Unlocking? - Shadow General

In the Android World we call it Rooting... want to "Root" or whatever you people call it here on the other side of the Mobile World, HTC Juno/T-Mobile Shadow. Want to unlock/Root/JailBreak... help... links... search doesn't help me. Also, WindowsMobile 6.5 ROM along with it? Thanks. =)

Well, in order to flash a new ROM, you will have to either use JumpSPL...which is included with most ROM releases, or flash the Shadow USPL, which is permanent. While its not rooting in the Android sense, it does indeed allow your device to be open in order to flash a new ROM. In order to install programs or hacks onto your Shadow, just copy them to your phone or a storage card and install like normal. Most Shadows are not application locked, but in the case that yours is, just search for and download SDA unlocker and run it with your Shadow connected via USB.


ROM upgrade help

I wanted to install one of the ROMs from www.yorch.net. But before doing so I have some questions:
1. If I choose to build ROM as an installer.exe, is installing it to my device as simple as running the .exe file? (of course with the device connected thru Activesync)
2. Is my present ROM (see specs below) supported?
3. If Murphy comes to visit and I screw up, will my phone be completely unusable or can I just reinstall old ROM, do hard reset and everything will be back to how it was?
My specs:
OS: Pocket PC ver 3.0.12039
ROM:3.20.06 ENG( 07/30/03) (O2 Asia I think since I bought it here in the Philippines)
Radio: 4.21.00.
1 as far as i know yes havent don it to my own device yet though
2 a rom dont have to support a rom since it'll overwrite it
3 of cause merphy can also show his ugly face
but if all fails a sd flash reader writer can save many a tears
also if your phone is working ok then i would not mess with the
radio stack and beware because some roms include the radio stack
and if you try to update your radio stack to a US (900/1900) and you network is 900/1800 you could be in for a world of pain
ROM upgrade step by step
OK I'm really dying to give it a go but I'm just a overly cautious bloke. So I'm gonna outline what I interpreted (after reading lots of posts I think I'm getting it but not sure) to be the way do the upgrade. Please correct me if i'm wrong:
Equipment I have:
1. My notebook (Windows XP, Activesynch 3.7)
2. O2 XDAI
3. Cradle and USB connection.
Steps that I think I should take:
1. Place XDA on cradle and make sure it's connected with PC.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
3. Go to www.yorch.net, check mark on all appropriate options, then (since I have to Unix box and dont know Unix at all) just go for the easy option of cooking the .exe install file.
4. Assuming, the .exe is downloaded to my PC. This time I just run it. I expect this to be just like installing PPC apps. If not, throw a tomato on my face
5. Assuming everything worked and Murphy's in the Arctic freezing his A**e off, then all I do now is hard reset.
6. I have a new ROM and I'm singing happy-happy-joy-joy.
To the wonderful people at xda-developers, am I in the right direction or am I as lost as Bill and Ted? If I'm lost, is there a step-by-step guide for non-unix programmers? (Sorry, there was a sticky but I thought it was for people with Unix boxes)
Once again, thanks for all your help and your patience.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
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well i can think of one thing to backup and thats your current rom
so if you dont like the new rom you are getting you have the option to go back
of cause if the rom you have now is downloadble from a place you know like your isp then maybe it dont matter
Thanks for the reply. That's a good point. Question: When you back up old ROM, is it just the ROM that gets backed up or is it the whole content of the device, like how you do in PCs?
Also, since no one, besides you, has made any comments regarding the steps that I outlined, is it safe to say that they are the correct steps?
When you backup your ROM, no stuff that you customised will be in the backup - the backed up ROM will be the same as when you received it from your retail shop, or if you upgraded, it will be the upgraded ROM without any of your stuff. Do a backup and store it on your hard disk.
DON'T use the .exe cooked ROM, use a .nb1 or .nbf, and use XDA Tools from this site to do the upgrade. It's very easy that way, and less dangerous. Don't upgrade your radio stack unless you know exactly what you're doing, or your phone supplier has made an update available just for you.
If you use a T-Mobile ROM above version 4.00.05 it blocks the XDA-Tools from updating the ROM. At that point you need to use XDARIT (from this site) to low-level write the ROM image you have onto your SD card using an SD card reader which shows the card as another drive on your computer. Once you do that you need to boot into the boot-loader (press the reset button while holding the power button) and follow the prompts to restore from an SD card. If you're unlucky and are running bootloader 5.17 (or above I think) you need to write the bootloader diagnostics patch (wallaby patch from this site) onto your SD card first before doing the boot into the bootloader thing. You can then remove the SD card, write the O/S ROM onto it with XDRIT, and put it back into your phone while it's still sitting on in diagnostics mode. Then you can restore from the SD.
It sounds complicated, but it's easy, as long as you have an SD card reader, and as long as you don't mess with trying to update the bootloader or do an unknown radio update. There's lots of info in these forums if you get stuck.
I made a thread that summarised all the steps using the new tools and ROM's at this address : http://xda-developers.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3860. It's for Asian/European users, but if you are in the US the instructions are the same, except instead of using European 900/1800 radio you use 900/1900.
Further questions on ROM update
Thanks. It's becoming clearer and clearer. Have more clarifying questions:
1. How do you know whether or not you're including the radio stack with the ROM upgrade at yorch.net. I did not see any options there.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
3. I dont think I'm using the T-mobile ROM but how do I know if I'm runing bootloader 5.17? Is bootloader 5.17 only for T-Mobile users or all?
Once again, thanks for the help and bearing with a newbie.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
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it should start to write some text about the progress of making the rom
and when it's finished then it should init a std download dialog
The meter down at the status bar does move, same as when you're loading a webpage, then it says Done. That's about it. Didnt see any other messages or dialogue boxes.
Can anyone confirm if it's up today or has it been down?
PS. Tried to email using the email utility at the website but getting errors there as well.
OK, firstly to answer your question about Yorch's site... well it worked for me in getting all the ROM's I wanted, then when I went back again the download didn't work. I guess it's just on and off, so unless Yorch finishes getting married or someone else makes another kitchen it's a matter of pot luck. You can get away without using the kitchen if you can find another download source for ROM's, whether it be FTP or whatever. Just remember if you get an exe you can usually pull it apart with winzip to get the .nb1 or .nbf out of it.
Now, for Q1 :
An operating system ROM is generally just under 32MB, but when zipped from Yorch it's usually about 14 or 15MB - the operating system ROM will NEVER be smaller than that. I'm not sure about the exact radio stack size but I know it's a lot less than that. Also, doing some homework about the operating system ROM helps. eg. reading about the 4.01.00 ROM tells you that it's not a radio stack upgrade, it's an operating system upgrade - and the filename and the size of the file you receive reflects that.
answered above...
I think the bootloader is just pot-luck depending on when you phone was released. To check your bootloader it will reset your device completely, but I read somewhere that if you turn the radio (phone) off it doesn't hard reset. If you're worried, do a full backup first. But basically when you're ready to look, reset your phone while holding the power button and it will tell you the bootloader version. Don't be too turned off by that, I have read that SD card readers can be picked up very cheap if you look around, and that's all you need to get you out of trouble regardless of the bootloader version.
There's no real risk (but I won't guarantee anything), just make sure your phone is fully charged before mucking about with SD upgrades. Also make sure the radio (phone) is switched off before upgrading... using the bootloader/sd card method you shouldn't need to be concerned. I'm not sure what effect having your phone on and receiving a call while using XDA-Tools can have, but someone did mention it somewhere.
I'm a newbie too, but there's really not much you need to know, just a few caveats.
Yorch's Kitchen has been working OK for me the last couple of days. It takes maybe about 5 mins to "cook" before telling me that the ROM is ready. The 4.00.05 ROM gave me a lot of ActiveSync problems, so I went to the 4.00.16 ROM tonight and it looks like it's behaving better.
My SD reader is a Microtech Zio. It appears as a disk drive in windows, but the newer XDArit can't initialize a connection to write to the SD card. I used the "dangerous" older version of XDArit instead (available on Yorch's site), and it's worked OK for me (so far?).
One thing I wish I had realized before I started playing - going into the bootloader will reset your phone most (some?) (all?) of the time.
While I was flashing the ROM tonight I could see the GSM light flashing - I had the same "hope no one calls" feeling tht others must have had. Note that this was while I was flashing from an SD card in the bootloader - so apparently the process doesn't deactivate the phone while it's ongoing.
Muchas Gracias!
Ebswift, if ur a newbie then ur the god of the newbies. Thanks for all the help and for making me see the light. Much appreciated...
A quick Q:
Is the process for installing an .nbf file the same as that for installing an .nb1 file?
I have cooked a few ROMS to an .nb1 format and installed those OK, but now I have one in .nbf that I'd like to install.
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
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You can do it that way (onto the SD card), or if you're not already using a T-Mobile ROM you can use XDA Tools which is easier. Basically the capabilities are spelled out for you with the available file types in the drop downs when you select a source.

[README] Wizard - Backup Restore and Upgrade Rom! 17/03/2006

Hi, I've just recently got my self a T-Mobile MDA Vario. This is also known as Qtek 9100, Imate K-JAM, O2 XDA Mini S. The first thing I did was to find out whether there is a newer rom to upgrade to and I landed on this forum. The wiki was informative but still lacking a lot of information which only resides on this forum. After digging the forum for the whole day, here is my summary.
The first thing you do when get your phone is to SIM unlock and CID unlock your phone. SIM unlock allows you to use different service provider on your phone. CID unlock allows you to upgrade your OS rom, radio rom and extended rom. The OS rom is where the Windows Mobile OS resides at, radio rom is where it controls your GSM or CDMA radio protocol. The extended rom is where your service provider does their own customization, like adding their own software, logos etc. You can customize your own extended rom too once its unlock, like adding and removing application.
To SIM unlock and CID unlock your phone, currently I only know of 2 free programs that can do that for you. You only need to do this once since the unlocking info is stored in a different part of the memory then the roms. I must stress that CID unlock will *VOID* your warranty with your service provider.
1) The first one is lokiwiz - HTC Wizard Unlocker UPDATE Version 0.2b. This utility can SIM unlock and CID unlock. It also allows you to lock it back. Thank you very much machinagod! You can get it here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=33796
If you can follow intructions its a piece of cake.
2) The second util is aWizard ROM Utils. This ultility can *ONLY* CID unlock your phone and *NOT* SIM unlock. However this tool also allows you to change the splash logo easily. It also can backup and restore your OS rom, radio rom and extended rom independently of each other. Thanks ahlok_hk! Get this here
After you are done with the unlocking, it is advisable to backup your rom before you do anything upgrades. This is because most of the people here are on contract with their service provider. If your phone breaks and wants to send it for service, it is better to restore it to the original roms it came with otherwise they might say you have void your warranty by flashing third party roms and then you are stuffed.
I have found a few threads that deal with backing up the roms.
1) This thread explains how you can use romupdate.exe and ntrw.exe to dump raw data from the roms to your SD card. This will *WIPE* out all existing data on the SD card so becarefull. You can keep this SD card safe somewhere until you want to restore but then you won't be able to use it. You can use ntrw.exe to copy the raw binary from the SD into a file. You can then keep this file somewhere safe and then format your SD and carry on using the SD as before. To restore just use ntrw.exe to write from the restore file to the SD card and follow the instructions to restore. Thanks arnoldl!
2) This method is pretty much the same as above except that it uses different programs. This uses a terminal program (terraterm) to get into the phone and use "r2sd" to dump Rom to SD. It also uses psdread and psdwrite to read and write raw data to and from the SD. This also tells you how to be able to reformat your SD after you use it to backup. Thanks Genesis3! http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=43399
3) You can use the aWizard program to backup your roms. Follow the intructions.
4) Button is kind enough to write a program to backup all your IPL/SPL, OS rom, Radio rom and Extended rom. This program is easy to use. You will still need a SD card for this.
Read this thread for more info:
You can grab the tool from:
I think this method will backup your OS rom, Radio rom and Extended rom. I'm not sure whether it backs up your IPL and SPL. There is a bug in SPL 1.06(bootloader) *thanks Button for the hint* it will give you an error if you try to restore from the SD using the ntrw.exe/psdwrite method. The workaround is to install an older rom with SPL 1.01 such as the first Qtek Prodigy rom. Then you can restore your rom. Using the method where you backup your rom to SD and keep it there until restore is not affected. I recommend getting a 128MB SD since its relatively cheap. Its worth buying one just for rom backup.
Now that you have unlock and backup your roms. You can start flashing new roms to try out!
You can find many different roms under the Roms directory. This roms usually are all in one packages from the OEM such as Qtek, I-mate, O2, T-Mobile etc. The ODM is obviously HTC. If you want localization for your language just choose a rom your language eg:- RUU_Prodigy_2080702_102_11310_QTEK_FRA_Test.exe for french.
These all in one packages comes as an executable which includes the flash program and the OS rom, Radio rom and Extended rom. Just click and install. To get your settings for your network GPRS settings, you might be able to find a *.cab file which has the settings in your original extended rom and copy over to the new extended rom. This only work for 1.x roms, read below for more info. You can get UK network operator settings here
It seems that the most popular roms are from Qtek and I-mate. This RUU_Prodigy_1060701_101_11310_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe seems to be recommended by most. This rom is the 1.x series. There is a newer 2.x series of roms just recently released which includes the AKU2. From what I understand AKU2 is like a service patch for windows. It includes DIRECT PUSH email functionality (similar to RIM's Blackberry) and AD2P which is stereo bluetooth support.
At the moment non of the final released AKU2 roms have AD2P. If you need it, the Qtek 2.x beta testing rom does include this functionality. You can find this on the ftp. Another downside to this newer roms is that the Extended rom seems to be locked and you won't be able to access it. No one has yet found a way to crack it. These newer AKU2 roms have fixed the wifi bug which showed when using WiFIFoFum wifi scanning program.
I just had a chat with the linux developers for HTC devices on irc. It seems the wizard running with the OMAP750 processor does not have enough documentation and is not well supported in the kernel yet. But the development on the HTC Universal seems to be going well. As for syncing with windows mobile 5 and linux, the synce project currently do not support WM5 yet, they just started a new mailing list for it. If you have any experience in reverse engineering please help. The only solution now for me is to install windows xp on vmware and sync from there. Then you can export your outlook as a file to be imported into your favourite Linux app. Linux cannot read the mini SD in your device, so you will need a card reader to read and write files to it.
This is what I've found out so far after spending the whole day digging the forum. I shall add them to the wiki so other ppl who don't have that much time to spare can benifit from it.
I have a few unanswered questions. What is IPL? What is SPL? I sort know its something to do with the bootloader. Does using "r2sd" backup my IPL and SPL? It not how do I backup my IPL and SPL? If I upgrade to the 2.x series roms, will I be able to restore back to the 1.x series? From what I've read, you can restore from 2.x back to 1.x but the IPL and SPL will still be 2.x, is that correct? Thanks!
Hope this helps someone. Those threads above should really be made sticky. The search never turn up what I need. I had to slow dig my way thru.
I was considering starting a 8125 Standardization Project, much like the SX-66 Standardisation Project. I'm am just not sure I have the time.
Nice walk through BTW. You sum it up rather well :wink:
I wish you posted this 2 days ago, then I wouldn't have had to do all that digging to figure it out. It is easy once you see the BIG picture though eh?
Later; Lew
great overview. Thanks a lot !!
Really great overview! Posted the URL to my Expert Blog at http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&title=great_tips_for_htc_wizard_users&more=1 for even more exposure.
will a 512mb minisd be enough to back up everything before flashing to a new rom?
Thank you
Excellent timing just started the process myself.
oo3: Yes, 512MB is more than enough for backing up your rom. If you use a 512MB to backup your rom and write the raw data to a file. When you restore, you need a 512MB card to write the raw data back to the card. I personally bought a 128MB card just for backing up the rom. It only cost me £10 to buy it online. Its worth the investment.
good overview.
Might be worth to put it on the wiki
One flaw: ExtROm of all ROMs 1.6.x and above are locked with no real solution yet.
For the 1.6.x roms you could try to fiddle with versions in order to (one time right) make the ExtROm you want.
For the 2.x ROMs even this is not possble until now.
The aWizard tools are said NOT to be working on the 2.16.x (final aku2) ROMs they do work on the 2.8.x (beta aku2) ROM from QTek.
At this moment buzz_lightyear is fiddling with my spl to try to get the EXTRom unlocked.
The SD backup/restore process works really well btw.... I just tried a restore of the original Cingular Rom on another demo 8125 and it turned it back into a pristine stock device.... Cingular will never know we "had our way" with so many of their demos now :twisted:
Backup Restore and Upgrade Rom!
What a summary. Thank you for your effort.
Upgrade question
I've just backed up the existing ROM on my new O2 Mini S, thanks to this wonderful post. Before I proceed to an upgrade, could someone please tell me if I should leave the SIM card inside the wizard, remove it, or it just doesn't matter during the upgrade? I'm planning to go for the O2 AKU2 rom. Thanks.
It just doesn't matter during the upgrade
Um. The OMAP can run linux. Linux is a supported OS for the OMAP. The problem is the rest of the hardware (lcd, etc).
i SO want linux on the wizard. 4x6 font and console :d
ftp a no go
can someone please help as i can't get into the ftp via the link provided
Re: ftp a no go
This overview should updated : the latest lockwiz 3a can also do the latest Tmobile-NL ROM with IPL/SPL 2.21 !!
A more detailed instruction to unlock can also be found at http://www.mdahacks.com/item/2006/6/7/unlock-your-htc-wizard-mda-8125-phone-using-lokiwiz
Does this also work for the CIngular 8525 or Dopod 838 Pro?
Does this upgrade also work for the Cingular 8525 also known in South Asia as the Dopod 838pro?
No. Look inside of the Hermes section for that device.
Great overview, I would hope that future visitors or registered users read through it and save themselves and others a lot of headaches. On that note any reason this isn't getting stickied?
@The SOundshark
If your running peerguardian you might want to dissable it, or if your running any other type of firewall. For the life of me I can't configure peerguardian to allow FTP access, so try that and hope it helps.

[Help Request] Live ROM Update

Objective :
Create an Update Utility based on the Windows Update in Official ROMs
Description :
My idea is to create a ROM that can be updated without the need of RUU we use now. For example, you have Core2.0n version of my ROM and since you installed it, I created another version, for example Core3. In order to update you'd normally have to download the latest ROM to your PC and re-flash your HTC Wizard.
I want to allow you to go online directly from your Wizard and check for new version. If new version found, then automatically download and flash. All you'd need is an Internet connection.
Limits/Problems :
There are some problems about this. This is where I need help.
Usually the PPC turns OFF and then the RUU writes the ROM. With the way I want it, the ROM must be written while the device is ON...and then it would do a Hard Reset in order to complete the Update.
I don't know yet if this is possible, but I am willing to try.
What I need :
People with Assembler knowledge
People with good PPC knowledge and understanding
Huge amount of luck
I remember someone here already tried to restore the Windows Update components. Unfortunately I can't remember who and if he succeeded or not.
I'll search for his thread and post any update.
The ORIGINAL thread is located HERE. Please feel free to join the development crew.​
The idea looks cool, it will allow us to redistribute updates and fixes to our roms more easy
But we have to figure out how the windows update feature is working, and how it manages to flash the downloaded update
I think that it downloads the updates to the storage card (in most cases there is not enough space in storage to store whole rom image) and then instructs the boot loader to flash the file from the card (this way it will be logical)
Also that way will be similar for all devices not just the wizard.
So the rom cookers can personalize windows update settings to update their roms trough it (of course separetely for every device)
xplode said:
The idea looks cool, it will allow us to redistribute updates and fixes to our roms more easy
But we have to figure out how the windows update feature is working, and how it manages to flash the downloaded update
I think that it downloads the updates to the storage card (in most cases there is not enough space in storage to store whole rom image) and then instructs the boot loader to flash the file from the card (this way it will be logical)
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I think we'll try to do that. However I doubt that Microsoft intended to use a Storage Card for update. This makes me curious on what method they would have used.
Other problem would be error checking...We must know for certain the OS is not corrupted before attempting the update.
Maybe I didn't said it...but I will say it now. My intention is only to flash through the air an OS, that means no other components, like SPL, IPL , radio or SplashScreens will be altered by the Update so no chance of bricking the device plus making the whole process easier to accomplish.
Other idea is to study the way that security programs (anti theft) use they're software so that the data is included in the rom with a simple install.(they say the program will be there even after a hard reset...though i didn't tried any)
I am sad to notice so little enthusiasm from people around here.
This would affect chefs more than regular people but still.
Back to business...
Questions :
Is it possible to flash directly the ROM with the PDA turned on ?
If so, how can we access the ROM directly ?
How to use .pkg ? Can we make use of them ?
Considering the Update deals only with relative minor changes, this means we can leave the XIP out. We can think of new Builds as major upgrades and require the use of normal flash. The big problem..and unfortunately the thing I know less about it's managing to insert the new update in a very "raw" manner.
I am firmly convinced that few people here posses the knowledge to do this.
Please come in front and let's make this thing happen.
I could try to reverse engineer the default windows update but it would take a great deal of time and I would probably get stuck without some help.
P.S. I managed to find the thread I was talking about before. It's located here.
I think is a great idea my friend. However there are many things to think before trying to do it. First of all to flash the new files you shall need to make a pdoc write but i have now idea how can be made via the device itself.
Where are the "patches" being stored before they are updated?
May be the process of hard reset shold be manual. This are only some toughts.
i would help u as much as i can...
great idea !
the update can be on the storage card and one can put the device into
bootloader/update mode by running this little program in the windows dir
to switch it to the 3 color screen.
With this WM5torage program i can acces the romchip itself and write it.
not sure wether it messes up things.
not sure if this will delete contents of the storagecard itself...
another thought... why not make the updatepackage and let windowsupdate install it for you ?
I think the best way to procede is to find out how to make a pkg file (faria seems to know) and then to sniff what the windows update app does when connecting to the MS server and see if we can emulate that on a test server.
Midget_1990 said:
I think the best way to procede is to find out how to make a pkg file (faria seems to know) and then to sniff what the windows update app does when connecting to the MS server and see if we can emulate that on a test server.
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All your ideas are great. But this was exactly what i had in mind. It seems the easiest way....only so little time right now. So...where`s Faria ?
P.S. Sorry for late reply...i thought ppl don`t care and i didn`t checked the thread
Does somebody of you have such a pkg file?
As I understand it right, this file will be delivered by windows update to the client?
I never got an Update via Windows Update... Everytime I try, there are no updates available ^^
Sniffing the Windows Update would be easy, I think. I could bet that all this stuff is done via a Webservice. That's the I would do it
Has anyone ever updated anything using that Windows Update? It's highly unlikely it will download a whole new ROM, maybe just some cabs which won't touch the ROM altogether, just mess around in registry.
And who needs to keep the device on while updating if you'd make a hard reset afterwards?
It can even be done now...
any back-up program
a cook who's willing to release ROMS on some stable host (NOT rapidshare where address changes)
a diff utility to download only the parts of the ROM that changed
A small app which writes XXXXIMG.BIN to storage card and enters bootloader.
Much harder task is to get rid of ROMs altogether and take control of the only advantage they give: XIP. I mean, why don't use a tool to convert the new apps to XIP format making them a part of the ROM?
I can provide u with the package but it will take some time..u see i have WM6 Emulator..but cant make it to use Internet Connection of my PC..so the Update manager starts but doesent download (no connectivity)..will see what i can do
i got the internet working..but when i click update..it doesent give any packages..what now

Can't seem to install anything on ATT Pure...

I can sync and copy files like several of the cabs from this site to the phone Storage card or My Documents in the phone and when I try and run any of them I always get an Unsuccessful .
is the ATT Pure Application locked? I did notice that all the applications I am running are not digitally signed or signed by a trusted provider and the phone complains and ask if if I still want to run. I pick yes and it still fails.
Any thoughts? I know some of you have ATT Pure devices!
I did this and all is working...
1. Deleted my partnership with my laptop (Win 7 64bit)
2. boot my ATT Pure
3. Connect but dont establish partnership
4. copy over the cab files you want
5. use file explorer on the Topaz (Pure) to run them
6. all works fine!
7. loading EnergyROM now
the lesson to be learned if it does not work for you and it works for everyone else then go back to the basics!
Welcome to AT&T... yes all branded phones are app locked because they want to force you to use their apps.
You can app unlock it using a cab install... but some new phones are even rejecting that.
Official and Custom roms are the way to go. I recommend everyone with a Pure to at least flash to the newest Official WM6.5 build. It will work just the same but be clean of AT&T junk.
I have an AT&T Pure
I have no particular problems with installing Cabs
As another poster said copy the cab to a temp directory
and run it from File Explorer (delete the cab to save space after its been run)
Or you can use "CabviaActivesync" availabele on this site which makes it a little bit easier. (but I did have two cabs that had bad setups and needed manual install)
Bottom line the PURE does not block most cabs (I've tried)
(I only had a problem with the write protected weathercity database now ok)
Chances are something is wrong on your Pure or your method
To the senior poster that replied
Hey I've made tweeks and played with the stock ROM
I'd love to clean the bloated and unused ATT aps
incorporate weather into the clock ( TF3D 2.5+++)
and get a cleaner start menu (too many aps)
and certainly see an improvement in performance and snappiness
Id love to try a new ROM
but most new roms are written for Diamond2/Topaz
I'm not clear if the radios are the same on the the D2 and the Pure?
Can I burn WM and TF3D without affecting the radio part of the code?
Are the any other issues we need to be aware before we burn a new Topaz rom
onto an ATT variant of the Topaz ?
Is there a copy of the original Pure Rom available in case we need to return
it to ATT (what else would we need to insure we could return to ATT to fix any other later warrenty covered problems)
Of course I realize there is a risk invilved,
but whats the best safety prep?
I'm new to phones but an old micro hard/firm/soft ware and PPC guy
Thanks in advance
I haven't had a single problem installing anything on my stock Pure. Even software that normally requires an app-unlocked phone installs just fine.
I'm also curious about what Kenn asked. I'm getting a Pure tomorrow and I won't be able to get the crapware off there fast enough.
Specifically, can I flash the official HTC 6.5 rom to the Pure without having to hard spl? Is is just a straight flash?
I have the same problem with this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5743820#post5743820
Everything is OK but installing the cabs.
When I try to install any cab it wrote me "Instalation of ... was unsuccessful."
I tried a lot of cabs and all of them are the same
Any help please?
This particular problem gave me 4 day headache last week when i couldn't figure out why I couldn't HSPL my Pure. Had to Hard Reset entire phone, everything worked
Yes, I also hard-reseted my phone yesterday and everything works now!

Request - Complete N00b's Guide to flashing HTC Touch Viva to Win Mo 6.5

Problem: I want to upgrade my HTC Touch Viva to Win Mo 6.5.
Riders: I want to ensure that if required, I can flash the HTC original ROM that the company gave on phone. I have already downloaded original ROM from amarkangda 's thread.
My Status: I had an Asus P320 which I had upgraded to Win Mo 6.5. It involved copying the flash.bin (or whatever it was) to mem card, boot it with some keys pressed (service mode or somethin like that) and it took on from there.
Requirements: I am too confused with SPL and what not since this is my first HTC phone. Can anyone please provide a complete step by step (Bullet Point wise) guide as to what I have to do to upgrade the phone to Windows Mobile 6.5.
I tried the search function but was not able to find anything. If there is something and you know a link to it, please provide it. I will be highly obliged.
do hard reset fast
see the link for flashing ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446446)
I Agree
I think that "The N00b's Guide to Flashing Opal" really is needed...
i mean, yes, there are a couple of guides with some information on "how to" but nothing complete and simple enough for noobs... there are a lot of new HTC users that have never flashed a phone before and have no idea how to do it, and even some experienced users on flashing other brands (mi personal experience, i used to flash motorola V3, Z6 and L7i) but get really lost when it comes to flashing HTC.
And after i learned i tried to help other new users but without success (see post 4 and 5 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=638911).
A complete guide should be made with all the terminology explained, the most common methods to flash, where to find stock roms, what kind of custom roms are there (ej. Light rom, cooked rom, what winmo ver is it using and pros and cons on all of them, etc.) all the software needed and a step by step guide with FAQ included. it should be community maintained to keep it always up-to-date.
I'll offer my help for anything needed and for Spanish translation.
@ mehulkarate
i'm sorry that this is just a copy and paste (and a bit of editing) from another post that i wrote, but i'll be easier for you:
I had the exact same problem when i first started to flash htc opal... didn't know how to do it, and didn't know what rom to use... maybe someone should create a complete, step by step guide (flashing opal for dummies) and post it as sticky...
ok, here it goes...
0.- if you'll be using a cooked rom (a modified Rom), you'll need to do a hardSPL. check here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446446 (HardSPL is basically the way to remove the drm lock on the phone)
1.- Make sure that you have activesync if you are using windows xp or windows device manager if you are using windows vista and the latest version of .net framework installed on your pc.
2.- unzip the new rom files on a folder somewhere accesible (desktop for example)
3.- connect the device as an activesync conection, make sure the battery is charged 50% or more
4.- just run the RUU installer (Rom Update Utility), sometimes named CustomRUU.
5.- Follow the onscreen instructions.
that's it... no complications, no special drivers, no weird commands or files to copy and paste. so simple. Just one thing: make sure you don't disconect usb during rom update.
so, resumed: Download Rom, Connect activesync, run RUU, done.
About what's the best 6.5 rom: PhamQuang. check for the latest on the rom development section. but different users will recommend different roms, so i'll recommend to try several before sticking to a particular one.
su8044 said:
0.- if you'll be using a cooked rom (a modified Rom), you'll need to do a hardSPL. check here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=446446 (HardSPL is basically the way to remove the drm lock on the phone)
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if he isn't going to use a cooked rom (modified rom) what should he be doing flashing???
neways...good of you to help noobies out.
there is an alternate way to do the same: which one is harder or easier is up to you
RUU (Rom Update Utility) via SDCard (your memory card) search for it in the forum.
Thanks Guyz.
So HardSPL has to be done, there is no escaping doing that?
Do I absolutely need to have DotNet on my PC? (I do not particularly like it, it slows down my PC)
Since I have already upgraded the Asus P320 from SD card, that will always be an option for me. Any ideas or links to rom which i can just put in sdcard, boot in service mode(or whatever with that volume down key pressed thingy) and it takes on from there, no hardspl etc? Just like i did for the Asus P320..
Especially if it saves me from going through installing .net on PC.
as far as i know: Yes and Yes... there's no scaping hardSLP because that's the one that'll let you install a modified rom... And .Net is needed because all update utilities will use it (HardSPL and RUU)...
But as Freelancer81 said, there's an alternate way to install a custom RUU through the SD card for the Opal too, i'll let you find that out on your own because i have never used that method nor have any previous experience on similar methods.... maybe you wont need HardSPL and .NET this way.
I'm searching for Volunteers to create the noobs guide to flashing opal... anyone willing to help PM me.
Hmm, so i will search for a ROM that can be installed from the card. May be, just may be, it can be done without the HardSPL thing.
If that fails, I will stick it up and go with process given here.
mohitkumar said:
Hmm, so i will search for a ROM that can be installed from the card. May be, just may be, it can be done without the HardSPL thing.
If that fails, I will stick it up and go with process given here.
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As far as i know you cant install any cooked rom via SD card with out hardspl only official roms can be flashed via SD without hardspl. Bro if you are so afraid about ur warranty then i would suggest u to use default os for more time, or install hardspl u can retain ur warranty by flashing stock spl when needed.

