during phone call - HD2 General

after hard reset, found that something lost, that's during phone call, there will be a semi-transparent pop-up cover to prevent clicking the buttoms on screen, if you want to change to "dialpad" or other options, you need to move down that cover....hope u guys understand what i said...now disappeared....
anyone know how can i get it back?? many thx!!!

i understand, lol
you can that appear or disappear by instaling B&B Tweaks soft, there is an option to do.

great! thanks secable!!!


remove stupid menu

ok little help please ....i have a m600 and on the today screen it has a menu down the left handside..i have tryed hardreset and reset before rom is installed but the menu is still there does anyone know how i can remove this.. and let me use my today sceen
Go into the settings screen tap Today, tap the Items tab and uncheck the Orange option and check the other ones you want to use. Simple.
now i feel really stupid!!!!!
I feel stupid pretty much most of the time.

TF3D causing Xperia to Hang forever

Hi guys,
as u know know the TF3D by default takes up the 1st panel.
and when i try to use the other panels..i can no longer press the button X... because whenever i do that..the entire Xperia screen goes blank and hangs up. then even the power button doesnt work and i have to remove and reinsert the battery.
what to do?
this TF3D causing major issues.. is it bugged?
Doing a soft reset is way easier...open the battery cover, pull out the pen und put it in the small hole...
Are you using TF3D as panel or on the default today panel? If not already tried, use the TF3D-Pnaleinstaller here ion the forum...
When i try to access the panels, my X1 hangs most of the time as well, using it as the today screen. Is there any fix?
ya i use it as on Today screen.
is there a fix around this?
i disabled it now anywya.
btw does Soft Reset also delete all the data?
"btw does Soft Reset also delete all the data?"
no thats the diff between soft and hard reset
which version r u guys using? I am using beta2 and I dont have any problem switching panels... only flaw I have in the tf3d is I cant add some people to the favorite list for some reason... otherwise everything is working as it should be
Same here
I wanna know if anyone found a fix for this? or at least let us know if you have this issue. This is what I have narrowed it out to.
I'm using <Touch-IT Xperience v2.1> ROM which has TF3D installed by default
The Panel interface(The screen which opens up when i click panel button) works perfect when i disable TF3D in today
Now when I activate it, am able to open the panel interface and choose any other panel.
After this, if i click on the panel button, the x1 just freezes and all i can do is soft reset
Note:- I have no other application running.
If this continues I have to choose either panels or TF3D. I love it when i can use TF3D for daily use and shift to Facebook or media panel when i need them.
I just wanna know of this indeed a bug or am i missing something big
currently 2 versions available
i too was suffering fromt he same issues and took a while to realize that the tf3d was causing it.
afaik, there are 2 different versions of tf3d (i mean by 2 diff. people) for xperia.
i beleive most of us are using the one titled 'Full manila hd cabs' (or something similar - extremely sorry for not recalling the name of the developer who's made rhe effort to provide it) - and the one experiencing the issue.
there is another version linkd on the xda wiki, will try it now - and update with names of both developers as well as results
actually installing TF3D as a panel solved this issue
but since we have the new manila... the panel doesnt work
so we are back to square one... by default the TF3D sit on the today's screen and after that pressing the panel button freezes the phone
And if you choose the new panel with TF3d... it says loading forever
SOmebody please help
I'm an idiot - I can't figure out where the "small hole" for the soft reset is located.
Can someone show me a picture?
I'm an idiot - I can't figure out where the "small hole" for the soft reset is located.
Can someone show me a picture?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hehe... I spent ages trying to figure this one out too...
here's an image I got on Google search..
to access the reset button .. you need to take off the battery cover, pull out your stylus (since that is obstructing the button) and then using the stylus 'poke' into the hole besides the battery.
I find this location - and the need to take off the battery cover - everytime you need to reset very VERY painful

My Touch HD is getting a little temperamental- lil help

Hi so this is what frequently happens, I lose the top bar on the screen (start icons etc) which needs a restart to get back, sometimes the screen will not go black when the power putton is pressed(for locking), holding the end call button to lock the phone dosent work at all even after restart(not that i use it), also the email icons where you flick down and up to get a preview often dosent work and the email opens instead(happend from the start).
So what i would like to know is what can i do about this I assume there is a new rom out there that is really nice and stable but which do you suggest? I would like one which replaces the alarm setting in the default rom as that is so annoying. Also I use the youtube program all the time and I would like to still have the zoom bar in opera. your advice is really appreciated.
Im getting some of these problems, sorry dont know what to sugest! but my end key has never locked my phone it ends data conection ok !!??
Have you tried a hard reset?
There are many great roms each Rom has a thread you can check them out to see what they have and what they can do it depends on your preferences not others

Incall screen is not responding?

Hi I've installed bsb tweaks & cookie s home tab and both are working fine. After doing this I noticed when Im in a call my screen dont respond to any commands keypad, mute, end call, ect... Dont know if installing these apps is what brought this along or not. I've tried a soft reset but no luck and Im trying to avoid a hard reset(dont we all if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it thanx....
DJ Lu said:
Hi I've installed bsb tweaks & cookie s home tab and both are working fine. After doing this I noticed when Im in a call my screen dont respond to any commands keypad, mute, end call, ect... Dont know if installing these apps is what brought this along or not. I've tried a soft reset but no luck and Im trying to avoid a hard reset(dont we all if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it thanx....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just did the same thing, I had turned on the screen sensitivity one and the tap option right below it.
Change them back and you'll be ok. Not sure which of the 2 settings caused it, so you can try each and see which one is the culprit..
If you look it up on the forum elsewhere this problem has been mentioned before. You have to turn the tap time option off and your incall screen buttons will work.
da_prophit said:
If you look it up on the forum elsewhere this problem has been mentioned before. You have to turn the tap time option off and your dial screen buttons will work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yep, that's why I was trolling/searching for my issue and found his thread, but I figured it out mostly on my own...thanks for the tip, now I know which one was the culprit...

Lock buttons during incoming ring ?

Is there any registry trick or tweak program to lock (disable) hardware buttons during incoming ring ?
My problem is that when phone rings and I'm trying to take it from case sometimes I accidentally press "disconnect" button (red button on T-Mobile US HD2).
I dont want to install any custom lock software like S2U or something like that ... just registry change.
Any help ?
Nobody can help ?
are u willing to pay cause if u are get pocketshield.there are different settings to lock screen when incoming or during a call.i use to have the same problem as u but now i dont anymore ^^
This one locks the keys only: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4478052#post4478052 (free)
This one does as well, plus a nice and better lock screen: http://pocketshield.net (paid, and currently at half price... damn I paid full )
Both are applications, there is no reg tweak that will do what you want without an app behind.
