How can I delete Microsoft Outlook email account from handset? - HD2 General

Hi guys,
I got an HD2 last week (an outstanding phone so far) and immediately synced it up via Active Sync to my Microsoft Outlook email account. All the emails flooded in as they should. But now I can't update my emails wirelessly, only when I sync up. Thus I set up the same account again in it's original btinternet form. I hope you're still with me.....This account is fine and updates as it should.
So, at the moment I've got the same email account setup twice with only one functioning properly and, as the title of this thread suggests, I want to delete the non-functioning Outlook account from the handset if I can. I've tried all the obvious methods ie going to mail, menu, account settings, delete and selecting the Outlook account, but all I get is 4 coloured dots rotating on the screen and no joy. I left it overnight and the dots were still spinning this morning! I've also deleted all the emails in the Outlook inbox, thinking that maybe they were causing the delay but that hasn't helped. Are there any other options or am I doing anything wrong?
Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

bascially, connect it up to sync again, and then on the sync cilent you de-select syncing of mail. it will then remove it!

As easy as that eh? Yep, that worked! I'm new to all of this so thanks for the tip.

Now check for pink splodges on your camera pictures

No, none of those luckily! A bit of a pink tinge but once it focusses, the camera quality is actually quite good.


Removing Outlook?

Hi all,
I've setup the Outlook Email to sync with my exchange server at work... however, it has syned my calendar and not emails (i only wanted it to do emails). For some reason, it's saying the details are not correct (yet it's capable of syncing calendar). Anyway, I've told it not to sync anything (so I won't receive them anymore) but how do I remove the account from my phone?
Strangely it's done from within ActiveSync and not the messaging app.
I found out after trying to setup direct push yesterday.
If you click the bottom right softkey in active sync and choose options or somthing(i forget exact item) you can change/remove accounts from there, and even change what items it syncs (calendar/contact/mail/etc) by just ticking and unticking them.
cheers mate! I'll give that a try.

push gmail doesn't work properly

Very happy with my new HD2. However i have a problem with my push gmail, or maybe it is an exchange problem in general, don't know. When i set up an exchange account with google server, i should be able to recieve push email, sync my calender and contacts and so on. On my previous phone (samsung omnia2) it worked like a charm. Somebody sends my an email on my gmail adres, and within 30 secs i received the mail. Same with outlook calender, it synced immediately.
With my HD2 (rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD) my mails don't arrive instantly! sometimes it takes over two houres before i receive something. Same with calender and contacts. I tried a hard reset of my device. First thing afterwards was settingup google exchange, and it worked again. Then i added a second mail account, set this account to auto receive every two houres and the problem with the exchange account comes back! the strange thing is when i watch my active sync status on my phone, it says connected, and when i send a mail from my pc, a couple of seconds later i see activesync syncing, like its receiving the mail, but it doesn't show in my mailbox, no poppup, nothing... only few houres later, suddenly i get the mail...
my exchange account is set to 'receive on arrival of items' should be push, also, comm manager says push activated....
sounds familiar to anybody?
I think this was a problem on gmails end yesterday, bearing in mind that gmail push is in beta. I had the same on my i8910, where previously gmail push was working perfectly.
glenner05 said:
Very happy with my new HD2. However i have a problem with my push gmail, or maybe it is an exchange problem in general, don't know. When i set up an exchange account with google server, i should be able to recieve push email, sync my calender and contacts and so on. On my previous phone (samsung omnia2) it worked like a charm. Somebody sends my an email on my gmail adres, and within 30 secs i received the mail. Same with outlook calender, it synced immediately.
With my HD2 (rom version 1.43.404.1 NLD) my mails don't arrive instantly! sometimes it takes over two houres before i receive something. Same with calender and contacts. I tried a hard reset of my device. First thing afterwards was settingup google exchange, and it worked again. Then i added a second mail account, set this account to auto receive every two houres and the problem with the exchange account comes back! the strange thing is when i watch my active sync status on my phone, it says connected, and when i send a mail from my pc, a couple of seconds later i see activesync syncing, like its receiving the mail, but it doesn't show in my mailbox, no poppup, nothing... only few houres later, suddenly i get the mail...
my exchange account is set to 'receive on arrival of items' should be push, also, comm manager says push activated....
sounds familiar to anybody?
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I will get mine one day this week hopefully and will try as soon as. Hope it does work, pointless if not!
Use ise it since Friday and never withnissed something like this....
Everything is in 15sec on my deviece.
xmoo said:
Use ise it since Friday and never withnissed something like this....
Everything is in 15sec on my deviece.
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and do you have a second, normal email account? It's from the moment i created the second account i ran into trouble...
tried reverse order? email first then exchange?
maybe after a hard-reset
I haven't got a HD2 but on my TP if I go out of coverage area for a time and then come back in, my activesync doesn't always reconnect. Saying that I have noticed it a lot less since banging a 6.5 rom on there. I have to add I am not using google sync, I am using fast hosts. I am going to migrate to google sync after this month to save some pennies so I hope it works good by then.
I ONLY have google exchange sync, it synched my calendar and contacts in seconds, and the e-mail FOLDERs, but not a single message. i left it 8 hours... (i've checked the messages to only do 1 week, 3 days, whatever)
i've tried soft reseting, two hard resets, ONLY e-mail, no e-mail, toggling e-mail. it will not retrieve any messages. in the end im using IMAP but its very frustrating/!
anyone got any other suggestions?
oh and to add insult to injury my iphone 3GS is sitting here merrily binging away everytime i get en e-mail!
If you are doing a send/receive for a folder this will not work you have to select the folders to sync by putting a tickbox in each one and then let it do its stuff.
Before I did this on mine all I saw was folders and no content (apart from the inbox)
Hope this helps.
but i just want my inbox to sync? which it does not.. and there is no checkbox next to that one, its in bold, which i assume means that one has to sync by default?
for me it does work right now. My solution was to delete my windows PC active sync connection. before, i synced with windows to get my contacts and calender, and then afterwards i set up my exchange connection. But from the moment i deleted the Windows PC connection, and working only with exchange everything works pefectly! Even created a second pop email account, refreshing every two houres, my push connection still works fine....
Ok, i figured out my issue, and im surprise dit isnt documented anywher eon google,i found it on one of their forums and a member there discovered it, not a google Mod.
If you have subfolder under your inbox, it wont work.
i.e. if you have any "/" in your google mail labels (which is how GMAIL sets itself up if you use outlookwith IMAP on it),then it wont sync
i had sub folder sin outlook, so in gmail they becme labels such as:
and the "/" trips up the exchange sync. which seems very strange considering that the phone correctly recognises them as labels.
docchris1980 said:
Ok, i figured out my issue, and im surprise dit isnt documented anywher eon google,i found it on one of their forums and a member there discovered it, not a google Mod.
If you have subfolder under your inbox, it wont work.
i.e. if you have any "/" in your google mail labels (which is how GMAIL sets itself up if you use outlookwith IMAP on it),then it wont sync
i had sub folder sin outlook, so in gmail they becme labels such as:
and the "/" trips up the exchange sync. which seems very strange considering that the phone correctly recognises them as labels.
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So it means that there is no way it will sync the emails under these labels?
I tried re-entering my details yesterday, after having it on hourly retrieval for a few days. Now sync appears to be working fine, from others reporting similar it looks like Google was doing some work on it for a few days that was breaking new sync setups.
now it works fine

Gmail activesync slow

Can anyone help me out. I seem to be getting my messages around 7 to 10 minutes from the time it hits my desktop. I have set the settings to As items arrive on both peak and off peak and set that MON through to Sun.
Secondly as soon as I send an email from the phone it sends a copy to my inbox and cant seem to turn that off.
In Google Mail, I have Imap enabled but POP3 turned off.
Thanks for the help guys.
Just trying to prop this to top to see if anyone has a tip or two :-(
Got the same problem. Found a solution? Anyone else?
For the copy to inbox issue, check that you choose "Reply" and not "Reply all"
I've come to the conclusion that ActiveSync to Google services is not worth the hassle.
Four main reasons mobile GMail is a "fail" for me:
1/ Receiving ActiveSync messages is no-where NEAR real-time.
Example, I sent my GMail account a message 45mins ago. I can see it in my GMail inbox, but even though my activesync status shows as "connected" it's yet to appear on my phone.
Edit: OK, I just qualified my testing - msgs sent to GMail are near-instant. Messages sent to my pop3 account, which gmail checks, take considerable time to come through.
2/ Syncing existing Calendar appointments SPAMS all meeting attendees!
Example, I synced my phone calendar to gmail via ActiveSync, and gmail decided that it should send out a NEW meeting invitation to all recipients of every past & future appointment I'd ever *accepted*.
Old appointments like the 2009 Company Christmas Party were re-sent to everyone in the company from my GMail account!
I was not a popular boy.
3/ Sync'd Contact photos are very poor quality. Try it!
The online photo is extremely bad quality compared to the original in your phone. This becomes even more of an issue if you wipe your phone and re-download them from google. You've now just lost your original HQ photo.
4/ With Gmail set as an activesync connection, you're unable to change your reply-to address. You're forced to send as your account.
With regular POP/SMTP, you can "send-as" any address you want. Gmail is not my primary email address, and I don't want people replying to it.
So for me, I've reverted to POP/SMTP for emails (send/receive every 10mins), and the MS My Phone service for backing up contacts, calendar, etc.
Phrak said:
1/ Receiving ActiveSync messages is no-where NEAR real-time.
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In all fairness, Gmail had some pretty serious outages the last couple of days. If the email has been even slower lately, that's probably why.
That said, I found the Gmail Activesync solution pretty unreliable as well.
Dont know whether anything in this will help?? I'm not using Gmail .. sorry
I don't have a problem using Google Sync. It's pretty instantaneous (almost on par with Blackberry). Just make sure you've set Activesync to receive items as soon as they arrive on both peak and off peak times (or set whatever interval you're comfortable with).
Yes. My only gripe is with the crap contact photos that are resynced back to the phone. GRRR!!
Works fine for me most of the time, but apparently for the past 15h or so it keeps failing, wanting me to resync everything every 20mins saying the Exchange server had a problem and not giving me all elememts that should be there.
hmm.. got no problem in the last 24h..
someone response in the pict of me and my wifey, we both got the notification almost the same time.. (my wife's using Blackberry)
While trying to find a solution to my unrelated mail problem I came across this ....
i don't think ActiveSync is as reliable (at least for gmail) on Windows Mobile as it is for iPhone. I have both set up to push all day and without fail the iPhone gets my mail first. sometimes it can take up to ten minutes for mail to arrive on my HD2. I even don't always get it when I push send/receive. This problem has continued for weeks, regardless of whether I use a stock or custom ROM
Another annoyance I'm having lately is that even though my phone is set to retrieve ALL mail I'm only getting mail from as far back as february. this is also happening on my iPhone and had been an issue for weeks now. Anyone know what might be the cause???
Maybe your mail from before Feb is not in yout "Inbox" anymore, but archived (visible in "All mail")?
I have the same problem. The service is quite slow. My friend has Iphone and is arrives in 5 seconds.
I also hate the low res contact pics that get sync'd, have not been able to figure out why yet.
thats weird, i just set up push gmail today, and i receive emails at the EXACT same time as my desktop google talk... that is, around 2-3 seconds after emailing myself from another account
I was just setting up the google sync on my phone but I was unable to "check mark" the calendar and contacts, is that because I didnt set this up on the computer? I keep seeing people say active sync so I guess I have to do this on the computer?
Sorry for bringing an old thread up, just playing with my HD2 and thought I would use the search box and see if anyone had some answers..
Phrak said:
2/ Syncing existing Calendar appointments SPAMS all meeting attendees!
Example, I synced my phone calendar to gmail via ActiveSync, and gmail decided that it should send out a NEW meeting invitation to all recipients of every past & future appointment I'd ever *accepted*.
Old appointments like the 2009 Company Christmas Party were re-sent to everyone in the company from my GMail account!
I was not a popular boy.
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How do you retract the invites emails from gmail??
oh dear, you too?
AFAIK, you can't recall or retract messages sent from GMail.
Fortunately I am an Exchange Admin for my company, and used the ExMerge tool to sweep everyone's mailboxes & calendars to *move* to PST any messages received during that finite time window starting with "Invitation: " (I think it was).
Unfortunately ExMerge can't sweep based on the sender.

Still having gmail problems

I had problems with syncing my googlemail account with my HD2, and couldn't get old messages to sync. I've now fixed this thanks to advice received on here, at least for my inbox. It still won't sync sent mail, or other mail folders, even though I've checked them in the box to sync in "mail menu>tools>manage folders"
Can anyone help with this issue?
I'm confused. If you use the IMAP protocol then your email folders get synced anyway. That's how mine works (not bothered with push-mail as I don't need it).
Can you explain your problem better please?
For me, Gmail sync worked nicely for inbox but not for sent messages. After working a lot on the problem, I found that you have to specify folders (meaning sent mail folder) also on Activesync on your PC with the HD2 connected. At least syncing sent mails then worked for me. So, check out the active sync desktop sync settings also.
wacky.banana said:
I'm confused. If you use the IMAP protocol then your email folders get synced anyway. That's how mine works (not bothered with push-mail as I don't need it).
Can you explain your problem better please?
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My inbox syncs but no the sent message folder doesn't, nor do other folders from my gmail account.
Yes you are right re Gmail. I am rooting around for a solution at the moment. Will let you know if I find one.
Have got a gut feel that youmight only be able to do the full folder set through outlook. I'm searching now.
wacky.banana said:
Yes you are right re Gmail. I am rooting around for a solution at the moment. Will let you know if I find one.
Have got a gut feel that youmight only be able to do the full folder set through outlook. I'm searching now.
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OK thanks
roland234 said:
For me, Gmail sync worked nicely for inbox but not for sent messages. After working a lot on the problem, I found that you have to specify folders (meaning sent mail folder) also on Activesync on your PC with the HD2 connected. At least syncing sent mails then worked for me. So, check out the active sync desktop sync settings also.
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Had a look at active sync, and there's no setting for Gmail. There is one for Email, but this does not affect Gmail. Any other ideas?
Hi, well I am now a bit unsure about my suggestion to fix it via Active sync on the PC. I just now had to reinstall gmail (after hard reset for other reasons), and initially I did not get any mails in the sent folder. However, I then unchecked the sync mark for "sent mails" both on the HD2 and PC. Then rechecked them. Still did not work. Then I sent an email, and voila first this email got into the sent folder, and after some seconds all the rest of the sent mails on my gmail account appeared.
So, end result is that after changing back and forth whether to sync the sent mail folder, and sending emails, I got it to work. Not a very clear help, sorry, but I am sure you will get it in order in the end
I have been hunting around and experimenting all day. Its not good news.
Look here..
I can't get any other folder to sync bar the inbox, even though I have now changed the way I do this on my device to push mail via google sync.
I think the only way, which I did not test, is to use Outlook on a PC as your mail client accessing Google mail using the IMAP4 protocol so your messages remain synced at all times, then sync your phone to your laptop and get all your folders that way.
I have not tested that out as I don't have the time. It may work or it may be complete cobblers.
If anybody else can throw any positive light on this then please do.
roland234 said:
Hi, well I am now a bit unsure about my suggestion to fix it via Active sync on the PC. I just now had to reinstall gmail (after hard reset for other reasons), and initially I did not get any mails in the sent folder. However, I then unchecked the sync mark for "sent mails" both on the HD2 and PC. Then rechecked them. Still did not work. Then I sent an email, and voila first this email got into the sent folder, and after some seconds all the rest of the sent mails on my gmail account appeared.
So, end result is that after changing back and forth whether to sync the sent mail folder, and sending emails, I got it to work. Not a very clear help, sorry, but I am sure you will get it in order in the end
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It does show sent mails from my HD2, but not ones sent from my laptop
wacky.banana said:
I have been hunting around and experimenting all day. Its not good news.
Look here..
I can't get any other folder to sync bar the inbox, even though I have now changed the way I do this on my device to push mail via google sync.
I think the only way, which I did not test, is to use Outlook on a PC as your mail client accessing Google mail using the IMAP4 protocol so your messages remain synced at all times, then sync your phone to your laptop and get all your folders that way.
I have not tested that out as I don't have the time. It may work or it may be complete cobblers.
If anybody else can throw any positive light on this then please do.
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I'll give it a go syncing to outlook later and see what happens, cheers
Noticed something very strange with Gmail. I've just logged onto my Gmail account and I now have 2 sent mail folders since using my HD2. One has all mail sent from my laptop, and one the mail sent from the HD2.
Does anyone know why this is and how to merge the 2?
wacky.banana said:
I have been hunting around and experimenting all day. Its not good news.
Look here..
I can't get any other folder to sync bar the inbox, even though I have now changed the way I do this on my device to push mail via google sync.
I think the only way, which I did not test, is to use Outlook on a PC as your mail client accessing Google mail using the IMAP4 protocol so your messages remain synced at all times, then sync your phone to your laptop and get all your folders that way.
I have not tested that out as I don't have the time. It may work or it may be complete cobblers.
If anybody else can throw any positive light on this then please do.
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I just looked at the link you posted about gmail, and it appears it's someting to do with gmail's servers or something. What I don't understand is why it worked fine on my iphone, but not my HD2. Perhaps someone can explain? (May I just remind folk I'm not that clued up on all the tech stuff)
Also, I have outlook on my computer linked to my googlemail account, and am trying to figure out how to set outlook on my phone to sync with it, but I sure as hell can't figure it out. I've searched "outlook" but can't find the answer. Does it only sync when connected to the computer? if so this means I wouldn't be able to access my mail whilsst out and about so no use to me
wacky.banana said:
I have been hunting around and experimenting all day. Its not good news.
Look here..
I can't get any other folder to sync bar the inbox, even though I have now changed the way I do this on my device to push mail via google sync.
I think the only way, which I did not test, is to use Outlook on a PC as your mail client accessing Google mail using the IMAP4 protocol so your messages remain synced at all times, then sync your phone to your laptop and get all your folders that way.
I have not tested that out as I don't have the time. It may work or it may be complete cobblers.
If anybody else can throw any positive light on this then please do.
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Using the link posted above I've used this method
"The only other workaround I can think of is to set-up a filter on the web-side of gmail that filters any items you have sent into the new 'Sent Items' folder, which was created when the mobile sync took place. This way, at least your sent mail will show up under 'Sent Items' on the phone. Again, not optimal, but is another option. The major downside to this option is if you use Outlook, you will actually see 2 send item messages, the original and the one that is filtered"
At least I can now see all sent email, although I cannot retrieve old sent email, ie those sent prior to setting up a filter. But from now on at least it should be ok, fingers crossed. I've not managed to sync outlook to the phone as it's on my personal computer, and as I understand it I need to be linked to an exchange server (whatever that is) to be able to sync
Hello again,
Take a look at this.....
Works for me at the moment but still testing. Note that the number of items synced/downloaded seems to be determined by the global setting you set of how many days worth of emails you want downloading and what size.
I would advice care in syncing too many folders if you use the method above as:
a) it may take ages to do and
b) rapidly kill your battery.
I have simply gone for Inbox & Sent, which will do me for now while I am on the move.
wacky.banana said:
Hello again,
Take a look at this.....
Works for me at the moment but still testing. Note that the number of items synced/downloaded seems to be determined by the global setting you set of how many days worth of emails you want downloading and what size.
I would advice care in syncing too many folders if you use the method above as:
a) it may take ages to do and
b) rapidly kill your battery.
I have simply gone for Inbox & Sent, which will do me for now while I am on the move.
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That was one of the first things I tried, but it doesn't work for me :-/
PM me later tonight and I will walk you through how mine works. Bit pushed for time right now.

[Q] E-mail sync w/ Hotmail stops

Apologies up front if this has been addressed, but I couldn't find a answer.
My wife has a Samsung Fascinate (stock). I've set up, using the stock e-mail client, her hotmail account. After setting this up, everything seems to sync ok (contacts, e-mail) initially, then continues to work for the next few days. For some reason that I have yet to figure out, the sync simply stops working. She usually complains after a day or two that she hasn't gotten any e-mail on her phone, although she can see it on her PC.
Anyone else run into this? It's not a Windows Live 'Pro' account, but the fact that I can initially sync makes me think such an account is not needed.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

