Best Remote Desktop experience? (dual monitor) - Touch HD General

I am trying to find the best combination or app for a good Remote Desktop. It needs to be able to display a dual monitor desktop.
I was using NetSupport but I am looking for something that's more reliable.

If you can use an browser based solution, I've used LogMeIn with some success. It won't show both monitors simutaneously but you are able to switch between them.

Real VNC
I've always used Real VNC, quick, small, functional. It also supports dual monitors. I use it to manage 10 PCs at work - saves me getting off my arse to prove that my administrator is just being dumb.
One small problem with it on WM6.5 ROMs though - if you go to the options page, the "ok" button is at the bottom right, and gets covered by the new menu bar. Generally I don't need to change the settings as the default is right for me.


Recommend a better RDP client

I like some of the new features of Remote Desktop Client for WM6, however, it still lacks a simple feature that i want / need. ( at least i cannot figure it out )
I would like a true full screen client that will actually display my entire remote desktop and if I want to zoom in, it allows me to zoom to where i point the stylus. WM6 version has this but in reverse. I would like the whole window to display a super small version of my whole desktop and if i click somewhere, it would zoom there.
does anyone have any suggetions of software that would do this. I do not mind running a software specific client on my desktop machine.
RDP with your features
Use GoToMyPC. It allows for just this kind of functionality. I liked it, but will be trying the RDP in WM6 to see if that will suffice for me
Logmein is pretty good and free as well. You can scroll around the screen by tapping and holding near the edge of the display. You can also zoom out to see the entire screen shrunk to the display size.
Make sure that you download a file for the PPC (don't recall where I found it, likely in the forums...), or it'll just cycle thru the login screen.
It can be downloaded using the PPC's Pocket IE.

Increase Resolution? - Remote Desktop Mobile

Is there a way to increase the 6800s displayed resolution for remote desktop mobile. Tried all the settings & need to at least double res. Don't see any reg entries that deal with this.
I'd like to second this question.
My wish would be for a remote desktop client that could "zoom out" to view a larger resolution, similar to how the Opera Mini or Picsel browsers work.
Have you guys tried LogMeIn dot com ? Unless I'm confused about your need, this remote client does what you're looking for. It runs my desktop at 640x480 and has a "fit to screen" size option (and 50%, 75%, 100% zoom). Performance is sluggish but usable over EVDO.
As crazy as this sounds, I now surf the internet almost exclusively through because I honest to goodness think it's faster than regular surfing. Anyone with a Mogul/Titan that hasn't tried and orb are really missing out.
cheesiest said:
Have you guys tried LogMeIn dot com ? Unless I'm confused about your need, this remote client does what you're looking for. It runs my desktop at 640x480 and has a "fit to screen" size option (and 50%, 75%, 100% zoom). Performance is sluggish but usable over EVDO.
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rdp mobile also runs the host at 640x480, we were hoping for a client that would run the host at a higher resolution
I see, I did misread the question a bit. I agree that higher resolution on the desktop side is sometimes desirable. Like rivera I find myself surfing through logmein (doing it right now), but there are a few web sites that assume 800x600 or higher. Looks like I'm a +1 to the original poster now.
I'll try editing rdp mobile exe, see if we can get anywhere.
I tried logmein. I get the PDA site and when I go to the remote desktop or whatever the function it is to go to the desktop it always goes back to the same thing. I could see my files though. Does anyone know what exactly Im suppose to do to see the desktop.Thanks in advance.
three letters for you all:
VNC is the open source remote desktop client. Your device's resolution is always going to be 320x240 because that's physically how many dots there are. However, many VNC clients for PPC allow you to zoom in/out.
Google it.
ya we know about VNC but i just prefer if i dont have anything external installed. rather used the ones built in the system. and i think RDM runs really fast and really well if they have higher resolution.
Works with WM6 on the Mogul. Make sure you select FIT WIDTH in the options before rebooting and do not select "restart on reset" as you will not be able to get out of a loop if the program messes up the phone. Text is harder to read, and the Today screen looks iffy, but we browsing is better.

Logmein and HD2

Has anyone here use the service Logmein ( ) with your HD2 ?
The iphone can do it, but I was wondering if the HD2 can do it also. I want to remotely control my PC at home when I am away using the HD2.
They've never made a compatible AX control for the current versions of IE or Opera that come on the HD2, so I'm afraid you have to forget about Logmein. I was gutted about that, but soon got over it when I started using Remote Desktop instead.
Give that a go - it should already be on your device. (Don't forget that you'll need to ensure your PC will accept incoming RDP connections, and you'll need to allow it through any firewall(s) you have - port 3389.)
You can use IEToggle ( to switch back to old IE (Pie) style.
I use Opera as my main browser, and use old IE for logmein.
You use the toggle once, and it stays on the old version of IE until you ise the toggle program again.
With this (and the from logmein), it works perfectly on the HD2 (at least for me).
Wish they had a standalone app, but I find this program smoother then using RDC for a home laptop.
polstein said:
You can use IEToggle ( to switch back to old IE (Pie) style.
I use Opera as my main browser, and use old IE for logmein.
You use the toggle once, and it stays on the old version of IE until you ise the toggle program again.
With this (and the from logmein), it works perfectly on the HD2 (at least for me).
Wish they had a standalone app, but I find this program smoother then using RDC for a home laptop.
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I thought the keyboard didn't work. That was the reason I didn't use an old version of IE. Is this now resolved?
johncmolyneux said:
I thought the keyboard didn't work. That was the reason I didn't use an old version of IE. Is this now resolved?
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I had the same problem, keyboard not working in PIE and logmein but the SWYPE keyboard works OK. So now I just switch to that to use logmein. Works well but not ideal I'll admit...
Use the client
Hi there,
Well I am using the client, available at
It works like charm on my hd2.
I'm just able to find Hamachi2 cab at that address... I think this topic is about usig the "basic" remot control service, i.e. LogMeIn Ignition client for Windows Mobile
Anyway, having an hamachi client can ease the life with RDP
Opera 10
What are u talking about?
Opera 10 works fine with log me in. Rom version: 1.66.482.1
No need to toggle with IE....
Just ignore the message "To get the best experience...."
yup, using opera 10 (has flash support), i can use logmein without installing extra software.
i have no idea how it works before, but a few things i've noticed...the remote desktop shown on screen is nothing but a bitmap, so it's not interactive. so everytime i do an action that changes the screen, it will redraw the entire screen (and it's quite slow).
i can do left clicks. no idea how to mimick a right click.
you can send input text by using the textbox on top of the screen (then click send). and send special keys that are listed on the dropdown menu.
in summary, it's working but pretty limited.

full control of my home (windows7) PC with my TF

Can I control my home PC (windows7) with my TF? To be more specific: I own a projector and have a Home Theater room. I want to be able to see the same on my TF tablet as what is shown on my projector, so kind of like a secondary monitor.
You can use teamviwier app that with it you could use your pc throw your tf
Enviado desde mi Transformer TF101 usando Tapatalk 2
You can use VNC Viewer to control your PC after you install VNC on it.
Slapshtop 2 HD is free right now.
+1 for Splashtop 2 HD
There are at least 3 different options which I have tried:
+ cross platform
+ lightweight
+ well renowned + used
- can be quite slow
- can be quite low quality
- by default, requires setting up NAT to access from outside LAN
- no sound I don't think
Splashtop THD
+ super fast and smooth (like realtime)
+ sends audio as well
+ excellent quality picture
+ easy to use outside LAN (no worries regarding portforwarding if you login with google)
- no linux client
note: splashtop 2 isn't free if you want to connect from outside your LAN
note2: if you choose this, try find Splashtop THD, it's optimized for Tegra, but not accessible through market on TF101 by default.
+ super fast
+ excellent quality picture
+ super easy management of multiple computers
+ easy to use outside of LAN
+ free for non-commercial use
+ cross platform (linux clients available)
+ no install required (can run from USB)
= uses different interface to others, instead of touching where you want to click, you use the touchscreen like you would a mousepad on the laptop to move the cursor, then tap to click. I like it personally, but I have stuby fingers and high resolution windows desktops not conductive towards touch interface
- no sound by default (I don't think - not really tested with sound:S)
- For some reason, when I disconnect, and reconnect the next day to my VM, all my windows are closed. This maybe something I've done wrong though.
Personally, for me, I chose TeamViewer because I needed linux clients as well. Any of the above would probably be okay for your needs. If you're wanting to interact with it, I'd suggest teamviewer because the mouse control works better with the small controls of Windows.
MrGuy said:
There are at least 3 different options which I have tried:
+ cross platform
+ lightweight
+ well renowned + used
- can be quite slow
- can be quite low quality
- by default, requires setting up NAT to access from outside LAN
- no sound I don't think
Splashtop THD
+ super fast and smooth (like realtime)
+ sends audio as well
+ excellent quality picture
+ easy to use outside LAN (no worries regarding portforwarding if you login with google)
- no linux client
note: splashtop 2 isn't free if you want to connect from outside your LAN
note2: if you choose this, try find Splashtop THD, it's optimized for Tegra, but not accessible through market on TF101 by default.
+ super fast
+ excellent quality picture
+ super easy management of multiple computers
+ easy to use outside of LAN
+ free for non-commercial use
+ cross platform (linux clients available)
+ no install required (can run from USB)
= uses different interface to others, instead of touching where you want to click, you use the touchscreen like you would a mousepad on the laptop to move the cursor, then tap to click. I like it personally, but I have stuby fingers and high resolution windows desktops not conductive towards touch interface
- no sound by default (I don't think - not really tested with sound:S)
- For some reason, when I disconnect, and reconnect the next day to my VM, all my windows are closed. This maybe something I've done wrong though.
Personally, for me, I chose TeamViewer because I needed linux clients as well. Any of the above would probably be okay for your needs. If you're wanting to interact with it, I'd suggest teamviewer because the mouse control works better with the small controls of Windows.
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Just tried teamviever (first program I tried) but don t like it for 2 reasons:
- cannot use TF hardware KB+MOUSE
- screen isn t filled fully (although it will become tiny if full screen but that does not matter to me)
btw.: Splahtop THD seems to be only for Tegra 3 devices. The TF1 (non-prime) is Tegra 2.
yeah, teamviewer is different. It's better for phones I think - but I prefer it's interface now after some time. My fingers are too stubby just to try and press the start bar or whatever.
Regarding the screen, you can pinch to zoom to fill the screen. Also, in the settings when connected, you can adjust the resolution to match the screen.
Regarding splashtop THD, as I said, you wont find it in the market on the TF101. Perhaps you can think of a different way to acquire it, which I'm not necessarily condoning, involving google and the term "APK". It will install on the TF101. It's a lot smoother and better than regular splashtop though.
I would use just splashtop THD over teamviewer, it's just there's no linux client for splashtop which is a must for me.
I prefer the 2X app. It uses RDP and the terminal-server capabilities of W7 prof.
HW-mouse and HW-keyboard are working fine.
Logmein works good and also lets you control any computer including Mac. Keyboard/dock works.
I use pocketcloud, has RDP and VNC and it has never failed me yet. I would choose any vnc based solution last for win7 prof since prof has RDP functionality and one of the features is auto resize of the whole desktop when you log in which comes in handy since i hate scrolling around
You could take a look at Jump Desktop
It's absolutly amazin and works like a charm! There is a free version for 1 connecton and the paid version is at discount price on the moment normally 8 euros, and now it's 2 euro's. It's worth it!
+1 to splashtop and its free
Also give a try to TeamViewer. It doesn't use RDP but you can install it on Windows as a service.
On the tablet the remote desktop will be resized without changing the remote screen resolution. Furthermore its tablet useability is awesome. Just give it a try... it's free for non commercial use. I use it even on my Nexus S!
Some names: Splashtop (free for our tablet), teamviewer, LogMeIn (a little bit expansive). My choice? The first one.
lacrossev said:
I use pocketcloud, has RDP and VNC and it has never failed me yet. I would choose any vnc based solution last for win7 prof since prof has RDP functionality and one of the features is auto resize of the whole desktop when you log in which comes in handy since i hate scrolling around
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I started off using pocketcloud because it used RDP. I'd highly suggest you at least try using splashtop as it's a lot quicker I found than pocketcloud.

[Q] Questions by a new to Windows 8 user

These questions are regarding my Toshiba Satellite P845t-S4305 I just purchased a few days ago and absolutely love both the laptop and windows 8. I have a few questions and greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide me. I have searched to the best of my abilities and have found all other answers I needed these are what I could not find answers to.
1. Any time that I try to install Microsoft Office I am unsuccessful. I have tried both the trial for Office 365 premium and purchasing the monthly subscription for 9.99. I have an .exe file to install but when I run the program I get a UAC prompt asking me to allow the program to run. I hit yes it disappears and nothing happens. I have tried both 32bit and 64bit versions and I have tried right clicking and run as admin. I have been able to install 7-zip and chrome both of which were .exe files as well.
2. Sometime the mouse behaves weird. I am referring to the touchpad not an actual mouse itis kind of twitchy almost as though someone has connected remotely to the computer and we are both trying to control it at once but this is not the case and it is only occassionally not all the time.
3. What are the limitations to running an app in metro rather than desktop mode for example Chrome I can either run in desktop mode or relaunch in metro what if any limitations do either mode have?
4. Is there a way to get touchpad multitouch gestures similar to a Macbook such as two finger swipe to go back or forward in web browsers or four finger swipe down to open the app switcher? Pinch to zoom using either the touch screen or touchpad would also be convenient.
Thank you all so much for your time reading this I know it is a little detailed.
XDA has always saved me in the past I have no doubt you all will come through once again.
Thank you once more for good measure
The only one of those that's really about Win8 is the Metro vs. Desktop question... The truth is, unless an app is sideloaded or installed from the store, it's not really Metro. Software (including Chrome) can look and feel like Metro, but that's not the same. As for the tradeoffs, Metro apps update through the store (they can't update themselves), run in an extremely restrictive sandbox (can't even read most of the filesystem), have extremely limited multitasking (they can be snapped to the side of the screen, and if expressly written to can run in the background, but that's pretty much it), can sync state across Windows machines with the same account (without using their own syncing code), use the Settings charm for controlling options and permissions, and respond to gestures.
1: No idea what the problem is. Watch Task Manager as you begin the install; check what happens after consent.exe (the UAC prompt) goes away. Also, obviously, reboot (if you haven't already) and also make sure your Windows is up to date.
2: Hardware or driver (hardware-sepcific) problem. I can't help you, ask the manufacturer.
3: Answered above.
4: Yes, use a decent touchpad and/or driver for it. My 4 year old HP laptop supports multi-touch even in Win7.
erasmogjr said:
These questions are regarding my Toshiba Satellite P845t-S4305 I just purchased a few days ago and absolutely love both the laptop and windows 8. I have a few questions and greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide me. I have searched to the best of my abilities and have found all other answers I needed these are what I could not find answers to.
1. Any time that I try to install Microsoft Office I am unsuccessful. I have tried both the trial for Office 365 premium and purchasing the monthly subscription for 9.99. I have an .exe file to install but when I run the program I get a UAC prompt asking me to allow the program to run. I hit yes it disappears and nothing happens. I have tried both 32bit and 64bit versions and I have tried right clicking and run as admin. I have been able to install 7-zip and chrome both of which were .exe files as well.
2. Sometime the mouse behaves weird. I am referring to the touchpad not an actual mouse itis kind of twitchy almost as though someone has connected remotely to the computer and we are both trying to control it at once but this is not the case and it is only occassionally not all the time.
3. What are the limitations to running an app in metro rather than desktop mode for example Chrome I can either run in desktop mode or relaunch in metro what if any limitations do either mode have?
4. Is there a way to get touchpad multitouch gestures similar to a Macbook such as two finger swipe to go back or forward in web browsers or four finger swipe down to open the app switcher? Pinch to zoom using either the touch screen or touchpad would also be convenient.
Thank you all so much for your time reading this I know it is a little detailed.
XDA has always saved me in the past I have no doubt you all will come through once again.
Thank you once more for good measure
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1. Check add/remove as Toshiba may have installed a "trial" version or Starter edition. You should remove any previous versions of office installed by Toshiba, doubtful they are full and sounds like you have your own you prefer.
2. Try updated drivers, I've found the Toshiba touchpad to be very finicky and harder to control vs other's though. I have used it on Portege R930 and Z930 and I can't say I really like the experience compared with other's like HP or Dell.
4. Try the utility for the touchpad.
goofball2k said:
1. Check add/remove as Toshiba may have installed a "trial" version or Starter edition. You should remove any previous versions of office installed by Toshiba, doubtful they are full and sounds like you have your own you prefer.
2. Try updated drivers, I've found the Toshiba touchpad to be very finicky and harder to control vs other's though. I have used it on Portege R930 and Z930 and I can't say I really like the experience compared with other's like HP or Dell.
4. Try the utility for the touchpad.
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1. worked perfectly there was a trial version of office installed as soon as I removed it everything went as it should and I now have my office installed thank you so much
2. coming from a macbook left me with high expectations for the touchpad but the touch screen really makes up for that. I always thought the macbook would be perfect with a touchscreen.
4.I will have to look this up thank you

