Move to Sim/SD card - G1 General

i've had this phone for a while now. i would like to know is it possible to put the contacts onto the sim card. has anyone been able to do this yet? i've only seen the option to import contacts
also, can you have the pictures you take saved directly to the sd card?

as far as I know the contacts are always save in the sim card but also inyour gmail acct, pics are also always saved in the sd card


Is this a silly expectation, contacts on SIM card

So I just purchased an Imate Jam. On my old phone (Nokia) I copied all my current contacts to my SIM card. Put SIM into Jam and I can't see any of my contacts. Put SIM into Nokia it sees them fine. How can I copy my contacts from my SIM into my Jam?
there is a program called Sim Manager in the Program Files Directory.
Once loaded, it will show the contacts available. click on Edit--> Select All
Hold the stylus on one of the contacts selected and click -> Save To Contacts.
Hope this will solve your problem
Just out of interest, does the xda use the memory on the simm for contacts, i.e. does it save to simm so when you take your simm to another phone, you take all your contacts? (no I haven't searched this question, it's spur of the moment stuff)!
Thanks, worked great.
I don't think it saves new ones to the SIM.
No, the magician is only capable of importing SIM data to its internal contacts database. The memory on today's SIM cards wouldn't be enough to hold all this information on them. I think that modern phones also don't use the SIM card to store all the extended contact informations they provide, like email addresses etc. I guess they only store one main phone number into the SIM, the rest into the phone's memory. I would prefer this solution for the Magician though, because it would at least keep the most important numbers on the SIM. Maybe this is also a speed issue (the SIM manager is quite slow).
Does anyone know how to erase contacts from the sim card once the transfer to the PDA memory is done?
What about using the delete function in the Sim manager :idea:

anyway to backup contacts to SIM card?

just got a new phone, got the Blackstone, was just wondering how i might be able to transfer all my contacts to my Blackstone or SIM card so i can use my new phone?
did u try hitting menu while viewing your contact list?
He doesnt want to import from sim card he wants to export to the sim card. There currently isnt a way to do this on the G1.

Contacts From Phone to SIM Card

is there an easy way to sync the contacts back to the SIM card? i often switch phones and when i get new numbers, they don't transfer to the sim card, instead they stay on the phone and get synced to my gmail account. is there something that is out there that can sync them neatly to the sim card? or can anyone develop an app that can do so?
a sim card reader will do the job
they run from $ 5 USD to 150
this is a nice one:|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
only 9 dlls
juangil...he's looking for a way to transfer FROM android TO SIM. not a way to read the SIM.
um.... bump?
post #15-17 of this thread to sync
It would make more sense to have an app that would send your contacts to the sim, but there are parsing issues (I'm guessing. Google/Android has only one name field, most other formats, generally sim cards, Outlook WinMo, Symbian) have first and last names, and a bunch of other info Android is missing.)
Hope that helps.

Copying contacts to sim card?

Just as the title says: I can't find the option to save contacts to sim card? I know I was able to do it on my Bold 9700.
Try searching the Market for an app to do it for you.... I don't see that option built into Android either... there's just options to import/export from SD card, or to import from the SIM.

Moving contacts and photos to SD card

How to do this and create a setting so all photos go into the SD card.

