I Have Problems With My htc touch - Touch GSM General

hi peopple. i have a htc touch p3450 with 128/256, the problem is when i turn off the device and then turned on appears the blue screen on windows mobile and the the device restarted and i have to calibrate the screen, put the hour, the password, and this steps, its like the device had a hard reset everytime i turned off. sometimes the device turned off from it self and i had to push the camera botton, volume up and reset with the device turn on, after few minutes the device starting again like the same way like i say you some lines before.
ok, the other day i try to find the way to fix my device, but i found a problem, better say two prolems. my device dosnt entry in a boot loader mode, and i try millions times on millions diferents ways and nothing happens. the second problem in this moments my device are totaly dead, only turn on the blue screen and i made the hard reset and nothing, dosnt start like before, i cant made anything. i try with a gold card anda nothing all result impossible
please experts i need yours help!!!!
peopple sory for my english, its so bad!! im from argentina!
i hope you can understend me anda try to help me

first of, sounds like your backup battery is dead, you tried charging overnight? That should hopefully charge it. Secondly, what else have you trid from the rom section? Have you flashed a custom rom?
If not, and overnight ac charge doesn't help the backup battery, do you still have warranth, as it could be worth returning to htc?

I think there's something wrong with your phone, with the phone's memory because it keeps forgetting things, try to make contact with your provider or HTC

Your problem can only be guessed from the info you have given
If it does something similar to a Hard-Reset every time you power on/off
then it can be a problem with the flash memory, or you can have a corrupted ROM
If its completely bricked (no backlight) and you head to the HTC Service center, and they find that you have custom ROM modifications they will most probably deny you warranty and/or service
Good luck

I personal think it has been overheated, buy/get/try a new battery and it will work again. turn it off and get a cooler or something like that and cool the phone and let it for 1 day on your table or somewhere and hard-reset the next day.


Please Help-Wizard Won't Boot After Flashing

I have a g4 8125 and tried to flash black diamond 2.0 using shelltool. I followed all the instructions, but I may have messed something up. I installed the enablerapi and certspcs files on my phone, but i realized later that i did this after turning off my radio. After flashing I made a hard reset, and now it just comes to the cingular splash screen and shows my ipl, spl, gsm and os (which it says is and doesn't load anything. Anyone have any ideas? It won't connect to activesync either.
edit: sorry for my ignorance, thanks for the help though!
Please refrain from posting WITHOUT using the search bar. This question has been answered more than a million times.
For starters, hold down the camera + power button whil poking at the reset button
Hello there.
This is my first post, and I hopefully pray that I don´t get a "Please Do a search" kind of answer as I have been doing a hard search through the forum but haven´t found what I´m looking for. Probably I´m just using the wrong search terms but english is not my native language so I´m not sure how to look up for this issue.
First, I unlocked the sim of my device by sending it to a third party. Afther that, the phone came with a Wizard-Love OS installed, and finally I got excited and started to mess around with the Shelltool to get the device upgraded to WM6. (It´s a G4 by the way).
First I successfully upgraded to wm6 wee htc wizard v5.2.660, but then I found that the keyboard mapping was all wrong with the shown special characters (they weren´t where they were supposed to be at all), so i tried messing up with the registry trying to select a local language for spanish with no success at all....
Also I was having some issues trying to connect to internet via wi-fi even when I did get connected to the network, but did not test it hard enough.
Then I went farther trying to "shelltool" a Black Diamond 2.0 Touch rom, but then everything became a real mess... The Shelltool said that it was finish only like 4 to 5 minutes after starting so I disconected and Hard Reseted the unit. Don´t remember if I disabled the radio before flashing it, nor if I had the sd card installed on the device at the flashing momment, but definetly i had reinstalled the cert_spcs and EnableRapi cabs prior to this seccond attempt.
After the hard reset, it started but freezed on the first screen showing the ipl, spl, gsm and os (which it says is Then I hard reset like two more times, with no luck. Then I entered on the bootloader mode, but after trying that for a while the phone stopped responding. It did not turn off, so I removed the battery. Then when I put the battery back the unit did not turn on at all. Even it did not show the charging red light when I connected it to the usb nor the wall ac adapter. I was devastated... I leaved the unit with the battery out all the night and the next day I reinstalled the battery to see that the device did turn on and did charge, but still it was locked on the splash window.
I tryed to reflash the unit using the bootloader under windows xp, after killing the activesync connection and using the wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WEE_Novii_CF2 rom. The unit showed a progress bar so the pc and after 10-12 minutes it was done. I Hard reseted the unit but then it always started on the bootloader screen as if I was pressing the camera button.
Hard reseted, soft reseted, battery out and in, no luck. Then it went dead again. It did not turn on at all and no charging light. Once again i leaved the unit all day without battery and send it to the friend that had unlocked the sim for me. He just called me and told me that the unit was now up and running again with wizard_love rom. I´m really not sure how he did it. Probably i did something with the sd inserted when it was supposed to be out. I did flashed the wizard love on bootloader with the sd inserted but i´m not sure if that could have make the mess.
I would like to know if anyone have had this kind of lock up and how to deal with it (how much time to leave the battery out, etc). Also I will love to know how did my friend (he wont tell me as is it´s bussines and he charges for it) finally restarted my unit flashing wizard_love again, as I´m still too curious to not try to flash my unit again and probably be on the same mess once again.
Thanks in advance.
That's a lovely 1st post. If every one is to be like that.. it would be just to nice to help others.
Anyway, this may not sound logical, but I get problems with Shelltools when I do not have the official ROM flashed before another flash. What I would suggest is that, you ought to have an official ROM (check Wiki to download your official ROM flashing EXE), which seems to get me out of trouble a few times.
Also, it maybe wise to check your battery before any flashing attempt, make sure it is 100% (60% will do mostly, but in case of an emergency, that 40% helps). It cases where a phone doesn't go charge/bootloader, it is battery problem. The overnight thingy that you've done, probably rest the battery long enough to boost it to a charge (e.g. how you get a blink when you switch off a torchlight for period of time on a low batt).
Good also among your information, tell us the IPL/SPL/Radio on the ROM you are using.

Wizard shut itself down after about 20 sec.

I've had several Wizards with problems, the Wizard I've got right now has a problem that I've never seen before.
When I turn on the (SPV M3000) It shows the Orange bootscreen with this information:
IPL 2.18
SPL 2.18
GSM 01.04.10
After seeing this bootscreen for about 20 seconds the SPV M3000 shut down itself.
Starting the phone from the bootloader doesn't make any difference.
When I use the buttons for a hard reset and press the send button, the phone shows Format is complete. After a few seconds it boots and show the bootscreen but than it also shut down itself.
Can anyone tell me if this is a hardware or a software issue ?
Cant say for sure.If the phone is still under warranty take it back for repairing.If it is not,hen you have screwed up anyway I mean if its not under warranty try upgrading the rom (flash it) to one of the many excellent roms available here..
It may be possible for a dead battery (or the battery failed to charge due to some reasons).
Pat123 said:
Cant say for sure.If the phone is still under warranty take it back for repairing.If it is not,hen you have screwed up anyway I mean if its not under warranty try upgrading the rom (flash it) to one of the many excellent roms available here..
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No the phone is not under warranty anymore. I bought if from someone becouse I thought it was just a simple problem. But how shouldI flash the rom if the phone shut itself down after 20 seconds ? This also happens when the phone is in bootloader mode.
starkwong said:
It may be possible for a dead battery (or the battery failed to charge due to some reasons).
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I allready used a full charged battery from another Wizard but still the same problem.
Is there some else with another solution please ?
Not much help from me here, but from what it seems, since the phone also shut downs in bootloader mode, it would heavily suspect it is a hardware fault (as it is not the battery). As in bootloader mode, you either can get into it or not. Once you are in it, it will go into a listening mode and do nothing. As such, I cant think of a software problem that can mess it up that good. As for the 20 seconds shut down, chances are there are some (example) short circuit around the unit that, once you switch it on, things inside gets hot, and activating the problem.
You can also do some test. Try to use a accurate stop watch (to the mili seconds) to time the shut down (in bootloader mode) in different temperature environment (i.e. at night cold, in the sun warm, etc), and it should give you a slight different in the shutdown time. IF NOT, you can hope it is a software issue.
The battery works on other Wizard?
I'm still having this problem, does anyone knows a solution ?
I had similar problem but after several times it restarted it was unable to turn it on again. It`s not working anymore. I think the same, that this is a hardware issue. Maybe the water or humidity caused some short circuit and made some damage.

I think I bricked it...

Before I start I know how touchy people are about searching forums and the wiki etc... but I already have!
Ok so, I tried to flash a new ROM to my phone last night, I have done it before without problems however this time I was having trouble getting the phone to connect to my laptop (I run Windows 7). Both USPL and HSPL wouldn't work (in fact active sync wouldn't even recognise it).
So I went to bed, woke up and... My phone didn't work at all
I spent ages trying to get it too work, I tried putting it into bootloader, but nothing happened, I tried getting it to Hard reset, but nothing happened. (By nothing happens i mean the screen doesn't turn on).
The only sign of life i get from it is the little vibration that usually occurs after the 'smart mobility' screen appears. Except this is delayed by about 10 seconds from after pressing the Power button.
The delay makes me think that there is something else wrong with the phone other then the screen...
Please help!!
Oh and I am sorry for the essay... I only just realised how long and rambling it is haaa.
UPDATE: right it just connected to activesync but still nothing on the screen, is there any way of checking for definite that the screen is broke before I fork out for a new one? There is astill the massive delay between turning the phone on and getting the little vibration...
Try removing battery overnight, then re-inserting. Then try to get to bootloader or hard reset
how exactly did you manage to brick it? did you flash the rom in question with uspl, or do u generally have hard spl installed? i dont know but it looks like the bootloader is somehow broken ...
Ok I will try doing that, thank you for helping
And no, I didnt get as far as flashing the ROM because active sync never recognised the phone in Bootlaoder. I usually use USPL.
Did you fix it? and if so how?
I have very similar issues with my HD right now. Screen went black, bought a new LCD and still the same problem. Oddly enough the only way I can get the screen to come on is to take the battery out and set both battery and phone body in my window sill for half an hour or so. It is cold here right now and they are both pretty cool to the touch when I take them out. Put it back together and tada! Screen comes on. I dunno what the deal is also, don't know if its the battery or phone being cold that makes it work again??? I am going to try and figure it out.. Try it on yours it may help

Qtek 9090, strange problems with power

Cero92 said:
Hi all, i just got a Qtek 9090 with WM2003 (ITA). I upgraded to WM6.1, but now it has some strange problems: first of all, when it goes in standby, sometimes it doesn't wake up. If i have to reset it, most of times it doesn't boot (it shut down before WM loads) or i get R: None G: None and i have to reset again (otherwise the phone won't work).
The lock at the boot doesn't happen when the phone is connected at the USB port (i think that's because it charges, maybe it's a battery problem?)
Another thing is that i can't turn it off: if i hold pressed the power button, it deactivate the backlught but the device stays on, and if i make another long press, i get the backlight back again... I had this problem also with WM2003, maybe it's normal?
What do you think? Whan can i do?
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Have you make a HardReset?
The correct HardReset, not only reset and press Power button!!!
See in my HowTo Section...
and why not WM6.5.5 see here
yep, hard reset is a good start, but about your other problems:
the device does not really turn off, like other phones. pressing the power button makes it go to hibernate, the display turns off, depending on your settings, it locks the hardware buttons and it shuts off wi-fi, it hardly uses any energy but gsm/gprs stay on.
the device seems to be off, yet the phone is one and you can be called. that is the closest you get to switching it off. when you turn on airplane mode, the battery consumption is even less so there is not really a need to turn it off.
pressing and holding the power button always was for the backlight. many other devices open up a shutdown menu when you do that, that would allow you to turn it off, soft reset, or switch off the backlight, but for the BA, that is not the standard. however, if i read it right, d-two is working on remapping the power button, probably for that cause.
the R: none G: none issue is known and not a problem with your phone, whenever you run out of power or remove the battery for a second, the next boot will be w/o radio (R and most roms don't allow booting without it. that's why you get stuck there and have to perform a soft reset. back in the days of wm2003 i used to remove the battery when the device froze to reset it w/o the stylus, because it didn't matter then. with cooked roms, it is different, just like the booting splash screen or the way to perform a hard reset, many things change on a cooked rom.
the issue with waking up from standby, or the SOD (standby of death) is an issue, that most likely has something to do with a backup, restored after flashing another os, or maybe you didn't perform a hard reset, as stated by d-two. you should do that, now that the device is still new, you have nothing to lose
also, read through the tutorials posted by d-two and myself, whether you missed anything while flashing.
The "real" hard reset is the one i can get by pressing camera + record button and reset? If so, i already did it after flash (i use d-two 6.1 Manila ROM in WWE)
It shows me 3 options, i put on YES "Clean Registry Hive" and "Format Storage" then i press the mail button, the screen become white for a while and the next boot al seems to be ok.
It seems, because after some time i get again the "standby of death" and, if i press the reset button, the most of time it won't boot up again (it turns off before i can get to WM), if it works phone doesn't. All these boot problem can be avoided by connecting the phone to the usb cradle, so maybe it's also a battery problem, i think...
@ d-two: i'll try your new ROM, however before i've tried your 6.1 ROM
I've already read your guide because i've got Windows 7 and i couldn't flash without your tutorial
NEWS: installed d-two new ROM, after flash i made the hard reset selecting the second and the third options, then i get the blank screen and, when viewing the htc screen, it shut down itself like it did before
As always, with the usb connected, it has no problem :\
It can be battery power - battery is old, and it doesn't provide current [A], or voltage drops [V] and phone think, it's empty.
Maybe you can try with new battery, or buy 2 nokia bl-4c batteries and repair orginal battery (somewhere on forum there is a tutorial about that - but use bl4c, not bl5c like in tutorial - bl5c are too thick to fit)
n0rbi666 said:
It can be battery power - battery is old, and it doesn't provide current [A], or voltage drops [V] and phone think, it's empty.
Maybe you can try with new battery, or buy 2 nokia bl-4c batteries and repair orginal battery (somewhere on forum there is a tutorial about that - but use bl4c, not bl5c like in tutorial - bl5c are too thick to fit)
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That's what i was thinking (and that's i hope it isn't)... Now with another recharge cycle it seems to be good also with cooked ROMs, i hope it's solved
Maybe you just have to charge/discharge it for 4-5 times, and it will restore it's capacity. Mine BA was turning off when battery indicator was showing ~60-70%, and now I'm waiting for new battery (i destroyed original )
"charge/discharge it for 4-5 times" does not have an effect on Li-ion kind of batteries. This is probably a software problem. When you turn your phone on (after removing a battery) it always shows "None" for R and G, so just press Reset button and it will be ok. I use Reset to power it on Then you can flash 6.5.5 which doesn't have problems, and do a hard reset. There should be no problem at all..
I also got the problem with the stock ROM :\
The R: None G: None error is the less important problem
Got any luck fixing it? I've had similar problems before, sometimes it turned itself off when the battery was at 60% in WM2003. Did you update to d-two's 6.5.5?
Yes, now i'm running d-two's 6.5.5 ROM.
No, i still had the problem Yesterday i called to the assistance service and they said me to remove the battery and after a while recharge it.
I put off the battery yesterday at 16 and i put it again in the phone this morning at 8, i charged it but i still have the problem
This evening i called again and they said me that i have to send it back, i'll flash the original ROM and send it on monday.
That's a shame, i really like this device, even if it's not mine, my sister uses it and she's not a pro user, what a waste
Didn't understand, what "assistance service"? This is very old phone, I just can't believe it has some kind of warranty
I have another battery, and using it the device turns it off sometimes while it's in the stand-by mode! Don't know why, the voltage on it is fine, I have measured it while working...
marko_serb said:
Didn't understand, what "assistance service"? This is very old phone, I just can't believe it has some kind of warranty
I have another battery, and using it the device turns it off sometimes while it's in the stand-by mode! Don't know why, the voltage on it is fine, I have measured it while working...
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I bought it on an eBay market and it offered 60 days warranty. It's not official HTC/Qtek warranty, but it doesn't make difference, as long as the device will work
If for you it happens only when it's in standby, maybe you just have the standby of death, the problem Chef Tony was talking about at post 3?
Cero92 said:
I bought it on an eBay market and it offered 60 days warranty. It's not official HTC/Qtek warranty, but it doesn't make difference, as long as the device will work
If for you it happens only when it's in standby, maybe you just have the standby of death, the problem Chef Tony was talking about at post 3?
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My Roms have no SOD
This is when vbase32 have all 01000000 base adress !!!
Search about SOD!!
No, this happens only with my old battery. I'll try it out now with this new ROM!
I was trying to understand his problem
Just to know, what kitchen do you use?
Cero92 said:
I was trying to understand his problem
Just to know, what kitchen do you use?
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First i have create my own kitchen but then i have found the OSBuilder and this is the best kitchen ever
With this kitchen you can look the Vbase32 for SOD!!!
Well, i trust you that your ROMs doesn't have SOD problem, in fact this happened to me also with the shipped WM2003 ROM, it's a real hardware issue
Cero92 said:
Well, i trust you that your ROMs doesn't have SOD problem, in fact this happened to me also with the shipped WM2003 ROM, it's a real hardware issue
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I think so, sorry
d-two said:
I think so, sorry
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No problem, i'll send it to the assistance on monday, i hope it won't take too much time :\
Cero92 said:
No problem, i'll send it to the assistance on monday, i hope it won't take too much time :\
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good luck But very cool that you have warranty

My Acer NeoTouch s200 is dead

Hi im from Germany,
i tried to flash my Acer S200 but it stopped by 50% and i have pluged the cable out. I cant turn it on, it gives no signal, i cant bring it to the download mode. Nothing is working no hardreset with buttons.Nothing is working and when i plug it to usb the LED isnt blinking
Sorry for my bad english ..
my phone is new, it has garanty, should i contact the acer support or can anyone help me ?
Hold volume up/vol down button + reset until you see "clean boot"
i tried it the phone gives no signal .. no clean boot is coming .. the rom flashing was at 50% i think it is breaked
but thank you
did you try removing then replacing the battery. then try bootloader mode again?
yes i tried but nothing is working i cant enter the bootloader nothing is working it is just off no vibration nothin is working
sorry, but I have to ask, are pressing then holding vol down +power +camera buttons
at the same time until blinking red light starts?
you have to get into bootloader mode then flash a custom rom
brainmaster has a few including a "clean" rom.
I had this happen awhile ago and tried so many things for 2 days that now I don't
remember what actually worked! But I don't think that your S200 is bricked.
Also, make sure that you keep the power cable pluuged in (not usb)
you need a good charge even if you don't see the green light.
just keep trying and if I can remember I let you know.
or someone here will help you to find a solution!
thank you for your help but there is no light blinking. Also when i plug it to charge no light is going on. it doesnt charge the battery. i hope you can remember
i already know how to flash a rom but the phone doesnt give any sign
sorry I can't remember but you should ask brainmaster and maybe he can really help.
And he speaks german= )
thank you i will send him my problem
Any solution
Hi. I kind of found myself in the same situation. My acer s200 is unresponsive, no blinking lights no matter key/reset combinations. Had been in the middle of flashing on a new ROM when it got accidentally disconnected.
Any possible solution? Already checked the battery out in a different phone and it's fine and charged.
i don't want to looks like a vultur, but if some of you can't find a solution to resolve the problem you have, I'm interested by the device because I need some piece. Of course I hope you can resolve your problem but if there are no led blinking, the last possibility is to send it to acer, and if you don't want to wait/pay/or whatever to with the acer support, I'm interested by your device.
Vulture indeed!! I'm need of help man.
you still need help?????
Hey GarcoG. Yes, still in need of help. My S200 is currently a desktop paperweight at home. It's a beautiful paperweight but it was made for so much more. Would really like to get it up and running again.
A new thing I noticed. I'm able to charge my phone's battery to full on my friend's s200. Of course when I put it back into my phone, it's still completely unresposive. However, I noticed that whenever I put it back into my friend's phone, the charge on it has reduced. I'm pretty sure it's not a battery issue I have since my phone is still unresponsive with my friend's battery in it and the same happens with that battery as well.
Would really appreciate any ideas on fixing this.
Hi, count me in. I just jumped on your wagon.. will try to disassemble this beauty soon before I officially demote it to a shiny paperweight.. well it's not that shiny, i put on a matte screen protector on it
Really funny about that matte screen protector. Cannot wait for the results. In my case, phone got accidentally connected just as it had reached the stage of flashing on the new ROM. Was thinking it was probably unresponsive because the ROM instructions that enable it respond to key combinations are absent hence cant get it into Bootloader mode.
@ incognito_tkd: Any luck with the disassembly? Would like to know your findings.
I have same problem... same situation
But... when I connect my USB charger, it shows red LED on... as if the charging is ON. But no reaction
Any one help please
there is no possibility to repair the phone... you have to send it to acer !!
i got my phone 1month after i´ve send it

