CAN'T make the call under sunlight??! - Nexus One General

I just got my N1 two days and today I want to make the call from outside the house under sunlight I can't see anything from the phone screen>?!! what the.........
I miss my hd2 now....

did you try reading a single post on the front page before posting this?
i'll let you figure it out on your own.

Auto brightness, turn it up, or non glare screen protector...
I don't have a issue in sun...

crazy talk said:
did you try reading a single post on the front page before posting this?
i'll let you figure it out on your own.
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In before uansari calling for a ban for not searching


New Sensor or What? Help need!

Dear all, please dont kick me so hard, but can anybody explain me what is window (sensor, device???) on the top of htc logo and between calldynamic! What is this, proximity sensor NO?! IRda - NO?! In manuals i couldnt find this place explanation. Sorry didnt read all threads to find thruth!
DTNT said:
Dear all, please dont kick me so hard, but can anybody explain me what is window (sensor, device???) on the top of htc logo and between calldynamic! What is this, proximity sensor NO?! IRda - NO?! In manuals i couldnt find this place explanation. Sorry didnt read all threads to find thruth!
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First off, welcome to XDA
Secondly, do you mean the 3G Camera or earpiece or the light sensor?
Can you provide image of what you are describing?
Check out page 25 of manual
Thank you Spartan for you hospitality, no this sensor in the left side, it is not camera and light sensor! you can see it only in some angle, stright look will not show you this place. later i will try to highlight in pic.
DTNT said:
Thank you Spartan for you hospitality, no this sensor in the left side, it is not camera and light sensor! you can see it only in some angle, stright look will not show you this place. later i will try to highlight in pic.
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No sensor, just your imagination, scratch or build defect.
I dont mention that it is sensor, but what is this? please see in the angle to your apparatus and you will see it, maybe something that producers did for future uses? just take a look!
DTNT said:
I dont mention that it is sensor, but what is this? please see in the angle to your apparatus and you will see it, maybe something that producers did for future uses? just take a look!
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I have check on my girlfriend's TouchHD and there is....... NOTHING!
There is nothing there. Your phone might have some kind of minor manufacturing flaw that makes you think there is something there. I have had my HD for a year and have never heard of anything being there. I looked at it from all angles, and compared it to the right side. My phone shows nothing. Both the left and the right side look the same.
Thank you all for your attempts, but I will tru to put pic of it (if camera will capture it), and maybe than you can explain me this place usebility. Will try to give a pix on monday!!!
DTNT said:
Thank you all for your attempts, but I will tru to put pic of it (if camera will capture it), and maybe than you can explain me this place usebility. Will try to give a pix on monday!!!
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I highly doubt there's anything. I've recently opened up my phone to replace the screen and had to mess around in there with the camera/speaker/light sensor and there was nothing else.
Please see attached photoes, can anybody explain this window dedication? Waiting for your replyes.
looks like a air bubble under the screen protector.
Oh common guys, it is not bubble, not scratch, please look on top of htc logo untill calldynamic, this thing placed between them. Mayby mine is special, super-assembled!!!
ok, i was doubtful but i checked anyway and couldnt see anything, then i saw your pics and thought id give it another try and nope, nada, then i figured id pull it to bits and have a gander and inside and still nothing.
Whilst this was slightly entertaining im affraid to say you have probably got a bubble under the first layer of screen.
That is the most likely explination, the chances you have a one off device that no one else has which has some mystical new sensor is so small you'd be better off putting your life savings and the money you made selling your house on the lottery in the hope you'll hit the big one!
Ok, if accept the version that it is bubble under first layer, can you explain why this bubble has so right geometric forms? The guy next to me has an IPhone, and even him thought that it is porximity sensor like his apple has. Strange and Mistyc!!!
I agree that the shape is very geometrical, and I can understand how it would make you think there is something special there. It is unique, but I still don't think it's related to any functions or features the phone has. Look at the letters "htc". You have a slight frame around each letter that is the same shade/color as the "window" you are referring to. My "htc" letters have no such frame around them. The black of the phone comes up directly to where the white letters start.
So, I think it's some kind of strange manufacturing effect.
I'll even attach the service manual for you to look at.
Download service manual here
To be truthfully honest I thought you were seeing things until you posted your 3 pics. Yes, it does look geometrical in shape, but I can assure you that this is not a sensor, button or anything else intended by HTC. As stated by others previously is looks like a flaw in some way, either on the device itself or caused by the skin protector. If you take your device to any retail shop and compare it with another HD this may ease your concerns and I'm sure the staff in the shop would also say as everyone else here has.
Absolutely agree with htc letter, before your post i don't even see this feat, well, i think i should agree with that this window has no any function. Besides i saw off. manual, no-nothing. OK, waiting for another variants of reply.
Fallen Spartan said:
To be truthfully honest I thought you were seeing things until you posted your 3 pics. Yes, it does look geometrical in shape, but I can assure you that this is not a sensor, button or anything else intended by HTC. As stated by others previously is looks like a flaw in some way, either on the device itself or caused by the skin protector. If you take your device to any retail shop and compare it with another HD this may ease your concerns and I'm sure the staff in the shop would also say as everyone else here has.
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Well, first of all device was bought not in EU, second, in my country very hard to find even person who owns device, too much expensive for our market, i'm even not talking about shops to compare my apparatus with others. By the way, does anybody know, whether in this forum chats somebody from HTC. i would asked him directly.
DTNT said:
Well, first of all device was bought not in EU, second, in my country very hard to find even person who owns device, too much expensive for our market, i'm even not talking about shops to compare my apparatus with others. By the way, does anybody know, whether in this forum chats somebody from HTC. i would asked him directly.
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I would just ask HTC directly on their contact site:
Looks like something trapped under the screen protector, did you peel it back and check?

Screen flex issue. How many are facing it ?

Hi guys i got the nexus 7 delivered from staples last week. today I noticed the "screen flex issue" . Pinching together the screen and the back of the tablet causes it in one corner. I also happens if I slightly press on the screen. Just wanted to know if anyone else is facing it.
Screen Flex/ Ripples
Sorry for Bumping the Thread . But can some of you guys please check pressing the screen around the cornder and see if you notice any screen flex or ripples??
I am not sure whether i should return it. If is a very common issue ther no point in returning. right?
Please help.
Here's the deal. Way too many people are making an effort to search for "problems" with their tablets. It's almost to the point where it's pandemic. Every little thing is getting scrutinized. If you cleared the forum of complaints and questions about whether someone has a bad tablet this place would be a ghost town.
Use your own judgment. If the screen "issue" bothers you then return it.
shajumohamed said:
Screen flex issue. How many are facing it ?
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So far, according to the straw poll linked below, about 50% of people who have responded to the poll have the screen lift issue.
Everyone with screen lift issues are facing it*
prettyboy85712 said:
Here's the deal. Way too many people are making an effort to search for "problems"
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Here's the deal ?
Here's the STATS which show that 50% of people who have bought an N7 and have voted in the poll have screen lift issues.
*teh screen
prettyboy85712 said:
Here's the deal. Way too many people are making an effort to search for "problems" with their tablets. It's almost to the point where it's pandemic. Every little thing is getting scrutinized. If you cleared the forum of complaints and questions about whether someone has a bad tablet this place would be a ghost town.
Use your own judgment. If the screen "issue" bothers you then return it.
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Hi according to me something i paid my money for shouldnt come OOTB with issues . But I so badly love it. if most of the devices have this issue, even if i exchange it i will still end up with one having the issue. right?
That is why i am trying to know. If if isnt a common issue i will return it.
Plz vote and reply guys . Also if there is any fix , please mention it as well.
shajumohamed said:
Sorry for Bumping the Thread . But can some of you guys please check pressing the screen around the cornder and see if you notice any screen flex or ripples??
I am not sure whether i should return it. If is a very common issue ther no point in returning. right?
Please help.
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My finances mom's does this in the bottom right corner. But its also only noticeable with high brightness on black/dark grey screen. Also if she moves her headphone plug around while in the n7 it makes ripples the exact size and length of the plug.
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[Q] Dent under the glass/screen? Please help.

Hello everyone.
I have notice a problem with my nexus 4.
It's like it's a dent under the screen that's only visible when light is reflected on it. And it's only visible from the side.
I'm really confused because its not really affecting the screen when it's on and dosent seem to cause any problems.
I've found a video on YouTube were a guy filmed how nexus to show how it looks.
He has he's phone up side down sp you have to look at the top off his screen on the video. It's most visible at the end of the video.
Can you guys please look at the video and after at your phones and look if you have the same problem.
Even if you don't see it, please write and let me know.
I don't see the problem, but I'd definitely call Google and explain what's going on. I bet they will send you a replacement.
RyanDodd said:
I don't see the problem, but I'd definitely call Google and explain what's going on. I bet they will send you a replacement.
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Okay. But I live in Sweden so I can't really call Google. But I will try to go to the store where I bought the phone to get a new phone.
But the thing is that I do think that many people have this but haven't noticed it. I mean, it's really hard to see. But now that I know it's there. I see it all the time when the screen is off and when the light hits the screen.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
If' the screen works, what's the problem?
ismethajametovic said:
If' the screen works, what's the problem?
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I don't know. I guess it bothers me that the screen is dented.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I have this too, top left corner, you can only see it when the light hits it at a certain angle. The thing is the screen is unaffected by it so i'm tempted just to ignore it as the rest of the phone is perfect :good:
Okay. It seems like I'm not alone at least. You haven't noticed any trouble with the phone?

How to: Fix the p*ss yellow band on the One's screen!

I saw this video on YouTube which supposedly fixes the yellow band on the screen, but nobody shared it and since it seems a big problem here is the fix(I don't own a Oneplus one right now so I can't test).
The fix is putting the phone in a UV light for 5-10 minutes, this dries the glue inside the screen...
Go ahead and watch it![emoji1]
great video and quite entertaining to watch with his commentary. too many youtube phone related channels dont speak their mind, quite nice change.
tl;dw... easiest way to resolve it
1) go to a nail salon and put the bottom portion of ur phone on the UV rays for 5-10 minutes and the yellow tint will go away
2) put your phone on the dashboard for several hours in direct sunlight
3) use the phone and it'll cure eventually.
id probably go with #1 #3 as people talked about #2 doesnt work because the windshield filters out UVB radiation
zephiK said:
2) put your phone on the dashboard for several hours in direct sunlight
#2 doesnt work because the windshield filters out UVB radiation
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If you want to expose your phone to UV, this won't work. Nearly all automotive glass contains additives that absorb UV to prevent premature aging of interior plastics. I'm not sure about household glass, but I'd assume the same.
keep in mind, this guy is not a very trustworthy source. he recently faked an email from oneplus to try and drag them through the mud.
The Jack of Clubs said:
keep in mind, this guy is not a very trustworthy source. he recently faked an email from oneplus to try and drag them through the mud.
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Do you have a source? Not doubting as much as I'd like to see the evidence for myself.
I thought I read somewhere here that the yellow is a cm11 'color adjustment' feature, and that if you install color OS the color isn't there at all?
Not calling fake, on either count, but I'm hearing conflicting information.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
beastlykings said:
I thought I read somewhere here that the yellow is a cm11 'color adjustment' feature, and that if you install color OS the color isn't there at all?
Not calling fake, on either count, but I'm hearing conflicting information.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
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Lol. I was 'lucky' enough to get this feature, but many people do not have the piss band. Maybe they'll get it in the next update.....
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The Jack of Clubs said:
keep in mind, this guy is not a very trustworthy source. he recently faked an email from oneplus to try and drag them through the mud.
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Actually, he received email from what he believed was OnePlus. He mentioned multiple times he could not prove it was legit. After talking with a legal team, they were not able to confirm the source of the message so he recanted the statement(s).
You could probably do something like #2 if you work in or have access to an older building. My employer's building's windows don't block UV rays, so if necessary I could place the phone on the sill on a warm, sunny day. A lot of schools and churches are probably the same way.
beastlykings said:
I thought I read somewhere here that the yellow is a cm11 'color adjustment' feature, and that if you install color OS the color isn't there at all?
Not calling fake, on either count, but I'm hearing conflicting information.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
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There are different kinds of yellow'ish screens. One is just the warm color which you can change somewhere in the settings AFAIK (I don't have the phone yet, but I believe I read that somewhere), and the other one is the issue with the glue where you have a yellow'ish band on the bottom of the phone.
The UV light is hit or miss for a lot of people on the 1+ forums and nobody really knows if using it for a prolonged period of time will cure the 'glue' (nobody can confirm this is a glue problem either). The problem is too inconsistent, if it really were glue most of the phones leaving the factory ASAP would have the same issue...
zephiK said:
great video and quite entertaining to watch with his commentary. too many youtube phone related channels dont speak their mind, quite nice change.
tl;dw... easiest way to resolve it
1) go to a nail salon and put the bottom portion of ur phone on the UV rays for 5-10 minutes and the yellow tint will go away
2) put your phone on the dashboard for several hours in direct sunlight
3) use the phone and it'll cure eventually.
id probably go with #1 #3 as people talked about #2 doesnt work because the windshield filters out UVB radiation
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For further discussion about the yellow screen issue, please go to this thread
There's no need to open duplicate threads about the same issue.

Is outdoor visibility - real issue or no?

Can anyone comment on this topic? Reviews on sites seem to really knock the outdoor visibility with these watches so I just wanted some opinions from some real users. It seems reviews continue to knock these devices but a lot of individual reviews from users on sites seem to praise the device and people just seem real happy with them. What's your guys take on this? I'm going to be picking up the Gear Live but it seems both have this issue.
Also for any Gear users, feel free to chime in about the charging method. That seems to be talked about a lot as well but sometimes you never know with these official review sites. I value actual users opinions more.
tu3218 said:
Can anyone comment on this topic? Reviews on sites seem to really knock the outdoor visibility with these watches so I just wanted some opinions from some real users. It seems reviews continue to knock these devices but a lot of individual reviews from users on sites seem to praise the device and people just seem real happy with them. What's your guys take on this? I'm going to be picking up the Gear Live but it seems both have this issue.
Also for any Gear users, feel free to chime in about the charging method. That seems to be talked about a lot as well but sometimes you never know with these official review sites. I value actual users opinions more.
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All the reviews that state the watch face is hard to see outside are stupid. It's obviously hard to see when the screen is dimmed, but as soon as you tilt your wrist and the screen turn on you can see it perfectly even in the brightest sunlight.
Yeah I figured a lot of them over exaggerate that topic. I mean my phone is hard to see in direct sunlight. These types of screens will always be difficult.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Free mobile app
tu3218 said:
Yeah I figured a lot of them over exaggerate that topic. I mean my phone is hard to see in direct sunlight. These types of screens will always be difficult.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Free mobile app
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If your phone is hard to see in sunlight that sucks, my S5 is perfectly bright and easy as hell to see. But my Gear Live definitely is not a problem what so ever in sunlight, I love it.
Joe0113 said:
If your phone is hard to see in sunlight that sucks, my S5 is perfectly bright and easy as hell to see. But my Gear Live definitely is not a problem what so ever in sunlight, I love it.
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It's not bad, but of course it's not the same as if it was cloudy out. There is no phone where the visibility isn't slightly decreased in the direct sun. But we can still see the phone to use most importantly. But regardless, that is good to know about the gear live. I really want this watch. How do you feel about the charger port? Everyone keeps saying wait for the 360, but you know what, its August 1st and no announcement has been made. I'm tired of waiting and want to join in on the fun.
I honestly have no problem wit my S5 in direct bright as hell sunlight... But I love it personally. Got a messaging app for wear and now I barely use my phone for texting haha. Charging is painless IMO, I don't get the big deal people have with it.
Sent from a Galaxy 5 light years away
Joe0113 said:
I honestly have no problem wit my S5 in direct bright as hell sunlight... But I love it personally. Got a messaging app for wear and now I barely use my phone for texting haha. Charging is painless IMO, I don't get the big deal people have with it.
Sent from a Galaxy 5 light years away
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Thanks for the info. Just need my best but to get them in.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Free mobile app
I find performance in the rain to be more of an issue.
While trying to track my rides with Strava the rain often closes the app, swipes away cards and generally plays hell with the watch.
There are a couple of screen lock apps but then you can't actually unlock the screen with wet fingers.
atomkinder said:
I find performance in the rain to be more of an issue.
While trying to track my rides with Strava the rain often closes the app, swipes away cards and generally plays hell with the watch.
There are a couple of screen lock apps but then you can't actually unlock the screen with wet fingers.
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Ah that's an interesting point. I wonder if a screen protector would help at all. thanks for the input btw.
Been checking my best buy and it seems they're all starting to get them in.
tu3218 said:
Ah that's an interesting point. I wonder if a screen protector would help at all. thanks for the input btw.
Been checking my best buy and it seems they're all starting to get them in.
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How would a screen protector help? Water is simply highly conductive so that's why the watch goes all crazy. Only way to avoid it is to keep it dry or at least make sure there is no water connecting the touch screen with your skin
spiderflash said:
How would a screen protector help? Water is simply highly conductive so that's why the watch goes all crazy. Only way to avoid it is to keep it dry or at least make sure there is no water connecting the touch screen with your skin
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It was just a suggestion. Some screen protectors actually decrease the sensitivity of the screen. We Dont notice it really but maybe it would help prevent a couple rain drops from messing with the screen. Doesn't matter though lol. Not sure how in the future they can correct this besides your suggestions.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Free mobile app
tu3218 said:
It was just a suggestion. Some screen protectors actually decrease the sensitivity of the screen. We Dont notice it really but maybe it would help prevent a couple rain drops from messing with the screen. Doesn't matter though lol. Not sure how in the future they can correct this besides your suggestions.
Sent from my XT1060 using XDA Free mobile app
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Theres a few phones that are actually designed for you to be able to use underwater. When they recognize water they change the input method from capacitive to pressure I doubt anyone is going to do that on the watch though. And about the screen protectors: If they lower the sensitivity you will run into problems when it's not raining xD
spiderflash said:
Theres a few phones that are actually designed for you to be able to use underwater. When they recognize water they change the input method from capacitive to pressure I doubt anyone is going to do that on the watch though. And about the screen protectors: If they lower the sensitivity you will run into problems when it's not raining xD
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Oh wow that's awesome! Maybe that'll eventually be implemented to the same extent how it took awhile for 1080p screens to be used in phones.
My main concern at this point seems to be the charger port.
tu3218 said:
My main concern at this point seems to be the charger port.
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Well that obviously has to be protected by a rubber cap of some sort ^^
spiderflash said:
Well that obviously has to be protected by a rubber cap of some sort ^^
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huh? I'm talking about how the piece is known to break easily. Not sure if that is just poorly made equipment or just made well for aggressive people lol
tu3218 said:
huh? I'm talking about how the piece is known to break easily. Not sure if that is just poorly made equipment or just made well for aggressive people lol
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Who manages to break his charging port?? Haha I have never known anyone, but well if that's an issue xD
spiderflash said:
Who manages to break his charging port?? Haha I have never known anyone, but well if that's an issue xD
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Well clearly you haven't read any reviews on the gear live then lol Cause its posted in like every review. Talking about the flimsy plastic piece that mounts onto the watch.
tu3218 said:
Well clearly you haven't read any reviews on the gear live then lol
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lol you're right I haven't. Glad I have the G watch
spiderflash said:
lol you're right I haven't. Glad I have the G watch
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I thought about the G watch but absolute no best buy has that in stock. So sense they're basically the same watch, I'll just opt in for the cheaper one. Plus at night when my watch is displaying the time, I just want the time to light up. Don't like the idea that the whole screen still lights up. But I still want to try the G watch. Maybe they'll get them in at some point.
tu3218 said:
I thought about the G watch but absolute no best buy has that in stock. So sense they're basically the same watch, I'll just opt in for the cheaper one. Plus at night when my watch is displaying the time, I just want the time to light up. Don't like the idea that the whole screen still lights up. But I still want to try the G watch. Maybe they'll get them in at some point.
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That sucks, my nearby Best Buys all have plenty in stock (last I looked a few days ago). Why not just order one from the website? The only real reason I went with the G Watch is because of the magnetic charger...much, much better than the Live's. I do wish it had an OLED display though. But this is just supposed to hold me over to the moto360, provided it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

