CoPilot Help - HD2 General

I've done a stupid thing and I don't know of a way to sort it.
Basically I think I formatted the memory card that came with the phone before putting in the replacement card I already had. Trouble is I believe the CoPilot maps and so forth were on it. Now I can't use the 15 day trial, just comes up with "error downloading" when trying to get it working. The program launches, it just (of course) won't open the maps.
I can't find a way of downloading them from the CoPilot website without paying for a licence (pointless as I want to try before I buy) and Virgin (my provider) can't help. My only hope is HTC themselves who I shall ring tomorrow.
So my question is. Has anyone else done this and sorted it? Alternatively, is there a way of downloading the map/s (legally) without having to buy the licence?
I'm doubting anyone is as stupid as me, but you never know

You can download the U.K and Ireland maps from here and copy the folder to your memory card.

I don't know how you found that but I googled like my life depended on it last night and found nothing!

Copilot Licence issues
I have two HTC HD2 phones that came with Co-Pilot 8 on them. I purchased a licence for the Aus/NZ maps for my first one amd I was able to activate my original device and Co-Pilot works fine.
Purchased a second phone recently and thought I'd try the old key but it failed to validate. So I purchased a new set of maps for the 2nd HD2 but the phone now has the old key in it and won't let me activate via the new key - it comes up with Error 806.
At the moment I can't get the 2nd phone running as it just keeps rejecting all entries.
Does anyone know a registry edit to remove the activation? I think I've found something but thought I would seek more knowledgeable people!!! Don't want to have to re-rom the phone to get it going again.


Copilot Deactivation

(sorry this if this is in the wrong place , but the original device was a Uni )
I had copilot 6 installed on my MDA Pro , I sold (& formatted ) the MDA ,but kept the Card with Co-pilot on it , thinking I could use it in the event that I got a new WM device
Well , that day has now come (bought an Ameo ) and I have tried to install Co pilot on there , but it wants me to deactivate it on the old device !
I obviously cannot do this , as I no longer own the device , and even If I could get to it ... copilot was removed anyway !
Anyone encountered this problem before ?
Yes me!!
I damaged my phone and had a new one sent. I can deactivate it for obvious reasons. I've asked Copilot support but had no reply yet!
Any ideas anyone!?
Things like deactivation of software should be printed in big letters before anything else on software. I get very with things like that. You pay hard earned money and if your hardware gets damaged or you forget this small detail and format your hardware some companies don't care at all. They've got your money, now it is your problem. They treat you like s*&*!
In this case TomTom gives a better customer service because you can register more than one device with the licence without deactivating it. I had once an Axim and the Universal both with the same TomTom licence that came with the Axim without any problem. There are companies that work with a concurrency policy, so you can install on different equipment as long as you don't use them simultaneously.
It is not a solution for your problem but I feel your pain! Been there, done that.
Did you activate it via email? Did you keep the activation email by any chance? Or was it done online through the hardware? If it was done via email, you could try and see if you could send and email back deactivating it. Just an idea.

memory error

My vario 2 keeps giving this memory error each time I try to run copilot live 6 "not enough memory Alloc:4194304.00kb ProgM:19432.00kb StrgM:36563.50kb.
I have contacted ALK tech and they don't understand why this is happening. I have hard reset the device and only loaded copilot, I still get the same error. This is the 3rd device from T-Mobile and each one has the same fault. I have been sent new disks by ALK and they have also had my micro SD card and loaded the programme on themselves, sent it back to me, loaded the program and still the same fault.
Has anyone got any ideas why this is happening and hopefully how to sort it?
I had copilot live 6 running on my old XDA exec fine.
I would greatly appreciate any help or ideas
Has anyone out there got any suggestions? I would really appreciate any help on this.
i have one... Dont load that damn app there is something wrong with it maybe the memory alocation is f&*ked up on the app or its corrupt
Austinsnyc, The app ran fine on my exec, alk have loaded the SD card themselves and sent me a set of new disks. All seem to have the same error on my verio 2, yet work fine on my old exec.
T-mobile have replaced the verio and I still get the same result. I understand they actually sell the verio 2 with copilot pre installed.
I know I can just go with your simple solution of not installing the app but that doesn’t really sort the issue of having something that doesn’t seen to work and having to buy another app to replace it, at an extra cost to me. I had hoped the more experienced members may well know what these error messages mean rather than bin the app as the first option.

need a lil help plz...

Alright, couple of issues I need help with, please;
First, I have a bluetooth GPS reciever and at one point I got it to talk to my wing.. of course until a hard reset. I know very little about bluetooth and am unsure what 'channels' to use or bluetooth/gps settings to use. I would love to get my live search working again with GPS- any help would be great!
Also, my work publishes my schedules online and I can export the .vcs database. Any idea how to get this schedule to go onto my calendar?
You should check out, they are selling 8gb micro sd cards for around $40 bones and I was thinking of getting one. However, I don't have most of my .cab files for the programs on my 2gb card and don't want to go through the hastle of finding/downloading all the programs again. Is there a way to take the exact information from my old card and just transfer to my new card without having to reload programs and such?
You guys have always proved how powerful this website is for wing owners. Thanks again for everyone who contributes.

Bought software, move from 1 hero to another?

Ok, heres the situation.
I have a Hero and I'm looking at changing it for another one. Will my software (CoPilot) transfer from one device to the other without me having to pay again?
Pretty sure it will - set up the phone with the same google account, then when you find Co-pilot in the app store it should recognise that you have already bought it an let you install it again.
And, if you are getting a black T-Mobile one like you were looking for, you can let me know if the bluetooth still works ok
Copilot is the best software to use if you switch devices. You have to deactivate if from the software on the Hero first, the reactivate it on your new Hero device. You may have to call Copilot with you Google order number as well.
I had Copilot 7. I changed devices weekly, monthly from WM to symbian, and just deactivated from phone and activated on new phone.

Where Is My Co-Pilot Trial

I was under the impression a trial version of co pilot came with the HD2. Now i may be being a bit of an indiot here but im damned if i can find it anywhere. Does anyone know where on the phone it is. Am on T-Mobile UK so just hoping they have not removed it.
Usually there's a shortcut in the start menu.
(The Copilot files are located on the 2GB SD card that came with the HD2...)
Thanks for that. Funny old thing is I gave that card away as I had a 16GB one. Wonder if I can download the trial from their website.
T-mobile assumed we were all Tomtom's *****es and removed it
Yep, I got one yesterday on T-Mobile. The co pilot trial is not on the SD card
I can point you to a link on my website if you're interested. I had same issue but copied the files from the 2GB card onto my 16GB, hurry up 32GBs!!.
Not to worry now as I have installed TomTom navigator 7 and all is working like a dream. Thanks for the help all.

