jump onto mobile datanetwork while on wifi why? - HD2 General

Why is it that the phone jumps onto mobile datanetwork EDGE/3G eventhough its connected to Wifi? Does the phone forget the wifi data connection?


Can i use wifi for connecting to mobile data connection?

I was wondering can i use the wifi to connect to my mobile data connection?
I basically want to turn the phone into a router and connect from my laptop to the phone and use the mobile data connection to use the internet.

Mobil data conn superceeds Wifi con?

Why is that then I have connected the phone to wifi and its a stable connection it then suddenly jumps onto mobile data?
Is that an error in the software on the phone?

automatically automatically to my home wireless

I have just bought mobile internet but was wounding, when I’m at home does my mobile automatically use my wireless or should I manually turn off my mobile internet?
salvadk said:
I have just bought mobile internet but was wounding, when I’m at home does my mobile automatically use my wireless or should I manually turn off my mobile internet?
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If you are connected to your Wi-Fi connection your data plan for your phone will not be used. And vice-versa, if you are not connected to Wi-Fi your data plan will be used.
Great, thats just how I want it

Connecting to mobile network

Connecting to wifi works fine but i can't seem to get any internet connection with my mobile network. I have data enabled in my mobile network settings but it still doesn't connect. How do I fix this?
Sometimes I have to go to airplane mode then back again.

WiFi Not working.

It has my house signal full but doesnt connect. When I turn off mobile data. There's no internet.

