having lots of probs on stock rom - Hero CDMA General

I got my hero two months ago. She was brand new in box but I bought from an unofficial third party off ebay. I was told that was some sort of developer phone and came with a month of free service.
Instead I flashed her to cricket wireless. Besides the crappy service from cricket the phone worked great! It is the best phone i ever had.
Now two months later it has been very buggy. Standard apps that come on the phone are force closing. I have been having a hard time running some third party apps as well.
Voice recorder force closes on startup. It refuses to record video. pictures work. Sometimes i stop getting texts messages but i dont know if that's cricket or the phone.
Facebook will work for a couple days then it will force close and disapear from the apps pulldown and remove it's icon from my homescreen. Apps disapear from my homescreen.
The battery life has been declining at a steady pace. As of now it feels like I am battleing to keep it charged even though i start with a fresh charge every morning.
I can't get the handcent talk to text to work. Nor can i get the text to voice to work. google voice search doesnt work either.
I recently been using sip agent to make wifi calls because service is so bad that i can't make calls inside my house. (not the phones fault) this could contribute to my dead battery but i try to close sipagent unless I plan on using it.
other apps that used to work fine are force closing but not consistantly.
whatya think is going on? I also dropped my phone twice (with out a cover) but no visual damage was done.

I would recommend reflashing the stock firmware, but you need to find out where exactly the phone came from to find out which firmware to flash.

How many apps do you have installed? If it's 70 or more that's probably the problem and is a known issue w/ the Hero. Some get upwards of 100 apps before random F/Cs happen, other around 70, for me it's around 85. Uninstall some apps and reboot.
Also the HTC location service is buggy and and lags the phone the longer it runs. It's good to reboot the phone daily or move to a custom ROM that has dumped the service.
And finally be careful if you're running a task killer. Some of them kill the process that lets you receive text messages.


Change to froyo

Forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong place but this is all very new to me. I recently flashed my phone to 2.2 and some strange things have been happening. I have two examples I would like to share which both have the same outcome. Trying to import a book into aldiko from the sd card ends in the program being force closed. The phone vibrates once, pauses a few seconds, vibrates three times and then the error message comes up. The second example is pretty much the exact same except it happens when trying to launch a game with psx4droid. One vibration, pause, three vibrations, program closes. Both of these programs worked without issue prior to the change in OS. Could anyone suggest any reasons and solutions to the situation? I was on the last chapter of an amazing book. Thanks in advance,
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yep doing it to me too, not very often, it was happening a lot at first, but i did a factory reset and it cleared up a lot of them.
I dis one factory reset with no result.should I just keep trying til it goes away?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
This has been happening to myself and my partner's Samsung Galaxy S since we upgraded to the official UK Froyo update. Just about any app can crash with the vibrate, pause, 3 vibrates. While mine is rooted with z4root and I have a ton of stuff on it, my partner's is not rooted and only runs some very basic apps.
Did you update through Kies? What version of FroYo are you on?
Try to uninstall the apps, download them and reinstall. Also, using the Kies Registry Patcher, see if Kies will flash the stock 2.2 ROM. All stock ROMs can be found here.
Follow these steps
Updated with Kies to Froyo (JPO) a month or two ago. I notice JPY is now available through Kies so currently trying that.
I had tried installing/uninstalling apps previously, but according to logcat just about any process can crash with this vibrate pulse, pause, three pulses issue. I've had System, acore, TWL, Market, Gmail, the browser (stock and Dolphin HD), etc. These aren't the normal force closes either. The logs show them as SIGBUS or SIGILL (no K, not SIGKILL) errors, which normally mean a hardware fault, but, given so many people are having the problem after updating to FroYo, and given it's happening on two phones I'm in possession of personally, I'm sure it's related to the FroYo update.
Well, since updating to JPY 6 hours ago I've had zero crashes and the phone seems far more responsive and faster. My quadrant score has increased by around 20%.
There were a number of things that would nearly always crash the phone in the way I described previously - such as updating more than 2 or 3 apps at the same time, rapidly scrolling around certain websites, etc. I updated 10 apps simultaneously, I've gone to all of the websites that would crash the browser, and tried a whole load of other things that were "high risk" on JPO. Zero crashes.
If the phone does crash in the next week or two I will come back and mention it here. But so far, it looks great.
We took a Froyo update and the phone is now no longer able to accept incoming calls or texts when ANY other web-using application is running, e.g. you open the Facebook app and leave it running in the background so you can get notifications from FB and you can't receive any calls or texts until you have shut down FB. You open a browser, you can't receive any calls or texts until you shut down the browser!
Not even sure how to report this as a problem because all the websites we are directed to seem to be FAQs for people who have never seen a phone before. Any recommendations so we can return to the use of phone calls? For the next week or so we have only pay as you surf mobile broadband and no Kies, which resticts things somewhat, but is there anything we can do right away? What about when we get back to a full net connection and Kies? Where do we even report this error, as everyone seems to be having a different type of error with this update, and we'd like to make sure they know about this one, a smartphone that doesn't receive phone calls unless you turn everything else off is a little pointless!
Incidentally, site designers, any chance you could put some text descriptions for your button images? I loaded this site with no pictures and it doesn't come up saying where the reply buttons and such are located like it does when you have alternative text. If people use screenreaders (e.g. blind people like many of my friends) they cannot navigate this site without these. Cheers!
I've tested this and it works fine for me.
Are you sure this isn't just the limitation that's present on ALL GSM networks whereby if you're on 2G (i.e. not WiFi or 3G) then you can only have either a data connection OR a voice call? 2G only supports one type of connection at a time. If you're using data and want to make/receive calls you must use either 3G or WiFi.
The phone is definitely showing 3G as the connection type, and we have two phones on the same network in the same room and only the Froyo one has this problem, which it has never had before. Even in areas where the connection type is showing as HSDPA (never get those letters in the correct order!) it is impossible to get any kind of incoming call when a web application is open. It also applies to applications which are open but not currently using data. Not sure if they use data in a background kind of a way, but if you open a browser and load e.g. Google and after it is fully loaded attempt to call that phone you still get the answerphone. You can only get a phone call if all apps which might potentially use a web connection are shut down. Renders every aspect of the phone useless because you have to shut off Facebook, all browsers, email, weather updates, news feeds... basically everything, just in case you might potentially receive a telephone call.
We had 2 T-mobile phones on Windows Mobile in this same room and neither of those has this problem either. The phones are 2x HTC TYTNII (Tmobile MDA Vario 3) and 1x HTC Wildfire with Android 2.1 which all work and one Samsung Galaxy S on Android 2.2 which worked (in terms of being able to get calls with web apps loaded) up until 2.2 was loaded.
Well, that's very strange. All I can say is that my SGS and my partner's SGS, both were running 2.2 for a couple of months, and now both running 2.2.1 have been fine. I tested both again just now and I can make/receive calls fine on both even while actively using the browser.

Vote on whether your Dell Venue Pro is crashing frequently

Trying to see if there's something in common with those who are experiencing lock ups.
My crashes arent frequently but it has happened a few times
Seem like I am having some crashing, though it seems to be dependent on using data service with little or no 3G reception. 16gb Model.
My units is not crashing all the time but it does it at least once a day which is bad. It seems to be when trying to switch between using cell network and WiFi. Would be nice if it was fixable with firmware.
Mine hasn't crashed so far. I tried downloading Harvest Game and it went fine over wifi. Tried heavy browsing with music in bgrnd and that too was fine. Only issue was the Bluetooth not communicating to the car properly. Its been a week now.
ive crashed only once, which was in the newsroom app, i was also updating marketplace one time and instead of crashing it would just take me back to the start menu..
mine has been crashing quite a bit...16 gig less than 14 gig available...
In the first 36 hrs I had the phone, I spent at least half of it in the PC connect screen. The phone would not boot...well..sometimes. Then it would boot by itself...reboot rather.
I called MS, ZUNE support. They helped walked me through some basic steps. Apparently I was touching the side buttons, camera, volume down, while powering up. Not sure if this was true, but dam they could reproduce the PC connect everytime. Since that call, I was more careful about powering up and have had no problems since.
I do get a lag in IE on WiFi, sometimes, not often, but daily. I found a web page that always sends me back to the desktop.
But crashing.....I have to be honest and admit that most of the crashes...if not all, in the first 36 hrs, probably were user errors. Now, I'm not a novice. I own more smartphones than most people on this forum. And if the phone buttons are that sensitive, then something is not right. However, since I've grown accustomed to the button layout and sensitivity, I've not had a single malfunction.
I've also recognized that certain apps are prone to causing, umm....unexpected results. Maybe instead of voting on crashes...we should keep a list of app suspects....
I got 2 units.
The first one had the Wifi issue and was constantly crashing.
The second one the Wifi is good, and it never crashed.
Maybe is related?
It seems to me that my device crashes a lot when my Wifi is on
sureloch said:
Seem like I am having some crashing, though it seems to be dependent on using data service with little or no 3G reception. 16gb Model.
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Same here, also 16GB model. Every crash I've had has either been related to the Marketplace, or it's happened when my rickety 3G connection had poor signal.
This sucks. Mine is crashing EVERYTIME I try to dl something related to xbox live (games) over wifi. Should I have this exchanged???
Crashes a lot. Sometimes back to back so after doing numerous battery pulls, I had mine switched out. Its always an app though that crashes it and the screen becomes unresponsive. Phone goes to home screen and the people hub is grayed out. Its not an os specific crash cuz my hd7 doesn't do that.
So far phone is mostly stable, crashes have been only with wifi enabled, and only had 1 other crash without wifi on. Been running for the last 3 days, no crash at all.
I have had my phone almost a week and have been noticing the crashing a bit more frequent. It always seems like when I am in the MP or using an app that requires retrieving data from the cloud.
I got mine since November... never saw it crashing
Only once it would not start...I had to remove the batteries and put them back on.
I have a feeling it goes with having it in your pocket for a long time.
Sometimes (happened twice in 3 month) the screen locks but it has something to do with static electricity, or rain (I switched on and off and it worked).
I got it upgraded to 32 GB by swapping the micro SD card.
Took a while to boot.... (I think it reformats the card) worked like a charm!
Fankly, it is the sexiest piece of hardware I've owned in a long time.
Much more stable than any phone I ever owned.
I've had my 16GB since the 28th. I have not had a single crash, freeze or hang in the 5 days I have been using it. OS performance wise, it has pretty much been perfect.
I am probably not a typical owner though. I was an existing T-Mo customer on the EM+ plan. I didn't have to call or activate the DVP with T-Mo. I just took the SIM out of my flip phone and put it into my DVP and was up and running. Since I am on EM+ and I paid full price for the phone, I am also not required to have a data plan and I haven't gotten around to adding one yet. Everything I have done is solely over Wifi. I think the fact that I don't have a data plan is going to wind up being the explanation for my lack of problems. I don't know if it is a Microsoft or Dell problem, but 3G and WiFi just don't seem to get along well on the DVP.
Even though I have been limited to Wifi, I have been using this thing constantly trying to get everything setup. I haven't had any Marketplace issues at all. I've been using the Facebook, Twitter and Netflix apps quite a bit. No Xbox Live stuff or YouTube app though. I installed the LastPass app and tested almost all of 50+ logins without any issues. All in all, I think I have given my DVP a fairly tough stress test and I honestly have to say it has passed with pretty high marks.
That's not to say my DVP is perfect though. I have had some bugs. The biggest for me is the cellular antenna. I get a mediocre phone signal in my apartment. My flip phone would hover between 2 and 3 bars out of 5. I get much worse reception on the DVP. I get a ton of No Service notices, especially when I pick it up. But it isn't just a death grip issue. I'll sit the phone on the arm of my couch and watch it fluctuate between No Service and 1 or 2 bars. If I want to make a call on the DVP, I have to take laps around my apartment trying to find a decent signal. Not fun. Outside of the dead zone that live in the reception is fine. If I get 5 bars, it stays at 5 bars no matter how I hold it. I also don't care for the SMS texting app. When I attempt to send a text while I have a low signal, I don't get a confirmation either way after I hit send. I sent 3 texts in a row out on Thursday afternoon and only 1 got through. It would have been nice to see a "Message Sent" or Message Failed" confirmation either way. I also can't import Contacts from my Sim. I see the box for it on my People Settings page, but it is greyed out. Very annoying. And I know it's a known issue with Microsoft, but the not being able to connect to a WiFi with a hidden SSID is just ridiculous.
I really haven't made up my mind yet on whether I am keeping my DVP. On the one hand, I really like WP7 and it seems like I got lucky and got one of the problem free DVP's. But I'm also not sure if I can live with the bad reception at home. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if anything interesting is announced at CES.
16GB and it locked up all of the time... It would just freeze there with whatever it was on the screen. That happened until I turned Wifi off. Now it's great. The only time that it crashed with wifi off was when I was running Beezz and it just hard locked for some reason.
So I would like to have Wifi... 3G coverage is spotty at best where I live. What are the chances of a firmware fix, ya think? I'm almost tempted to send it back to Dell... Even though I love it to death. Gosh that keyboard is amazing...
I sure hope it gets sorted out...
Can someone list the symptoms of crashing? Is it just screen freeze or apps won't launch when touched or something different? I had case y'day where except people, email and phone, none of the other apps would launch. When launched it would just return to the home screen right away. Then a battery pull fixed it. That was the first i had the issue since receiving the phone on 12/23. I have time till end of this week to decide on return or replacement.
MikeDupp said:
I am probably not a typical owner though. I was an existing T-Mo customer on the EM+ plan. I didn't have to call or activate the DVP with T-Mo. I just took the SIM out of my flip phone and put it into my DVP and was up and running. Since I am on EM+ and I paid full price for the phone, I am also not required to have a data plan and I haven't gotten around to adding one yet.
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Mike, have you received any calls on it yet? My experience has been that you can make outgoing calls all you want, but you need to tell T-Mo the new IMEI number to receive calls. That could also be why you haven't gotten a notification about the text messages.
When I called T-Mo to get the phone set up, they also told me about the available insurance plans (from $5.99/mo that covers the phone completely-loss/theft/damage/etc, to less than $2 for minimal coverage). I was on an out-of-contract plan too and had to pick up the phone at full price. My plan was phone+data, no messaging, so I only pay for texting. Everything done over WiFi or 3G has been great.
As for crashes, I think it's locked up 3 times now that required removing the battery and putting it back in. Those all happened within the first few days of owning it, but not since. (got it on the 23rd)


OK I need help and serious input since these are the things I use the most. I will give you a little history also. On 0:00 Tuesday 02/22/2011 I downloaded samsung update for EB13. I flashed the phone, and everything went well even the one-click-root-2.5.5. So with my issues appearing I researched and seen many others had issues not like mine. I called Sprint they had me do a hard reset on my phone. Still the issues are a not real bad but I had having to restart my phone 6 or 7 times a day. I even went to the store and the rep said there were no so called "quote issues with the EPIC cause he has one". I need my phone re-flash. I told him I did that. He said have a hard reset done to it. I did it the day after the I flashed it. I told him I still have issues and no one has been able to help me. He said take the phone back and get a new one then. His name is Mike at the Sprint Store on Oleander Dr Wilmington, NC. Lots of help Mike. Just admit the software is sh*t like the phone reps did on the phone. Re-flashing and a hard reset is something I already did, and removed alot of useless app, from the guide on switch apps to remove. So PLEASE someone come up with some mods or ideas to help me. PLEASE. I got no clue on this.
1. Txt messaging. After an hour of non use when trying to send a txt. The txt hangs. I tried de-activating and a signal refresh. Dont work. Only fix is re-start the phone, and re-send the txt.
2. Bluetooth. After non use for an hr Bluetooth says it is still connected. When calls comes in however it is not connected. I have to manual connect, or if no call, I have to do a signal refresh. Not even turning off bluetooth works. The Sprint rep says it is the only work around they have and know about it.
3. QIK. Ok Qik on 2.1 used do a portrait on the front camera. Now it records only as landscape, but shows as portrait. I spoke to Sprint about this also and they said it some I am going to have to deal with. I drive alot to job to job, so I dont have alot of time to play with settings.
bluetooth problems?
i have flashed the eb13 froyo onto my epic with the eb13 supernova,genocide .3a kernal and everything seems to be almost perfect except i still can not give voice commands over my bluetooth ....it will activate, say speak now and then it will disconnect before i can even give a command...if there is a fix for this please let me know...thanks
Txt messenging found
I found the same issue and a fix for it other than reboot. This was found back in July on another phone and carrier but with Android 2.2 Froyo. So this issue is with the OS its self.
A. Settings menu
B. Applications menu
C. Manage Applications
D. Messaging app
E. Force Close button
07-16-2010, 02:05 PM
Smoke signaler
LugusLuna has no status.
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3
Re: Android 2.2 text message problem
Fixed it!!! In case anyone else out there is having the same problem, the way I fixed it was by going to the Settings menu from the home screen, then to the Applications menu, then to Manage Applications, then to the Running tab, then to the Messaging app with the icon that Andriod uses for the text function. Then I clicked on the Force Close button. Now it sends text message with no problem. Go figure.
Back up your data with MyBackup Root, use Odin to restore full, clean EB13, then use the Market or AppBrain to reinstall your apps, and your backup to restore only the data for those specific apps. That will solve almost all problems related to the OTA update, including yours, OP.
k0nane said:
Back up your data with MyBackup Root, use Odin to restore full, clean EB13, then use the Market or AppBrain to reinstall your apps, and your backup to restore only the data for those specific apps. That will solve almost all problems related to the OTA update, including yours, OP.
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But he used the .exe...
I think he mightve removed something by accident...was the "apps safe to remove" thread updated for EB13?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Thanks everyone for replying with some needed input and issues of your own. I do think I can live with the messaging app since I found a temp fix for it(force close). I also believe I can live with Qik recording in landscape, even though it was not designed that way for the front camera. However I cannot live the issue of Bluetooth. I need as I will never put a touch screen phone to my ear or listen to it on speaker, like some of these dumb a$$ doing this walking around in public. I drive from job to job and it is very difficult for me to play with setting while driving. NC is becoming a handsfree cell phone state like so many others, and there is no txting while driving at all. It is a dangerous thing to do. I have read older posts from other phone that received 2.2 much earlier in the year and I believe that is OS is $hit. However 2.1 does not have Bluetooth activated command dialing.
*So for you people that are catching up, I did install from the exe and seemed to work fine and even after I rooted with a clockworkmod 2.5.1 recovery. I even did a hard reset with Sprint. I did not removed any important applications as mobile hotspot is this there. I have not upgraded to any new kernel, or rom. These issues are minor, but a major inconvenience. Bluetooth will work for awhile, but then with a call comes in after a hr of rebooting I have to connect manually after it has been paired. ""Sprint said that this was a issue known in the OS, but I am wondering if anyone has found a kernel or mod to correct this issue?""
Why not back it up and then go into cwm and clear the cache/DCache and then run the .exe without removing ANYTHING and see if your problems persist?
If they don't, then take out an .apk one at a time until you find the one that breaks your functions...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

[Q] New Hangouts with SMS integration has slowed down my phone

Hey, I don't know if you guys have had this issue, but since Hangouts came out with the official SMS integration update, my phone has been behaving like my old Droid Incredible.
Things I have noticed:
Phone would freeze for no reason for 10-20 sec at a time.
Phone at times would require a battery pull
Camera would go on but show just a black screen
WiFi and LTE would seize up like it was being overworked (I know, SMS goes through cellular not data)
Once I uninstalled the update everything went back to normal. I also uninstalled the beta of the "Cover" lock screen just for good measure.
Anyone experience this?
sebastianraven said:
Hey, I don't know if you guys have had this issue, but since Hangouts came out with the official SMS integration update, my phone has been behaving like my old Droid Incredible.
Things I have noticed:
Phone would freeze for no reason for 10-20 sec at a time.
Phone at times would require a battery pull
Camera would go on but show just a black screen
WiFi and LTE would seize up like it was being overworked (I know, SMS goes through cellular not data)
Once I uninstalled the update everything went back to normal. I also uninstalled the beta of the "Cover" lock screen just for good measure.
Anyone experience this?
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I haven't noticed any of this. I have noticed a decrease in battery life since installing the new hangouts. Since installing new hangouts Google services is always my #2 battery drainer.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Exact same behavior on my SGS3. Phone is almost unusable at times, stock 4.1.2 Rom. Was fast an responsive before update. Now when phone rings some times I can't even answer! I am going to remove and see if performance improves.

Background data/apps restricted despite being disabled

I have an odd issue on the T-mo variant and while it's great for battery life, it's killing my workflow!
This has happened across multiple ROMs and since I've had the phone.
It also seems to be the same in Wifi and Cellular.
After about 5 minutes of turning off the screen, the phone stops getting notification.
For example, with the phone off, I have no Whatsapp messages.
Once I open Whatsapp on the other had, the phone blows up with all sorts of missed messages.
Same is true with other apps.
I use a messaging app, and the user account for the phone actually shows disconnected with the phone off.
It only comes back if I open the app, or after the phone is on about 3-4 minutes.
I have excluded the above apps in optimization, with the same results.
So, who's got ideas?
beachcomp.com said:
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Im not experiencing the delay but via text as you but I'm definitely getting the lagging Gmail. I click it (sometimes I dont have to) and wham ... 8 emails. It's really become an issue. I do experience the random no reply from a texting every now & then ... It seems to be only non TMobile people it does it with. Like me and someone can be having a lengthy back & forth via text and outta nowhere they won't respond. Someone mentioned using Textra as a fix.
Im rooted on stock rom, T-Mobile with a few minimalistic thing's frozen.

