native support for east asian languages? - Nexus One General

will the nexus one support displaying traditional chinese on websites like ? i don't want to change the entire os to chinese but in case, for example if i have a chinese song, will the characters display? also is there support for chinese input? what about chinese voice input?

... the stock music app displays music in japanese, korean and chinese (that I can confirm). Just download a zhong guo keyboard from marketplace, voice input works in other languages but not as well. e.g. when i say: Watashi wa anata o koto ga suki desu. it searched for "watashi wa balls"... lol

how do you do voice search on other language without changing the locale setting in Setting?
I don't think that's possible is it?


[HELP]Japanese support in Traditional Chinese ROM

I checked the methods in the forum, and almost are for English ROM. When I applied that, the Chinese display couldn't work well. So anybody has any idea on Japanese dislay and input for Traditional Chinese ROM?
Please HELP~~, Thanks.
try to install CE-STAR, I think the built-in font has the japanese support
Thank you, I tried, and it worked. But the font was really terrible. I tried other several fonts like MS Yahei, however, no one is as good as the default one. Do you have any recommandation?
You can install your own font, such as MSGothic (XP) or Meiryo (Vista). Just put it in your \Windows folder, then edit the following registry (eg: for Meiryo):
Tahoma = "\Windows\meiryo.ttf,Meiryo"
Courier New = "\Windows\meiryo.ttf,Meiryo"
Notes: There is a compressed version of MSGothic (msgothic.ac3 instead of .ttf) in case you need to save extra space. Also, MSGothic and Meiryo are Japanese fonts and probably do not contain all the Chinese glyphs (at least for Traditional Chinese). So if you're switching to Japanese fontlink you may have some problems with Chinese display.
You can find out about more CJK fonts here:
Thanks for the information. I still have a question: doesn't it mean when I install this meiryo font, Chinese character may not be displayed correctly? I got a little confused about CJK. People here always talk about GBK, which seems include Schinese, Tchinese, Korean and Japanese. Is CJK the same, including both Schinese and Tchinese?
Thank you so much for you help. Best regards!
No, you can link multiple fonts to the same keys, that way you will be able to add Japanese display support while preserving Chinese character display. You will need to change the keys to Multi-Line String types, then enter one font link per line, like so:
Tahoma =
\Windows\msyh.ttf,MS Yahei
GBK refers to a specific set of chinese characters that are most commonly used across east asia (China et al, Japan, Korea). In practical terms, it means you can find fonts that have the full GBK character set within one font file.
CJK is just a general term for Chinese-Japanese-Korean language sets. There is no single "set" of characters -- you can pick and choose which fonts you'd like to use, and this often means one font for each language. The reason to use multiple fonts is because, for example, Japanese kanji often have modifications of their originating (traditional) chinese character (eg: 樂→楽), and a dedicated Japanese font may render it more clearly than a single GBK font. The same goes for language-specific characters, such as Japanese hiragana/katakana and Korean hangul. You can additionally choose which Chinese support you want (traditional or simplified).
Thank you so much!! I finally did it! This really helps a lot, I appreciate that.

International Dictionaries for Nexus One

Though Nexus One is available in few countries, some owners like me speak languages that aren't supported by default. I type in my local language about half of the time so this is a big deal.
My country (Philippines) in the list of the available Locales. My language (Filipino/Tagalog) isn't supported by the dictionary too. The "User Dictionary" feature is very useful, but I have too many words to add for me to have a decent dictionary.
What can I do to have a the dictionary for my native language?

voice to txt in different language?

Just wundering, I would like to do voice-txt in a different language. I know I can type it in with a keyboard software, the thing is that I dont know how to read/write in that language, I can just speak it.
Is this possible to install an apk file or something? Normally, if you get an android device in lets say europe, they would use some sort of european voice engine to search and do the typing, would I need to install the acutal european android?

[Q] Changing Google maps Language without changing the phone UI

the street are always in English in the standard English mode. naturally. but some users in non english countries like myself would like to see the maps in my native language without changing the entire UI cause it doesn't look that great in Hebrew.

Change locale but keep the language

I'd like to change the locale of my nexus 4 to France but still have it running in English. Is there absolutely no way to do this?
By locale you mean what specifically? If you can give an example of what you are trying to achieve.
Sent from my Nexus 4
I'll give you a small example:
The locale is set according to your device language.
In google now you can only use voice search for your phone's language. If it's in english you can only use english voice commands, if its in french you can only use french voice commands.
The voice commands language is selected by your locale, some people would like to have their phone in english but to be able to use voice commands in their own native language.
The OP wants to know if theres a way to separate the two.
There was a program MoreLocale2, that could do such things. I was using Ukraine(English) locale. That gave my proper date/time formats and English interface language. Unfortunately that program is incompatible with 4.2+. Since then I looking for substitute.
That said, you can set Google Now voice commands language independent from system locale. There is 'Voice' option in Now's settings.
I just set Language to English and keyboard to Danish (switchable to English). Maybe this also forces me to use English date formats etc, but I'm ok with that.
So this won't work anymore? Any alternatives I could find?

