Search Song in Sense 2.1/2.5 - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Is it possible to search song in the sense music player ?
When i try to find song in my Very Long list it's take like forever


S2P instead of TF3D Music Player (TF3D Tab)

last week I found a program which can associate any button with another program you can choose. But I cant find it anymore.
Is it possible to assign to the Music tab (TF3D Music Player) with the Slide 2 Play player?
I mean, when I click the Music tab, S2P will start instead of the TF3D Music Player.
Is it feasible???
This is not the place for questions.
there is a Q&A section for that.
thank you

Why is there no STOP or ALBUM SKIP?

I have been using my HTC HD2 for a while now and I could swear the first two items below worked for me before but here goes. The last question is a "how to"
When playing music through the standard album art interface I get several issues
When in portrait mode you can't flip between albums only songs within an album
I can't find a STOP button, only a pause button. Where is the STOP?
I can't find the menu to play the playlists I created
Appreciate your help folks
Lazy HTC developers
1 press library - albums tab. there isn't room for all variant options on the front screen.
2 pause stops playback, and only having one button saves screen space. since the m music tab is always in memory it makes no difference if the track is paused or stopped.
3 click library choose play list tab click the list you want then click any song in thee list.playback starts from whichever song you click.
About the first question:
When you first got your phone, it only had the pre-added music that HTC put on it: just a couple of songs to demo the music player, with only one song in each album.
The first time you used the music player, all these songs were loaded in the "now playing" list. Since each album had only one song, skipping songs meant skipping albums. I think that's where you got the idea that you could flip through albums in portrait mode.
In fact, you can't; you can only skip through the songs that are currently loaded in the "now playing" list.
To flip through your albums, switch to landscape mode (you probably knew that already).
You're not the first one to ask this question; check out my explanation here:
Many thanks for the responses folks. Saved me a lot of possible lost time trying to get my device back to vanilla settings.

Is is possible to search music on the HTC music player

I dont mean browse i mean like bringing up the keyboard and typing in the song you want to hear, I have over 1000 songs and its a pain scrolling through them to finally reach the song i want. I used WMP but i hate the way it looks but it atleast has a search feature.
Thanks in advance if this is even possible!

[Q] HD2 Music Player Search Songs

Hey Guyz,,,
Is their anyway to search for songs in the HD2 music player library, Its kind of irritating when you have to scroll for each song.
Also one more issue is whenever you click back to your playlist it goes to first song, I mean at the top of the list instead of showing the current song!!!
probably not the answer your looking for but maybe try pocket player. it has the search feature your looking for, for me its better than sense player.....

HD2 Catogorized Sense Player?

I have search for this but have come to no solution. I was wondering if there was a way to add alphabetical scrolling (like on iTouch/ Android) to the sense music player, albums songs, artiists. Scrolling through 1600 songs takes quite a while.
No. There were several topics about that, but no solution has been found. You can use another music application, I like Nitrogen.

