM auto PRL - Use 3G but when signal is weak, prefer GSM over 3G
All the CDMA/EvDO stuff does apply to our phones...its the same stuff for, but for those networks and GSM/CDMA auto is for combination phones... (ie - "world" phones from Verizon, etc)
Easiest way to improve Nexus One reception - hold it in your left hand.
aureliusmaximus said:
Just downloaded the in-app wifi toggle from the market. What an extremely handy app!!!
(need to toggle 3g - Wifi a lot since the froyo radio...3g reception in house has worsened quite a bit)
Thanks for the info!
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You can change your network type for improved reception, go to phone press *#*#4636#*#* and wait for the hidden testing area. Click on phone information, scroll down until you see your set network. Try them all to see which one gives you the best reception. Once you choose one it will reset your network so let it do its thing, your bars and 3G icon should reappear.
blas4me said:
When you hold down the search sensor button you get in-app-wifi toggle, It's really hot, because if your online and you decide to turn on your wifi, no more going to home screen to use your power widget, you just hold down that button and it automatically toggles your wifi. Every day I'm learning something new about this beautiful phone. Also, they have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time, wifi seems to be enhanced, and phone reception to, I was on the train earlier and I went into a tunnel and I was able to talk until I reached the station, which is a bit of a way underground. I'm using the prioritizer app, and I used to get reception like that on my G1 when I used it, people didn't believe me until I got a phone call in the subway one day, I heard a kid say who gets phone calls in the subway, lol, and whenever I pass one of those grates that lead to outside, text messages come through sometimes. Share your experiences with this incredible device. Screenshot taken with Android Commander
Rooted N1 w/locked bootloader
FRF91 eViL n-One-sh0t Noir 7
Setcpu= underclocked 883200 Max / 768000 Min
8GB sdcard class 6 / 512 ext3 partition/no swap
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Is there a way to configure this, because i only get voice search, which is sort of useless. I would rather have in app wifi.
Dude between which stations can you make and hold a call underground thru a tunnel?
Clarkster said:
Best thing to use on the search long press is Quick Settings.
You can customize which settings appear on that list, it's awesome. I use it to toggle wifi, sound, brightness (including an auto-brightness toggle), auto-rotate, and a few more.
Play with the settings and configure it to exactly what you want and then every setting is one click away wherever you are.
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That is actually a really neat app! Thanks for the tip, I like it.
thepawn said:
Er, not may improve network selection, but it won't improve signal.
WCDMA preferred - Use 3G but when signal is weak prefer 3G over GSM.
GSM only - obvious.
WCDMA only - Use only 3G, has no signal then when only GSM present.
GSM auto PRL - Use 3G but when signal is weak, prefer GSM over 3G
All the CDMA/EvDO stuff does apply to our phones...its the same stuff for, but for those networks and GSM/CDMA auto is for combination phones... (ie - "world" phones from Verizon, etc)
Easiest way to improve Nexus One reception - hold it in your left hand.
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Thanks for the "auto PRL" info, and I LOVE the iPhone 4 dig
blas4me;7090838Also said:
they[/B] have fixed the issue with the 3D gallery, all the pictures load lighting quick and at the same time...
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Uhhh... they WHO???
Google with the FRF91 update. Why do you think updates kept coming out so quickly. Google has a ear to the ground, they put the Nexus out there as a test of Android OS, and they want feedback to improve it. It's all about feedback and improvement.

Auto disable mobile networks when wifi connected?

I was wondering if there was an option on the phone or an app to auto disable the network if wifi was enabled??? This would GREATLY safe on battery life as the HSPA uses wayyyy more battery power than wifi!
One of the biggest drainers for me is having it go between EDGE and HSPA and NONE due to my house and where I live. Just walking around the house kills it.
And when I leave home it stays on, when i get to work, same issue.
So would be nice to have such an app!
Well kinda answered my own question, i posted this as installing my first ROM MC7.... looks like the power control widget has this ability
Or someone, you can disable the UTMS and HSPA and only use EDGE/GMS, which is good enough for me!
Looks like i will be keeping this ROM, only ONE dislike, the USB teather option is not in the normal pull down spot :{ Have to go to settings...
I'm sure you can create a shortcut to it in ADW settings.

