Problem with notifications when syncing outlook folders - XPERIA X1 General

I sync several folders in outlook, with ‘rules’ for filing set server side. If a new message arrives in one of these folders, I receive no notification, and the email does not get noticed without manually checking folders for email.
Does anyone know if there is key that can be modified to notify me of these emails?
This has been a problem with every rom I’ve tried so far, any help would be appreciated.


small pop3 problem

I have set up a new pop3 account with my home isp blueyonder. they had some problems the other day with sending email through there smtp server. Now my outbox (in folder view) shows 1 unread message; but if I go to look in the folder it is empty. I do not have "show only last 3 days" checked. if I connect to the account via webmail all looks fine. it appears that something is stuck on my vario 2. other than deleting the account is there any way of sorting this small annoying problem?
This happens when I send/receive via my gmail account on my phone. I'm currently investigating... I've also had an issue where Pocket Outlook doesn't correctly authenticate with the SMTP server (on my own personal address) before trying to send emails, resulting in 550 no unauthorised relaying allowed. Also investigating this, as my POutlook is setup correctly.
Just thought I'd let you know you're not the only one experiencing this issue.
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty, then theres the imap issue of not putting sent messages in the sent folder, very aggrivating to not have a decent mail client, I tried lists gmail as an auto configure...but that's just bs...cause all that does is list the "" not any ports or ssl I manually configured it..then it spazzes on the password screen and won't continue, not to mention I set it as default one time I installed and it totally jacked up pocket outlook..which led to hard reset number 1.
Sorry to rant off topic, but after reading others woes about pocket outlook, I couldn't stfu
nice (sorry) to see others having problems too! from your replies I am doing well. I also noticed the IMAP problem too, when connecting to ny bluyonder account the webmails deleted items were "trash" and would not be deleted
Hi, sorry I can't be of some help to you on your issue, but this pocket outlook is so crap, on my accounts I have it set to automatically connect and check for mail...well if there is mail in my gmail or unread..and it connects and checks for clears out my inbox, it will say I have messages and list the sender and subject in the notification, but the inbox will be empty
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If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
athiqueahmed said:
If it's the disappearing Google Mail emailsyou're talking about then the solution is to set it to retrieve headers and set it to 999KB
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Thanks for the info, I'll give that a shot..I had had it set to receive full copy of messages.
And sorry again about your post timbouk.

Exchange with Multiple Folders Problem

I have about 20 sub folders off my main inbox for exchange server 2003. Only the items in my main inbox are counted as items unread on my device. If i have say 4 emails in another folder, it does not show that they are unread unless i click the inbox and switch to that folder. I want to know if i have unread messages in all my folders just from looking at the today screen. Is there a fix for this? Also push mail only seems to work for my main inbox too, not for the subfolders, i have to manually syncronize to get the rest of the messages to download. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Similar problem
I'm not even able to get the email from the other folders on my cell phone. Only email from my inbox comes in - are there any settings I can change for this?
yea. with the mail inbox open go to manage folders, then you can tell it which folders to sync
Is that not because of how outlook works?
I think it's always been like that: It just tells you how many mails you have in your inbox, subfolders are not included...

No mail notification on custom mailfolders

I have my Xperia sync with the exchangeserver at work.
However I have a mail rule which sorts very important mail to a seperate mailfolder.
I do have selected that folder so the xperia syncs it but I do not get any new mail notifications when a new mail lands in that specific folder.
I only get notifications when mail gets into the inbox itself.
Any ideas how to solve this problem. As it is now i manually have to drill down the mailfolders to have a look if I have gotten a new important mail.

Cant read my Gmail inbox from my Hd2.

ANyone know how to fix my litle problem?
I got my Gmail acc. and on Pc i can read all mails and seee all folders, but when i connect to gmail on my HD2 it seems it cant recive my inbox mails. I can send a mail and get it on my Hd2, but cant read my old mails that already are in my inbox on my Gmail.
Anyone know if it is maybe some thing i have forgot to do, to let HD2 download all mails even old ones in inbox?
Has it been setup as IMAP or POP?
Seems i got it to work now tho, just from no where it stop doing what it has done for 2days and now working.
typical technology.
glad its working.
Hey guys,
I have similar problem.
My HD2 can sync with my Gmail's inbox fine, it's grabbing new emails now problem. I have then gone into manage folders and instructed it to sync with a couple more folders, with the setting of grabbing all email messages (date = all & text only).
At first it appears to be doing what I wanted but it stopped soon after, I went into the mail folders on my HD2 and it only sync'ed 30 most recent emails or so, but not the full lot.
Does it take a few sync attempts to get the full mail folder or something is not right?
i had the same problem on my HD2 aswell on my experia, dont know why but when i accidentally disabled vodafona's proxy all my emails came in, so i tried it on the HD2 and it also worked
As a side question, have set my gmail to google sync with HD2's exchange account. However, when sending out email, there isn't any copy left in the Sent Items folder, even though in the settings I have already ticked the "Save a copy in Sent folder"...any idea why?

HTC email & exchange folders

I tried to search but could not find anything.
On my exchange email, I've got multiple folders and emails are sent to the different folders directly.
In HTC email program, I can look at other folders and see unread email there but I can't see unread emails (and get notifications) across all folders, except of course if I missed a configuration?
That's the way it works. If you've got rules to move mails to Exchange folders you won't get new mail notifications. Same thin happens if you use Outlook as the email client, you won't get any notification for mails that got to folders.
What bugs me is that if you hit menu->folders then the unread count isn't shown there - unless I'm missing something
fredfox_uk said:
That's the way it works. If you've got rules to move mails to Exchange folders you won't get new mail notifications.
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I also am trying to figure this out. I basically want the ability to receive and be notified of all emails including all subfolders. Regarding Fed's comment, I agree that's how it's supposed to work, but in Outlook you can set a rule to display a notification. In my Outlook I set that as the top most rule for all incoming email so I get a notification no mater what rule runs. Even my BBerry allowed me to select folders that were also monitored and hence a notification and email were recieved. HTC however doesn't seem to have an option to do this. It actually sounds like you guys are getting a step further. If I select menu --> folders I see the folders, but not the email within the folders. Anyone know how to setup notifications and receive email for subfolders in exchange on the HTC?
I want to add that before I used Touchdown and touchdown can show emails from all selected folders.
Are follow-ups working for you (mine are auto-flagged in outlook)?
For info, I've asked the question to HTC. Good news, they replied.
Bad news...
There is no setting for notifications on new mails in servers specifiaclly, If you are using a Windows Mobile based phone you can set these folders to be synchronized and on new mails in these folders you should get a notification upon new mails. On our Android based devices there is sadly enough no way to do this.
