WTF? Windows Mobile commercial with an Xperia? (WinMo 7 perhaps) - XPERIA X1 General
I don't know if this has been posted before. But does anyone care to explain?

Sorry, this video is no longer available

What are you talking about? This video still works.

Yup, that is INDEED the Xperia featured in the commercial.
It even says so in the More Info section.

An XPERIA i see!!!

Maybe this would sound crazy but the music is something like a series...
Like desperate housewifes or Lost....
Strange isn't it....
But maybe if we pray a lot S.E will remember us and re-release the xperia again....

simply seeing the xperia running win7 smoothly is enough for me to be convinced that i will one day have win7 running on my x1a.. yes!! i just hope it's not a disappointment.

There is nothing to see in the video. All there is are two screens. That's all. WM has a loooooooooooooong wayto go. Sorry. I'm loving WM but they're so slow with the development...xda-developers rule!!

Well, i dont really understand what microsoft trying to do here...
They've got 6.5 coming up soon, and yet they are already advertising Windows 7?
I dont know about you guys...i just found it odd for some reason...
Sorry for my bad english


Sony Xperia X1 UI

Have you guys seen this thing?
It looks freakin' awesome. I know that it isn't out yet, but can anyone make a UI similar to something like this? (or maybe even port it once it comes out or when it leaks )
Looks awesome ! !
I whant !!!!!! Very nice !!!!!!!!
Yeah...I saw it yesterday on CEBIT . This phone is awesome...
greetz giniman
There are better news than that too. I just read in the General forums that someone found an article in Russian that said that the OS is actually WM 6.5, which is said to be a big breakthrough in the history of the WM OS. Plus, this will probably be the final instalment before WM7 comes to life in 2009.
Anyway, I guess it won't hurt to repeat my question... can someone make something like this? tene and A_C, I am looking at you guys
Had a sms from a friend regarding this a few days ago, but I couldn't find the type of processor it's using, hopefully, it'll be faster than most new phones nowadays
Why do we need another thread for the Xperia X1?
There are already 10.000 around here.
Cebit is not thte first place they showed it.
Also Wm6.5 was a canard.
It will be running WM 6.1 (Still not officially anounced by MS).
Processor will be 520Mhz.
For more info: Read the other threads.
Thyraz said:
Why do we need another thread for the Xperia X1?
There are already 10.000 around here.
Cebit is not thte first place they showed it.
Also Wm6.5 was a canard.
It will be running WM 6.1 (Still not officially anounced by MS).
Processor will be 520Mhz.
For more info: Read the other threads.
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I appreciate the input. But if you look closely, my intention was not to open a new thread about the X1 specifically. I am asking if there is a possibility to make a UI similar to the X1's. Sorry for the confusion

Windows Mobile 7

Any know when Windows mobile 7 is gonna come out? i tried searchin in the forums and really didnt see much.
nobody knows. Imate has wm7 devices for the end of the year but it probably won't happen.
in case you're wondering, the herald doesn't have the kind of awesome needed to run wm7
Just wondering, Saw some screenshots looked really awesome, Dont know if there the "real thing" but it looked cool
not imate, excuse
i mean mwg, which is essentially XDA in Asia
Here's an older preview of WM7...

I'm never getting a WinsMo or Xperia ever..

Sony is not doing ANYTHING bout the xperia.. have they given up with it? im getting soooooo bored with the phone, theres no new panels etc. i'm never getting a windows mobile phone
seems to be much much much much better than WinsMo will ever get!
There's alot more to WM than meets the eye you know. The Xperia is hyped with the Panels in mind but it's certainly not the only feature there's alot more that can be done.
I, myself have removed the panels completely, I don't like them and never used them. I currently use the Panels button to open my comm manager so I can change what's on and what's not.
Have you installed any other software for you phone at all? Just a few interfaces to mention for instance:
SPB Pocket Plus
SPB Mobile Shell
Im sure there's more. The bottom two offer a heck of alot of customization for the "look" of your phone. Skins/Icons. You could have it looking like an iPhone if you wanted, or there abouts.
On top of that there's more programs that you can install than you can shake a stick at. It's much like a PC, the amount of things you can do with it is amazing.
I'll agree there are problems with the device, but the problem with the majority is they always look on the negatives and not the positives. Sometimes the phone is a bit hard to use and after showing a few friends of mine the phone, they have really liked it but I have had to put them off the phone because they without being rude don't have the knowledge to use the phone and be happy with it to it's fullest.
Windows Mobile really is what you make it, some like it, some hate it. It's not the greatest of operating systems for phones and it's probably one of the most hardest to use and learn, but the options you have are well worth the effort.
colourblind said:
Sony is not doing ANYTHING bout the xperia.. have they given up with it? im getting soooooo bored with the phone, theres no new panels etc. i'm never getting a windows mobile phone
seems to be much much much much better than WinsMo will ever get!
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Congratulations, did you have to make a thread about it?
Nippero said:
Congratulations, did you have to make a thread about it?
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what's so wrong of posting it here? i think he has the rights to express his feelings.
mate, i hated windows mobile before! yes i did, even though i'm a microsoft "fan" but when i used my X1, i started customizing it in a way that really fits my needs, and now i'm using my phone as a computer which is always in my pocket!
you can find alot of cool stuff in the forum, customize your phone and play arround with it, change all default values (be careful not to change something that will make you hard reset, and always backup). Customize the phone, windows is the most flexible and customizable OS ever (sorry Linux fans).
let me know if you need any help
The thing that concerns ME is that SE and HTC have parted ways, and no longer co-operate.
That means the support level for our HTC-made Xperia X1's is going down the tubes. HTC is the one most likely responsible for firmware upgrades to their hardware, so now that SE and HTC no longer co-operate/partner I highly doubt HTC will be making any firmware updates for our phone.
Consider this... the HTC Touch HD has been released after the X1, yet has already receive one or two firmware updates by HTC to fix various issues. The X1 has received ZERO updates.
SE has basically decided to give up on the Xperia X1 from what we can see, since they moved to a new manufacturer.
Of course, this doesn't mean the great developers at XDA will not be coming out with home brew firmwares and fixes, but it does mean that official support from SE is probably going to be winding down and dying...
why else would a simple fix to the bluetooth problem (which MANY people here have found) is not being pushed out? Because SE doesn't want to pay HTC to release the firmware fix since they no longer co-operate.
Oh well. I hope to be proven wrong, but the fact HTC is pushing out firmware updates for all their devices but NOT the Xperia X1 (despite being released longer) confirms this.
colourblind said:
Sony is not doing ANYTHING bout the xperia.. have they given up with it? im getting soooooo bored with the phone, theres no new panels etc. i'm never getting a windows mobile phone
seems to be much much much much better than WinsMo will ever get!
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U said it "seems to be much much much much better than WinsMo will ever get!".
R U using it so you knew it is much more better ?
go buy a nokia s40 phone and then use your x1 again. let me know what you like more and would rather use.
I allways look at this that my new X1 is as a toy for Big boy.
Its all abaut somthing changing experimenting tweaking.
I like this .
or just buy nokia 6110 make call, recive call and sleep well in the nights.
I was always under the impression that this was a dsicussion forum for the understanding and development of a set of phones.
Unfortunately lately it's become an area for people with no understanding to moan.
johnchan78 said:
The thing that concerns ME is that SE and HTC have parted ways, and no longer co-operate.
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Eeek! That's news to me. I was planning on buying an X1 soon (read: early next month?), but now I'm going to have to reconsider after I send Sony a line of questions. If HTC isn't making the phone anymore, who is? Or is it simply going to go out of stock after the reserves sell?
johnchan78 said:
The thing that concerns ME is that SE and HTC have parted ways, and no longer co-operate.
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What a load of crap.
All we know is that HTC won't be building the X2 (or whatever they end up calling it) together. We don't even know what OS is going to run on it.
However it's SE responsibilty for the software, they are working on a new firmware, whether those on branded phone will see it depends on their networks (unless you do a DIY job).
And if SE do need help from HTC with some hardware issues, HTC will need to provided it, they will be under contract and most likely will want to build future models (X3).
HTC is not going to produce "next" Sony Ericsson phone.
HTC still produces XPERIA for Sony Ericcson.
kuraudo said:
Eeek! That's news to me. I was planning on buying an X1 soon (read: early next month?), but now I'm going to have to reconsider after I send Sony a line of questions. If HTC isn't making the phone anymore, who is? Or is it simply going to go out of stock after the reserves sell?
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no-one said that,
SE aren't using HTC to develop future phone, it looks like they're using asus instead.. although it could also be that the x2 is android based :0
so has anyone seen what the Palm's new PRE can do?
hi guys, a quick update :
IM SO OVER WITH THIS CRAP PHONE. ive just changed to Samsung HD i8910 and ohmygod, what a relieve!! ive used it for 5 days and the phone has not hanged for once!! amazing, im so glad.
sony has not done anything for the xperia, and now an xperia 2 already?? lol.
my xperia is in the bin, was sooo mad at it, i smashed it and well its over.
never ever a winMo .
colourblind said:
hi guys, a quick update :
IM SO OVER WITH THIS CRAP PHONE. ive just changed to Samsung HD i8910 and ohmygod, what a relieve!! ive used it for 5 days and the phone has not hanged for once!! amazing, im so glad.
sony has not done anything for the xperia, and now an xperia 2 already?? lol.
my xperia is in the bin, was sooo mad at it, i smashed it and well its over.
never ever a winMo .
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dude, my xperia only turns off if i have to restart due to some registry tweak, since the R3A update, i never experienced a hang
you could have posted me your previous xperia, only if i had the money to burn i would buy another
x1, there is none that can come close
johnchan78 said:
...The X1 has received ZERO updates.
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What's so funny is that you make this statement on the XDA website. What world are you in???
colourblind said:
so has anyone seen what the Palm's new PRE can do?
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Yes and I find it pathetic. Good thing people are working on a WinMo port for it.
colourblind said:
hi guys, a quick update :
IM SO OVER WITH THIS CRAP PHONE. ive just changed to Samsung HD i8910 and ohmygod, what a relieve!! ive used it for 5 days and the phone has not hanged for once!! amazing, im so glad.
sony has not done anything for the xperia, and now an xperia 2 already?? lol.
my xperia is in the bin, was sooo mad at it, i smashed it and well its over.
never ever a winMo .
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I have seen what the new Palm Pre can's a good interface but basically that's all it has good interface.
And yes I am impressed but I told myself, I will never buy a Palm because it looks like it has shifted from pda function to a P.O.S. kid's toy ... a competitor to the iphone.
I am looking for a backup device when I don't have the computer, not some stupid kid's toy.
Also...I really really want the Omnia's multimedia and out of the box experience is great, but AGAIN, symbian add-on software isn't as good. So if I were to buy a Samsung Omnia HD, I would buy it as a PMP, and I would buy a Toshiba TG01 as a Pocket PC.
But for now, Xperia has some qualities of Omnia HD and some qualities of other good and fast windows mobile phones like Toshiba TG01. Obviously Omnia HD doesn't have windows mobile, which I prefer over symbian (I've used symbian S60 first before switch to Windows Mobile), and it's also obvious that Toshiba TG01 doesn't have headphone jack and keyboard like the Xperia. So Xperia is the sort of the best of both worlds for now.
If I had cash I'd buy Toshiba TG01 and Omnia HD seperate...but if only XDA developed for the Toshiva TG01....
If there was a super godlike overkill hybrid phone that was both the Toshiba TG01 and Omnia HD...I would buy that hybrid instead...
poetryrocksalot said:
I am looking for a backup device when I don't have the computer, not some stupid kid's toy.
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I think we should sticky that comment to the front page. IN BIG LETTERS.

Does anyone know what this is?

Hi Guys,
I hope everyone is well. I am new owner of an Xperia, and even more novice and realm of modding it.
This site is an immense resource and is probably a strong reason why people started loving their Xperias, despite the shortcomings. Anyway, excuse my ignorance, but I ran into this while being on YouTube:
My questions are:
1. Does anyone know what this is and how is this possible?
2. Has anyone tried using it or has access to whatever this entails?
Again, excuse my ignorance, should that be the case . Thank you for reading!
this looks like one of those chinese knock-offs. as far as i know, there isn't anything out yet for our real xperias that mimics an iphone's os
Ye don't bother it's a cheap knock off...I did a little research on them, they sell them on eBay shipped mainly from Asia. They don't have a slide out keyboard like the real X1.
They also do exactly the same ones in an iPhone shell. This guy does a pretty comical review of it, it uses the same operating system as the one from the video you posted by the looks of things.
Stay clear I'd say!!!
well ... this one HAD a slideout keyboard.
people uptop dont know
its called iFonz i don't have it on my xperia but its an app that replicates the iphone ui
makes sense ^^
i knew that tool but never ever installed it nor watched a video about it. if i want an iphone ... i'd bought one
ahh I didnt watch the whole video but I've seen those fake X1s on ebay before.
It's a real Xperia in the video running S2U2 and iFonz.
ProFragger said:
Hi Guys,
I hope everyone is well. I am new owner of an Xperia, and even more novice and realm of modding it.
This site is an immense resource and is probably a strong reason why people started loving their Xperias, despite the shortcomings. Anyway, excuse my ignorance, but I ran into this while being on YouTube:
My questions are:
1. Does anyone know what this is and how is this possible?
2. Has anyone tried using it or has access to whatever this entails?
Again, excuse my ignorance, should that be the case . Thank you for reading!
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What you are looking for is iFonz, as others have already mentioned. For some screens and info on it, visit my blog at:
Just that too bad no one's made a panel to launch iFonz yet.
That would be cool, a Panel... but since iFonz is not add-on or replacement of the Today screen but rather comes on top of it... i don't mind using it as is either.
Does Ifonz run? I thought it had no wvga support
dadeadman said:
Does Ifonz run? I thought it had no wvga support
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It sure does...
Not WVGA support from the developers, yeah (as you can see from the bottom bar in landscape a little shy of the total width)... but it runs perfectly none-the-less.

Microsoft ad showing HD2 running Windows Mobile 7...!

Guys, check out the new Windows Mobile 7 ad.
Check from 00:26 to 00:29. We can clearly see the unmistakable 'htc' logo and the 5 hardware buttons of HD2.
dnwizard said:
Guys, check out the new Windows Mobile 7 ad.
Check from 00:26 to 00:29. We can clearly see the unmistakable 'htc' logo and the 5 hardware buttons of HD2.
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it is hd2 but no use of this thread it is confirmed to not have wp7
can't see it... but the lil guy is kinda playing with an HD2!!!
I think your right, it does look like a HD2, of course it doesn't mean ****, as with most advertisements it will all be fabricated, its probably just a HD2 running a video of series 7. Will wind people up nicely though
hoss_n2 said:
it is hd2 but no use of this thread it is confirmed to not have wp7
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Yes, but I was just intrigued to see the new OS running fine even though it lacks some major hardware as per Microsoft.
However on the off chance that it is running something live it does mean there is some form of test rom out there....somewhere. . . . . but i doubt it
Silverlight app.
dnwizard said:
Yes, but I was just intrigued to see the new OS running fine even though it lacks some major hardware as per Microsoft.
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Except that there are 99% chances the phone is actually off and dead or displaying a plain blue screen to allow image blending in postprocessing
i dont think that the pictures you see on the screen are real. usaly such things are made in post production. its much to complicated to film this situations in real life. so i think its no indicator for w7 ore not on hd2 anyhow.
regards mad
As much as I hate to up a not-so-useful thread
The idea is old... there has been a link posted somewhere here on the hd2 forums to a MS stage or something (and that was at least a month ago), where an infomercial for WM7 was done with a girl holding to her ear what definitely looked like an hd2, or at least a photoshopped one.
That doesn't bring you anywhere, since we have had different news elsewhere from an "official" source (check the other thread reagrding it) saying othrwise that WM7 will not be for hd2.
Anyhow, if you are so desperate to install a MS iphoneos wannabe on your already perfectly working WM6.5 hd2, I think there will be for sure a cooked rom with WM7 sooner or later. Afterall they are selling on aftermarket qtek 2020 alpines with winmo 6.5 on them....
It's Bill Gates, pissing in our collective ear: "Nyah, nyah; that'll teach you fellas to have two extra buttons".
to me is not looking like HD2 but if it's indeed HD2 for sure will be a rom for it here
