BMW BT handsfree broken - HD2 General

Received my HD2 a few days ago and had no problem making calls with the OEM BT Handsfree of my 2009 3-serie BMW.
Until I discovered that I coudn't use it to receive calls !
The HF picks-up the call OK via the iDrive or steering wheel button, but audio is dead. Both parties can's hear anything.
It's actually possible to make it work two ways: first, by answering the call via the phone button instead of the car's one, or second, by answering with the steering button or iDrive having no audio first, then by going to the phone and disconnect and reconnect the Handsfree via the phone menu and at that point the audio comes back working ok.
It is a real disapointment as my previous Diamond touch was working flawlessly in the same car.
Not to mention that it pretty useless like that because of the danger implied by trying to rush to the phone in a deap pocket or in the arm's rest compartment to push the answer key.
I hope HTC will fix that soon as it pretty useless for guys like me, working 2h of their day in the car. It seems they changed from a MS BT stack to a Widcomm, loosing compatibility in the process...
Anyone experienced the same yet ?

Yes, i have similar problem with my BWM X5 Bluetooth.
When i am on call and same time put they key can't hear nothing from phone and from hands free. Same is if go out from the car and have call in same moment.
With my previos phone HTC HD - all working great.

Ok, thanks for the reply.
I really think it is due to the change of BT stack.
BTW, did you file a ticket to HTC support ?
I did yesterday, obviously no answer yet but could you do it too ?
The more we are, better are the chances that they do something for the next rom.

here is my issue with the BT connection: I have a Pioneer F900BT unit in my car. With my previous Nokia E66 everything worked just fine.
Now, when connecting with HD2, conection works ok, phonebook is downloaded ok, BUT: when there is a call, the music in the car is not silented automatically; what's worse, it seems the phone doesn't send any call identification to the headunit, since all the history (outgoing, incoming calls) is empty. So, I cannot redial or see who's calling me.
I did try the fix in the registry described earlier on this thread, but it doesn't help.
Any idea?
Thank you.

I have a 2008 3 series and have no problems at all, connected first time and has worked flawlessly ever since

twisted-pixel said:
I have a 2008 3 series and have no problems at all, connected first time and has worked flawlessly ever since
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Same here with an e92 (08/2008).


TyTN bluetooth car kit issues

Hi everybody,
I completed some tests using my bluetooth car kit (Audi integrated BT MMI car kit). Here is what I saw :
With the original french ROM (
Outgoing calls
90% of the calls were interrupted during dialing or connection. The main problem was UMTS stability with the french mobile operator named SFR. After deactivating UMTS/3G and falling back to GSM, 80% of the calls were interrupted during the first minute of communication because of BT unstability.
Incoming calls
Impossible to take a call : half were immediatly interrupted, half were answered using the internal micro instead of the BT one.
With the JasJam ROM (1.20.305.3)
Outgoing calls
After deactivating UMTS/3G support all the calls are stable. Every thing is working fine and the Audi BT car kit works just fine !
Incoming calls
Still impossible to take a call : quite all are not well handled. BT is still unusable to take calls.
I don't think the BT car kit is the problem, because I am using it every day with a Qtek 8310 (Tornado) and both incoming and outgoing calls are well handled.
If you've got some experience, please share it. I am so disapointed that this marvelous TyTN cannot replace my Tornado, only because this "merdique" (<------ french romantic word ) bluetooth functionnality is not working ! :evil:
Hi Arnaud,
I too have problems - see:
Im also having problems with carkit.
Jasjam and kjam just dont connect with my carkit (while they pair with it) but Jasjam and all nokia / samsung phones work perfectly well with it. Even Palm treo 650 works.
Is this a problem with iMate sets or with Windows Mobile 5.0?
I've had a friend who also has a TyTN which we tried in my kit and it didn't work. It seems that users with other variants (e.g. Orange) don't have this issue?
Further (non-technical) tests have shown that if you answer or make a call, you can get the audio by going into the call menu and choosing "Turn handsfree off". My uneducated guess here is that there is some issue with the headset feature on the TyTN and by doing this, it resets the headset profile and bingo!
It is a pain in the ar$e doing this for inbound calls, but for outbound it is manageable - you simply dial the number and whilst it is connecting, do the menu->Turn handsfree off workaround. Hopefully the new ROM will fix it - when it arrives!!
Hi All,
Just to put in my experience.
I have an Audi A4 with a Gen II car kit. As there is no handset holder for the TyTn I am using the Bluetooth function.
I have the Orange SPV M3100 variant, which works absolutley fine with the Audi Bluetooth, with one problem....
As I don't yet have a car charger, when the phone goes into sleep mode, it appears to disable bluetooh (I occasionally get a 'BT OFF' signal on the car display). Switching off bluetooth, then switching on again on the phone tends to kick it back into life where it stays live for another ten minutes or so until the phone dozes off again..
I have heard of a few people who have also diagnosed the problem as possbily the phone going to sleep to conserve battery, and solved the problem with an in car charger. I will report back when I have a charger.
Again, I do not suspect the Audi car kit as I have previoulsy used this (on Bluetooth) with a Nokia 6230 and MDA Vario, with no problems at all (the Vario was externally powered from the car).
Maybe you TyTn owners can flash to the Orange ROM ;-)
Same Scenario Different Cast
I have a Lexus GS with BT.... here's my Undesired results
actually, the only Problem i am having is very annoying.
If i receive or make a call after i pair with the Car kit, EVERY Thing is fine,
The sound quality is good, the response time is good (no Delay).
BUT after that call is ended, the BT itself on the jasjam TURNS off...
so i have to turn the BT on After EVERY Single Call (either made or received)
Is this Normal, I don't think so, but i had to ask
I have the Original Ship ROM Arabic version
My BMW handsfree works just fine with my TyTN. No issues other than an occasional BT off (loss of pairing). Interestingly, it's not sleep mode related since it usually works just fine in that mode. Generally, disabling Bt then re-enabling it re-establishes the connection then all is well. I have no issues making or receiving calls.
No doubt CarKit issues will be addressed when HTC releases their ROM update. Recent information tells me that this update is pretty much guaranteed to be an AKU3.0 variant. There's a tremendous amount of BT stack improvements in this AKU that should improve this as well as A2DP bluetooth issues.
.. No issues other than an occasional BT off (loss of pairing). ..
Interesting! I have the same issue with MTeoR.. I wonder if MteoR and TyTn are based on the same HTC device PLATFORM.
Updated my Parrot CK3100 to the newest version and things still don't work too well. When I start a call on the Parrot it takes around 20 seconds to start dialing on the phone, and when I receive a call I have to pick it up, place it on hold, and retrieve from hold to be able to hear the other side.
I wonder what/why they changed in the Bluetooth stack, it worked perfectly on my Wizard...
Renault Laguna II integrated BT kit
Works OK with my Laguna system except for the signal strength indicator. It appears that this information is not sent or translated onto the screen in the car.... Calls are fine though, and I noticed that the car rings immediately, the moment the phone does. Could be because the TyTN has the "turbo lag" explained in another thread tho
rmorby said:
Works OK with my Laguna system except for the signal strength indicator. It appears that this information is not sent or translated onto the screen in the car.... Calls are fine though, and I noticed that the car rings immediately, the moment the phone does. Could be because the TyTN has the "turbo lag" explained in another thread tho
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Try installing Jetware mobile extender, that adds signal and battery bars as well as network name.
I enabled Remote SIM Acces in the Bluetooth Menu and now my contacts sync on my Audi Bluetooth Car kit with WM 6.1.

bluetooth switches itself off!!!

Using the Touch HD with a builtin bluetooth car kit. Everything works fine, the phone's contact list displays on the screen of the car. The pairing went fine. Call history works. Happy me. But occasionally i notice after making a call via the car (after hangup) the connection disappears and i check the phone. Bluetooth is switched off!!! How can this be? Are there any settings i have missed?
Any other users experience this?
same here with my bt handsfree
what if you connect it to powersupply ?
with power : working
without power : after some minutes off
sometimes I can not access the contactlist, stop the car, remove the key, start again and it works
There is something wrong with BT + car
I've had my HD a couple of days and use it with the built in BT in my Audi. The car displayed "telephone is not connected" and when I checked the phone, no BT icon. I've had problems in the past with other makes not working very well like this and was thinking it was going to be the same here... As I was getting annoyed a call came in, rang for about half a ring on the phone then it reconnected to the car and continued ringing there, answered the call just fine.
Since then it's done the same thing twice, I'd prefer it didn't but it hasn't actually caused a problem yet.
BT shuts off by itself.
I seem to be having the same problem in my Audi Q7. It does not make a difference weather to be connected to a power supply or not.
Im having the same issue here, in my A4 Cab with integrated UHV 0420
Strange thing is, it doesnt disconnect from my works Parrott kit.
It does turn off the Bluetooth on the phone, strange. It didnt happen for the first week though.
Any ideas?
same here. having problems with my Land Rover LR2. first week, there were no problems. now, the phone doesn't automatically connect when i start the car, i have t manually connect it by pressing the phone button on my dashboard. it then connects with no problem. however, when i try to place a call, it automatically disconnects the bluetooth.
not sure if this is a problem with the htc or my car; i have to try another phone with the car first.
Same happens in my Lamboughini and also my Mercedes- Benz E Class.
Looks like I'll just have to stick with my roller from now on!!!!
I see I'm not the only one with this problem. Soooo...... anyone got a fix?
Please, at least have you checked for a few seconds after the disconnect to see what happened ??
Well, I have a BMW S1 with in-car bluetooth. I previously owned an S200, SE K800i and a Touch Pro and never got any problems with those phones.
With HD Touch I also have the same problems like you people, but 2 or 3 seconds later the BMW regain the connection with my HD.
So, for me this is no big deal. If this only happens to me, then I'm the first to apologize my introduction on this post, if not... lol
Im sure its not related, but I installed the hotfix for the TF3d earlier and I didnt have any disconnects on the way home....... ????? Go HTC.....
yesterday i installed the hotfix from htc, but today i lost bluetooth connection again in the car. The bluetooth in the car keeps functioning, but the bluetooth on the HD has deactivated itself! With my previous sony ericsson phone (also bluetoot 2.0) i didn't have this problem. So i think it's related to the bluetoothsoftware on the HD.
bloke said:
Im sure its not related, but I installed the hotfix for the TF3d earlier and I didnt have any disconnects on the way home....... ????? Go HTC.....
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I spoke too soon, it disconnected this morning and didnt reconnect....
Have a look at this thread - also bluetooth problems with pairing issues - looks like BT maybe bugged
I have the same problem. I can not really use bluetooth in my car, because the Touch HD ends the connection after a few minutes (most times after less than five minutes).
Without a connection to the car, bluetooth will not be ended by the Touch HD, so it seems to be a problem of a connection to a bluetooth headset or a problem of a connection only to a car bluetooth "headset".
Does this only apply to original built-in bluetooth kits and not after-market kits?
My BT-radio does not have problems with the Touch HD, but it is an after-market radio.
Same problem here. My connections drops also. I drive an Opel Zafira with builtin bluetooth carkit. Bluetooth is turned off after a while.
I've noticed when i start the car a connection is made and a few seconds later bluetooth is turned off and immediatly turned on again. After it's turned on, the connection is stable for a while. A few moments later it turns off again. Then i have turn the bluetooth connection manually.
Today i had a phone confercation for a half hour. The connection stayed stable. When i hang up the phone, the connection dropped .
Can the synchronisation of the phonebook be the problem? I had this problem with my p3600. After installing Jetware, the problem was solved. I've installed Jetware on my HD, but with no luck .
Is there a way to log the bluetooth communication. May be it tell us more
Indeed the HD bluetooth seems to be poor, I also experienced bluetooth switching off by it self when trying to pair with my Motorola S9 headphones, I have the hotfix installed, before I didn't notice this bluetooth behavior.
Also when exiting Opera the phone hangs, not always but sometimes
Anyone solved the problem yet
I send a email to HTC support. Hopefully they can help. If they answer......word goes arround that htc support sucks
still don't have a solution.........

Htc Hero Bluetooth Car Kit

I am trying to get my Hero to connect with my Lexus RX400h's bluetooth car-kit. I can pair the Hero with the car but it will not reconnect. Is there a way to authorize the Hero to alway reconnect without having to re-pair?
Any help would be great.
It should remember it. I've never had a problem with my own bluetooth kit.
I get paired but not connected with my thb bury kit there are lots of posts on here about bluetoth issues 5 series bmws also have problems, htc support say they are waiting for an update from google
I'll add the Range Rover Sport to the list of cars with bluetooth issues.
I can connect OK, but as soon as the phone is connected it disables the phone keypad on the car dashboard so I can't use it to access voicemail and other menus.
Worked fine with my Diamond and Touch HD
Toyota TNS 510 carkit wont work either. It pairs ok, it even pairs the A2DP system. When pairing is finished a little message appears on the phone saying there was a problem with the bluetooth handfree thingy.
andy2111 said:
I'll add the Range Rover Sport to the list of cars with bluetooth issues.
I can connect OK, but as soon as the phone is connected it disables the phone keypad on the car dashboard so I can't use it to access voicemail and other menus.
Worked fine with my Diamond and Touch HD
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What model year is your RRS ? My MY08 D3 works fine with the Hero... contact list navigation is far better than my 'old' Nokia N85. If your RRS is pre MY2008 there is an ECU update for the Bluetooth PTI I believe.
I'll add a Jaguar XF to the list. Hero will pair ok, then it will disconnect. it will disconnect a few times before it settles down. Whenever it tries to auto-connect, it will disconnect 2 or three times before it stays connected. sometimes it wont connect at all, a quick disable, then re-enable of bluetooh on the hero then gets it to connect again.
Didnt have any problems with any BlackBerry's, Touch Diamond, Nokia e52. Looks like we're waiting on Google for a fix. I wonder if their continual beta policy applies to updates as well as full blown applications?
Peugeot 407 SW ('07)- Pairing okay, connects okay too. On phone call the radio is muted, call picked up (on incoming), but the sound keeps coming through ear piece for 4-5 sec and then it eventually switches to speakers.
HTC cust support not very supportive... pointing me to go to the car manufacturer for support... :s
The Hero and/or Android does not support the bluetooth stack's remote Sim Access Profile (rSAP/SAP) required by many car kits (VAG, Lexus etc.). This might be the issue here.
Let your car do the pairing
Turn bluetooth on your phone and let your car discover and pair with the phone. Your carkit will suggest the passcode enter it in you phone and not the other way arround. That might work, It did for my Porshe.
How do you transfer bluetooth contacts??
Hi. I have my bluetooth car kit working fine, it is with a pioneer head unit. At first i would have to manually connect it, as the phone can only be made visible fo 120 seconds. Hoever after doing this 5 or 6 times, it then automatically conected every time. Just keep trying and see if it eventually does it.
Also.... How do you transfer your contacts lists to the bluetooth device?? I cannot find anyway!! please help!!
No Go on the Mazda 3
just bought a 2010 Mazda 3 sport and the bluetooth does not work with hero.
it pairs with the phone and then occasionally connects. however when you dial a number by voice or keypad the system in the car locks up completely for about 4 mins. tried other phones and works perfect.
Strange thing is it did work once for a day but then went all haywire after that.
would rooting the phone and installing a different rom open up the bluetooth any more so it can communicate better.
Dont want to get rid of the phone but unless i can find a remedy im gonna have to get a different phone.
I have Lexus ES350 2007, It's paired and auto connect with no issue! I have a tiny issue with incoming call in navi screen it display "not supported" instead of caller name!
Also it ringing in my Hero for 4 seconds then it ringing in my car?!
Well ive sorted th bluetooth problem.
once paired as long as i dont turn off bluetooth on the phone then it connects / reconnects just fine. if i do turn bluetooth profile off then when pairing i need to make phone visible before i get in the car and it picks it up again.
2010 Mazda 3 and HTC Hero Bluetooth
Have the exact same problem as Wingy999 and if I leave the bluetooth switched on on the phone I have no problem.
But if I do switch it off/restart the phone, even if I make the phone visible when I get in the car, it does not connect and I have to delete and repair the phone to the car.
Can you help wingy999?
Well its a case of Yes it is and No it isnt.
Sometimes, for a few days i have no problems with phone. Then for no reason it decides to connect (picture of the phone on dash) but it cant communicate with the car. So when you dial it just hangs the system.
Got sick of pairing it to be honest so have left it for now. i wondering if rooting the phone might be a way forward.
yeah, no clue if rooting will help, but im def waiting for it to be possible. lots of cool things that can be done.
the bluetooth problem is to do with the android bluetooth api itself from what i understand. google haven't figured it out entirely yet and so only released it with basic functionality. even once modders are able to get inside the cdma hero, i dont think they can get at the low level bluetooth functionality and make changes. I could be wrong, but if it were the case, we'd see things like obex object transfer available on the GSM Hero's already.
I also have the same problem with my 2010 Mazda 3 and my sprint HTC hero.
I am probably going to have to return the phone. I was hoping for an update or a fix.
It is critical that the bluetooth feature works.
Another annoyance is that I cannot turn the bluetooth streaming audio. Even though the car and phone both have this feature, I do not want it on. I want to be able to turn on bluetooth for phone but not bluetooth streaming audio.
The HTC touch pro 2 (windows mobile) could turn each of the 2 bluetooth services off independently (and worked for both), the HTC Hero does not allow this (and doesn't work with the car anyway).
Huge thumbs down for an otherwise great phone.
My issue is with a Jabra SP700 Bluetooth speakerphone. My phone is paired, is detected and the phone even says 'Bluetooth Headset Connected'.
However, sound is not routed to the speakerphone, it just comes out of the phone speaker...
FYI I'm running MCR 2.8.
BMW 1 series 08 and HERO
Before I buy an HTC Hero does anyone know if it will work with my BMW 1 series

Bluetooth carkit (audi factory)

I'm having much fun with my new Legend, and I love android 2.1!
Everythings goes smooth except the connection with my car.
I have a pretty new Audi TT from 2008, and with my old phone (t-mobile G1), I used it without a problem for over a year.
One month ago I bought the Legend, and bluetooth connection to the car seems to hang!, Even when I disable bluetooth, the phone becomes slow, and the bluetooth icoon keeps displaying in my notification erea.
One thing works, when I reset the phone, I can use the carkit for about 10 minutes, then it starts to disconnect. The adress book never syncs.
Can people please reply if they got their legend work properly with their bluetooth car kit.
Also when other people have problems, please reply here!
I have a mini cooper S with BT car kit.
The connection is good and all the contats are correctly transferred but sometimes the connection has been lost.
It seems it happens during the net switch (between UMTS/GSM).
Same problem here. Kenwood DDX7029 with BT. 5 out of 10 times the phone won't connect when starting the car. Dis- and enabling BT does the trick.
David67 said:
I have a mini cooper S with BT car kit.
The connection is good and all the contats are correctly transferred but sometimes the connection has been lost.
It seems it happens during the net switch (between UMTS/GSM).
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This implies that if you disable data-roaming, it would work all the time?, I'm gonna try that out! Thanks for your reply!
Hi there. My first post in XDA
So cool that I found this thread because I have the exact same problem. I have an Audi A3 and the bluetooth connection is 9 out of 10 times lost during conversations and then the bluetooth icon just hangs until I boot the phone.
I'm gonna try to disable the data-roaming and see whether it works.
Still problem carkit/bluetooth Legend!!
Hi all,
I still/also experience problems with my Audi A4 carkit.
Also my colleague with a Opel Insignia experiencing the same problems.
I have to reset the bluetooth or reboot the phone te fix it
It is very annoying when you loose the bluetooth connection within a call.
I have already sent a message to HTC...and still waiting!
Switching off the data roaming or fix the UMTS/GSM settings doesn't help
Somebody a sollution?
Br Dide
Audi UHV 6654 problems
I have a BIG problem with this car kit connection...BIG means the device is useless till now.
I've paired the Legend with my A4 factory car kit and there are several problems:
1. No sounds come from the speakers (car speakers), still the michrophone is working fine. I had to put the phone on loudspeaker to hear something but of course this is not the normal way of using a car kit
2. There is no sound till the call is actually ongoing (the other party respond)...that means no ringing, busy tone, or whatsoever sound... I don't even know if the call is made if I'm not looking to the phone (and if it's entering power saving mode, I stare at a blank screen).
I don't have any problems of this kind using a Nokia phone and also they (especially point 2) are happening with all smartphones I've tried (WinMo or Android ones).
Is there any software (even a paid one) to outcome this?
Please don't tell me to "try" this and that, I don't want to spend money "trying" things...I would appreciate if someone had a similar problem and managed to solve it somehow.
P.S The phone is brand new (got it for 2 days by now) and it is not rooted.
P.S.2 The car kit is a "basic" one, don't have navigation, contacts downloading and all that stuff...It's a plain BT car kit, I would just like to be able to make and receive phone calls with it.
Seems like many have bad experience in making the legend and car kit work together.
As of yet I could only pair my legend with my blaupunkt audio system, but they have not yet connected each other successfully to make use of the bluetooth feature. I've had no problem at all using my audio set with my samsung galaxy spica's bluetooth. So it probably is not an android issue.
Is there anyone who didn't experience any such trouble with their legend and car audio system's bluetooth ?
To add some more details...
I search for BT devices, phone finds the Audi UHV car kit. Then I'm asked for the pairing password and I enter it, than I get that "connection sound" from the car speakers but the phone is still "connecting..." endlessly. The BT icon on the phone appears but is the standard one, no headset or car kit icon appears (does it have such an icon after all?)
From here...nothing special happens. When I make or receive a call only the phone is ringing, no sounds came from the car speakers. Only when the call is connected, then I have the bord computer showing "Call..." and the radio/CD is muted...and that's all. The conversation can be heard only into the phone not from car speakers as it was the case with the ringing tone before. When call ends, music resumes.

Parrot Hands-Free

Hi Folk
Ive had a quick search and not found anyone with the same issue.... might be cos the phone is new out.
I have a parrot bluetooth hands-free kit in the car and since changing from the iphone to the DHD i cannot use the call pickup button to call out like i would nomally do in the iphone.
Is there something i need to do or is this function not availble on this phone? Im new to the android software so ive probably missed the obvious.
Thanks in advance
A also have a parrot BT kit ( Mki-9000) but I don't have such issue. I can play music via a2dp, and also I can make calls and everything works fine.
The only issue I have is when i want to answer an incoming call - if I answer through the phone ( by pressing the green button) the sound is not forwarded to the BT kit. I don't have such issues with my Nokia.
I can't test right now what will happen if I answer through the BT kit because my Steering Wheel remote control is out of power.
To resolve your problem try to search the parrot website's forum also check for the latest firmware updates for your device. In the past I have similar issue with HTC3300 but after firmware update it was fixed.
The issue I have (mki9200) is that A2DP seems to be on permantly, so when listening to my ipod through the parrot, if I have satnav on, then the directions come through the parrot kit. If a new email or txt comes in, the notification comes through the parrot. With my old Omnia, I could deactivate the Headset profile (A2DP) and keep the Hands Free profile when I was connected to my parrot.
Can this be done on the DHD.
(ignore my footer - can't seem to change this at the moment)
jazzymc said:
... The only issue I have is when i want to answer an incoming call - if I answer through the phone ( by pressing the green button) the sound is not forwarded to the BT kit. I don't have such issues with my Nokia.
I can't test right now what will happen if I answer through the BT kit because my Steering Wheel remote control is out of power. ...
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Check out ... .... my post #22. Should answer your *problem*. I had the same thing when switching from Nokia to HTC .... But if you check a couple of posts later I've also found that I can use the phone to initiate a call and the sound *does* go to the Bt device ....
