Is there a way to change the font size on the calandar events that show on the home page? Maybe it's my age but you almost need a magnifying glass to see your appointments.
Is there a tweak tnlarge the font size of the calendar event in the today screen at the home tab?
Does anybody know how to change font size for dialer items? Each item height is quite big, but item's text is small. And maybe there is way to remove this something (is this contact type?) on the right side of each item (eg. "<k>").
The 3x3 contacts/people tab is nice but its so annoying that the bottom three contacts are cut off by HTC’s slider, so you have to scroll.. is it possible to remove the title at the top of the screen which says “People” in order to shift the 3x3 grid up the screen. Thanks
what would be even nicer is a 4 column version instead of the 3 column one.
Anyone know how to change font sizes , in particular in contacts the phone numbers are so small you can barely read them, plus they are set to the same colors as your tiles , if they were white (DEFAULTED) that would at least make them readable!
Anyone figure out a way to change the font sizes of contacts ? they are really small, plus they are matched to the tiles, so if you like dark colors you wont be able to read the small print phone numbers because they'll be so dark!