Lost data due to hard reset - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I am a total novice when it comes to the technical side of a mobile, but today I need serious help.
Today (30.03.10) I lost three years' worth of data (text messages, calendar entries, call log, and tasks) due to an accidental factory reset.
I am sure you can understand how I upset I am to have lost so much data.
I am trawling the internet for help in retrieving this lost data.
I hope there is someone out there who can help.
Right now I cannot bear looking at my phone, and am thinking of selling it now, as it upsets me to be reminded how much I have lost.
The reason I had not backed-up my data is because I have been looking to upgrade to a new phone for over a year now, and have not found anything to replace my current SPV M3100 with.
This is mistake I will not be making again, but in the meantime...
I cannot understand, how a failsafe (at network provider or manufacturer level) is not being considered.
Please, anyone, I really, really need your help.
I have exhausted the usual routes - network provider (orange), manufacturer (nokia and htc)

Angelina235 said:
I am a total novice when it comes to the technical side of a mobile, but today I need serious help.
Today (30.03.10) I lost three years' worth of data (text messages, calendar entries, call log, and tasks) due to an accidental factory reset.
I am sure you can understand how I upset I am to have lost so much data.
I am trawling the internet for help in retrieving this lost data.
I hope there is someone out there who can help.
Right now I cannot bear looking at my phone, and am thinking of selling it now, as it upsets me to be reminded how much I have lost.
The reason I had not backed-up my data is because I have been looking to upgrade to a new phone for over a year now, and have not found anything to replace my current SPV M3100 with.
This is mistake I will not be making again, but in the meantime...
I cannot understand, how a failsafe (at network provider or manufacturer level) is not being considered.
Please, anyone, I really, really need your help.
I have exhausted the usual routes - network provider (orange), manufacturer (nokia and htc)
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Normally doing a factory reset is not easily done by accident (it's a trcky simultaneous combination of button presses and the stylus in the reset hole). However, you may have tapped on "Clear Storage" on one of the phone menus which has a similar effect. Even then the phone issues a warning.
If the phone is truly hard reset, and you did not store your data on a storage card then I'm afraid it is lost. It is the same as re-installing the operating system on a PC where the data is stored on the same partition as the data files. The dat files are lost.
Of course there are FULL backup programs around that restore EVERYTHING (eg.SPB Backup or Resco). And they only take a few minutes to backup and restore - unlike PCs.
I am not aware of anything you can do following a Hard Reset to get your data back. I assume you were not sybnchronising your phone with a PC?


Just returned my xda

I've had it about 6 weeks. It's needed a soft reset many times, but on Wednesday it simply refused to make calls or send/receive texts. It kept saying 'unknown SIM status', so I called the O2 helpline. Moron there suggested it might have come into contact with extra-strong magnets (!!), and said he didn't know whether the problem was with the phone or the SIM. So today, I took the phone to the O2 shop, and it's definitely the phone. It's completely locked up now, and I lost all my data, because I was unable to back up the phone before taking it there (when I connected the phone to my pc, the pc simply didn't recognise anything at all).
All in all, I'm really not chuffed. I've lost a lot of data, most of my phone numbers (because they were stored on the phone), and I had begun to rely heavily on the phone for general organisation.
Not a happy bunny. I just hope they replace it, rather than try to fix it, because I think it's royally f*cked.
A disgruntled MrsClem

A techy query - Deleted files on XDA IIi

Hoping to call on your expertise...
My XDA IIi recently crashed and stayed that way probably about an hour before I spotted it, soft reset didn't work so I removed the battery. Bad idea.
From what I can gather numerous programs still running in background had actually worn down the battery. Not knowing this I removed the battery to reset the device. Un be known to me at the time, the backup battery was faulty and not holding a charge and the unit affectively did a hard reset.
so now I've lost all my data on the device. I note from reading other posts this generally means your screwed and the data is gone with the underlying message to backup device regularly.
However speaking to UK firms like ontrack data recovery for a fee they claim to be able to recovery data from your device and I don't mean the areas referred to as 'storage' and 'storage card'.
How come they can do it, yet no tools exist for the consumer? It sounded from other posts that it was technically impossible, yet for £300 they seem pretty confident.
Am I missing something?
Any help appreciated... lost some pictures and video of my baby boy, born just a few days ago...
as far as i know you cant recover the data any more then you can recover the stuff in your ram on your pc if you close it without saving
sdram will loose the data if it loose power
unlike flash and hd's where even if you delete data it's still there
untill the sectors the data was on is later overwritten with new data

HELP PLEASE - Need to retrieve data from non-booting M3100

I've spent 5 hours reading this site and others and can't find an answer...
I'm in real trouble... My completely unmodified M3100 went odd last night - wouldn't load contacts, calendar or go into the phone application, then after a couple of reboots, it won't even boot up now. It gets as far as the Orange splash screen, displays some version numbers, those disappear, then it sits there on the Orange screen for ever.
I've tried leaving the battery out over night, I've tried leaving it on the Orange screen for ages - no joy.
The only thing I haven't tried is a hard reset, because I need to get the data off there if at all possible, since it hasn't been sync'd for about 4 months. Silly I know and I was thinking I should do it the other day, but never got round to it.
The only thing which seems to function ok is the bootloader. Is there any way at all of either retrieving calendar and contacts data (at a minimum) or re-flashing just the OS portion of the ROM, leaving the user data intact?
Any help would be much appreciated - I'm having kittens here!!
Richard Wright
not to sure but..
have you connected it via usb when you're stuck on the loading screen and in bootloader mode to see if you can retrieve data?
i doubt you will be able to but its worth a try...
if not then i doubt there would be a way to be honest
Yeah, got it plugged in now. I can talk to the device using MTTY etc. when in bootloader mode. I just wondered if there was any way to dump the data.
I looked at the PB+KITL method but unfortunately my device doesn't seem to support KITL so that's a non-starter
when you conected the device to the computer didn'y you sync contacts and all the other info via activesync?if there is no other way of geting it to boot into software try upgrading software that doesn't make a hard reset...that way all data will remain on the device...hope this helps
No, the last time I actually connected to it and sync'd was back in December
What upgrading software do you suggest which doesn't make a hard reset? I was wondering whether the OS has just got corrupted and re-flashing that part would fix it.
that's exactly what i'm saying...make a software upgrade...that will make your device boot into the operating sistem...but without formating the device...ask the "high ranked" people on this site to give you a ftp link where you can dawnload a software upgrade without formating the device...remember....think twice and analize 1000 time what you are doing and go through the steps they indicate exactly otherwise you can lose not only the data on the device but the device itself...anyway don't weep...there are solutions
Any high ranking members out there able to help?!? Please!!
I'm not sure what xardas is suggesting but if it is to reinstall the OS rom then, as far as I am aware, you will definitely lose your data because installing the new OS rom is in effect a hard reset.
Someone with a bit more knowledge will come along in a minute and offer advice on how to get your data off. You may need to resign yourself to the fact that it may be lost though. Hard lesson to learn.
I am 99% sure there is no simple way of retrieving your DATA. You could try PMing Olipro/Cmonex for a final definitive answer as they knows more about the inward working than most.

Retrieve data from non-starting x1

I've been searching for hours but cannot find information on this topic, which doesn't fill me with hope.
Yesterday my x1 froze when trying to send a text. I managed to get back to the today screen and end the messaging task but I could not access this again. So i restarted my phone, but now it only gets as far as the sony ericsson logo, and freezes. I can only remove the battery or hit the soft reset switch under the cover.
I have tried leaving it off, leaving it on, starting without the sim card, without the memory card, even going as far as the hard reset option screen then cancelling hoping to kick it into action.
When connected to my pc while off, my pc detected it and installed some drivers, but activesync cannot connect to the phone.
I can get into the update mode by holding the volume down button, and it appears i can update the software through the sony ericsson service, but I will lose all contact, calendar, etc. data.
My other option is a hard reset, also losing important contact info. For some insane reason, while I backed up everything when transferring data from my old phone to this one, I never got round to setting up a regular backup from this one. A mistake I will not be repeating soon.
Is there any way I can get the data from the phone? It seems to start up to a point, as well as is able to update the software so I assume it is possible to download the data from the phone somehow?
Failing that, if I do a hard reset or update the software, then is there any way to retrieve the lost contact information?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Have you stored all contact info onto your phone, what about your sim contacts are stored onto sim by default i think so an update or a hard reset will not make any difference at the info will just be read from the sim.
I've had exactly this problem too when I turned on WLAN once. Phone blocked, after reboot it stays at the logo. I've spent 5 desperate hours trying to rescue it but I failed. Hardresetted. No idea why this is happening or how to solve the problem; just blame Sony Ericsson, they're ****ers.
Thanks for the replies, sadly the info is not on the sim. In order to organise the contact list I transferred them all to the handset and then deleted them off the sim in order to not show duplicates. Could not find a way to do that without deleting them.

MMS not sent, then SD card vanishes, NOW it doesn't take my password!

Last night i took a photo then attempted to send it to a friend (MMS) - surprise surprise the phone made no effort to send it and it sat in the Outbox. I deleted the message and re-created it then attempted to re-send... again... didn't even try to send it.
So i created the message again... but this time, it couldn't find any of my photos... which I thought was odd... so i try to load Resco File Explorer - and it complains that it can't find the program (installed to SD card).
So it seems that magically I have no SD card any more (fwiw: i'm using a 16GB Sandisk one).
So, thinking the phone is just spazzing out, i reboot it.... and now it won't even f***ing recognise my password!
I'm being pretty patient with this phone as i've loved it up until recently... but if i'm honest - i'm starting to grow weary of it now!
If anyone has any thoughts on what might have caused the above - i'd appreciate it!
Don't know what has caused it but, if you have your data backed up, I would go for a hard reset and take it from there.
Incidentally what version ROM are you running?
I'm using the stock UK T-Mobile 1.43 ROM
UPDATE: I've left the battery out for an hour or so and also performed several soft resets........ and now, the "unlock" button does nothing! No confirmation of a wrong password... just........ nothing!
So ****ing pissed off!
You say you have done several soft resets. Have you tried the hard reset I suggested earlier (different procedure to soft reset)?
If you try that and it doesn't work then take the easy way out and return/exchange the device as faulty.
Alternatively, if you get it up and running and are not precious about the T-Mobile rom, then flash to another rom (the stock 1.48 is a good start) and take it from there.
Just in case you do have a dodgy device I would start by returning it if the hard reset does not work.
Keep us posted on how you get on.
On this forum, 1 in 2 posts ends with "Hard reset it"...
...1 in 4 posts says "You must have a faulty device, send it back"
I pity the poor guy in the returns department of HTC. The quality control guys on the other hand, they really like to party don't they?
Towserspvm2000 said:
On this forum, 1 in 2 posts ends with "Hard reset it"...
...1 in 4 posts says "You must have a faulty device, send it back"
I pity the poor guy in the returns department of HTC. The quality control guys on the other hand, they really like to party don't they?
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Sometimes hard resets do resolve strange issues. Soft reseting is a way of life in the winmobile world.
The dilemma people have at the moment is that because there are so many reports of issues and variable manufacturing quality in these devices and they are all under warranty, it makes sense to play safe and send the device back if all sensible and warranty friendly measures to resolve problems have failed.
Must admit I would be really cheesed off if I happened to have a faulty device on my hands, due to manufacturing errors, which the manufacturer would not accept back because I had tried solutions to resolve problems that they considered not to be warranty friendly. Definitely would not be happy after having spent £500 on a device.
Regrettably, therefore, this is why the most common recommendation at the moment is to send a device back. Not good but sensible and pragmatic.
Towserspvm2000 said:
On this forum, 1 in 2 posts ends with "Hard reset it"...
...1 in 4 posts says "You must have a faulty device, send it back"
I pity the poor guy in the returns department of HTC. The quality control guys on the other hand, they really like to party don't they?
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a hard reset is kind of the mobile equivalent to restarting your pc, and we all know that is the first thing any tech support guy says. as for the quality control, don't forget that for everyone with a problem there are a few dozen people with no problems at all, they just don't start threads saying "no problem with camera, help not needed"
samsamuel said:
a hard reset is kind of the mobile equivalent to restarting your pc,
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Not really.... a SOFT reset is like restarting you PC (i.e. your programmes, settings, personal saves etc. are all preserved); a HARD reset is more like reformatting your computer that has an ability to self install Windows when the format is done... (i.e. you lose all personal files etc.).
A hard reset is far more taxing than a soft one. Last option for me everytime!
oliie said:
A hard reset is far more taxing than a soft one. Last option for me everytime!
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I very rarely have to do a hard reset with my Diamond (only after upgrading the rom), although I have to do several soft resets a day due to my tinkering!
I hear you Wacky Banana - £500 device that did this and I'd be a bit miffed too!
samsamuel said:
a hard reset is kind of the mobile equivalent to restarting your pc, and we all know that is the first thing any tech support guy says. as for the quality control, don't forget that for everyone with a problem there are a few dozen people with no problems at all, they just don't start threads saying "no problem with camera, help not needed"
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Hi! Indeed, I couldn't agree more with you. I have bought my HD2 two weeks ago (as well as my brother and my dad about a month ago) and none of us has a any problems whatsoever and actually this is my first post after I have bought the device.
I am reading this forum everyday and I contribute wherever I can to help people out (not so much here, so forgive me ).
I have came to the conclusion that either the branded units are of lower quality than the unbranded ones ( a bit unlikely) or the branded ones are full of software bugs by not so good operators tweaking (most likely)...
Hehe, i knew i'd wake up to howls of anger and derision re: my hard reset comment.
The actualities of the process aside, the comparison I was trying to make was that if you have a problem on your PC, sometimes logging off and back on will fix it, whilst other times a reboot is required. (Yes, I know, a reboot is usualy the first stop because it only takes a minute or so, and there's no resetting to do, but bear with me)
In many circumstances I would equate a soft reset to logging off, in that it doesn't always solve a problem. Sure, it solves many small problems, but for larger probs theres nothing like a hard reset and start over. Planned ahead, and assuming you have all the apps you regularly use in a handy spot, and your data backed up, a hard reset need only take 10-20 minutes, if that.
Suppose it serves me right for trying to mix up similies at 3am.
Your problem sending MMS's is probably to do with winmo getting the settings for T-Mobile slightly wrong.
Go to start->settings->menu->all settings->connections->connections->manage existing connections
edit the active connection and untick the box where it uses a proxy.
This is common to all winmo devices that automatically setup connections for T-Mobile.

