Hi all,
Firstly apologies for the long post, and thanks for all the info that is up here... however I have managed to get quite lost. I'll try to take you though the whole story as much as I understand it, but I woke up this morning and decided (after 8 months) to finally root my android.
That was 8am, it is now midnight, and I've had sandwiches while working at it, all day. It has been in various stages of bricked, and I think I might have just sent it back that way - should not be playing with it when tired.
Things I have
1 x UK Vodafone HTC Magic, doing return plus power = 32B, HBOOT-1.33.0009 (another story here).
1x 16GB SD-HC card
1x 1gb Card
1x cheap nokia I can use as a reader for the 1gig card, but it can't handle SD-HC
Anyway I started off with the 1 click root idea, which obviously doesn't work these days, so followed the next link, then the next, finding I need to do the 'goldcard' method.
Anyway I'm not sure where all the time has gone (16 hours now), but I have learnt what an SPL was, flashed mine to an ‘imperfect’ one, managed to flash it to deteethed google, then cyanogen on top, but it would never boot, and just hangs saying HTC Magic, then managed to flash it using 'myhero' which gave me a Hero like phone.
However I now seem to have messed it up again as I'm determined to do the cyanogen mod - I really want to be able to tether, and lots of other bits and pieces.
The state at the moment therefore is I have it all working with fastboot, and can easily get the Amon_RA recovery image going, but the cm_recovery one makes it hang and do nothing. If I try and replace the recovery section using fastboot it tells me it has failed (I forget the exact message).
I can therefore upgrade things using the Amon_RA backup, but as I said things don't seem to entirely work, and at the moment my phone is hanging (I think as I'm tired I've overwritten my backup). I'm also not sure if this goldcard method is working – I asked a question in the thread and it seems that it might not be.
I guess I'm just looking for a few pointers, after 16 hours sat here I'm generally pretty frustrated and totally lost - there is a lot of information, but there are so many permutations of hardware, and a lot of the information is now out of date. Trying to take everything in as well as deal with a specific problem may actually be beyond me Which is something I hate- being the newbie needing help with a potentially simple problem (though I have had a good go at it).
I'm really not sure what stage the phone is at, have I rooted it? After all I can use the myhero rom, but on the other hand I can't do what I want to do, so therefore is there a problem? Exactly which step makes it ‘rooted?’ as every guide is obviously a chain of events to make it in to something else. I'm honestly not sure, but it isn't a fun feeling – I’m stressed and at the momentI have no phone just a brick that I can fastboot to recovery, and a bunch of backups as soon as I get it working again.
I really had no idea it would be this difficult, and am a big angry at Google/HTC for making it so - it is easier to get Hackintosh working than this! I’ve also managed to do hundreds of other similar things without any problem – Xbox Media Center (including soldering), and a few more spring to mind, all to use the hardware I already own! My hardware!
Anyway advice and pointers are appreciated, as although I've learnt a lot today, I'm still blundering about, and it is a matter of time until I cause serious damage in my attempts to make it better, al alternatively just throw in the towel, but then I don’t think I can go back as I have a horrible feeling that the restore I did didn’t work.
Again anything you can offer is appreciated, and if you need more detail, I’ll do what I can!
Also just to add I've tried searching, which is partially how I've got myself in to this mess - solve one problem but make another!
Also I do have my APN settings, so when I get it installed, I can get my google account workign with it - I think i've had to do this about 6 times now! So if there is a way to get it in to 'myhero' which I think I can do again, and download an apk, then I should be able to do that.
There is a lot of information and everyone is recommended to do their research before rooting the phone.
That being said, it sounds like your phone is rooted if you can boot into recovery and load up a sense ROM. It'd been much easier to follow cyanogen's wiki instructions for non T-mobile 32B Magics. I also have a vodafone Magic and I rooted my phone successfully using the method.
Not having used the goldcard method, I don't exactly know where it went wrong. Have you done full wipes before applying a zip file? Stuff like that which might be easily overlooked?
Yeha I've been wiping it all before flashing, so that isn't the problem.
I also did as much reading as I could before starting (and watching the youtube guides before doing anything), but I guess a lot of the problems were unexpected (aren't they always?), for example I only found out half way through that I would need to flash the SPL, and it took me 40 minutes to figure out what SPL was, and what it did, then another 40 to work out how I was going to do it, then 40 to do so.
I have been following guides though - for the cyanogen one I get all the way down to flashing it with the detoothed google build, then cyanogen (obviously wiping before doing these). All the steps appear successful but then it doesn't boot.
The phone is also a rather strange one, a vodafone branded one that says 32B, but I'm sure it has more RAM.
Currently trying 'method 2' from here
to see if that works, but I'm not optimistic.
Yup 15 minutes laters same problem - it hangs on HTC magic screen, which is exactly what it does when I go for the Cyanogen one.
I'll goign to try and google for other roms, see if any of them work sucessfully (and might provide a bridghe to what I want to have.
Again however anybody knows good guides, sites or anythign else let me know.
As I said a big problem before is I'm reliant heavily on google, and a lot of the informaion out there is useless, as it is out of date in a big way. Also I don't know anyoen else who has doen this, so recommendations ofmethods/roms are dependent on my reading, not wword of mouth (which is generally better).
Ok I've tried the method 2, defiantely no sucess, went back to the myhero (which performs awfully, so much lag!), and have now tried flaskrec.apk on there.
It does not backup, but then bypassing that step, it gives me the error 'Flash failed'.
Really stuck now, and no idea what to try, any suggestions at all would be helpful. I'm almost at the stage of wishing I'd got an iphone :-(
Having a little trouble finding out what has been done to my Magic.
Prior to sending off for repairs (the phone wasn't finding networks anymore) when loading fastboot I got this:
Now, after the repairs (and curiously, getting a new IMEI)
Should have have expected a perfected spl, but the thing that confuses me is what the unknown means???
Also, I noticed that despite them claiming to have installed a new main PCB, most of the minor customisations are still there, my selected ringtone and notification tone, the additions to the dictionary, even the firmware was still 1.6 when I expected to have to get the OTA update again.
I think I've been royally screwed over by Fonebiz here, can anyone give some insight into my questions?
simply they gave you an almost unrootable phone**looks at my sig**.
Sent from my HTC Magic using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
The SPL is not really a problem to me, I have found how to fix this already as I expected it to happen.
It's the 'UNKNOWN' bit thats getting to me. After an hour on the phone to HTC they told me some bs story about how it's not going to affect my phone amd other round about answers that were never direct, but no answers as to what it means to see unknown instead of PVT.
Thats why I'm asking here
it honestly sounds like they gave you a whole new phone judging from the imei change
Sent from my HTC Magic using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
It's not a new phone, it's still got my screen protector on the front (I know this coz I messed up the corner of it when putting it on), still has the mp3 ringtone that I had assigned which was on my sd card (the sd card was never sent to them) and I filled the left homescreen with icons before sending it, none of which had been removed or even moved around.
It's definitely my phone. Just a new pcb in it, and has been flashed.
So, my 'unknown' question still remains unanswered
Let me begin by admitting that I'm the original Newb. I bought myself an unlocked, second hand G1 (ex-T-Mobile, UK), and absolutely loved it. My wife was envious of me new(ish) phone, so I bought her one as well, naively thinking "there are two kinds of G1's - white ones and black ones". As I began to explore the world of Android, I discovered that things were slightly more complex than that, AND that there was another, seemingly identical phone called the "developers' edition". Having finally summed up the courage to root my G1 and "play" with ROMs... I realised that MY phone - although plain white - seemed to be already unlocked (Although, as it's second-hand, its history is unknown to me) and under "settings", the phone claims to be a G-1 developers' model.
I remembered reading about them - and seeing illustrations that showed a fancy design silk-screened on the case (mine doesn't feature a fancy design) I went back to take a second look at the forum posts which had mentioned these rarities... and they seem to have vanished.
Whatever... when I boot into recovery mode, I get a WHITE screen, featuring three little Android figures on skateboards, plus a yellow line across the page. NOT what I was expecting. Can anyone give me advice? What IS it that I am looking at? The phone works perfectly well - running Cupcake. Access to the Market is restricted compared to the other G-1, offering fewer items (The other G-1 is black, and running Donut - and it's not been rooted) My guess is that the software on the white phone has been modified, then put back to a semblance of "vanilla" before being sold. I want to be able to install new ROMs on the phone... but have been put off by the differences between what the instructions say SHOULD happen... and what IS happening before my very eyes. Kind of like following clear instructions to turn off the M25 at junction X and discovering that the road leads not to Uxbridge, as I'd been told, but to Ulan Bator. HELP!
BigRonW said:
Let me begin by admitting that I'm the original Newb. I bought myself an unlocked, second hand G1 (ex-T-Mobile, UK), and absolutely loved it. My wife was envious of me new(ish) phone, so I bought her one as well, naively thinking "there are two kinds of G1's - white ones and black ones". As I began to explore the world of Android, I discovered that things were slightly more complex than that, AND that there was another, seemingly identical phone called the "developers' edition". Having finally summed up the courage to root my G1 and "play" with ROMs... I realised that MY phone - although plain white - seemed to be already unlocked (Although, as it's second-hand, its history is unknown to me) and under "settings", the phone claims to be a G-1 developers' model.
I remembered reading about them - and seeing illustrations that showed a fancy design silk-screened on the case (mine doesn't feature a fancy design) I went back to take a second look at the forum posts which had mentioned these rarities... and they seem to have vanished.
Whatever... when I boot into recovery mode, I get a WHITE screen, featuring three little Android figures on skateboards, plus a yellow line across the page. NOT what I was expecting. Can anyone give me advice? What IS it that I am looking at? The phone works perfectly well - running Cupcake. Access to the Market is restricted compared to the other G-1, offering fewer items (The other G-1 is black, and running Donut - and it's not been rooted) My guess is that the software on the white phone has been modified, then put back to a semblance of "vanilla" before being sold. I want to be able to install new ROMs on the phone... but have been put off by the differences between what the instructions say SHOULD happen... and what IS happening before my very eyes. Kind of like following clear instructions to turn off the M25 at junction X and discovering that the road leads not to Uxbridge, as I'd been told, but to Ulan Bator. HELP!
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Maybe some info would help:
If you turn the phone off, then hold down the back button and press power, you will get a screen with some text at the top. What does it say there? This is the fastboot mode.
If you turn the phone off, then hold down the home button and press power, it will boot you into recovery. Some of them have a version number like "Build : RA-dream-v 1.7.0." That might help people figure out what you have.
You can do this with the other phone as well! Then you will be two steps away from flashing ROM after ROM until your buttons wear out.
Fewer items in Market on Cupcake is normal. You won't find uncompatible apps and a lots aren't meant to be running on 1.5 these days.
This white screen with android guys on skateboards... you have to have a few numbers on it, post it pls. Propably there will be smth like "spl 1.33.2003" or "spl 1.33.2005". And this is not recovery, it's a bootloader. You enter recovery with holding home while booting phone.
A little background;
I bought an HTC Dream used a few weeks ago, I successfully rooted it, and installed Cyanogen 6, and used the phone for a couple weeks afterward. Then late yesterday the touchscreen decided to die. The LCD screen functions fine, it is simply the touchscreen that has failed.
Literally every touchscreen device I have ever owned in my life has done this, I don't know why, but it makes me paranoid. As it turns out, this phone was no exception. It's one of the reasons I will never get a phone without a physical keyboard.
Of course, without the touchscreen, I cannot use the phone, as I cannot operate the unlock screen that displays after the display times out. Thus, I hope in vain that perhaps it's a software issue and attempt to wipe and re-ROM Cyanogen 6 in the recovery screen, using the zip file of Cyanogen 6 I still had on the root of the SD card. Now, the phone hangs on the Roger's logo screen.
So my question is this; should I bother trying to get a touchscreen digitizer part for this phone, or do you guys think the problem is more widespread than that?
Could a faulty touchscreen cause the phone to flip out during booting and hang or do you guys think it's perhaps the 'motherboard' that is faulty and I should start thinking of all the creative ways I can use a new paperweight?
Any advice would be appreciated. I like the design of the HTC Dream I'll try to replace this one I have to.
(As an aside, I am back to rocking my old Sony Ericcson W200 I got second hand from a friend many months ago that I was so very desperate to get rid of when I got this HTC Dream. Finally having a full keyboard and a real operating system was like having a massive thorn in my head finally removed. Now I'm stuck in T9-land again. I am so very, very sick of this thing's stupid orange face, not to mention the Roger's logo from the HTC Dream at this point. )
Just a suggestion, if you have a a screen protector on, maybe try taking it off?
Well I will try that if I can manage to fully boot this thing again, but the thing is the phone was working perfectly fine, even with the screen protector, and then the touch screen decided to randomly stop responding to touch. No changes were made to the phone at all.
Do any of you know how I might use adb to view what exactly it's doing while it attempts to boot?
Any help would be appreciated.
You mean
adb logcat
But it's working only if at least your kernel is initialized propery and your system starts to boot up.
Sent from my Gingerbread on Dream using XDA App
Ah thank you for the reply!
I think you're correct, adb is perpetually 'waiting for device' while the phone attempts to boot.
I can boot into the bootloader and interact with that via fastboot and boot into recovery and interact with it via adb just fine at this point. What would you suggest I do to at least coax this thing into fully booting anything? Is there a particular image I could flash that you recommend for specifically debugging hardware/software issues?
Seems to me, you have a wrong kernel installed. Can you post your SPL/Radio combo pls?
Sent from my Gingerbread on Dream using XDA App
HBOOT-1.33.2005 (DREA221000)
Apr 20 2009,15:30:43
So you have a 32b with 3.22.x radio ... I would expect 2.x radio and 32b or 3.x radio and 32a.
Nevertheless, I do not have such a deeply knowledge about possible combinations, but you probably could try to flash one of these kernels. For sure Terry will be able help you.
I will try those. It should be noted that I was using this phone with the current radio/Kernel quite successfully for a couple weeks before it decided to have the touchscreen stop responding and then not boot. I had made absolutely no changes to the phone immediately beforehand.
Thanks for your help, though.
It works! That Kernel update seems to have made my phone bootable again! AND the touchscreen works! Thanks! It's like christmas up in here!
I was using this used Sony Ericcson W200 that I tried to replace with this HTC Dream, and now I can finally go back to a phone that has a real operating system! Thank you!
Touch screen
Hey my touch screen is not working either so what is it that i need to do i dont have it on me right now..
nexusone pvt ship s-on
touch panel -fail
Oct 12 2010, 14:33:16
Purchased in USA officially 2 years back, have also used in India with GSM sim, have never unlocked and never rooted.
May have ignored some app updates as nexus one has low memory.
2 months back touch screen started being unresponsive at times. Slight water had happened, at which time phone was kept off and dried. Screen looks great, glass not broken, just non responsive now to touch. When it happened initially, it was resolved by draining battery and recharging to 100. Dunno if apps and battery were messing around, or if moisture was drying from the phone, or different charging ways. But now it's a non responsive to touch. Power, Volume and trackball are fine.
Attempted all combinations of following things:
-Clear Storage, Clear cache, Factory Reset.
-They lead to Touch screen to begin like in fresh android install. But can't touch. Trackball can go over Emergency Call and Language 2 buttons.
-Recovery Options: from 2 sd cards 4GB original and 16GB being used on the phone. It fails at /tmp/sideload/ (Status 7)
-Phone connects to 3G and Phone network(with reset as well as 16gb sdcard software being used), and can see incoming calls but can't answer them as screen does not respond to touch.
HTC India said since this phone was not sold officially in India, they are not authorized to say anything, not even what touch panel fail means. Although HTC says Global Service. But I'll stick to the tech part.
Looking into:
-Touch Panel purchase and install
-somehow open up till the touch panel and clean those points and see if anything got loose.
So folks, what da ya expect? Is this a tinye99 or not?
race55 said:
So folks, what da ya expect? Is this a tinye99 or not?
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nooo. surely not. he seems to be from INDIA n his problem seems to be genuine.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
n1newbie said:
nooo. surely not. he seems to be from INDIA n his problem seems to be genuine.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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A simple search indicated that some user had been banned in July on this website by tinye99 name. I don't know that person. Regarding honesty of problem: I think my uniqueness shines out in the question. The sequence of events and options tried are such that one can feel the troubleshooting and learning interest of this semi-tech lover.
This is my first post on this website, as usually all troubleshooting experienced earlier was resolved via active googling. As indicated, I had not installed the custom ROMS on this nexus one as wanted one straight working simple device in which I won't have to spend much time and efforts for ongoing maintenance. I helped out some friends tweaking their gadgets.
What was another part of heartbreak was that all the great things I loved doing with the smartphone was reduced when I moved to India. Got a harsh realization that Text to Speech navigation, Pandora, Google Voice, etc won't work in India. With my half-value of the phone and a silent pissed off feeling, I've been sailing on. Global usage, global service, all myths sometimes.
And many layman technicians around me may not know if there's some easy fix. I don't want to end up spending a huge amount on replacing the LCD/touch panel for this 2 year old (but great) phone. In tech, it's best to use engineering, problem solving and trials to reach accurate solutions.
I hope this convinces all to further believe that this is a genuine case, and also that I have done troubleshooting to my best abilities.
Thank you for your time.
race55 said:
So folks, what da ya expect? Is this a tinye99 or not?
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Please don't go too hard on any member Let's focus on enjoying the desserts (i.e., ICS and JB)
neo.123 said:
A simple search indicated that some user had been banned in July on this website by tinye99 name. I don't know that person. Regarding honesty of problem: I think my uniqueness shines out in the question. The sequence of events and options tried are such that one can feel the troubleshooting and learning interest of this semi-tech lover.
This is my first post on this website, as usually all troubleshooting experienced earlier was resolved via active googling. As indicated, I had not installed the custom ROMS on this nexus one as wanted one straight working simple device in which I won't have to spend much time and efforts for ongoing maintenance. I helped out some friends tweaking their gadgets.
What was another part of heartbreak was that all the great things I loved doing with the smartphone was reduced when I moved to India. Got a harsh realization that Text to Speech navigation, Pandora, Google Voice, etc won't work in India. With my half-value of the phone and a silent pissed off feeling, I've been sailing on. Global usage, global service, all myths sometimes.
And many layman technicians around me may not know if there's some easy fix. I don't want to end up spending a huge amount on replacing the LCD/touch panel for this 2 year old (but great) phone. In tech, it's best to use engineering, problem solving and trials to reach accurate solutions.
I hope this convinces all to further believe that this is a genuine case, and also that I have done troubleshooting to my best abilities.
Thank you for your time.
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Well, tinye99 is a banned member that keeps on creating accounts every time to send more wierd questions, and this was your first post, so i was just wondering.
neo.123 said:
nexusone pvt ship s-on
touch panel -fail
Oct 12 2010, 14:33:16
Purchased in USA officially 2 years back, have also used in India with GSM sim, have never unlocked and never rooted.
May have ignored some app updates as nexus one has low memory.
2 months back touch screen started being unresponsive at times. Slight water had happened, at which time phone was kept off and dried. Screen looks great, glass not broken, just non responsive now to touch. When it happened initially, it was resolved by draining battery and recharging to 100. Dunno if apps and battery were messing around, or if moisture was drying from the phone, or different charging ways. But now it's a non responsive to touch. Power, Volume and trackball are fine.
Attempted all combinations of following things:
-Clear Storage, Clear cache, Factory Reset.
-They lead to Touch screen to begin like in fresh android install. But can't touch. Trackball can go over Emergency Call and Language 2 buttons.
-Recovery Options: from 2 sd cards 4GB original and 16GB being used on the phone. It fails at /tmp/sideload/ (Status 7)
-Phone connects to 3G and Phone network(with reset as well as 16gb sdcard software being used), and can see incoming calls but can't answer them as screen does not respond to touch.
HTC India said since this phone was not sold officially in India, they are not authorized to say anything, not even what touch panel fail means. Although HTC says Global Service. But I'll stick to the tech part.
Looking into:
-Touch Panel purchase and install
-somehow open up till the touch panel and clean those points and see if anything got loose.
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The touch panel on this phone was an epic fail in the first place, you might want to try and reflash the Bootloader its risky, but you should try it unlock the bootloader flash a recovery using fastboot then flash Cyanogen Mod 7.2, assuming it has USB debugging enabled by default, and flash black rose, its probably the most fail safe method I've come across to flash a boot loader
Sent from my Nexus One using xda app-developers app
touch panel -fail
Facing the Same Problem after my phone fell into the water.
After it fell into the water, it was working fine for a couple of minutes until i removed the battery to dry it up.
then when I switched back on, the screen is getting stuck at the Bootloader screen, with no option selectable as the volume rocker does not seem to be working.
Opened up the phone, saw water had seeped the part which is behind the battery compartment and could be the back of the touch screen panel..(thing with 8-10 large contact points)..
neo123 : what did you do? were you able to solve your problem?
neo.123 said:
nexusone pvt ship s-on
touch panel -fail
Oct 12 2010, 14:33:16
Purchased in USA officially 2 years back, have also used in India with GSM sim, have never unlocked and never rooted.
May have ignored some app updates as nexus one has low memory.
2 months back touch screen started being unresponsive at times. Slight water had happened, at which time phone was kept off and dried. Screen looks great, glass not broken, just non responsive now to touch. When it happened initially, it was resolved by draining battery and recharging to 100. Dunno if apps and battery were messing around, or if moisture was drying from the phone, or different charging ways. But now it's a non responsive to touch. Power, Volume and trackball are fine.
Attempted all combinations of following things:
-Clear Storage, Clear cache, Factory Reset.
-They lead to Touch screen to begin like in fresh android install. But can't touch. Trackball can go over Emergency Call and Language 2 buttons.
-Recovery Options: from 2 sd cards 4GB original and 16GB being used on the phone. It fails at /tmp/sideload/ (Status 7)
-Phone connects to 3G and Phone network(with reset as well as 16gb sdcard software being used), and can see incoming calls but can't answer them as screen does not respond to touch.
HTC India said since this phone was not sold officially in India, they are not authorized to say anything, not even what touch panel fail means. Although HTC says Global Service. But I'll stick to the tech part.
Looking into:
-Touch Panel purchase and install
-somehow open up till the touch panel and clean those points and see if anything got loose.
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If the problem occurred as a result of water damage - then open the phone and clean the water residue. If you can't - then send it to a lab for repairs.