Can anybody tell me how there repairs went with a unlocked bootloader..I've been holding out but I'm REALLY tempted to flash CM 5.0
UK HTC sound like they are on the ball - I'm hoping its true.
Mine went in for failed Haptic response out the box - it was also Bootloader Unlocked. Got an email from HTC today saying simply "Your device is being returned to you." My heart sank as it seemed to be saying what I feared, that they'd take one look, see the unlock, and send it back doing nothing. However, as I understand HTC terms, even if its out of warranty, they ring you to say that, then say how much it will cost to repair and ask if you agree to the charge or want it shippping back unrepaired.
So I called HTC - if your device is with them - keep on top constantly as they have always been very helpful for me. - Spoke to a guy called John and told him I was worried that the email meant I was getting my old device back after being told I'd get a DOA replacement. He checked up on the ticket, and told me there were two serial numbers listed, so it looked likely I was indeed getting a replacement, as that was what the ticket has always advised. He said it would likely be sent out today or tomorrow and should be with me by Friday. Again, there was no mention of the bootloader state. In fact the only time it came up was on my initial call and I had to mention it myself, to which the response (admitedly from someone who didn't really know what I meant by Unlocked Bootloader??) was to say that unless there was third party software ON THE DEVICE, this wouldn't be an issue.
I have JUST as i type this recieved a shipping email - it has a Serial number (not from my old device) and IMEI (not from my old device) so HURRAH i seem to have a replacement device. I've also been sent a tracking number for UPS
Will let you know the state of the replacement when it arrives - My original device had no screen clicks and no dust - just my luck I'll get a replacement with Dust and clicks LOL But hoping not xxx
Dayz - feeling optimistic xxx
Dayzee said:
UK HTC sound like they are on the ball - I'm hoping its true.
Mine went in for failed Haptic response out the box - it was also Bootloader Unlocked. Got an email from HTC today saying simply "Your device is being returned to you." My heart sank as it seemed to be saying what I feared, that they'd take one look, see the unlock, and send it back doing nothing. However, as I understand HTC terms, even if its out of warranty, they ring you to say that, then say how much it will cost to repair and ask if you agree to the charge or want it shippping back unrepaired.
So I called HTC - if your device is with them - keep on top constantly as they have always been very helpful for me. - Spoke to a guy called John and told him I was worried that the email meant I was getting my old device back after being told I'd get a DOA replacement. He checked up on the ticket, and told me there were two serial numbers listed, so it looked likely I was indeed getting a replacement, as that was what the ticket has always advised. He said it would likely be sent out today or tomorrow and should be with me by Friday. Again, there was no mention of the bootloader state. In fact the only time it came up was on my initial call and I had to mention it myself, to which the response (admitedly from someone who didn't really know what I meant by Unlocked Bootloader??) was to say that unless there was third party software ON THE DEVICE, this wouldn't be an issue.
I have JUST as i type this recieved a shipping email - it has a Serial number (not from my old device) and IMEI (not from my old device) so HURRAH i seem to have a replacement device. I've also been sent a tracking number for UPS
Will let you know the state of the replacement when it arrives - My original device had no screen clicks and no dust - just my luck I'll get a replacement with Dust and clicks LOL But hoping not xxx
Dayz - feeling optimistic xxx
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actually if they sent it back to you because the warranty was void they would charge you for shipping both ways. It probably means they fixed the issue and are returning the device or maybe another unit.
Interesting indeed. It would be great if they have decided to fix obvious hardware defects now. Hopefully it's not just an isolated incident.
My new handset is back and on initial close examination, there is no dust or screen clicks - Hope that condition remains.
I DID get a replacement handset but I've no idea if its refurb or not - it looks as new (and I've examined it meticulously) and the Haptic/vibrate is working. Its also locked - in that it hasn't got an unlock - Obviously I expected a replacement to be stock and bootloader locked.
With regard to the unlocked status of my original handset - at the HTC end, it was NEVER mentioned at all. I brought it up initially, as I wondered if they might refuse to take it in fo exchange if they knew. The rep I spoke to clearly had no idea what I was taklking about - he asked me who unlocked it and I explained I had unlocked it myself using the programming on the phone. He then said it's not an issue, unless you have third party software on it. I replied there wasn't (It was returned to stock before I sent it, except for unlocked bootloader which i couldn't change) and he said the UPS label would be emailed to me and I should get it ready for return pick up on Monday. From that time, the bootloader was never asked about, or mentioned at all.
My theory though isn't that they are accepting Unlocked bootloader handsets anyway, but that they just aren't fully clued up yet, either in the UK repair centre or on the UK Rep Customer Service lines, and so the presence of that tell tale Lock symbol wasn't really an issue. Its quite possible and likely that as the reps and engineers become more familiar, that Unlocked bootloaders will be at least questioned, if not refused warranty. I consider myself very lucky to be honest.
so did you unlock again right away? or is your sig from the one you sent in?
glad it went well for you...i unlocked the phone as soon as i had it in my hands and have not had any issues at all...but good to know htc isnt looking to close at the locked/unlocked bootloader
Nope haven't unlocked again, though I will be doing - going to let it settle in a bit before I do it - was really stressful getting a hardware problem so early on a new device and having voided the warranty... I'm not keen for that again.
Hey xda,
Just wanted to share my experience on a warranty repair with unlocked bootloader. Incase any of you are about to go through this.
I've had to recently send in my phone on a warranty repair for a dead pixel and also getting static interference on my phone speaker when the ringtone is sounding on a incoming call.
Upon calling them they offered a exchange but after I told them I had an unlocked bootloader they said they can only do a repair job on it.
So I ship my phone and 2 days later I get a repair quote for $196.00. I call them to find out specifics and they said I need a new motherboard. My phones been in it's sleeve since I first got it a few weeks ago and absolutely has never been dropped. Which means a failing motherboard came with my phone from the beginning. Now they are telling me that an unlocked bootloader voids my warranty. I have pointed out to them that I know of plenty of people with unlocked bootloaders & clear hardware malfunctions who were able to get a warranty repair or even a warranty exchange!
Now my ticket is being escalated and I will hear back from the higher ups in 48-72 business hours.
Any helpful advice guys?
All you can do is wait... I'd bet that the escalation people will approve the repair under warranty. If not, then everyone needs to be on notice and my prediction has come true.
I told them I had an unlocked bootloader
Wonder if they would have just sent you a new one if you didnt say that.
By "static interference on my phone speaker", do you mean you hear static when the speaker is ringing? Does the speaker-phone play music without static noise?
britoso said:
I told them I had an unlocked bootloader
Wonder if they would have just sent you a new one if you didnt say that.
By "static interference on my phone speaker", do you mean you hear static when the speaker is ringing? Does the speaker-phone play music without static noise?
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I think they would've sent a new one but I had to put a $529 on a credit card to do so (which I would've done). But I was afraid that they would've kept the $529 if they found out that my original phone bootloader was unlocked. So I figured I'd tell them for the sake of good karma...I'm really not trying to hustle HTC here.
Yes every couple of calls when my phone rings, the ringtone would be accompanied by a lot of static. I've tried playing back music and trying to recreate the problem but I couldn't get any static out of it on my own. Just randomly happens on it's own during incoming calls. Didn't matter what ringtone I was using or what radio I was on.
lazaro17 said:
I think they would've sent a new one but I had to put a $529 on a credit card to do so (which I would've done). But I was afraid that they would've kept the $529 if they found out that my original phone bootloader was unlocked.
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The $529 deposit is so you have an incentive to send back your old phone and not keep both. Once they receive it, the charge is undone.
cekle said:
The $529 deposit is so you have an incentive to send back your old phone and not keep both. Once they receive it, the charge is undone.
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Yea I know its just a temporary hold but I thought they inspect your old phone upon arrival. Guy on phone told me they can't do anything with unlocked bootloader phones on exchanges which is why it was out of the question. I was just afraid that my old phone would get there and they realized it was unlocked...would've been a more complicated situation then since they are holding my $529.
Where you from? need put $529 for deposit? Being charge $196.00 a bit high, so poor you.
Then service center in Singapore is better, no need any deposit, mine one also root and dead completely and they fix for me FOC.
I'm in Miami, Florida. Had to send it in to HTC in Texas I think.
I will wait and see when they get back to me from the ticket escalation. Hopefully there's a kind soul there!
May god bless you, wish you all the best
Get it replace FOC
Mother board replacement to fix dead pixel
HTC charged me £128.00 to repair signal fault on my N1. They told me that it needs a new mother board as i've unlock the bootloader.
I think they riping peoples of who ever unlocked there bootloader and send for warranty.
I don't understand you, a new motherboard for the issue with the faulty signal?, or the motherboard is to lock the bootloader?
Not to be mean... but you did unlock the bootloader and void the warranty. It's clearly stated everywhere that this is the case.
I don't see what the problem is.
Seems HTC will 'change' the motherboard for anything.
When I thought I would be stuck on ERE36B for ever, I anonymously asked them if there was a way to get it regressed to official firmware. As you may have guessed, they told me they would have to replace the motherboard at a cost of £105
When I sent them my phone for a cosmetic issue, it came back with ERE27 and the same IMEI, so my original motherboard.
Sounds like they're just trying to scam people to be honest.
I've read elsewhere that HTC doesn't repair motherboards. Their fix for everything seems to be just to replace the motherboard.
Not to be mean... but you did unlock the bootloader and void the warranty. It's clearly stated everywhere that this is the case.
I don't see what the problem is.
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I agree but I really thought the build quality on a $500 dollar phone was going to outlast 3 weeks before I had to send it in. You have to see both sides of the story here. Sure it protects HTC but what if on the other hand there's a lot of faulty hardware out there and it actually starts working in their favor. As we're all noticing here now their "repair" process seems to just be an automatic new motherboard. Sounds like a rip off.
So after the escalation they still don't want to cover it with warranty. The rep on the phone says that replacing the motherboard could reinstate the factory warranty. Basically it looks like they are trying to do all these MB replacements on rooted phones so that you have a locked bootloader again & the cost of $196.
I asked if i can get a quote for just a repair on the dead pixel and was put on hold for 10 minutes. Finally the agent gets back on the phone to tell me he needs to escalate the ticket in order to get a price quote for just the screen. So now I won't hear back from them until Monday (the earliest) in order to find out how much it is to fix a dead pixel issue.
This is the second time my ticket has been escalated and going onto a week without my phone. It seems like the escalating thing is a nicer way of them saying "don't call us back for a few days."
Getting very frustrated at this point.
I have to say, that it doesn't seem right to charge for hardware repairs because of a rooted phone. I'm going to go read their warranty policies and also look to see if I can find an official message on the web from Google saying that only the software warranty is void. If they make no distinction, then its not even a plan B option for me.
Currently I want the Desire. If it doesn't become available with in the next month or so, I was going to get a Nexus One for the Verizon network.
I feel for you on this one. Activating a change in software really should not affect their hardware obligations to you. I can see them charging you if you sent your phone in and software caused an issue with your device some how but thats not likely the case here.
deekjx said:
I have to say, that it doesn't seem right to charge for hardware repairs because of a rooted phone. I'm going to go read their warranty policies and also look to see if I can find an official message on the web from Google saying that only the software warranty is void. If they make no distinction, then its not even a plan B option for me.
Currently I want the Desire. If it doesn't become available with in the next month or so, I was going to get a Nexus One for the Verizon network.
I feel for you on this one. Activating a change in software really should not affect their hardware obligations to you. I can see them charging you if you sent your phone in and software caused an issue with your device some how but thats not likely the case here.
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Thanks, I was trying to look over it myself as well. I don't see much clarification between hardware and software warranty.
I tried calling HTC to file a complaint (mostly over the repair process) but they have no complaint system set up.
I would love to be able to write someone higher up at HTC or even Google explaining my situation. I can't find any contact email on the internet. I know sometimes these things can be resolved just by getting in touch with corporate offices or headquarters directly.
Anyone have any useful (public) emails for either HTC or Google?
lazaro17 said:
Thanks, I was trying to look over it myself as well. I don't see much clarification between hardware and software warranty.
I tried calling HTC to file a complaint (mostly over the repair process) but they have no complaint system set up.
I would love to be able to write someone higher up at HTC or even Google explaining my situation. I can't find any contact email on the internet. I know sometimes these things can be resolved just by getting in touch with corporate offices or headquarters directly.
Anyone have any useful (public) emails for either HTC or Google?
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Keep me updated. I called t-mobile today and set up Insurance which covers lost/stolen/cracked screen/ blown up for 4.79 a month. Its a 130 deductible too. Worst case is I get my phone back, send them the swap and then play some nexus firsbee. If your in the Chicagoland area, please join me.
Hitorii said:
Keep me updated. I called t-mobile today and set up Insurance which covers lost/stolen/cracked screen/ blown up for 4.79 a month. Its a 130 deductible too. Worst case is I get my phone back, send them the swap and then play some nexus firsbee. If your in the Chicagoland area, please join me.
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Ah crap. I've missed the 14 day insurance period by a couple of a days. I had no idea they offered it.
i know it's not related to the above issues but...
got dinged for 55 bucks for dust under the screen since i had an unlocked bootloader.
also pissed because the guy on the phone told me the bootloader would also be relocked as per my request. going to give them a call about that monday...
Ahoy XDA'ers,
I just wanted to document my recent experience with HTC tech support and how refreshing it was.
Now, as a frustrated iPhone jailbreaker I knew instantly that Apple would never have even touched my iPhone had they known I had jailbroken it.
So you can guess I was pretty excited to get my N1 when it was first released. Immediately out of the box I unlocked, rooted, and installed a custom ROM (CM FTW). Bluetooth, WiFi, everything was working great. About a week into using the phone I realized my Bluetooth had stopped working. Thinking it was something I had inadvertently done to the software, I tried reflashing everything back to stock install. Even using my initial nandroid backup. But to no avail and on the recommendation of this forum I contacted HTC with my issue.
When I spoke with HTC I was completely honest about what I had done to the phone. I explained to the tech everything I had tried to to, flash the rom, etc. I told him that I had looked at logcat and that Bluetooth was simply not responding and timing out. I guess I was lucky to get a tech that new a bit about the Android OS. He said that he could see that I had done the work to diagnose the issue and that even though I had rooted/unlocked the phone Google and HTC appreciated people like us.
Now, my one stipulation was that I have a custom engraving on my phone and really didn't want to lose that. I liked having a true first gen engraved phone. He assured me that if they had to replace the entire phone they would call me before doing anything. So I rest assured that my N1 would be safe.
After getting off the phone with the tech I receive an email from HTC and FedEx with an overnight shipping label. I print out the label, throw the phone in a padded box and ship it off to HTC. I still have not payed a dime.
The next morning I receive an email from HTC saying they received my phone. The email contained a work order number and a website to check the status of my repair. This was a great feature I never experienced with Apple or any other company for that matter.
So another day passes (Day 3) and I receive an email from HTC saying the work has been completed and my phone is being shipped overnight shipping back to me.
Surprised that I didn't receive a phone call I was skeptical that the problem had been fixed. I figured due to a lack of communication through the line, the actual repair tech saw the phone was unlocked and sent it back.
The FedEx guy drops off the package the next day (4 days from my initial phone call to HTC) and I rip open the box to find my same phone I had shipped, engraving and all.
I was sure they simply returned the phone still broken, saying tough luck. I placed the battery and cover on and powered up. Interesting enough, the phone had been re-locked as there was no unlock symbol on startup. Skipped the welcome screens, swiped left, and hit the bluetooth activation widget.
"...Updating Bluetooth Settings"
Hazah! It worked, either HTC fixed whatever was wrong with my chip or they replaced the guts of the phone and kept the case on at no charge. They could have easily not fixed it or sent me a new phone and not bothered removing my case.
Thanks HTC for hooking me up and being giving great customer service.
So now I have a fully functioning N1 and couldn't be happier.
Real happy for you dude.
Yeah, I myself cannot give up hope that there is (or can be) a company that REALLY appreciates its customers. Not that phony "we love your money! errr we mean we love our customers!". So far every company I dealt with (except subaru warranty, surprisingly) was simply trying to get out of contract by any means necessary.
Hopefully google understands the difference between caring for customers and caring for their money. This will go a long way.
I was under the impression that you had to pay money to ship it back if it was engraved. I guess not, maybe I'll get my name engraved after all.
ChillRays said:
I was under the impression that you had to pay money to ship it back if it was engraved. I guess not, maybe I'll get my name engraved after all.
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I am pretty sure you have to pay only if you want to return it. In this case, it was a repair. BTW awesome story OP
Vandam500 said:
I am pretty sure you have to pay only if you want to return it. In this case, it was a repair. BTW awesome story OP
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Oh as in, if somebody doesn't want it anymore. I guess thats where the 48 dollars comes in. I wish somebody would clarify that. Yeah I agree, good story.
This is how Customer support should be. That HTC support goes lightly on unlocked and flashed phones is just great. Android is after all an open OS.
If only Apple could do that good.. *ugh*
Great customer care and support does get more customers. No doubt.
Consider yourself lucky. I'm on my 4th HTC device and not once the customer service was helpful. Unfortunately there is no manufacturer out there that can make a better hardware than HTC so i'm stuck.
who did you call? google customer service or directly to HTC? thanks!
I had 4 returnss with HTC involvingg the Nexus One (various Defects) and each time cutomer service was excellent and I never got a run around. Very straight foward and nice people answering the phone.
I never get mad at customer service for a phone manufactured thousands of miles away, so I always try to have a polite convo with whoever I speak with, maybe thats why I never got charged for any phone sent back that was rooted or had to explain any small scratches. I rank HTC customer service at the top of my list in front of T-mobile.
P.S. My 4th phone was a brand new unit shipped from google's new shipment in a new box Not a refurbished one.
rensky said:
who did you call? google customer service or directly to HTC? thanks!
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Here's the interesting part I forgot to include...
After a google search of "HTC Nexus One customer support" the first link presented with:
Clearly HTC site. The first number listed 1-888-48-NEXUS (63987) is what I dialed.
I thought for the first 15 minutes of the call that I was speaking to HTC. Comes to find out, that number transfers to a Google call center. The tech I was speaking with at the very beginning was a Google employee. Once he determined that repairs were needed, he "connected" me with a customer service rep at HTC and I completed the whole process through HTC. So I was sort of handed off from Google to HTC but both communicated with eachother about my issue.
Wierd. So Google does the phone support HTC does the hardware.
I have heard that HTC has excellent customer service. I think if anything ever happens to my phone, I am going to go strait to HTC instead of the provider.
Hello everyone,
I want to share with you my worse-than-a-nightmare experience regarding the HTC support.
My current ticket number is 10USD420004057 in case someone from HTC actually bothers to read this.
I bought my Nexus One the day it was launched, making great efforts to ship it from the US to my country. Then it accumulated a lot of dust under screen and I have decided to let HTC take care of this problem under warranty. I have arranged a phone swap and they sent me a replacement phone. The replacement was basically in "ran by a truck" condition: scratches everywhere, the rear cover would not fit properly ! I have then decided to send the replacement back and send my own phone for repair.
After they finally repaired my phone (about one month later !) they sent it to a wrong address. It was lost. But this is not all ! My previously opened support tickets were changed from my name to another name and there was basically no evidence that I sent my phone to them ! Luckily I had the email notifications from those tickets and also the Google Checkout invoice and I sent them to HTC. Then they said they figured out the problem and they would send a replacement phone over to me. To get to this point, I called every 2-3 days for about a month !
Since then, I keep calling every 2-3 days and also sending emails to them after each call. Every time I call they say "there are no updates". This is happening for over a month !
So my phone is forever lost at HTC and they don't want to send me my phone or another phone back. From the 10 months since I had my Nexus One, it has spent 3 months at HTC before finally being lost.
So I have spent $530 + tax + shipping only to have HTC withold my phone forever.
Right now I am saving money for a Samsung Nexus S but I will still keep calling them every 2-3 days until maybe someone from HTC solves the problem.
This was my nighmare with HTC. My advice to you is DO NOT buy HTC phones ever ! If you ever have a problem with your phone, you're screwed.
PS: when I traveled to the US last year, a friend of mine entered an Apple store with his defective capacitive touchscreen on his first-generation iPhone. They gave him a new iPhone on the spot, in 10 minutes.
Sorry to hear about you're situation mate, sadly things like that can happen. Luckily i've had good experiences, sometimes mentioning legal action can motivate people to send equipment via special delivery
My work gave me a galaxy s which I am loving, shame its got no flash but im looking forward to the nexus s
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
I would contact my credit card issuer, personally.
oh man,this is phucked
that's a horrible situation, but it's believable. I've also heard about the replacement service with Apple. How awesome would that be?!?
On a different note, I'm going to laugh if they release a phone with 2.3 on it, before pushing an OTA to the Nexus One. hahaha
Happened to me, and possibly many other users. Their warehouse is so incompetent that it is not even surprising to hear something like this.
The way I got my phone back: talk to the floor supervisor immediately after the phone call is connected. Then threaten him/her that I'm writing to the newspaper/local stations.
After maybe a month or two, you should have someone contacting you. It took me 5 weeks of doing that, every day.
Contact your credit card company and initiate a chargeback for non delivery. Explain the details of the situation and be sure to explain the length of time its been, and the constant promises of rectification; and specificlly that they have never called you back to let you know whats happening.
If they agree the chargeback, then put a list of the events that have happened, and the people you've spoken to and email a copy with a complaint to the CEO of HTC, and whoever used to be responsible at google for the sale of nexus's just for good measure
comments like 'ill never buy a HTC again' arent that effective in complaint letters, use commnets like 'I appreciate in a large organisation errors can occur and are not always spotted, but i am astonished that once it was brought to your attention your company was incapable of dealing with the situation.'. You can also mention writing to the local press, and wether they would like to be quoted on a response.
Humiliation usually works
You never know your chargeback might go through and they might send u a nexus as a good will gesture.
OP- "After they finally repaired my phone (about one month later !) they sent it to a wrong address. It was lost"
That could easily have been the FedEx delivery man's fault instead of HTC. You need to get a FedEx tracking # from HTC and see the address on it to find out if HTC messed up writing the address or if the FedEx driver messed up delivering it.
I used to work at FedEx and knew of a courier that, eventually, got fired because he knew which boxes were iPhones, not deliver them, but say he did in the computer system, and sell them on craigslist.
does this apply for swap replacements? I went with the swap method, where they place a hold on my credit card. i really need the phone asap. What do you guys think, could they screw me up over? say they never received the package when i send it or what not? i would hate to have a wasted 530 on my credit card statement..
i just realized, if you do the swap method, what happens when they receive your phone they decide its not covered under warranty. do they ask for you to mail back their phone or do they say "eff u. u got a new phone, we're gonna keep your old one and charge you that 530 and tax"
i really hope its not the latter. if its out of the warranty, i rather them ask me to send the phone back and get my messed up one back.
im also getting a warranty swap. phones having some trouble reading a sim.
i've been googling and alot of people seem to have some issues with warranty replacement. some say the phones they receive are in worse condition than their old ones. that its has scratches all over the place. this def does not make me feel good. worse cause the cs lady assured me i wont be able to tell the difference between a new phone. lets hope thats true..
HTC Support was great for me!
I sent my nexus one in last thursday to have the power button repaired, they got it the next day and sent me an email that it was being repaired. This Tuesday I checked the repair site and it said it was repaired, I received it the same day, 5 DAYS, Awesome, I thought. Seems they replaced everything except the mother/logic board. My old screen let dust in between screens, had several dings in casing and digitizer was loose. It came back perfect in less than a week, hope you case turns out ok. I have only good things to say about them so far. And all this was at no cost on a phone i bought used.
I had horrible htc experience myself. They also lost my return phone, after 100 phone calls and few weeks later they found it. bunch of idiots over there.
did they apologize and try to make it up to you?
did you do a swap or a repair? i dont understand how a multimillion dollar corporation would be this disorganized..
Just another reason to avoid HTC for the time being. Sorry for your troubles. I hope they send you your N1 back or what you paid for it.
My phone kept rebooting every few seconds so I sent it in. They sent it back and it had the same problem. So I sent it in again. They sent it back a second time with the same problem. I called support again and they asked if I wanted to send it in again to see if they can fix it. I opted for a swap and got a different phone.
Im sorry ur having troubles at htc that does suck but ur glad the next nexus is made by samsung? Not tryin to be a **** but wtf are u smokin? That phone looks like a shiney turd an samsung phones are cheap pieces of ****. Im sorry but samsung doesnt deserve to use the nexus name that belongs to HTC who makes the best phones whether u like them or not.
worker1 said:
My phone kept rebooting every few seconds so I sent it in. They sent it back and it had the same problem. So I sent it in again. They sent it back a second time with the same problem. I called support again and they asked if I wanted to send it in again to see if they can fix it. I opted for a swap and got a different phone.
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This is what I am worried about. I opted to not have a swap sent to me on the off-chance that HTC pulls a "your bootloader is unlocked so we are keeping your 530 bucks" or a sneaky "this is not covered by warranty" trick.
If my phone comes back and still reboots randomly, I am going to call back, opt for a swap and assume that since the first time it was covered by warranty, it should be covered again for the exact same problem (hoping logic is not lost on HTC).
I wish they sent a shipping number when the phone was done. It has been sitting as "repaired" for a couple days now.
I called HTC and told them my phone was randomly rebooting. They sent me an email while on the call with a prepaid fedex label and gave me my ticket number. I mailed it out the next day using the printed prepaid label. I got an email next day that they received my phone. 3 days later I got an email saying the phone was repairs under warranty at no cost and was shipped back. 2 days later the phone was in my hands no issue. Took about 5 days or so but 2 of those were non business days. So I have to say, no arguments about HTC at all here
All is well it today. Relocked bootloader too.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
So, my launch day EVO started collecting dust under the screen on the top left corner and I took it to a local Sprint store to get it repaired. They put a screen that was all scratched and dented on the sides on and assumed I would be satisfied with it. Wrong!
After forcing them to put my old one back (apparently they didn't have any other in store), I called Sprint and got them to send me a replacement phone.
Phone came in and I noticed heavy scratches on the camera and the kickstand was completely loose (would open up by itself). Got them to send me another replacement...
Phone arrived last week with the bottom of the glass completely loose. I could lift it with my nail. Called and after *****ing for hours, I got them to send me yet another replacement...
Phone came in with exactly the same symptom. What's going on? I don't know what else to do from here on out. I know it is technically not Sprint's fault, but this is getting ridiculous. I thought my experiences with the Palm Pre were bad... that was nothing.
Now I know they most likely will not send me yet another phone unless I take it to a store. That's going to be another 5-hour ordeal. Is there any way I can get a new device or a fully-functional refurb? I tried retentions and they said there was nothing they could do. =/
akarol said:
So, my launch day EVO started collecting dust under the screen on the top left corner and I took it to a local Sprint store to get it repaired. They put a screen that was all scratched and dented on the sides on and assumed I would be satisfied with it. Wrong!
After forcing them to put my old one back (apparently they didn't have any other in store), I called Sprint and got them to send me a replacement phone.
Phone came in and I noticed heavy scratches on the camera and the kickstand was completely loose (would open up by itself). Got them to send me another replacement...
Phone arrived last week with the bottom of the glass completely loose. I could lift it with my nail. Called and after *****ing for hours, I got them to send me yet another replacement...
Phone came in with exactly the same symptom. What's going on? I don't know what else to do from here on out. I know it is technically not Sprint's fault, but this is getting ridiculous. I thought my experiences with the Palm Pre were bad... that was nothing.
Now I know they most likely will not send me yet another phone unless I take it to a store. That's going to be another 5-hour ordeal. Is there any way I can get a new device or a fully-functional refurb? I tried retentions and they said there was nothing they could do. =/
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The only way is with the Asurion process.
If you call *2 and explain the situation they may refund all, most likely part, of the $100 deductible.
I suggest it though.
mattykinsx said:
The only way is with the Asurion process.
If you call *2 and explain the situation they may refund all, most likely part, of the $100 deductible.
I suggest it though.
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I thought Asurion sends out refurbs sometimes though?
ffolkes said:
I thought Asurion sends out refurbs sometimes though?
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I've only received brand new replacements.
I've never heard of them sending out refurbs.
mattykinsx said:
I've only received brand new replacements.
I've never heard of them sending out refurbs.
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That might not be a bad idea after all.
UPDATE: I just spoke to what appeared to be a thug on the other end of the line at Sprint's Tech Support. A nice thug at that. After decrypting our conversation through his strong ebonics, I understood that he created an eTicket (which I received online already) and told me to present it to the store clerk where I will be handed a brand new device. Is this possible? On the ticket it states:
Description of Issue:
Battery Damaged/Swollen/Cracked
Battery Won't Charge
Which is nothing related to my issues and will be apparent when they see it. I sounded skeptical but he assured me that it would work. For me to bring all my stuff (box if I have it, cables, manuals, etc) because I will be handed a brand new one when I get there. I'm still skeptical but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Anyone experience something similar?
Also, he told me I can go to an affiliate store for this (doesn't have to be corporate). Should I even bother? I feel they're less prone to handing me a new device.
I really hope it works out as I don't want to go through the hassle of unrooting and erasing my phone to see that nothing happened.
Finally, will a corporate store have newer phones than affiliated stores or vice versa? If I'm getting something new, I want it to be brand spankin' knew to make sure they worked out all the kinks.
Thanks again!
akarol said:
That might not be a bad idea after all.
UPDATE: I just spoke to what appeared to be a thug on the other end of the line at Sprint's Tech Support. A nice thug at that. After decrypting our conversation through his strong ebonics, I understood that he created an eTicket (which I received online already) and told me to present it to the store clerk where I will be handed a brand new device. Is this possible? On the ticket it states:
Description of Issue:
Battery Damaged/Swollen/Cracked
Battery Won't Charge
Which is nothing related to my issues and will be apparent when they see it. I sounded skeptical but he assured me that it would work. For me to bring all my stuff (box if I have it, cables, manuals, etc) because I will be handed a brand new one when I get there. I'm still skeptical but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Anyone experience something similar?
Also, he told me I can go to an affiliate store for this (doesn't have to be corporate). Should I even bother? I feel they're less prone to handing me a new device.
I really hope it works out as I don't want to go through the hassle of unrooting and erasing my phone to see that nothing happened.
Finally, will a corporate store have newer phones than affiliated stores or vice versa? If I'm getting something new, I want it to be brand spankin' knew to make sure they worked out all the kinks.
Thanks again!
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That's about the setchiest thing I've ever read lol
mattykinsx said:
I've only received brand new replacements.
I've never heard of them sending out refurbs.
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All depends on stock. They will most certainly send out Refurbs. But they send new too.
Dust under screen doesn't sound so bad now, does it.
mswlogo said:
Dust under screen doesn't sound so bad now, does it.
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Dust under the screen means that the screen is coming apart.
Eventually that will lead to touchscreen failure or something of the kind.
Getting that fixed is more preventative.
Plus, you pay $200 + for a device, you don't deserve to have a sub-standard device.
OT: what exactly made the guy a thug?
Sent from the void...
wuclan48 said:
OT: what exactly made the guy a thug?
Sent from the void...
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The numerous dawgs, yos, and the holla at the end?!
Nobody answered my questions, is it possible that this is legit and I'll be getting a new replacement tomorrow? Why wouldn't get give me some crap someone returned recently?
akarol said:
The numerous dawgs, yos, and the holla at the end?!
Nobody answered my questions, is it possible that this is legit and I'll be getting a new replacement tomorrow? Why wouldn't get give me some crap someone returned recently?
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He must have been from the dirty south. I've called a lot of times and have gotten funny characters.
What he told you is BS. Why would a. authorized retailer such as Best Buy take a new phone out of their inventory and give it to you?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I see... you must not be from an urban area or around a young people much. Thug implies criminal. Speaking ebonics does not. Some people might take offense to that characterization fyi.
Sent from the void...
wuclan48 said:
I see... you must not be from an urban area or around a young people much. Thug implies criminal. Speaking ebonics does not. Some people might take offense to that characterization fyi.
Sent from the void...
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OP. Just edit your post to ''ghetto''.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
wuclan48 said:
I see... you must not be from an urban area or around a young people much. Thug implies criminal. Speaking ebonics does not. Some people might take offense to that characterization fyi.
Sent from the void...
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Well, apparently he might just be a criminal according to the sketchiness of this situation and his alleged connections with stores. I guess the term would apply then.
I don't see thug as being derogative anyways. Have you not watched TV much? It's everywhere.
Anyways, if I give someone that works for Sprint and has access to their system my eTicket number, do you think they might be able to explain what it means and how it would be handled at their store?!
OP: I understood, and I LOL'd
Taking offense at ignorance just confirms it....
Back on topic...
Welcome to the world of refurbs.
Call customer service, ask to talk to Account Services. Tell them you will cancel your account if you dont get a brand new replacement. Tell them you are tired ot dealing with crappy refurbs, and dont have the time to keep going back to the store.
Go to a sprint store, tell them there's a ticket in the system. Before you do call sprint back an have them code the ticket correctly. When you go to the store don't tell them what the issue is, just say there's a ticket and have them pull it up. Once they do that the store is subject to a survey, they won't want you to give them a bad survey so they will fully fix or give you a fully functioning device.
Sent from your favorite carrier, black and yellow!
DirtyShroomz said:
Go to a sprint store, tell them there's a ticket in the system. Before you do call sprint back an have them code the ticket correctly. When you go to the store don't tell them what the issue is, just say there's a ticket and have them pull it up. Once they do that the store is subject to a survey, they won't want you to give them a bad survey so they will fully fix or give you a fully functioning device.
Sent from your favorite carrier, black and yellow!
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Or so I thought... I called a rep from the store a bit ago and explained to them the situation. Basically, they told me that I would still have to wait for them to attempt a repair and if not possible, they would send me a refurbished device.
What's the f'ing point of having this eTicket in the first place? I could go there without anything and they would proceed in the same manner. This is really getting annoying... The local store is always extremely busy and getting out of there with 3 hours is unrealistic. I'm tired of wasting time dealing with this simple fix.
akarol said:
Or so I thought... I called a rep from the store a bit ago and explained to them the situation. Basically, they told me that I would still have to wait for them to attempt a repair and if not possible, they would send me a refurbished device.
What's the f'ing point of having this eTicket in the first place? I could go there without anything and they would proceed in the same manner. This is really getting annoying... The local store is always extremely busy and getting out of there with 3 hours is unrealistic. I'm tired of wasting time dealing with this simple fix.
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The eTicket tells everybody how many times the phone has been checked or submitted to be checked so when customers call and say "I've had this phone replaced 3 times!!!" Sprint can say "No you haven't". They will ALWAYS have to look at/troubleshoot the phone before any exchanges are made.
I've had mine replaced twice and was able to get a new phone. But Jesus Christ was it difficult. They will only give you a brand new phone if the store agrees to it (they have to be reimbursed by Sprint) or if Sprint themselves, agree which is usually a special case.
Here's what you do:
Call up Sprint customer service, explain to them the situation. Don't expect it to go anywhere. Just keep escalating the issue. After you get as high as you can go, call Sprint's Executive Hotline Number: 703-433-4401
Tell them the same thing. 99% chance they will tell you that they can't just give you a brand new Evo. Ask them for a case number and then write it down somewhere. Then, email [email protected] telling them what's going on, and be sure to include your number, account PIN, and the case number (if you have one). This is Dan Hesse's email addresses. He reads the emails, but they are mostly answered by his secretaries. They will call you back on a weekday probably during the same week. You'll get a call from "_________, from the Office of Dan Hesse". Explain to them the situation and be sure to detail your frustration with getting the issue solved and how this is not how a company should handle things.
Also, one of them women that called me back said that refurbished doesn't necessarily mean that the phone is opened up, gutted, and the parts are replaced with working ones. She said that some of the phones are just those that are returned because of the 30 day guarantee and then just put back on shelves. She also said that the only things that are fixed are the things that are written down by the repair specialist in the store, which is stupid because they only write down 1 problem even if there are multiple issues with the phone. Obviously, there is an issue with quality control.
It will take a while, but this is what I went through, and they were able to work with the store near my house to give me a brand new Evo, in exchange for the store getting 2 refurbished phones from Sprint. It's a white 0004 with no issues at all. They will probably tell you that you need to take the phone to a repair center again to have it looked at (the one you have on you), but tell them you've spent way too much time on this issue and you just want it fixed ASAP. If you have a preferred store, let them know which one it is.
PS: Ask for a new white one. Because the white ones were initially only offered at Best Buy, so the ones that are in the Sprint stores now are mostly 0004s, and they have no issues.
Hope this helps,