Battery empty - myTouch 3G, Magic General

Hi folks,
Is it normal when I plug in my phone that it is not displaying the indicator (the orange led on the speaker) when it is completely flat?
Thanks in advance

It may do that till there is a bit of a charge (10-15 Min) then steady on till its green (charged)


turn off green blinking light, how?

where do we need that blink if phone is working properly?
if there is message or low bat, bt or wifi connection, thats nice to know, but no need for green light to show that there is power.
so, how to disable that? registry hack or something i suppose.
first time posting here...
My flashing light seems to do what it want's. If it flashes the right thing at the right time it's just coincidence...
Mat.. I think he's referring to e.g. the right-side green LED flash that pops up every 2 seconds when the radio is on. It can be a wee bit annoying when you've got the thing on your nightstand - some people simply can't fall asleep ( even though they should close their eyes, after which they can't see it anymore )
What does the orange light mean? It seems to change to orange whenever it wants!
Left LED:
Green, Flashing slow (2s): WiFi on
Blue, Flashing slow (2s): BlueTooth on
Right LED
Red, Flashing quickly (1s): Battery nearly empty
Green, Flashing slow (2s): Radio on
Green, On: Fully recharged
Amber (orange), On: Recharging
Amber (orange), Flashing quickly (1s): Notifications (Alarm, SMS, MMS, etc. depending on settings)

Notification LED signal permanent amber!

since last night i noticed a constantly glowing of the amber LED on the power button.
Normally it starts lighting when i charge the device, but now it lights up permanantly (without charging), only a little bit weaker in comparison to the amber light while charging...
Any idea why it starts glowing all the time?
Try a soft reset.
i´ve tried a soft- an a hard reset - no change...
A few minutes ago the amber led stopped lighting - everything seems to bo ok for now.
Insert Twilight zone tune...

LED Notification

I would like my notification LED's to take priority over the charging LED's. So when charging and an SMS comes in, the LED blinks rather than show solid amber (when charging) or solid green (when fully charged).
I have a Topaz (TD2).
Does anyone know of any solution please?

[Q] Notification LED life

Is there any reason I shouldn't leave my notification LED on for extended periods of time? I would like to leave the LED on when I'm charging my phone.
It's not a high powered LED, so what would be the harm? I leave mine on when charging.
It's an LED. It will last longer than you, probably

from flashing blue led & black unresponsive screen -> no led & phone not powering on

from flashing blue led & black unresponsive screen -> no led & phone not powering on
I was charging my s7edge and when i returned, i found it to have a blinking blue/purple led light. After 10hrs since I saw it like that, the LED finally stopped -- presumably because no more charge is left in the battery (though it was around 90% when I put it to charge). Now it doesnt even turn on, and there's no led coming on at all. What's wrong and how do I proceed from here?

