Rooting without a wipe - Nexus One General

Hey I was wondering if there was any way to root my phone without a wipe.
if there was anyway to back up an image of my phone, root, then restore that image.
Sorry if this has been covered before, but I've done a search and I can't seem to find anything on it.
Does the NANDroid backup cover this?

titanium backup and mybackup pro will allow you to backup sms, contacts, bookmarks, apps, settings ...etc.. before you root. Use the app again afterwards to restore.
Easy! Try google next time though.
Unlocking the bootloader wipes the phone as far as i know and this is a prerequisite to rooting so youre stuffed there.

I have mybackup pro, but i'm just wondering if there is like an image restore way to do it.


Change ROMs without wiping?

Is this possible? I'm asking because I would like to switch to 2.2 when the rooted version comes out, but I don't want to lose all my apps, contacts, settings, etc... I'm currently on the rooted stock rom.
So is this possible to do? I tried searching around the forum, but I couldn't find anything... maybe I was searching for the wrong things.
As far as I understand it, it's highly advised you do. But you can use something like Titanium backup, buy the donate version, to backup all of your apps and phone content.
Super important tool when flashing ROMS.
Mybackuppro is good as well. You can do an online backup as well.
jhuff83 said:
Mybackuppro is good as well. You can do an online backup as well.
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my backup pro doesn't save your market links
nandroid + Titanium Backup
UrbanMuppet said:
nandroid + Titanium Backup
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I looked up Titanium Backup and it looks legit... this will backup all my stuff from 2.1 and be able to restore to 2.2?
Also, why would I need Nandroid in addition to Titanium Backup if I'm already rooted? Is there a reason I need both?
Thanks for the help!

Compete Android OS Image restoration / backup?

Hey all,
When I had my Windows mobile phone, I could use Sprite Backup to make a backup that basically acted as an image that I could store on the SD Card. I could then do anything possible to my phone, and then I could simply restore the image, and it went back to the EXACT state it was when i took the image - registry, ALL apps, messages, icons, etc..., just like a 100% hard drive image.
I have Sprite backup on my Samsung Epic now, and was wondering if it acted the same way?
That is, if I install a custom rom, I would like to be able to factory restore it, then apply the backup to take it back to the exact state it was.
Is this how it works?
It's called a nand backup and one of the benefits of rooting
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I'm rooted, so I'll. Check it out....
Get the one click root and recovery. Once you have clockwork mod you can do a full backup. Also you can do an "advanced restore" and just restore your /data.
I have found that sometimes a restore doesn't work correctly and I have to reflash the rom and just restore /data to put my apps and settings back.
A word of warning, sometimes when you flash an old /data to a new rom it causes issues with programs. Personally, I have had very few issues doing it, even when moving between 2.1 and 2.2.1, but ymmv.

[Q] Smooth Rom 4.4

As you've prob guessed I'm a noob, hence the help.
Ive just recently rooted and unlocked my nexus 7 with wugfresh 1.6.2 and am now looking at putting a custom rom on it.
Ive followed the advice and put titanium backup on and backed up my apps and system data.
Having read the instructions for installing Smooth Rom 4.4, it states 'Please do not restore a 'system' data backup as it would overwritte some important files'
does this mean I cannot restore my apps from titanium backup as I cant restore system data as they where backed up together or is there some other way for me to do it ?
does titanium backup get wiped as well ?
All Help appreciated, this is my first rom install and I dont wanna **** it up.
Robbie_UK said:
All Help appreciated, this is my first rom install and I dont wanna **** it up.
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The most important thing to do is to make a FULL nandroid backup before you begin.
The 2nd most important thing to do is to get that backup copied someplace else besides the tablet. (PC, USB key, etc) Screw-ups involving accidental erasure of the psuedo- SD card area on the tablet are commonplace with folks that are new to this. It won't do you any good to make a backup if you immediately erase it while fooling around with a custom recovery (or toolkit) that is new to you.
I suggest you learn to make backups using the custom recovery rather than relying on a toolkit.
If you are happy with the tablet in it's current configuration, then a back-up allows you to survive any ****-ups that inevitably follow as you can return back to a known state and proceed again having learned from your mistakes.
As for TiB, the only thing that is 100% safe is to only restore apps & their data that are NOT pre-installed in whatever ROM you are installing. Note this means not restoring any of the Google gapps as well, as you may have had a different versions of those apps running on your current ROM than on the to-be-installed ROM, whether pre-installed or updated later.
Yeah it's a bit of work restoring apps one by one and re-configuring things. There probably are System apps that can have their data safely restored to the wrong version of the app - but there are absolutely no guarantees that correct operation of the app will follow that.
cheers and good luck

[Q] Recovery question

I rooted my device with wug's toolkit and was running TWRP. The OTA came out so i flashed back to stock, unrooted to update to JWR66Y. Now i rooted the device again and also have TWRP. Before i flashed back to stock i backed everything up with titanium backup, i created an android backup with the toolkit and i also created a nandroid backup with the toolkit. I then restored my nandroid backup with the toolkit and the OTA was not applied anymore and i was back to square one. my mistake.... what do i have to do to put everything back the way it was without it reverting back to JWR66V? I am sorta new to this and have a good general knowledge of what is going on and i just need to know what direction to go in.
I am now rooted with TWRP again... Back to stock with none of my apps but I am up to date with the OTA. Still dont know what direction to go in to restore everything as it was and keep the JWR66Y update.
If you just restore the data partition, that should give you your user apps and app data back but im unsure how well it will work restoring 4.2 data to a 4.3 os
Sent from my LG-P768 using xda app-developers app
donk165 said:
If you just restore the data partition, that should give you your user apps and app data back but im unsure how well it will work restoring 4.2 data to a 4.3 os
Sent from my LG-P768 using xda app-developers app
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Ok thanks alot.
I was on 4.3 JWR66V before i flashed stock and updated to JWR66Y. Should i use wug's toolkit to restore (just data, not system) or do it through titanium backup?
flyers27 said:
Ok thanks alot.
I was on 4.3 JWR66V before i flashed stock and updated to JWR66Y. Should i use wug's toolkit to restore (just data, not system) or do it through titanium backup?
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Id say try using the toolkit first, if it doesnt work, wipe data partition and then try using titanium backup. Another good tool is nandroid manager, i use that to restore apps and data from a CWM nandroid backup. If you put the nandroid backup from the toolkit onto your tab and then use nandroid manager and see if it will read the backup.
Good luck!
donk165 said:
Id say try using the toolkit first, if it doesnt work, wipe data partition and then try using titanium backup. Another good tool is nandroid manager, i use that to restore apps and data from a CWM nandroid backup. If you put the nandroid backup from the toolkit onto your tab and then use nandroid manager and see if it will read the backup.
Good luck!
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ok, i just recovered only the data from my nandroid backup with the toolkit and it seemed like everything was ok at first. I tried a few games and they worked until i tried ones that i had saved game data and realized my saved games were not saved. Also the games i had with obb files previously did not work because the obb files were gone. Another thing... all my apk's on the internal card are not there, yet the games are working. I then took the titanium backup folder that i copied to my computer with the backup and put it on the internal card and loaded titanium backup. It did not recognize the folder and it showed that i did not have anything backed up at all.
now what to do?
Update: I clicked on the batch button on titanium backup and was able to try and restore my apps and data. It did not put the apk's back on the internal card or allow me to play my saved games.... I also tried just to restore the Andoid backup using the tookit and that didnt bring anything back either.
I flashed the stock recovery and unrooted with the toolkit to undo everything i just did. I then rooted the device and added TWRP using the toolkit. Now i am rooted with none of my previous apps or saved games, but i am updated to JWR66Y.
Hopefully someone can help me restore all my apps and saved games because what ive done isnt working.
I really dont want to put all the apk's and reinstall all my games and apps back on my nexus. Someone must have some insight please.
flyers27 said:
I really dont want to put all the apk's and reinstall all my games and apps back on my nexus. Someone must have some insight please.
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Hi, flyers27...
Sorry to read about your difficulties restoring you tablet back to it's pre-4.3 glory.
Unfortunately, there are no easy shortcuts to getting all your apps back the way they where. You're going to have to use Titanium... your NANDROIDs from 4.2.2 won't really help you...
If you have Titanium backups of your apps on your Nexus 7 (by default they're located in /storage/emulated/0/TitaniumBackup), then it's just a case of going through each listed app backup and selecting either (from the Backup/Restore tab) Restore App only or Restore App+Data.
Personally, I only ever use Batch for backing up apps, preferring a more discretionary approach to the apps I restore, and whether or not I choose to restore a given apps associated data. It is, I grant, a bit of a slog, but it's not a task that's going to crop up everyday... it's just a once-in-while-sort-of-thing.
Up until Jellybean 4.3 was released a few weeks ago, I'd been happily running a Jellybean 4.2.2 based custom ROM/Kernel combo for six months or so, and I knew if I wanted to avail myself of Jellybean 4.3, I had to wipe the metaphorical slate clean and begin anew.
Here is what I did...
1). Performed a NANDROID backup of my (then) 4.2.2 based Custom ROM/Kernel combo. This was more for insurance sake, so should anything go wrong, I could easily get a working system back, relatively quickly. But if everything went according to plan (which it did), that NANDROID backup would be essentially redundant (which it was).
2). Performed a full Titanium backup of all my 150+ user installed apps.
3). Copied EVERYTHING off of my Nexus 7, to my laptop. (NANDROIDs, Titanium backups, Videos, Music, Documents, Images, etc.,
4). Fastboot flashed Jellybean 4.3 (build JWR66V). Which, also wiped the tablet.
5). Fastboot flashed TWRP and Rooted.
6). Copied EVERYHING (except the NANDROID), back to my Nexus 7. (Titanium backups, Videos, Music, Documents, Images, etc.,
7). Set about the business of selectively restoring my Titanium backed-up apps.
I had the whole thing done in slightly less than 2 hours. Upgraded from 4.2.2 custom to 4.3 stock... and rooted.
Sometimes there are no easy ways; you've just gotta bite the bullet, and get it done. And none of this is technically difficult, it's just a bit tedious.
In your case, it shouldn't take that long... if you have your Titanium backups on your Nexus 7, just restore what you want FOR NOW... and perhaps maybe come back to those less urgent apps at a later date. Not everything has to be restored immediately. The difference between TWRP/CWM NANDROIDS and Titanium, is the former is Monolithic (the restore is all or nothing), but the latter is Granular (you can cherry pick from Titanium).
Anyway... just my thoughts. Hope it helps.
GedBlake said:
Hi, flyers27...
Sorry to read about your difficulties restoring you tablet back to it's pre-4.3 glory.
Unfortunately, there are no easy shortcuts to getting all your apps back the way they where. You're going to have to use Titanium... your NANDROIDs from 4.2.2 won't really help you...
If you have Titanium backups of your apps on your Nexus 7 (by default they're located in /storage/emulated/0/TitaniumBackup), then it's just a case of going through each listed app backup and selecting either (from the Backup/Restore tab) Restore App only or Restore App+Data.
Personally, I only ever use Batch for backing up apps, preferring a more discretionary approach to the apps I restore, and whether or not I choose to restore a given apps associated data. It is, I grant, a bit of a slog, but it's not a task that's going to crop up everyday... it's just a once-in-while-sort-of-thing.
Up until Jellybean 4.3 was released a few weeks ago, I'd been happily running a Jellybean 4.2.2 based custom ROM/Kernel combo for six months or so, and I knew if I wanted to avail myself of Jellybean 4.3, I had to wipe the metaphorical slate clean and begin anew.
Here is what I did...
1). Performed a NANDROID backup of my (then) 4.2.2 based Custom ROM/Kernel combo. This was more for insurance sake, so should anything go wrong, I could easily get a working system back, relatively quickly. But if everything went according to plan (which it did), that NANDROID backup would be essentially redundant (which it was).
2). Performed a full Titanium backup of all my 150+ user installed apps.
3). Copied EVERYTHING off of my Nexus 7, to my laptop. (NANDROIDs, Titanium backups, Videos, Music, Documents, Images, etc.,
4). Fastboot flashed Jellybean 4.3 (build JWR66V). Which, also wiped the tablet.
5). Fastboot flashed TWRP and Rooted.
6). Copied EVERYHING (except the NANDROID), back to my Nexus 7. (Titanium backups, Videos, Music, Documents, Images, etc.,
7). Set about the business of selectively restoring my Titanium backed-up apps.
I had the whole thing done in slightly less than 2 hours. Upgraded from 4.2.2 custom to 4.3 stock... and rooted.
Sometimes there are no easy ways; you've just gotta bite the bullet, and get it done. And none of this is technically difficult, it's just a bit tedious.
In your case, it shouldn't take that long... if you have your Titanium backups on your Nexus 7, just restore what you want FOR NOW... and perhaps maybe come back to those less urgent apps at a later date. Not everything has to be restored immediately. The difference between TWRP/CWM NANDROIDS and Titanium, is the former is Monolithic (the restore is all or nothing), but the latter is Granular (you can cherry pick from Titanium).
Anyway... just my thoughts. Hope it helps.
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thank you very much, i will try what you said.

Help with backup/restore

Hey guys,
May I ask for a few hints on backing up/restoring from rom to rom?
More specifically, how do you proceed every time you switch custom roms?
Titanium/helium/native google cloud? Do you first restore through playstore/samsung accounts, or from titanium backups, and so on?
My current protocol is backup via Titanium, flash, login to google apps/samsung account/playstore, let it download everything, and then selectively restore some info (ex. sms, wifi passes, accounts, apps, etc) from titanium, but that takes way too long, and i am not sure this is the proper way (as info get merged sometimes, viber will never restore properly, etc).
So, a few tips please?
ocelot_gr said:
Hey guys,
May I ask for a few hints on backing up/restoring from rom to rom?
More specifically, how do you proceed every time you switch custom roms?
Titanium/helium/native google cloud? Do you first restore through playstore/samsung accounts, or from titanium backups, and so on?
My current protocol is backup via Titanium, flash, login to google apps/samsung account/playstore, let it download everything, and then selectively restore some info (ex. sms, wifi passes, accounts, apps, etc) from titanium, but that takes way too long, and i am not sure this is the proper way (as info get merged sometimes, viber will never restore properly, etc).
So, a few tips please?
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Make a Nandroid back up in your custom recovery,it's the easiest way
ludoke said:
Make a Nandroid back up in your custom recovery,it's the easiest way
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Nandroid of *not* the whole system? Is that possible? Recovery or adb?
I mostly care about apps and their data, settings etc...
ocelot_gr said:
Nandroid of *not* the whole system? Is that possible? Recovery or adb?
I mostly care about apps and their data, settings etc...
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In Custom recovery select backup ,check all the options and be sure the backup path is your SD card.
If ,in the future you restore the back up everething will be the same as before,restore also in custom recovery .
If you made the back in TWRP then resore in TWRP. For CWM the same
Just use the backup function of your recovery it will backup apps, settings, kernel and rom. It doesn't back up the baseband though. So if you have a rom that uses a different one. You have to flash the old one again with odin to get the old backup working.
I think I mis-presented it or something.
I dont think i need a nandroid backup, as this would restore the rom/system as well.
What I ask for comments on is the quick/correct restoration of the *apps* and their data only (since the whole point of the question is how to restore apps after a new custom rom flash/update).

