Modify the day-date format Manila 2.5 - Touch HD General

I want to show day of the week on TF3D home
like " 1/09/09,Tuesday."
Who know how to do?
what files ******_manila to modify ?

You might be able to change that in Manila settings->Locale & Text

I already know, Bysiu prompted from
We modify in these files of Manila
EN-US 2c89bd29_manila
EN-GB 333c03cb_manila
Pl 797b3643_manila

rajmek said:
I already know, Bysiu prompted from
We modify in these files of Manila
EN-US 2c89bd29_manila
EN-GB 333c03cb_manila
Pl 797b3643_manila
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How can i understand which file i have to modify?because in registry i saw that my Local is en-GB and i used "EN-GB 333c03cb_manila" but nothing changed.I modified this <trans-unit id="IDS_DATEFORMAT" and this <trans-unit id="IDS_DATEFORMAT_SMALLVIEW">

Sean3 said:
You might be able to change that in Manila settings->Locale & Text
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I tried and this but nothing changed, too.

copy 333c03cb_manila from device (back this up)
rename to 333c03cb_manila.txt so that it opens with notepad
open 333c03cb_manila.txt with notepad
look for IDS_DATEFORMAT, and modify the date format
<source>d/MM/yy ,ddd</source>
save 333c03cb_manila.txt
rename to 333c03cb_manila and copy back to device (overwrite existing)
restart Manilla

rajmek said:
copy 333c03cb_manila from device (back this up)
rename to 333c03cb_manila.txt so that it opens with notepad
open 333c03cb_manila.txt with notepad
look for IDS_DATEFORMAT, and modify the date format
<source>d/MM/yy ,ddd</source>
save 333c03cb_manila.txt
rename to 333c03cb_manila and copy back to device (overwrite existing)
restart Manilla
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That is exactly what i'm doing, may be i have to modify another file for en-GB?

I modified for myself EN-US 2c89bd29_manila and it is OK.
EN-GB I did not test, I do not have such ROM (only WWE )

rajmek said:
I modified for myself EN-US 2c89bd29_manila and it is OK.
EN-GB I did not test, I do not have such ROM (only WWE )
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EN-GB would be english great britain and EN-US would be english United States. i.e. change this in regional settings

In my registry local is en-gb, but when i modified en-us everything is Ok.


how to rename "Start" in system tray?

how to rename "Start" in system tray? anyone knows?
it's in shellres.dll.0409.mui if you have a english system
really? i didn't know that, thanks for the info.
COOL! I did a quick test with the emulator, and it worked..
find it in 'string data-321'
joemanb said:
find it in 'string data-321'
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Changing from Start to Begin. That is what I call a Major overhaul
Sorry for the noob question, but I used Resco Explorer and even though I found the shellres.dll.mui file (only by doing search), it doesn't allow me to do anything with it. How can I dump it to my SD card (or maybe modify it in situ)?
Do I need to dump the rom in order to extract it? (please say no...)
EDIT: Never mind. I got it!!
For those of you wondering on how to do it, you need the following tools:
1. ResHack
2. ROM Extractor (found here:
a. Extract the shellres.dll.0409.mui from \Wndows (replace 0409 for your device code) with ROM extractor
b. Dump the file in Windows and open it up with ResHack
c. Look for the String Data folder 321 and open it. Once there, you will see the word "Start." Just replace it for whatever you want.
d. Copy the file back using ActiveSync. File explorers will not allow you to copy over a system file in use.
e. Soft Reset.
f. Enjoy
i did this and i'm stuck on the splash screen
Extract the shellres.dll.0409.mui from \Wndows you will only have this file if you have installed a M&M wait cusor the original file is shellres.dll.0409 if uk or us
i already had that,must be cooked into the rom,but i can easily do a HR and retry til i perfect it
please, anyone can post english shellres.dll.0409.mui here to do not need to extract ROM?
patr!k said:
please, anyone can post english shellres.dll.0409.mui here to do not need to extract ROM?
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Shellres.dll.0409.mui attached. This is from HTC Kaiser (WWE stock 6.1 ROM), extracted after installing M&M wait cusor...
thank you!
btw: is shallres the same for different devices? what is M&M cursor affecting exactly in this file?
update: ok, here is shallres from touch pro eng version. feel free to edit as you wish. copy back with AS
do not forget to backup your device, already needed to make a hard reset - because of edited file
What program do you use to edit the dll as i have Resource Hacker and when i open the shellres.96.dll.0409.mui the only folders in this file are Bitmap,Icon,String Table,Icon Group, In the folder String Table i only see 1143 and this contains STRINGTABLE
18275, "13,700,Segoe Condensed"
18276, "8,700,Segoe Condensed"
18277, "13,400,Segoe Condensed"
18278, "9,400,Segoe Condensed"
wapvirus said:
What program do you use to edit the dll as i have Resource Hacker and when i open the shellres.96.dll.0409.mui the only folders in this file are Bitmap,Icon,String Table,Icon Group, In the folder String Table i only see 1143 and this contains STRINGTABLE
18275, "13,700,Segoe Condensed"
18276, "8,700,Segoe Condensed"
18277, "13,400,Segoe Condensed"
18278, "9,400,Segoe Condensed"
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I believe that you got the wrong file. The one that needs to be modified is shellres.dll.0409.mui and NOT shellres.96.dll.0409.mui. Try that, it should work just fine. I have attached mine. I have a Blue Angel with WM6.1 build 19693.
patr!k said:
btw: is shallres the same for different devices? what is M&M cursor affecting exactly in this file?
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No, shellres is different for devices and 0409 is US localization, for singapore you might have shellres.96.dll.1234.mui (just an example, i know that's not true...)
MarshallSkins and his(her? ) waitcursor skin is a shellres.dll.mui file with different animations, you need this because you cannot directly copy the shellres.dll file from the ROM...
How do I transfer shellres.dll.0409 using WMDC? Even with Activesync, but how? It gives me the same error message. Can someone show me step by step please?
Awesome Post. I searched High and Low for this hack only to find it on XDA.. Thanks again guys.
I did get this to work perfect with the steps provided on this thread.
wapvirus said:
What program do you use to edit the dll as i have Resource Hacker and when i open the shellres.96.dll.0409.mui the only folders in this file are Bitmap,Icon,String Table,Icon Group, In the folder String Table i only see 1143 and this contains STRINGTABLE
18275, "13,700,Segoe Condensed"
18276, "8,700,Segoe Condensed"
18277, "13,400,Segoe Condensed"
18278, "9,400,Segoe Condensed"
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OMG, so i can use EVERY font, THANKS for info!!!
this bricked my phone. Used the file shellres.......mui
unsigned, altered and signed placed in windows directory. Now I got a brick
did you try a hard reset

Dutch file for manila 3d translation

I am looking for the manila file that contains the dutch translation of the calendar text. Right now I see IDS_TOMORROW on the touchflow3d calendar while it should say "Morgen". I have found a thread about the german manila file, but not the dutch one. Does anyone know which file I need to edit to add this translation?
Edit: ok, found the file and fixed the translation. You need to add the following:
<trans-unit id="IDS_TOMORROW">
to the file /windows/7a56f756_manila
I also have the IDS_TOMORROW problem but I cant file the "7a56f756_manila" file in the "file /windows/" folder.
Is it the wrong file?
Bart101 said:
I also have the IDS_TOMORROW problem but I cant file the "7a56f756_manila" file in the "file /windows/" folder.
Is it the wrong file?
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Nope, it is the right one. Are you using Resco explorer? you might have Resco set to hide hidden or rom files. Change that in the settings of resco and you will see the file.
What is the right way to change the file?
I can't get it opened...
Why dont you just change the language of the TFLO3d.
I run a german rom and an English tflo3d
Dimond TF3D Config did that for me.
I will add it to wiki
My TF3D is already Dutch, but for calendar appointments for tomorrow (in Dutch, tomorrow = "morgen"), it displays IDS_TOMORROW.
Bart101 said:
What is the right way to change the file?
I can't get it opened...
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It took me a while to get it done as well. The best way to do it is to get the file on your desktop system, edit it, and then replace the original. You will probably have to do that through the SD. First copy the file to the SD card, then drag it to your desktop. Edit it. Save it back to SD card and then using resco file explorer replace the original file.
If you can't get it done, let me know, I can upload my manila file so you can replace the original one.
thanks a lot !
it worked
Do you know what is the file for Spanish?

Date Format TouchFLO 3D - manually how ?

I was looking for a lot ... but only solution is USE TF3D Config or ACT... but I`m using Rhodium manila and those programs doesn`t work ... how to change Date Format Manually in TF3D ? TIA !
Krzysiec said:
I was looking for a lot ... but only solution is USE TF3D Config or ACT... but I`m using Rhodium manila and those programs doesn`t work ... how to change Date Format Manually in TF3D ? TIA !
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Here you go: extract the file from the zip attached, change the manila file extension to .txt and open with notepad. look for this:
<trans-unit id="IDS_DATEFORMAT">
<source>dddd, MMM. d</source>
change the "dddd, MMM. d" part to your preferred format. Save, change the extension back to nothing AND copy back to your device. Turn off TFLO from today settings, copy the file into \Windows, and do overwrite the existing file if asked.
shirreer said:
Here you go: extract the file from the zip attached, change the manila file extension to .txt and open with notepad. look for this:
<trans-unit id="IDS_DATEFORMAT">
<source>dddd, MMM. d</source>
change the "dddd, MMM. d" part to your preferred format. Save, change the extension back to nothing AND copy back to your device. Turn off TFLO from today settings, copy the file into \Windows, and do overwrite the existing file if asked.
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Thanks a lot my friend ! U`re great
My pleasure mate, glad to help!
perfect thnx
Perfect big THNX...
Excellent, thanks muchly.
How do i get e.g. Mon, 12. August 2009. I just need the abbreviation, not the whole day (first two letters will be fair enough)
Got it!
Can someone tell me how to get a capitalized day? Like "Monday 25, 2009".

[TUTORIAL]How To Translate Manila 2D V2

Hello XDA Community!​
How to translate Manila 2d v2 or any other variants of it.
Follow the following steps:
1- go to windows folder and take Manila2D.exe.409.mui (the number 409 may be different )
2- download file editor suit
3- put the manila2d.409.mui in unsign folder
4- run unsigner.exe
5- download reshacker open res hacker and press file --> open --> and select Manila 2d .exe.409.mui
6- change what do you want (if you want to change only m2d tabs name just go to string tabel then 7 then select 1033 and change it)
7- go to sign folder and select signer.exe
8- select manila 2d .0409.mui
9- select SDKSampelPrivDeveloper
10- select start sign process
11- take manila2d.0409.exe.mui to windows folder and enjoy.
12- don't forget to backup Manila2D.exe.××××.mui
Through this, you can translate m2d v2 without any problem (like not showing letters)
Thats all ة_ة
Didn't know reshacker is able to open that up. Will try. Thanks for the tip.
wobbu said:
Didn't know reshacker is able to open that up. Will try. Thanks for the tip.
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you can select open all files and res hacker will open it
from this trick I've translate m2d v2 to my language
I have edited this thread for how to translate m2d v2
the old one here in the picture
Expired Certs
Carlos_rpg said:
Expired Certs
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put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
certs expired
shiner88 said:
put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
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THX A LOT!! Had the same prob... It did the trick!
shiner88 said:
put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
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thanks for advice
maybe we can put the translations here (for share)
translate Manila2D.exe.0409.mui
I have copied the file Manila2D.exe.0409.mui to my computer from the phone,
it has been translated into Swedish by Reshacker.
But now when I try to copy it back to the phone in the windows directory.
can not,
can not overwrite the file or delete it. Someone who knows how to do this? phone is a Samsung i900 omnia
Thanx // wiper
you could try to copy to storage card and then use for example Resco Explorer on your phone to overwrite the old file in windows directory...
Hi I cant even get the file to my desktop also have a i900. I would really like your translation in swedish. How do I get the "manila2d.409.mui" to desktop? Copy it and put in to a folder, but it dosent show in windows, on the desktop......
Would you share your's if you got it to work?
Bobban_Deone said:
Hi I cant even get the file to my desktop also have a i900. I would really like your translation in swedish. How do I get the "manila2d.409.mui" to desktop? Copy it and put in to a folder, but it dosent show in windows, on the desktop......
Would you share your's if you got it to work?
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You should make your windows show up hidden and system files
really strange I'm doing like that and no text on my screen
or doesn't it work on Vista ?
who could reshacked my manila2D 040C ? it is a 0409 but when I unsign , reshack , resign and install : all the texts disappears I wonder if it is because Vista
I want texts in French instead of in English
nobody ?
brunoisa10 said:
who could reshacked my manila2D 040C ? it is a 0409 but when I unsign , reshack , resign and install : all the texts disappears I wonder if it is because Vista
I want texts in French instead of in English
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sorry for lately re[ly
try to not rename it to 040C keep it 0409
hope it help
No I'm on a french rom and if 0409 no texts , and if I rename 040C it is good but with texts in english
I don't understand why my action to reschak seems not valid
could you help me (for example just rename Home to Accueil for a test)


I want to edit all of the DOC.
Where is IDS_ALLDOCUMENT == ......
and IDS_SEA....??????
mui files missing or corrupted..
IRREAL said:
mui files missing or corrupted..
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I have no mui .... you have the mui???
A quick and dirty fix for the documents tab translation, is for you to search all of the 4 manila files on the documents ext folder, and add them to your manila_core ext folder main language file
I dont know the name of the files, but if you open every xxxxxxxx_manila file with notepad, you'll find the language files
madsurfer1 said:
A quick and dirty fix for the documents tab translation, is for you to search all of the 4 manila files on the documents ext folder, and add them to your manila_core ext folder main language file
I dont know the name of the files, but if you open every xxxxxxxx_manila file with notepad, you'll find the language files
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You can give me an example. Can not find what you're telling me. My English is bad.
Thanks for your time....
