Windows Exchange Server - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Hi there
I used the search function but i couldn't find anything.
What I always missed on the Windows Mobile device is to use two exchange servers on one phone. I have my work exchange server and my private one. I always thought I cannot change that since it is not possible. But some days ago somebody at worked showed me that his Nokia phone which runs on symbian is able to do that.
I was wondering if there is any application or something else that makes it possible to have two exchange servers running on one device. The work one should just sync the E-Mails and Appointments, no contact.
Thank you very any information.

Yes there is... its call a Blackberry... bum ta bum... ok now with my joke out of the way...
Well, there is this one program... i can't promise its the best solution... but its called Funambol ( it is a free program that can sync with ur exchange email if i'm not mistaken... and the program creates a email tab (internet tab) on ur phone, but the program (cab file) itself u can change the auto sync settings on it...
it won't be a fast as exchange server directly but u gotta pic and choose ur battles... otherwise u need to hope someone figures out BB connect fast on the TP2

Ragedliam said:
Hi there
I used the search function but i couldn't find anything.
What I always missed on the Windows Mobile device is to use two exchange servers on one phone. I have my work exchange server and my private one. I always thought I cannot change that since it is not possible. But some days ago somebody at worked showed me that his Nokia phone which runs on symbian is able to do that.
I was wondering if there is any application or something else that makes it possible to have two exchange servers running on one device. The work one should just sync the E-Mails and Appointments, no contact.
Thank you very any information.
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You actually CAN sync with more then one Exchange server on Windows Mobile, but there are some requirements:
-Server with email has to be configured LAST
-Can only use a service once (if you use calendar on one server, you can't sync another)
-Can sync a maximum of 4 servers, one for each service: contacts, calendar, tasks, email.
-Configuring more then 1 Exchange Server breaks ActiveSync, meaning you won't be able to run ActiveSync software on the PC. You will still be able to connect and view a device through other means, My Mobiler, through My computer, etc.
Make sure you have no ActiveSync accounts setup. Goto ActiveSync and manually create a server connection to your NON-EMAIL Exchange Server. Create your Exchange through mail setup.
I personally sync my calendar and contacts from and I sync my email from my works Exchang server.

Ragedliam said:
Hi there
I used the search function but i couldn't find anything.
What I always missed on the Windows Mobile device is to use two exchange servers on one phone. I have my work exchange server and my private one. I always thought I cannot change that since it is not possible. But some days ago somebody at worked showed me that his Nokia phone which runs on symbian is able to do that.
I was wondering if there is any application or something else that makes it possible to have two exchange servers running on one device. The work one should just sync the E-Mails and Appointments, no contact.
Thank you very any information.
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If the requirement is to have Email from both accounts but just contacts and calander from one thani suggest you use Activesync and IMAP. Setup Activesync for one account and IMAP/SMTP for the other.


Sync with Exchange AND another Outlook?

:?: Does anyone know if it is possible to keep TWO Outlooks in sync with ActiveSync (when one of them is an Exchange server)?
You can keep switching off the sync with exchange to sync with the second outlook calendars but this resets all of the associated sync data (such as modified date etc)...
Any ideas appreciated!
You might want to be a bit more specific...
I currently Sync with Outlook on two PCs and one Exchange Server, here is how I'm configured.
Work PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks & Notes
Home PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes & Contacts
Exc Svr: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Contacts & e-mail
This allows me to:
1. Have an offsite back-up of my personal contacts.
2. Have ready access to all personal & business appointments everywhere and have the info backed-up offsite.
3. Have a dedicated e-mail address that only goes to my phone via Push e-mail.
Works great for me.
Exc Srv- Contacts/ Calendar/ EMail/ Tasks
I am trying to connect to another Outlook instance @ work just for the Calendar and Contacts to keep them in sync.
When I select those in ActiveSync (the Work PC) it says that I need to uncheck the connection to the Exchange Server...
Any ideas?
Kyphur, do you have the problem that when you sync with your PC, it tried to reach the exchange server first and takes forever (due to teh fact that GPRS is disabled during activesync). That is the problem I had as well as what zb6673 is saying.
I owudl love to get this worked out becuase I got addicted to push email and also like the idea of an offsite backup
bittermormon said:
Kyphur, do you have the problem that when you sync with your PC, it tried to reach the exchange server first and takes forever (due to teh fact that GPRS is disabled during activesync). That is the problem I had as well as what zb6673 is saying.
I would love to get this worked out becuase I got addicted to push email and also like the idea of an offsite backup
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I am using the T-Mobile US 2.26 OS Rom (AKU 2.3) with ActiveSync 4.2
When I am connected to my PCs, Activesync on my PC connects to the Exchange Server (and the status is displayed in Activesync on my desktop).
I wonder if my problem is that I'm using teh free mail2web. I don't think it allows pc's to connect to it. Thanks for your help, I'll do some more digging (or setup my own exchange server at home )
So you are NOT really connecting to two seperate instances of Outlook (for example you would have both the Calendar for the Exchange Server AND the calendar for the local PC checked in Activesync).
I found a solution in that the PC I want to keep updated I can use Laplink PDAsync...that seems to work...I'll have to see if the autoarchiving from exchange works if the records are not "touched" by PDAsync...
bittermormon said:
I wonder if my problem is that I'm using teh free mail2web. I don't think it allows pc's to connect to it. Thanks for your help, I'll do some more digging (or setup my own exchange server at home )
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I'm using mail2web free account also. It won't allow MS Outlook to connect but an Activesync connection is an Activesync connection...
well I gave mail2web another go today. It worked perfectly until I unplugged my phone. The next time (and every time since then) Activesync on the PC hangs while "looking for changes" after it finally times out, I can sync by clicking teh sync button on my MDA. The pc keeps saying "connected - synchronzation error"
So its working, but its a pain waiting for the PC to time out everytime I need to sync.
wella s soon as I typed that it started working correctly, then hung the next time. :roll: oh well.
I used to skip all PUSH related posts because before i didn't have a data plan. Now that i do i'm trying to get it to work.
I set up an account with mail2web, put the settings on my phone and i'm getting an error saying The server cannot be reached in activesync on my PC.
I noticed it won't let me sync my outlook emails (two hotmail accounts and one gmail account) AND the mail2web exchange server. It's either one or the other. I'd like to have access to both, or is this not possible.
I gave emoze a shot but didn't like how it'd wait for outlook to sync then push those emails. If anyone can point me in the right direction as to where to get started and what to do that'd be great!
I have a question in the same vein.
I have recently been given access to an Exchange account on my work server.
I would like to be able to sync all of my accounts together. (Outlook at work> outlook at home> mobile outlook.) Mainly I just want the contacts and calendar functions.
The dilemma I am facing is that when I try to sync outlook with my laptop, it tries to find the exchange server (which for the life of me I can not connect to with my laptop). Is there any way to bypass this?
kyphur said:
You might want to be a bit more specific...
I currently Sync with Outlook on two PCs and one Exchange Server, here is how I'm configured.
Work PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks & Notes
Home PC: Sync- Calendar, Tasks, Notes & Contacts
Exc Svr: Sync- Calendat, Tasks, Notes, Contacts & e-mail
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kyphur: How do you do this. Using ActiveSync 4.2 when you have the exchange server defined (for contacts) if you try to pick contacts on your home or work sessions it says you can't do that while exchange is defined for contacts.
What I want to do is similar to what you are doing so I would love a solution. I have exchange 2003 at home so my home outlook is already sync'ed with exchange. What I want is my outlook pst at WORK to get its contacts from the PDA. The only way I can do it now, is remove Exchange contacts, turn on WORK contacts with the PDA have it sync and copy over; then take OFF WORK contacts and put back Exchange contacts, which is a crappy process to have to keep doing when there are changes.
JamesManios said:
kyphur: How do you do this. Using ActiveSync 4.2 when you have the exchange server defined (for contacts) if you try to pick contacts on your home or work sessions it says you can't do that while exchange is defined for contacts.
What I want to do is similar to what you are doing so I would love a solution. I have exchange 2003 at home so my home outlook is already sync'ed with exchange. What I want is my outlook pst at WORK to get its contacts from the PDA. The only way I can do it now, is remove Exchange contacts, turn on WORK contacts with the PDA have it sync and copy over; then take OFF WORK contacts and put back Exchange contacts, which is a crappy process to have to keep doing when there are changes.
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Maybe the saving grace for me is that I always configure the Exchange Server after I have the two PCs configured to Sync.
I am currently using ActiveSync 4.5 Beta but I have been doing this since AS 4.0.
kyphur said:
Maybe the saving grace for me is that I always configure the Exchange Server after I have the two PCs configured to Sync.
I am currently using ActiveSync 4.5 Beta but I have been doing this since AS 4.0.
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Thanks for replying...
Unfortunately its not working for me. I removed all the sessions, re-added Work and Home with contacts syncing... then added the exchange server and it will not allow me to pick Contacts for syncing with the following error...
"You cannot sycnhronize contacts with Exchange Server because it is already synchronizing with Work PC. To synchronize contacts with Exchange Server, clear the contacts check box for Work PC, and try again."
Did you possibly have to change some registry/etc on the PPC to get it to allow this? Are you running something like AKU 3.2 that maybe allows this type of syncing?
I am also using ActiveSync 4.5Beta but it looks like its a problem more on the PDA then on the desktop.
I had the same problem.
I've found a solution in the newsgroup microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync.
Here is the link:
My prerequisites:
* MDA Pro ROM-Version: 1.30.113 GER
* Two PC's with XP SP2, Outlook 2003 connected to two different Exchange 2003 Servers.
* ActiveSync 4.2.0 (Build 4876)
1.Change the following registry entry on the PocketPC
EnableNonLocalCrossPollination=1 (DWORD)
2.Soft reset the PocketPC.
3.Change the options (appointments, contacts, tasks, ...) in ActiveSync on the PocketPC. Note: It is only possible on the PocktePC!
4.Connect the PocketPC to the PC and you're done.
Hope this helps.
UMH said:
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FREAKING BRILLIANT! This worked perfectly!
Thank you very much UMH. We should probably add this to the WIKI or something cause this is extremely useful/helpful info.

Sync w/ two Exchange servers

Hi All !
Sorry for the basic question. I would like to sync my TyTn with two Exchange server.
1. Exchange server in the company
2. Hosted Exchange server
Do you have any idea, how to do that ?
As far as I know it is impossible at the moment. Activesync only allows one server to be set up. My intuition tells me we will probably never see it as there is only one contact, task, calender and email store in WM5 and having them both syncronised via 2 servers would cause more conflicts then you can shake a big stick at.
Yep, it's a glaring gap in PPC functionality, but it is not possible to sync with two different Exchange servers!
Sorry to jump on this thread, but the knowledge may be relevant.
If no exchange server existed, but you have a desktop, a laptop, and TyTN, is there a sync solution for all 3 devices?
38h21543 said:
If no exchange server existed, but you have a desktop, a laptop, and TyTN, is there a sync solution for all 3 devices?
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You can sync your PPC with two pcs (but only e-mail from one of them).
Everything else can be sync'd between them all.
My MDA Pro is sync'd with an excange server for my e-mail and 2 desktops (home and work) for contacts, calendar, tasks, notes and files.
Could it be possible to link with thew hosted exchange using the built in capability, and then use funambol (with the exchange connector plug-in) to sync with the in house exchange server?
Ive not tried it, but I hold out big hopes for funambol as a synchronising tool for a mixed network solution.
I'm also interested in syncing with 2 exchange servers. Maybe a third-party program?
I also have a problem using active sync: I am trying to sync my tytn with an exchange server (email, just for pushmail with mail2web) and with my pc (outlook calendar and contacts). I just can't get it to work. I removed the whole sync pairing with my pc and redid it and then it worked once. After that it keeps on looking for changes and in the end it comes with the error message.
So basically I want to sync one exchange server and my outlook, anyone a solution? I tried it with both AS 4.2 and the 4.5 beta. I use the tytn rom...
Repeat: There is currently NO WAY to sync with two Exchange servers.
goestoeleven said:
Repeat: There is currently NO WAY to sync with two Exchange servers.
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I don't believe that's true. It is possible to set up funambol, with multiple servers, and use the funambol clients (one which exists for WM5) to sync with these multiple servers.
If you can justify *why* your statement is true, and why it is applicable in this case, then I would be very interested to hear.
Yes, there IS a way. MSFT has actively closed that loophole with ActiveSync 4.x
But I found a way around. See my post in the activesync newsgroup:
Ignore the typos in the post (ooops) and enjoy
I have no idea if funambol can help or is relevant, but I can tell you that people have been trying to find a multi-MS Exchange Server sync option for years, and I have NEVER seen a successful solution before...
There are many threads on this forum that will confirm the same...
Believe me, I'd be thrilled to have somebody resolve this, as I also have a personal Exchange server and multiple work Exchange servers!!!
Over-the-air sync with 2 exchange servers: success
My approach: use one exchange server with Visto push mail. The other with exchange activesync directly to the server and it works. Two separate mailboxes too. (this is the main reason why you cannot sync with two exchange servers directly) It works fine for me.
gelderbt said:
My approach: use one exchange server with Visto push mail. The other with exchange activesync directly to the server and it works. Two separate mailboxes too. (this is the main reason why you cannot sync with two exchange servers directly) It works fine for me.
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Thanks for verifying that way works. This is exactly the approach I was suggesting (but using funambol and exchange connector for the server over which the organisation has control - rather than Visto).
But just to be clear, has anyone found a way to use Exchange ActiveSync with two different servers? (I suspect not)
cseilern said:
Yes, there IS a way. MSFT has actively closed that loophole with ActiveSync 4.x
But I found a way around. See my post in the activesync newsgroup:
Ignore the typos in the post (ooops) and enjoy
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Dude, you are awesome!!! This is exactly what I needed. Everything works perfectly. Stupid microsoft and their "cross polenation" rules
LoTekJunky said:
Dude, you are awesome!!! This is exactly what I needed. Everything works perfectly. Stupid microsoft and their "cross polenation" rules
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could not really get the method. I want to syn two different mailboxes from the same server in the device. Tell me please the way to do it
I'd really like 2 OTA exchange connections... but I'll take what I can get.
Acct1: (OTA Home Exchange sync)
email, contacts, calendar, notes, tasks, etc
Acct2: (USB Work Exchange sync)
......, contacts, calendar, notes, tasks, etc
use to push email from acct2 OWA, acct3, and acct4
I'm currently using Funabmol to sync the 2 exchange setups via outlook...
mail from one exchange server, calendar/contacts from another...
Thanks to zim2323 on ppcgeeks:
Thought I would share it as i've been trying to figure out how sync my corporate email & calendar via one activesync server (company) and google contacts via another (the google server). So now I have both personal email (gmail IMAP) and work email (Exchange) and my personal contacts imported into the native contacts list.
Hope someone else finds this useful.
BTW, I also set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination to "1" instead of "0".
alber786 said:
could not really get the method. I want to syn two different mailboxes from the same server in the device. Tell me please the way to do it
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I also made the registry change, but don't understand how to configure two activesync servers to pull down two calendars. Please help!

Online Sync Server

Does anyone know the name of any server software that works the same as MS Exchange.
I don't need Push email, all I NEED is the contact, calendar sync. email is optional but preferable. Sort of like ZYB but with email.
I don't mind if it runs or windows or linux as long as it just works.
edit: sorry, just realized this was posted in the wrong forum.
try that is essentially FREE exchange server online, will do all, including mail aggrigation, ie it'll collect mail from other email accounts aswell.
I signed up for that but the support over there told me there was no way to upload/import my contacts to my address book on their server. My contacts wouldn't sync automatically either so I closed my account over there.
rashed2020 said:
I signed up for that but the support over there told me there was no way to upload/import my contacts to my address book on their server. My contacts wouldn't sync automatically either so I closed my account over there.
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You do have all your contact currently on your PDA isnt it? therefore by the first sync all your contact should be copied to server. sorry If I dont understand your problem.
no you're right bulldog, you understood my problem.
The contacts didn't sync though and when I spoke to support they made it seem like the contacts aren't supposed to sync.
What am I doing wrong??
Ok, found a way to upload the contacts but theres a 100 contacts limit and I've got more than 100.
So solution still pending...
i have a question about
i have my account and i managed to enable an email filter from to provider acror to mail2web. also i let outlook2k7 to leave the messages on the pop3 server. so i could download all my mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
i added the exchange server to my activesync on my htc prophet and it synced over air very fine. i get new mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
but sadly it looks like this exchange server doesn't support html mails
i just get only normal text mail over the exchange server. did i something wrong, or does their exchange servers not support this WM6 feature?
to sort of solve my own problem.. Kerio Mailserver does everything exchange does.. just requires a small proggie installed with outlook
rashed2020 said:
to sort of solve my own problem.. Kerio Mailserver does everything exchange does.. just requires a small proggie installed with outlook
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and your PC to be on all the time!
rashed2020 said:
Ok, found a way to upload the contacts but theres a 100 contacts limit and I've got more than 100.
So solution still pending...
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I never had any problems syncing my 400+ contacts !!!
LordDeath said:
i have a question about
i have my account and i managed to enable an email filter from to provider acror to mail2web. also i let outlook2k7 to leave the messages on the pop3 server. so i could download all my mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
i added the exchange server to my activesync on my htc prophet and it synced over air very fine. i get new mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
but sadly it looks like this exchange server doesn't support html mails
i just get only normal text mail over the exchange server. did i something wrong, or does their exchange servers not support this WM6 feature?
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mail2web servers dont support PUSH HTML....just text... and kiero doesnt support HTML either...
That's not a problem since its always on as it is! Plus, thinking of getting a VPS so thatll make life easier.
Are you using the free or paid version? I was experimenting with the free one and I couldn't seem to upload more than 100.
Don't really need HTML, nor do I want it. So kerio not supporting HTML is a feature if you look at it from my side =P
Mail2Web configure PDA
I read an article today about Mail2Web and wanted to try it before I recommend it for any of our users. The article said there was a configuration file/program - have anyone of you seen this file - or know how I configure a PDA towards Mail2Web ?
I haven't personally tried it yet...
"Funambol is open source mobile application server software that provides push email, address book and calendar (PIM) data synchronization, application provisioning, and device management for wireless devices and PCs, leveraging standard protocols. For users, this means BlackBerry-like capabilities on commodity handsets."
I am using Kerio MailServer and it works great. No problems so far!!!
Funambol isnt really compliant with any of the syncing standards.. Kerio looks like the best option so far as it works with activesync
Vinny75 said:
I haven't personally tried it yet...
"Funambol is open source mobile application server software that provides push email, address book and calendar (PIM) data synchronization, application provisioning, and device management for wireless devices and PCs, leveraging standard protocols. For users, this means BlackBerry-like capabilities on commodity handsets."
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Thanks dude this one is cool but this one is also not free service. even mail2web has closed free service. I am planning to host Funambol to serve free sync service.
Anyone interested?
Also you can use microsoft myphone service to sync contacts.
But if you dont want to save contacts online the I guess PIM Backup s/w you can also schedule to take backup. And this even can take backup of mails, message.
Try Google sync
Try Google sync
nuevasync is the way to go
free service does calendar and contacts from google, premiums ($25/yr) does push email.
uses activesync/exchange

Sync Online

Im looking for a website/application that will allow syncing contacts via the net. Using thunderbird at home.
I have worldcom (i believe is the name) which I can take a picture of a business card and put it automatically in my contacts. In theory if I were to be at a point where i receive 20+ I would like to be able to sync via the net, where my partners would be able to sync as well, without hooking up to the computer. If that makes sense. Ive heard of SyncML, and Scheduleworld... but I am looking for other options, if anyone knows of any. Thanks for your time
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
Wow, that's a great idea. Why didn't I think about that. Thanks for the link to Dashwire.
robbyr said:
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
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I've been waiting two months for an invitation.
I have two phones waiting for invites... hope they increase their users soon.
this might work too
i sync with an exchange server at work, it syncs contacts, email, calender and tasks, this seems to provide the same exchange-based service
I've been waiting since this original message for an invite as well and have basically given up. For now I've just been using PIMBackup to make a nightly backup. I need to do a scheduled task to send them to my FTP server, that'll be good enough for me.
you could sync with an exchange server like said above. I use mail2web for that. alot of people use mail2web to "push" their email to the phone instantly. I did that for a while and it wasnt very functional for me so now i use it just to sync calendar and contacts.
all you have to do is setup up an account with them, add the email account to your phone, and your phone will automagically sync over the interwebs. whether you actually use the email addy is up to you.
while we're on the subject, is there a way to sync from desktop PC to mail2web (dont care about the email, just want to sync calendar and contacts)? that way, whatever changes i make on my PC will appear on my phone almost instantly without dealing with wires...
Mail2Web charges $14.99 a month if you want to sync to a desktop PC. Seems excessive to me.
I was using to sync my calendar, todo, contacts with my phone, outlook and thunderbird... but the push email was not working very good and looked everywhere but can't get myfunambol to sync with gcal. Now I am using and I'm very impressed so far.
I use the same client that is on my phone, outlook and thunderbird and just set the server for credentials for scheduleworld and I should be in sync with all my devices.
I also use mail2web for push email... which backs up my calendar, todos and contacts as well... plus I do a nightly backup with ppcpimbackup. At this point... I think I'm safe against data loss... and all my stuff is in sync...
Now watch it all go to hell
When I fill in the serversettings :
then username and password and try to sync, it just keeps telling me that it's syncing, but it doesn't establish a connection.
Do I have to add the emailsettings to establish a connection or am I doing something else wrong ?
robbyr said:
Does exactly what you need and a little more...
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I gotta recommend dashwire also it synced everything on my device and even does a voicemail service (but not for us "Sprinters"). My only problem is with accessing the website using a mobile's still in beta so there are other issues but that belongs in another discussion...TRY Dashwire.
I like the idea of dashwire, but do not want to sacrifice the 3mb of ram to run it.

How to sync e-mail!?

Hi. Im new to WinMo completely, and there is one thing i dont get. I cant sync e-mails as it says it does. For example, in my phone there is this Outclook E-Mail account which has nothing and cant be configured ot nothing. Why is it there!? i can configure other account individually like, from Gmail. But then what is this email sync that doesnt sync my emails, its nonsense! (Im pretty sure im the nonsense one here, but thats what i want you to plaz explain to me)
Ive read guides and searched on internet but nothing. I really thought that Outclook email would be reserved for the config account on my PC Outclook, but nothig happens!
Need heeelp!! Im really stressing out. Forgive my ignorance hehe
outlook mail == the mails the pda sync with outlook on your pc
activesync settings deside how old mails it sync to save space
it can't be removed
it can only be filled with mails from your outlook mail
You can use this for syncing mails with a Microsoft Exchange Server too. I use it for getting my emails directly ("Microsoft Direct Push") everywhere. If your Company (or your Administrator) doesn't provide this for you, there are some hosting provider which are providing these accounts for everyone.
In addition it syncs contacts and calendars too. With these abilities and the special features like Remote Desktop Client, Putty and VPN the Xperia ist my real mobile office .
But one thing is weird: too many people have my tel-number, so often the X1 gives strange sounds out and i have to break my relaxation...ähhmmm
