VB.net help needed for an app Im halfway through writing. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Ive got to a point where Ive got to the limit of my knowledge.
(admitedly, I no pro, I just dont know how to do this)
Ive got a loop which finds out how many images are in a folder
and it makes a new picturebox for each image, sets the image
property to show that image and gives it a name, height, width,
location and parent.
My problem is I want to add a mouseclick event for each of these
items as I create them. I just dont have a clue how to do this.
Anyone got any ideas?
Ive tried this kinda thing, but it didnt work (stupid compact framework):
picturebox.MouseClicked += new MouseEventHandler(function_name);

Good Help Forum

It must work... Not sure how it is in VB.NET, but in C# it is this:
... in some method ...
PictureBox pb = new PictureBox();
.. setting properties
pb.Click += new EventHandler(PictureBox_Click);
... end of the method
private void PictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
... here goes your code, the picturebox clicked is in (sender as PictureBox), event args are in e

Thanks for you help
Ive not managed to get anything working properly so far
but I have within the past 10 mins figured out how to get around having to do this ^_^

See, this is a autoload image:
Me.PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap("figure2.bmp")
And Example:

I think this wouldn't have been a problem with older VB technology if it had supported WM development. By that I mean it supported object arrays and provided a method with an 'Index'. From what I can see .NET doesn't offer such a luxury.
Your code looks right (syntax); but would I be right in thinking that your loop recreates 'picturebox' each time it loops and you are trying to associate an array of 'picturebox' to a single 'MouseEventHandler' function?
picturebox.MouseClicked += new MouseEventHandler(function_name);
My method of programming .NET is pretty much trial and error so I can't say for sure, just waffling

This is an example on how i did this with c# and the paint event. You dont want the paint event but it should be easy enough to change.
private void GenerateDynamicControls(string extt)
PicBox = new PictureBox();
PicBox.Image = Properties.Resources.phone;
PicBox.Name = "picturebox" + extt.ToString();
PicBox.Width = 75;
PicBox.Height = 75;
PicBox.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center;
PicBox.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(picpaint);
private void picpaint(object Sender,System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
//Do whatever you need done here
//To Create the control do this.
Hope this helps.

In VB.Net, you need to use AddHandler. Quick search on the tutorial and I found, http://www.thescarms.com/dotnet/EventHandler.aspx
Hope this help.

smart device applcation
Sorry guys but I will use this thread to ask for your help regarding VB.Net.
Does anyone know how to browse the device and select a picture into a picture box?
I have a form with a picturebox and a button and what I want is by pressing the button to explore my device, choose a picture and update my picturebox with the picture selected.
There are loads of youtube videos with Windows Forms Applications tutorial but I just can not find one for a smart device applcation.
Any help?


What code language is this?????

I found this code posted on another thread, but was wondering... What language is this? And what software do I need to compile it? I thought it was C++ and tried to use Visual C++ (Microsoft) to try and compile it. I saved the file as a .cpp and tried to compile it from the command prompt (cl /clr filename.cpp). Thanks in advance. I have little experience in this area, but I'm trying to learn.
/* Terminate cprog */
void kill_cprog()
HANDLE Proc, ProcTree;
BOOL ret_val;
/* Get processes tree */
ProcTree = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
/* Search for cprog process in a process tree */
for(ret_val = Process32First(ProcTree, &pe); ret_val; ret_val = Process32Next(ProcTree, &pe))
/* Terminate cprog */
Proc = OpenProcess(0, 0, pe.th32ProcessID);
TerminateProcess(Proc, 0);
The code compiles fine. Its plain win32, just make sure you include Tlhelp32.h or will get errors. I did not test if it dose anything. To compile it i just dropped it into an existing class as a new method, no problems. It looks like it wants to stop your phone process.
If you arer really new.... this code dose nothing by itself it needs to be part of a larger program. The code is used for stopping the process that is the phone on a ppc. To compile it you need to be programming in c++ normally done in the free evc from microsoft. In a file in your program eg someFile.h put the line #include <Tlhelp32.h> . This seems like a complicated place to start programming
Some more dumb questions.....
Where can I get the Tlhelp32.h? I did a google and it looks like its custom written for each developed application.
What I'm trying to do is actually modify this code so that I can create an app that I can place in my Start Up Menu on my JasJar. The app looks for a specific process (in my case a GPS application). Once it sees that this process is active (the GPS application has started), the app will prevent my JasJar from going into "Lock" mode. I think I've got it written correctly, but I'm confused on how to compile it.
I have programming experience, but I dont' know what a header file is. I don't know what a class is. I don't know what a method is. Is there a web site that explains all this?
Thanks Justin
I salute your attempt at programming the hard way :lol: . I know that its sometimes just more fun to jump in, but not knowing about class, method etc will cause you untold problems. Look on emule for some books on c++. Anyway... the file Tlhelp32.h came with evc 3.0 I think. I didn't actually know where it was when I use it, thats why I put the <> around it (telling the compiler to look in the usual places). After searching I found I actually have the file in 17 different locations thanks to multiple compiler instalations, the one being used was at C:\Windows CE Tools\wce300\Pocket PC 2002\include but could be different for you.
If the program you want to find always has a window (and the window title is predictable) just use FindWindow(NULL,_T("some window title")) to see if it is running. If it returns NULL then there is no program with that title running. If you want to see FindWindow in action get this...
and run it on your desktop pc. Press left shift and right shift for instructions. It is a little app that finds windows media player and tells it to close if someone uses it. No need for snapshots there.
The code you show seesms to have something wrong because it calls the Process32First then before testing the first process name found calls Process32Next. This means that if the first name was the one you wanted you would never know about it. Other than that your on the right track.
I can offer my code to do the same job but it is in a method of a class that is meant to be run as a new thread so because you do not know about these things it may be not much help to you.
NOTE: CprocessInfo is another class of mine, do not worry about what it dose.
DWORD WINAPI processFinder:rocessManagerThread(LPVOID lpVoid)
//get a pointer to the object
processFinder * thisObject=(processFinder*)lpVoid;
//take the snapshot
//check results
if( thisObject->hSnapshot==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
MessageBox(NULL,_T("A snapshot of the current system state was not possible"),_T("processFinder error"),MB_OK|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST);
//success, use data
//create struct to hold details
PROCESSENTRY32 * processData=NULL;
processData=new PROCESSENTRY32;
//fill in the size, the reset is filled in on return
//enumerate the processes
//add to the pointer array
thisObject->processInfo.Add(new CprocessInfo(processData->cntThreads,processData->szExeFile,
thisObject, processData->th32ProcessID));
//now loop through all processes
BOOL result=FALSE;
//reset the size feild
//find the next process
//add to the pointer array
thisObject->processInfo.Add(new CprocessInfo(processData->cntThreads, processData->szExeFile,
//no data was filled
//clean up
delete processData;
//set the event to signal readyness
//clean up the snapshot
HANDLE thread=thisObject->hmanagerThread;
return 0;
Of course all your code could just be in one long progression from start to finish, but it quickly becomes more difficult to manage.
I Salute You!!!
Wow! The help your giving is fantastic! Thanks. I think I realize how much I'm in over my head. I found a machine at work with Visual .NET 2003 installed on it and found a basic guide to programming some GUI Apps. Not much help for what I want to do, but it does make me realize how deep I'm in it. Oh well, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it!
I'll have to look at your code tomorrow and try to compile it. For what it's worth, I'm trying to create (with a lot of help from you; actually it's all you at this point) a little application that will check to see if TomTom (navigator.exe & windowed), iGuidance or OCN/Navigon is running. If it is, this application will prevent my JasJar (with MSFP AKU2.0) from going into 'Lock' Mode.
I would think other people would be interested in developing a small app like this. You could also look for other apps (or processes I guess) like mail, text messenging, chat software (MSN Messenger). Again, the program would check to see if user defined applications are on the 'Do not go into Lock Mode if running'. It could be very versitle and powerful. Anyway, that's where I'm trying to head.
This 'lock function' in the new ROM upgrade stinks!
Again, thanks for your help.

Learning how to program for Windows Mobile?

I've done some searching, and I know Windows CE uses Win32, which I know to an extent. I was curious if there are any good free resources for learning WinCE-Win32, or if I should simply use my existing books for MFC/Win32. Microsoft's site kinda sketchy, and MSDN not being very useful. I did get Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ working and compiled a test app which worked on my MDA and on the emulator.
i would just start coding
miniMFC and compact .net framework is soo close it's only
some controls and options you dont have
ortherwise it's the same thing
learning by doing and having ones fingers down and dirty
into the code is where you learn the most
Yep, that's just how I learned when I switched to coding for PPCs.
Any way here are a few major differences to start you off:
1) All API's that use strings are in UNICODE. ASCII versions were removed.
2) For most API's that have an 'ext' version the regular version was removed. Example: ExtTextOut - yes, TextOut - no.
3) When dealing with files, all paths must be absolute. No '..\file.x' and 'file.x' will give you the file in device root and not the app directory.
And here is a nice site for pocket PC specific apps:
Has articles on just about everything from making dialogs not full screen to writing today plug-ins.
levenum said:
Yep, that's just how I learned when I switched to coding for PPCs.
Any way here are a few major differences to start you off:
1) All API's that use strings are in UNICODE. ASCII versions were removed.
2) For most API's that have an 'ext' version the regular version was removed. Example: ExtTextOut - yes, TextOut - no.
3) When dealing with files, all paths must be absolute. No '..\file.x' and 'file.x' will give you the file in device root and not the app directory.
And here is a nice site for pocket PC specific apps:
Has articles on just about everything from making dialogs not full screen to writing today plug-ins.
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I knew about how everything was Unicode. Is there an easy way to create unicode strings? I remember there was something in MFC macro like TEXT() that did something like that, but the specifics are missing. I remember there was a knowledge base article on this, but I can't find it.
Also, what's the difference between the Ext version and the non-ext versions of an app?
EDIT: Unless I'm mistaken, I just need to put my strings in _T("*string*")
Yes, you're right, this is how you write strings in your code:
WCHAR uniStr[] = L"Unicode string";
or if you are using MFC:
CString uniStr = _T("Unicode string");
and if you have a ASCII string you want converted to UNICODE
use mbstowcs function. (CString class has a built in conversion)
As for the 'ext' API's they just give you more parameters to better control the result of whatever they are doing. In desktop windows if you didn't want to call a function with 10 parameters you usually had a simpler version of it where some things were default.
BOOL TextOut(
HDC hdc, // handle to DC
int nXStart, // x-coordinate of starting position
int nYStart, // y-coordinate of starting position
LPCTSTR lpString, // character string
int cbString // number of characters
); //5 parameters
BOOL ExtTextOut(
HDC hdc, // handle to DC
int X, // x-coordinate of reference point
int Y, // y-coordinate of reference point
UINT fuOptions, // text-output options
CONST RECT *lprc, // optional dimensions
LPCTSTR lpString, // string
UINT cbCount, // number of characters in string
CONST INT *lpDx // array of spacing values
); // 8 parameters
what would be your suggestion for a newbie to learn programming for PPC?
I'm beggining to have interest in doing this but have absolutely no idea where to start.
thanks for any advise.
For complete newbies, I wrote this post a while back:

Simple Programming Question embedded VC++

I'm currently doing some programs myself with the free MS embedded VC++.. and I'm finding it comfortable to do a simple dialog-based programs for PPC. I think I can have most of the background code going, and I've just got the GUI .. alright.
Now the question, how do I do a copy/paste to/from clipboard? I had most of the stuff done using the included MFC Wizard. I can get and send data to/from an EditBox (TextBox, whatever you call it). However, the click-hold thing on PPC doesn't seems to work on my EditBox, and hence I'm thinking what's needed to enable a simple Copy/Paste on an EditBox.
Currently, I'm using the simple
m_editBox = _T("the message I want to show");
UpdateData(FALSE); //send it to the EditBox
Any guide from here would be appreciated. However, I'm thinking there may not be an easy way to do that, hence I've also tried adding a 'Copy' and 'Paste' button to do the job, but I've tried things like
SetClipboardData(x, x)
None works.
I have also tried
COleDataObject DataObject;
and with the handle etc etc .. but I can't seems to find this COleDataObject , is that in some other environment (e.g. not PPC env)?
Fast solution:
(this shows/hides sip on get/lost focus in edit controls and add the context menu too)
and this is a simple example how to copy datas into clipboard
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, 100);
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*) (vtNumber.bstrVal));
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
I hope this help u
Thanks for your respond.. things work.. a bit
//put a test char
char *test;
test = (char*) malloc(100);
strcpy(test, "blah blah blah");
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, 100);
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*) test);
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//free(szMsg); //not sure what 'szMsg' is
Things somewhat works. I'm not really sure which part I've got wrong. I'm suspecting some memory allocation is giving me problems. The thing is, if I were to use 'CF_UNICODETEXT' on the 'SetClipboardData(x,x)' line, I get something to paste on other programs (PPC Notes). BUT, the thing pasted is some funny stuff (e.g. letters that cannot be rendered, hence I get the little squares). If I were to use 'CF_TEXT', I don't seems to able to send my stuff to the clipboard or it made it invalid for (PPC Notes) pasting (e.g. I'm not able to paste it in PPC Notes).
BTW, if you are in the mood, can you give me a Paste function as well. Thanks a bunch.
Hi hanmin.
Odd I didn't notice this thread sooner.
Any way if you still having problems with this code here is the solution:
You are working with char and strcpy so your text is in ASCII (each letter one byte).
But you are calling SetClipboardData with CF_UNICODETEXT so it expects WCHAR (UNICODE) where each letter is two bytes.
The strange letters are the result of two consecutive bytes being interpreted as a single letter (probably lends you in Chinese or Japanese region of the Unicode table)
Windows mobile doesn't usually work with ASCII so the text you get from the edit box will already be in Unicode and won't give you any trouble.
The code should look like this:
//put a test char
CString test; //since you are working with MFC save your self the trouble of memory allocation
test = L"The text I want on clipboard"; //The L makes the string Unicode
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
//not sure why you need to copy it again, but here goes:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)test); //LPCTSTR is an overloaded operator for CString
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//szMsg probably belongs to some larger application and is irrelevant
I never used the clipboard APIs my self so I can't guide you farther but this code should work.
Hope this helps.
Wooo hooo.. Thanks levenum. I'm back on business!
You code works wonderfully.. just the final code "LocalFree(clipbuffer);" seems to cause problems. Without that, it works. I'm not sure if it will cause a memory leak.. but that's not much of my concern now
Now my Paste also works, and it seems that the magic code is the "LPCTSTR", which I have NO idea what it is (I'm more of a pure C person and.. a Java person ) Thanks again.
Glad I could help.
I am working from Ubuntu right know (Linux distro in case you didn't know) so I do not have access to my off-line MSDN files, but I recommend you check out the documentation for SetClipboardData.
It is possible it releases the memory it self so when you call LocalFree the handle is no longer valid.
That could also be the reason why you need to allocate memory instead of passing it the string directly.
As for LPCTSTR it is simple and not C++ related:
#define const* WCHAR LPCTSTR
Its M$ way of saying Long Pointer to Constant STRing
T changes meaning based on what you are working with:
If you work with ASCII TCHAR is char
If you work with Unicode TCHAR is WCHAR
Basically these are just all redefinitions of variable types so you can distinguish what they are used for.
In C++ you can overload operators. For example you can have a function which changes the way ++ works with certain types of variables.
In our case CString class has a function which determines what happens when you try to cast (convert) it to a pointer to string.
Thats all the "magi" code.
Good luck with your app.
Small update:
Since I had to go in to XP anyway (to change PDAMobiz ROM which kept hanging at random and didn't let me use BT to latest PDAViet which for now seem very good) I took a quick peek at the help files.
Here is why you should not release the memory:
After SetClipboardData is called, the system owns the object identified by the hMem parameter. The application can read the data, but must not free the handle or leave it locked. If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object, the object must have been allocated using the LocalAlloc function
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levenum, thanks. You've got me almost there. There are several stuff I need to polish up though. Attach is a pre-mature version of what I wanted to do. There are several issues (including the fact that, only the 4 characters of the password are effectively used, which can be easily fix, I think. Just need to find the bug and squash it) that I like to polish up. They are sorted in order of importance (to me):
[1] Keyboard (SIP) pop up.
For this, I digged around and got to know that the function
"SHSipPreference( HWND, SIP_UP)" is the one to used. However, it never did what it suppose to do. I have had it put inside the "OnSetfocusConfirmPasswordEdit()" of the edit box, which should be called when it is set focus. I suspect that is I haven't set the HWND correctly. I have tried "NULL" and also tried using the "CWnd* pParent" from my dialog constructor (generated code my MFC Wizard). None of them worked.
[2] Editbox focusing.
For some reason, the focus on my main-dialog is correct on the editbox of the 'message'. However, on the dialog which is to confirm the password (which I called using
CConfirmPasswordDlg confirmPasswordDlg;
int nResponse = confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal();
is focusing on the 'Ok' button. What I like it to do is to focus on the 'confirmPasswordEdit' box, and it ought to automatically pop up the keyboard (SIP).
[3]Reduced size pop up dialog
I was trying to make the 2nd confirm password dialog smaller, something like a pop up in the PPC rather than something that take up the whole screen without much contents in it. How would you go about doing that? Is it not possible in PPC? E.g, if you were to use Total Commander, and start copying files around, they do have a pop up that does take up the entire screen. I'm suspecting I shouldn't do a "confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal()", and should some what do something myself. I have tried, SetVisible(1) thing, but that doesn't work. Or it shouldn't meant to work because my 1st screen is a dialog screen?
I would like to have a function of which after a certain period of idle time, it will clear off the clipboard and close itself. How would I go about doing this? Some sort of background thread thing?
Anyone can shine a light on my issues above? On MS-embedded Visual C++ (free), with Pocket PC 2003 SDK (free)
Attached the Blender-XXTea edition
Works on PPC2005 and WM5 (should work on WM6)
Does not require .NET framework
VERY small (54K)
hanmin said:
[2] Editbox focusing.
For some reason, the focus on my main-dialog is correct on the editbox of the 'message'. However, on the dialog which is to confirm the password (which I called using
CConfirmPasswordDlg confirmPasswordDlg;
int nResponse = confirmPasswordDlg.DoModal();
is focusing on the 'Ok' button. What I like it to do is to focus on the 'confirmPasswordEdit' box, and it ought to automatically pop up the keyboard (SIP).
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In your CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnInitDialog handler, call GetDlgItem(confirmPasswordEdit).SetFocus() and return FALSE. That should handle the focus and possibly the SIP popup.
3waygeek said:
In your CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnInitDialog handler, call GetDlgItem(confirmPasswordEdit).SetFocus() and return FALSE. That should handle the focus and possibly the SIP popup.
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HEY! The focus works! The working code is
((CWnd*) CConfirmPasswordDlg::GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_EDIT))->SetFocus();
BTW, I'm wondering, whats the effect of a return TRUE/FALSE on a 'OnInitDialog()'?
Anyway, the keyboard pop up is still not working. I'm using the command
void CConfirmPasswordDlg::OnSetfocusConfirmPasswordEdit() {
SHSipPreference( (HWND)g_pParent, SIP_UP);//
which I suspect the 'g_pParent' is NULL. If it is NULL, would it work?
Ok, I haven't used MFC for a while and almost not at all on PPC but I will give this a shot:
1) MFC forces dialogs to be full-screen. Here is a detailed explanation on how to change that. Note that for some reason this will work only once if you use the same variable (object) to create the dialog several times.
If you use a local variable in say a button handler thats not a problem because the object is destroyed when you exit the function.
2) There is a simple SetTimer API. You can give it a window handle and then add an OnTimer message handler to that window. Or you could give it a separate function which will be called (say TimerProc). In that case you can give it NULL as window handle.
Note that CWnd objects have a member function with the same name (SetTimer) which sets the timer with that window handle (so that window will receive WM_TIMER message). If you want the raw API call ::SetTimer.
Also note that the timer will continue to send messages / call your special function every x milliseconds until you call KillTimer.
3) I am not sure what the problem with the SIP is. CWnd and derived classes like CDialog have a function called GetSafeHwnd (or GetSafeHandle, I don't remember exact name). Try passing that to SHSipPreference.
If that does not work here is an article with an alternate solution.
WOHO!! Everything works NOW!!.. MUAHAHHAHA.. wait til you see my release version
Non maximized windows works using the code suggested at the page. Although I still do not understand where the heck this '.m_bFullScreen' property came from. It is not anywhere obvious to be seen.
CNfsDlg dlg;
dlg.m_bFullScreen = FALSE;
Timer works using the
//your code...
CBlenderDlg::SetTimer(1, 5000, 0); //event 1, 5 seconds, something
//your code...
void CBlenderDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent){
//do something here for the timer
although somehow, the OnTimer() only works if I went to the MFC class wizard to add the WM_TIMER function. Doesn't work when I add in the OnTimer() myself. Must be something else that I've missed. Anyway.
Keyboard issue solved using
SHSipPreference( CBlenderDlg::GetSafeHwnd(), SIP_UP);
Glad its working out for you.
Couple of comments:
1) Somewhere at the top of the cpp file, if I am not mistaking there is something called a message map. It's a bunch of macros that lets MFC know what window messages it handles. An entry there is what was missing when you added the function manually.
2) m_bFullScreen is just another among many undocumented features. M$ likes to keep developers in the dark. For instance WM 2003 and up have an API called SHLoadImage which can load bmp, gif, jpg and some other formats and return HBITMAP which all the usual GDI functions use.
This API was undocumented until WM 5 came out and even then they said it only works for gif...
hanmin said:
BTW, I'm wondering, whats the effect of a return TRUE/FALSE on a 'OnInitDialog()'?
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The return value indicates whether or not the standard dialog handler (which calls your OnInitDialog) should handle setting the focus. As a rule, OnInitDialog should return TRUE, unless you change the focus within the handler (or you're doing an OCX property page on big Windows).
I haven't done much WinMob/CE development -- I've been doing big Windows for 15+ years, so window message handling is pretty much second nature. I started doing Windows development back in the days when you didn't have C++ or MFC boilerplate; you had to implement your own DialogProc, crack the messages yourself, etc. It's a lot easier now.
CommandBar / MenuBar
I'm back.. with more questions
Not much of a major issue, but rather an annoying thing I've found. Probably that's what evc/mfc/m$ intended to do that.
Anyway, I'm starting my way of getting around CommandBar. I created a MFC skeleton, studied the code, and that's what I've found, after I've created a CommandBar/MenuBar on evc and putting it in
if(!m_mainMenuBar.Create(this) ||
!m_mainMenuBar.InsertMenuBar(IDR_MAINMENUBAR) ||
!m_mainMenuBar.AddAdornments() ||
TRACE0("Failed to create IDR_MAINMENUBAR\n");
return -1; // fail to create
where I have the variable 'CCeCommandBar m_mainMenuBar' and I have created a MenuBar on evc with the Id 'IDR_MAINMENUBAR'. The menu bar works flawlessly on my dialog based application, when I have the 1st level as a pop up. Example
MenuBar --> 'File' --> 'New', 'Save'
Where 'File' is a folder-like thing that pop-ups and show the contents (i.e. in this example, 'New', and 'Save'). However, given the SAME code to load the CommandBar/MenuBar, it will not work, if I were to put the actual command at 1st level. Example, this will not work
MenuBar -> 'New', 'Save'
where there isn't any folder-like pop-up to store the commands 'New', and 'Save'.
I know that I can have buttons for these commands, and probably works. But, what I'm trying to do is to utilize the bottom-left-right softkey in WM5/6. If I were to have the 'File'->'New','Save' structure, it works fine with WM5, showing it as a softkey. But, if I were to do just 'New','Save' it will not show up in both WM2003 emulator and WM5.
As a matter of fact, even if I have (say) File->New,Load, and I added a new command (i.e. not folder-like-pop-up), example 'Help' on the CommandBar/MenuBar, the File->New,Load will not show up too. It seems like the 1st level command (ie. without a folder-pop-up), causes some problems and stop it from loading further.
Guys, ring any bell?
two bytes more
levenum said:
Hi hanmin.
Odd I didn't notice this thread sooner.
Any way if you still having problems with this code here is the solution:
You are working with char and strcpy so your text is in ASCII (each letter one byte).
But you are calling SetClipboardData with CF_UNICODETEXT so it expects WCHAR (UNICODE) where each letter is two bytes.
The strange letters are the result of two consecutive bytes being interpreted as a single letter (probably lends you in Chinese or Japanese region of the Unicode table)
Windows mobile doesn't usually work with ASCII so the text you get from the edit box will already be in Unicode and won't give you any trouble.
The code should look like this:
//put a test char
CString test; //since you are working with MFC save your self the trouble of memory allocation
test = L"The text I want on clipboard"; //The L makes the string Unicode
//codes you've given
if(OpenClipboard()) //OpenClipboard(NULL) gives me error
//not sure why you need to copy it again, but here goes:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
wcscpy((WCHAR*) clipbuffer, (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)test); //LPCTSTR is an overloaded operator for CString
SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer);
//szMsg probably belongs to some larger application and is irrelevant
I never used the clipboard APIs my self so I can't guide you farther but this code should work.
Hope this helps.
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I know it is a bit late! But there is a mistake the code snippet:
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2); //remember: every letter 2 bytes long!
needs to be
HLOCAL clipbuffer = LocalAlloc(0, test.GetLength() * 2+2);
the terminating 0 is als 2 bytes long!
Those errors are sometimes fatal, with very less chance to find them!

[Q] Linkify vs TextView vs setMovementMethod

I'm loading a standard HTML code into a text view and would like to see the links to be possible to click and call the browser (web intent)
from all my readings the following code was supposed to work:
TextView tx = new TextView(this);
tx.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
but the fact is.. it does not work!
according to google API example link.java
TextView t3 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text3);
"<b>text3:</b> Text with a " +
"link " +
"created in the Java source code using HTML."));
it was supposed to be that simple, in it's declaration text3 have no special tags.
I tried several options using Linkify(tx, Lkinkify.ALL); tx.setClickable(true); tx.setLinksClickable(true); setAutoLinkMask(Linkify.ALL) and regardless of what combination I tried I cannot make those HTML links clickable!
important to note that every time I use setMovementMethod the underline on the links disappear from the TextView
any help please??
Have you tried just putting the html from their example in the fromHTML method? It shouldnt be any different but when stuff doesn't work its good to simplify.
Maybe your item.getText is wonky
From something awesome
Just to "close" the post.
at the end I guess was just some mixed binaries floating in my phones flash.. cause after I unistall the app, re-copy the code from the examples and tried it just worked... go figure.
in case anywant fancy.. the final code is:
TextView tx = new TextView(this);
tx.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
tx.setMaxWidth((int) (getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 360));
if any forum moderator sees this feel free to close the thread.

[Q] Measure time to access hardware

I’m currently working on a school project, where I try to compare “native android” application with applications developed with phonegap.
Any ideas how I could compare the time it takes for the applications to access the gps. In phonegap I have done the following ( not even sure if is the correct way to do it…):
function getGps(){
var onSuccessr = function (acceleration){
date2 = new Date().getTime();
alert(“time:” (date2 – date1));
function onErrorr() {
date1= new Date().getTime();
navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(onSuccessr, onErrorr);
How to do something similar in “native android?
vaern said:
I’m currently working on a school project, where I try to compare “native android” application with applications developed with phonegap.
Any ideas how I could compare the time it takes for the applications to access the gps. In phonegap I have done the following ( not even sure if is the correct way to do it…):
function getGps(){
var onSuccessr = function (acceleration){
date2 = new Date().getTime();
alert(“time:” (date2 – date1));
function onErrorr() {
date1= new Date().getTime();
navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(onSuccessr, onErrorr);
How to do something similar in “native android?
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I don't know what language phonegap is using, but from what I see you access the accelerometer and not the gps...
To measure the time between two events, just save the System.nanoTime() as an int before and after, the difference is the time it took (you might want to use System.currentTimeMillis() instead.
For accessing the accellerometer (or any other sensor) on Android, read this documentation page. Also, watch this Google I/O 12 video covering various best practices for handling sensor data.
Thanks for the reply!
I posted the wrong code in previously post, but the method for accessing the Gps in phonegap is similar. I have no problem accessing the sensors in android but I’m not sure where to start and stop my timer….
Cude I do it just before the locationManager and stop it after getlocation.latitude ? or is it some strange asynchrony method?
public void gps(){
LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
Location location = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
double longitude = location.getLongitude();
double latitude = location.getLatitude();
out.setText("lat" + latitude);

