[Official] 2.1 Update from Sprint! - Hero CDMA General

Okay rick roll'd was a bad joke.
Anyone have news about tomorrow's MR?

i'm guessing rick roll? grow up and get your own jokes...lol

Okay but all kidding aside, I may work for Sprint, but I don't get leaked stuff just being a rep. Has anyone heard more news about the Sprint update tomorrow? Is it an MR or 2.1?

This dude is a straight D_BAG

azyouthinkeyeiz said:
i'm guessing rick roll? grow up and get your own jokes...
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I had to I'm sorry lol
With eveyone freaking out about 2.1 I just had to ease the tention a little lol

You suck.
DELETE this thread.

haha no he's not.. He's cool... Just not a good sense of humor.. lol

stephen240 said:
Here's me showing you guys that I just installed the Hero's 2.1 update!
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Welcome to 2007. Rick Roll.... really?

danknee said:
Welcome to 2007. Rick Roll.... really?
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Its a joke guy, lol
Seriously any news on tomorrow's release?

You Sir are a Waste of time and Human flesh..............

Stupid thread.....im calling for the hammer!!!

Could the MR be the new radio that hit the forums?

stephen240 said:
rick roll
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Wow, why so serious everyone? Anyone who surfs these forums probably already has a rooted hero running 2.1 anyways so let's all just chill. I have heard nothing about the MR update.
(mental note: NEVER joke about an unreleased version of android....)

Dumb joke.
Lame idea for a post. Waste of time.

clifton421 said:
Wow, why so serious everyone? Anyone who surfs these forums probably already has a rooted hero running 2.1 anyways so let's all just chill. I have heard nothing about the MR update.
(mental note: NEVER joke about an unreleased version of android....)
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I'm running Froyo 2.2 leak. My phone turned into Chuck Norris and punched my high school bullies, and then called their moms and in their voices and said they still wet the bed. Awesome.
Oh wait, ai iz 2 late? FAIL.

okay i was mad at first,
but then I got even...
I sent this email to all the iphone users in my company..:
Okay, I found it!~ the new iphone! Check out this youtube video! <(RICKROLL)
Already got like 20 mails back, people pissed, so im happy...lol


okay, check this one out.

for those that dont get it..


THANKS NEB!! (*this is why are some AMAZING people on these forums*)

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arent they awesome?
all credz to neb, who, appaaaarently is not a dev(look at that fn quality!!)
should be fun for wallpapers and the like
nice blunt
wait till you see the one im going to be posting soon
the dev has asked to remain nameless so itll take a second so i can host it elsewhere
hey treve, how old are you before i go buying you beer?
mountaindont said:
wait till you see the one im going to be posting soon
the dev has asked to remain nameless so itll take a second so i can host it elsewhere
hey treve, how old are you before i go buying you beer?
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im 23 guy ive been writing java all day so im well past beer now, only way to stop me from throwing this machine out the window. im an IT guy not a dev so i hate this stuff
Hell yeah,thats what im talking about everyone needs a fatty like that.
**Edit..Haha post 5.i got five in it..lol
mountaindont said:
wait till you see the one im going to be posting soon
the dev has asked to remain nameless so itll take a second so i can host it elsewhere
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It's cool dude, I don't care. I was having a paranoid moment when I asked you to keep it anonymous.
Thanks for the credit, I'm glad you like it!
FOR THE RECORD... I AM NOT A DEV (yet), I'm just a dude that's having fun learning photoshop
I just dont want anyone thinking I think I have those kind of skills yet, but I'm workin on it
nebenezer said:
It's cool dude, I don't care. I was having a paranoid moment when I asked you to keep it anonymous.
Thanks for the credit, I'm glad you like it!
FOR THE RECORD... I AM NOT A DEV (yet), I'm just a dude that's having fun learning photoshop
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well we know where the paranoia comes from lol, with a bl*nt THAAAT big
mountaindont said:
well we know where the paranoia comes from lol, with a bl*nt THAAAT big
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lol... no comment...
nebenezer said:
lol... no comment...
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Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
excuse me while I poke myself in the eye!
beerock said:
excuse me while I poke myself in the eye!
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lol, sorry dude. don't mean to offend anyone.
One more for no good reason...

When is Gingerbread coming out?

LMAO! Flame away!
ROFL.... I know from watching you post in the cm6 thread that you mean no harm with this thread.... too funny. This made my day in the midst of 2,000,000,0000,000 new threads started about froyo + evo.
LOL glad you took it the right way, Tuna! Yes, I'm always joking around and sometime I might seem like I f*ck around too much, but it's because people for the most part set themselves up for that hahahah But yeah, I was just messing around, seeing how many Froyo Is Coming Soon threads have started. It's giving Jesus a run for his money.
A better title would have been Gingerbread coming to the EVO. I bet half the people going crazy about froyo would be like: "wtf is that?"
spiicytuna said:
A better title would have been Gingerbread coming to the EVO. I bet half the people going crazy about froyo would be like: "wtf is that?"
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LMAO That is just wrong! hahaha
HondaCop said:
LMAO That is just wrong! hahaha
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But sadly, true; and funny, all at the same time.
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I wonder what installation would b after gingerbread
I vote for:
You totally stole this idea out of my head. Nice.
gangsterholla179 said:
I wonder what installation would b after gingerbread
I vote for:
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Hmmm Maybe Twinkie
Or maybe
Hash Brownies
Screw foods. Android quadrilateral has a nice ring to it...
spiicytuna said:
A better title would have been Gingerbread coming to the EVO. I bet half the people going crazy about froyo would be like: "wtf is that?"
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LMAO also... Wait until 2.2 starts rolling out and post it.
speaking of WTF is that, does any have a link to a glossary of sorts?
just got my evo not long ago and trying to read and take in as much as i can, and i tend to stumble a lot over all the short hand/acronyms.
and yeah, i should have started a new thread, but i like gingerbread
gangsterholla179 said:
Or maybe
Hash Brownies
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GREAT fun thread.. at least no one is being dumb... and i like the Hash Brownie for H!!! lol
n then Herver can make a rom just called Baked...
gangsterholla179 said:
n then Herver can make a rom just called Baked...
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Baked Twinkie hahahahaha
gangsterholla179 said:
I wonder what installation would b after gingerbread
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that would be... the baker and his wife
Gingerbread is coming out 2 weeks from tomorrow and DingDong is coming out 2 1/2 mths later.
I can't wait for the Fresh DingDong rom
If you guys haven't noticed, the code names are in alphabetical other, so the release after Gingerbread will start with "h."
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk Pro.

It's Official Froyo update Nov 11,2010 all carriers

Was just passing along info be it legit or not and you yahoo's want to act like Azzhats.
Downloading this ROM now! I can't wait to get it installed.
Can I use Voodoo with this????
Yea you can do anything with this ROM itz amazzingq
Sent from Samsung Vibrant w/ Macnut_R1 Kernel #32
No matter how many times we tell people WRONG SECTION they just won't listen. And we should have a leak soon anyway....
Sent from my vibrant
Oh Really ?!?!
Hmmm...... Sorry for "pissing on the parade" but..... i'll believe it when I see it happen
This bricked my phone.
I approve of this
Who wrote that email? It is full of spelling and grammar errors. It is certainly not anything "official".
You are going to get slammed for this post and you deserve it.
grennis said:
who wrote that email? It is full of spelling and grammar errors. It is certainly not anything "official".
You are going to get slammed for this post and you deserve it.
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haha ya i loved "more smoother"
grennis said:
Who wrote that email? It is full of spelling and grammar errors. It is certainly not anything "official".
You are going to get slammed for this post and you deserve it.
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I agree, and it is posted by some unreputable website "youmobile"?! on top of that all the screen shots are UK only Galaxy S I9000s and the only thing related to US, is the paragraph quoted in the OP nothing else, no official twitter, announcement, etc.
ROFL! Did anyone else noticed in the second link the picture has "November, 2011". LOL! This is a joke. Someone has a wicked sense of humor.
No, it's true. I heard the same thing! Also, apparently Samsung's been working closely with Team Whiskey and plans to have Froyo running on EXT4 and with native OCing to 1.6!!!
Anyone who says otherwise is just a hater.
MWBehr said:
No, it's true. I heard the same thing! Also, apparently Samsung's been working closely with Team Whiskey and plans to have Froyo running on EXT4 and with native OCing to 1.6!!!
Anyone who says otherwise is just a hater.
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OMG, I Will gladly wait till Nov 2012 for that!!! And die just a month later.
They already announced they are skipping Froyo and going straight for Gingerbread on December 25th, delivered by St. Nick version of Odin...
grennis said:
Who wrote that email? It is full of spelling and grammar errors. It is certainly not anything "official".
You are going to get slammed for this post and you deserve it.
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Not to mention that its full of words that are capitalized and don't need to be.
DOUBLE FROYO OMG! What does this mean!?
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blackerwater said:
No matter how many times we tell people WRONG SECTION they just won't listen. And we should have a leak soon anyway....
Sent from my vibrant
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My bad, driving and posting is not recommended.
Mr. Moe said:
...No More pulling-out!!...
I guess this means a lot more pregnant chicks...
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Mr. Samsung told me personally they are skipping Froyo and going straight to Double Rainbow.

Supposedly 2.2 is official?

simple google search, but what does it mean? could hell have finally frozen over? is it another ota beta leak? can i have it?
edit: disregard completely!
google said that my search result was frmo 14 hours ago, but after looking at the page more closesly it was dated from back in december. douchey move, google. douchey move indeed
Dude that is from Dec 5th.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Its dk28 build, old news not official. Sorry
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
yea in my excitement i kind of missed that. i edited the first post though. now the unspeakable sadness kicks in
omg FROYO!!!
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LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
slybarman said:
LOL - that will be the only froyo Epic users will ever get to taste.
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not ture. B&J has lots of froyo flavors!
haha its delicious. on a side note, just saw the playstation phone and got a mild hard-on. playstation, and android all in one? dream come true!
And I thought the OP was late to the party...
Don't blame google. Crap websites with no hits have been re-publishing that 'story' since the third week of December to get them to the top of news sites and search results. It is a marketing strategy for weak traffic sites.
Im sick of these threads -_- everytime i see it my heart starts to race then i click on it and get sad 8(
well the op certainly lived up to his name lol
jk dude. honest mistake
haha yeah i feel pretty bad about this messup. I got so excited until i decided to recheck the page. then just an overwhelming sense of sadness and regret came over me.
djbacon06 said:
omg FROYO!!!
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Phish Food is better ....now musically that's a whole 'nother debate....
sent by an Epic4g through the cosmos
Thread closed

[ROM][PORT][Beta] iOS 8.1.3 | Nexus 6 (Shamu) | Fully working! | Stable and smooth!

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Damn! I was about to unjoin...Lol...im an idiot
Lol :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
U joke is easy to guess! Lol.....
Sorry but where is the download link?
This will get shutdown but you got me. I had a WTF moment for a sec.....:good:
RasAlGhul said:
This will get shutdown but you got me. I had a WTF moment for a sec.....:good:
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Aww... I hope they don't shut it down Just having a bit of fun with a forum community I've been a member of for like 5 years
Ryjabo said:
Aww... I hope they don't shut it down Just having a bit of fun with a forum community I've been a member of for like 5 years
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We know it's all in good fun and I can't deny it got me going. They'll probably let us clown around for a little bit but you know it'll get closed eventually but not in a malicious way....
flashed and bricked my phone :silly:
Awesome.... Effin a cotton..... Effin a!!!!
Happy AF day!
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Blasphemy. Lol.
Great... Lol I had a wtf moment as well... I was how did they crack the apple and why did they put it on a nexus?! Lol
How's the battery life??
I hate myself for falling for this for even a second. I was just telling myself to be weary of April fools jokes before I went on XDA, then I saw iOS and I lost it. I'm so stupid. Lol
WyldOne91 said:
I hate myself for falling for this for even a second. I was just telling myself to be weary of April fools jokes before I went on XDA, then I saw iOS and I lost it. I'm so stupid. Lol
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+1 to that
i can hear the OP in dave chappelles voice now: gotcha bltch!
you're aware theres a huge bug inside right? could've been a worm, nandroided back too fast to tell.
Still wary, not weary yet tho.
nice flash tonight thanks op
very good joke :good::good::good::good:
Thanks For Making my day
IS this the line for the apps?
