Screen resolution out of place - HD2 General

Hi all, I'm not sure what is causing this. Basically what's going on is my wifi setup screen is spilling out of screen. When I rotate to landscape it is properly sized, but when it is in portrait I see what the attachment shows. Oddly, this only happens on the wifi setup screen; any other WinMo setting screen is sized properly. What do I need to do to fix this?

bump - anyone?

no one? srsly?


Auto rotate stopped working

I just got the HTC touch (love it so far) but after I installed the Sprint TV app (or about the same time, not sure if that was the direct cause) the auto rotate feature stopped working.
I can manually rotate to landscape mode but it doesn't automatic flip when I tilt the phone to the side. I've restarted, removed sprint tv, soft reset, but still isn't working.
If autorotate ever worked on your Vogue, it would be the first Vogue I've ever heard of that has that feature.
Whatever he's on, I want it.
The Vogue never had an auto-rotate.
dkackman said:
I just got the HTC touch (love it so far) but after I installed the Sprint TV app (or about the same time, not sure if that was the direct cause) the auto rotate feature stopped working.
I can manually rotate to landscape mode but it doesn't automatic flip when I tilt the phone to the side. I've restarted, removed sprint tv, soft reset, but still isn't working.
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it is the first time that the HTC vouge autorotate....
yhea the vogue auto rotating....that will be the
i hate to sound like i dont know what the hell im talking about, but the demo touch at the sprint store near me does this... so i was disappointed when i got mine and it didnt.... i guess ill head back over there and see if i can get an answer out of those guys.
If you have spb mobile shell 2 on your phone it will auto rotate your screen
from portrait to landscape mode. I have it (spb) on my phone (XV6900) and I just tried
it. It works.
maybe when you use a certain program like sprint tv, but it definately won't auto rotate like an iphone.
If you have mobile shell
2 it will rotate whatever
is on the screen - today
screen , email , etc. from
portrait to landscape.
jbh00jh said:
If you have mobile shell
2 it will rotate whatever
is on the screen - today
screen , email , etc. from
portrait to landscape.
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which operation you are performing to rotate the screen ?
1) only rotate physically the device
2) press the rotate function( application ) on the device
or what else ?
andrebe said:
which operation you are performing to rotate the screen ?
1) only rotate physically the device
2) press the rotate function( application ) on the device
or what else ?
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Go to the tools section and push the rotate screen button.
By the way , when you
turn on the camera ,
the screen " autorotates"
to the landscape mode.
well when u open the camera it does not really Rotate the screen that's just how the camera opens the screens in behind it are still in portrait. If the screen is in portrait "mode" when you open the camera then something is wrong. And if you press a button to have it rotate that is not really auto rotate. so if by auto rotate you mean the view changes to landscape when you rotate the phone sideways that is something the vogue does not do. It does not have the hardware to detect orientation changes.
rofl the touch doesn't have a g sensor so autorotate is impossible.
Guys, no need to waste any more time on this. I think the reason for the question and confusion is a clear case of "spin".
It is true that when the Sprint TV application launches, it changes the screen orientation to landscape. When you close it, it switches back to portrait. You could say that it "automatically" does that. There is similar behavior for the camera and fullscreen video playback (if you have configured your device for it).
It is also true that the iPhone has a built-in piece of hardware that the Touch does not. This little gizmo (essentially an accelerometer) allows the phone to know when you have turned it on its side, and it will switch to landscape. This is an automatic process, and it is different from what the Touch does.
The Touch will never automatically rotate the screen unless someone here (hint, hint) writes an app that allows it to do so. One idea would be to use the camera to track the orientation of the device, and hence detect if the phone has been moved. This has obvious issues as the camera does eat up additional juice when it's on, and I'm not sure what the processing requirements are. We can make a thread on this in the hacking forum.
jbh00jh said:
If you have mobile shell
2 it will rotate whatever
is on the screen - today
screen , email , etc. from
portrait to landscape.
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I don't know what you are smoking but I want some cause I have Mobil Shell 2 and it does not auto rotate. I have had my Touch 7 months and I have never had it auto rotate, I have to do it manually. As far as I understand it we do not have the necessary hardware for autorotation.
my camera "rotated"
hey.. maybe someone can explain this to me
one time when i turne don my camera. it was in portrait mode...
but it only did it once.. i realy dont like having it in landscape mode.
is there a way to get it to work in portrait mode all the time???
jbh00jh said:
If you have mobile shell
2 it will rotate whatever
is on the screen - today
screen , email , etc. from
portrait to landscape.
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Where can I go to download the mobile shell 2 then so mine will also rotate?
there has to be a tilt switch in the vogue, and there is not one in the sprint touch. so it will NOT AUTO rotate.

Picture rotate gesture in Album

I wonder why noone has noticed that problem yet, so I'm creating a new thread.
HTC has removed the rotate gesture from the Album. They say it's because there is a G#Sensor now.
But that's bull****. Just think: What happens if you rotate the device because the orientation of a picture is wrong?
The picture rotates also, because of the G-Sensor, and it's wrong again.
That's VERY annoying! Is there any Album version (perhaps from Diamond) where the rotate gesture is still there?
I experienced what you mean for the first time today and didn't know what was going on.
For those who don't know what we are talking about......
This only happens when you take a picture with the lens looking straight down (for example when taking a picture of a page in a book). If you were to hang the book on the wall and take a picture of it, you would not have this problem. Test it for yourself, so you see what we mean. Take a picture of your keyboard standing directly above it. Or try one of the ceiling directly above you. Now go to your album and view the picture of the keyboard. Rotate your phone.
The annoying solution after having taking a picture like this is to hold the phone upright so the picture is nice and big. Then, carefully set the phone down on the desk and THEN turn it to the side (so the G-sensor won't register the turn).
Chris Cross said:
I experienced what you mean for the first time today and didn't know what was going on.
For those who don't know what we are talking about......
This only happens when you take a picture with the lens looking straight down (for example when taking a picture of a page in a book). If you were to hang the book on the wall and take a picture of it, you would not have this problem. Test it for yourself, so you see what we mean. Take a picture of your keyboard standing directly above it. Or try one of the ceiling directly above you. Now go to your album and view the picture of the keyboard. Rotate your phone.
The annoying solution after having taking a picture like this is to hold the phone upright so the picture is nice and big. Then, carefully set the phone down on the desk and THEN turn it to the side (so the G-sensor won't register the turn).
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i cant really get the problem here.. if i take a picture while holding my phone upright it'll look best in portrait mode.. if i rotate it then i'll look smaller.. now if i take the picture holding the phone in landscape. the picture will look small in the default portrait mode and will look nice and big when i rotate the phone..
i cant seem to reproduce your issue here!
umexed said:
i cant really get the problem here.. if i take a picture while holding my phone upright it'll look best in portrait mode.. if i rotate it then i'll look smaller.. now if i take the picture holding the phone in landscape. the picture will look small in the default portrait mode and will look nice and big when i rotate the phone..
i cant seem to reproduce your issue here!
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When you take the picture - are you pointing the camera straight down at the floor or straight up toward the sky? I don't mean slightly aimed at the floor - I mean the lens needs to point directly down or directly up. That is the only way you will reproduce our issue.
maati said:
I wonder why noone has noticed that problem yet, so I'm creating a new thread.
HTC has removed the rotate gesture from the Album. They say it's because there is a G#Sensor now.
But that's bull****. Just think: What happens if you rotate the device because the orientation of a picture is wrong?
The picture rotates also, because of the G-Sensor, and it's wrong again.
That's VERY annoying! Is there any Album version (perhaps from Diamond) where the rotate gesture is still there?
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I miss the rotate gesture as well. I took my 'old micro SD' from my 'old' touch dual and put it in my HD. The HD doesn't now 'know' how the pictures are taken so some I like to rotate.. but how can this be done with the HD?
Chris Cross said:
When you take the picture - are you pointing the camera straight down at the floor or straight up toward the sky? I don't mean slightly aimed at the floor - I mean the lens needs to point directly down or directly up. That is the only way you will reproduce our issue.
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indeed you are right! the problem here is that when you do take a picture this way to Album rotates too.. so the previews are messed up! now if you close the album and open it in portrait mode your issue is fixed!
im not sure about this but before installing apps like gsen, gyrator or mobile magic the album doesnt rotate when you rotate your phone.. only the picture preview does!
someone check it please!
umexed said:
... now if you close the album and open it in portrait mode your issue is fixed!
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Are you sure? I still have the issue no matter what mode I start the album in. The only solution I have found is placing the phone flat on a table and then turning it so the g-sensor doesn't catch the rotation.
Viewing the pics in slideshow mode and pausing it is also a solution, but annoying.
I took all my pictures normally, not pointing to the floor. Some are alright, some are turned upside down, some are turned to the side.
The camera doesn't get the right orientation, perhaps Gyrator confused the camera. I turned Gyrator off but I often take photos of documents, too and that's just annoying when they have the wrong orientation and I can't rotate them....
manual screen rotation
greetz first to all, you´r doing an amazing job!!!
not really a problem solver but maybe worth trying:
disable picture rotation in gyr2 for album
install aebuttonplus
assign "rotate picture" and "rotate picture clockwise" to button (for example volume up and down, long press)
=> rotate screen when viewing photos as desired!
...have to admit i haven´t tested it yet
S2V is an alternative to HTC Album. Picture rotation is working in S2V, but no zoom because the HD has no DPad
Is there anyway to manual change the picture orientations? Like a picture that has a wrong orientation when you put it on the HD, the auto rotation would mess it up all the time, either view it on the side or makes it so small that it just a waste of the screen estate.
It's a problem I notice a lot when I get photo messages. Most of the time the photo I receive is the wrong way round, and I can't find a way to make it switch round. So I get landscape shots that only show in portrait with big black bars top and bottom and vice versa.
I'm going to try using XN View to manually change the orientation as a workaround. But it'd be nice to have the Rotate Gesture.
Any Updates? This problem has gotten even worse with Dutty's laest ROM...
Is there a way to turn off the G-Sensor for the HTC Album?
Try this cab
With this cab you lose WVGA in the menu (it is annoying but you're still able to use it), but the most important thing is that making a 90º gesture rotates the picture.
In my case I needed a soft reset after installing (my HD freezed just the first time it started up, not the second)
Hope it helps.

how to rotate screen? in setting

in hd i used to toggle between landscape and portrait from setting - system- screen then portriat or landscape,
in hd2 how can i do this?? this property is not availabel in setting.
pls can somebody tell how to rotate screen in this hd2?
hi ..ive got a similar issue .....the only shortcut that works with the accelerometer on my hd2 is the photo album ....the browser etc doesn’t respond the orientation of the handset ??.....any help would be most appreciated
Did you try to keep your screen upright (vertical) when turning te screen? This should at least solve the issue for a couple of programs like Opera in landscape.
Second, not all programs support a landscape mode. There are more discussions on this forum how to solve this issue. You could use the search to find them.
Hope this helps.
andy586 said:
hi ..ive got a similar issue .....the only shortcut that works with the accelerometer on my hd2 is the photo album ....the browser etc doesn’t respond the orientation of the handset ??.....any help would be most appreciated
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On Opera mine is only turning landscape on the left hand side (not on the right) weird...

Rotate on home and call screen

I often use the phone in landscape mode in my car. I would like to get the home screen and call screen (displayed when making or receiving a call) to rotate to landscape display. I've noticed that the call screen sometimes rotates to landscape but then very quickly back to portrait. I've managed to get the home screen to rotate to landscape using the rotate hotkey hint and tip. Is there a way of making this behaviour happen by default when the phone is rotated?
How did you manage to rotate the home screen ? I know there is a tip using rotate.exe .. but I could not find it.
I would like to rotate everything manually.
Anyway my phone application rotates correctly with no problem. Actually I hate it
Dr.Sid said:
How did you manage to rotate the home screen ? I know there is a tip using rotate.exe .. but I could not find it.
I would like to rotate everything manually.
Anyway my phone application rotates correctly with no problem. Actually I hate it
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I didn't think that you could rotate the current version of Sense (except of course photos & videos and the music tab).
Dr.Sid, if you want manual rotation, give PLToggle a go, in my signature

[Q] Accelerometer

This thing have one?
All the videos I've seen show that you have to rotate the phone to view it correctly, instead of having the screen auto-rotate to what direction you're holding it.
Of course it has one since it's a "landscape native" phone
