Windows Live Messenger desktop sounds for mobile - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hopefully someone will find these useful. Basically I took the notification sounds from WLM Build 14 (the latest version from Windows Live Essentials), and amplified them for use on my phone. This means the notification sounds on the phone are the same as on the desktop.
Just unzip and transfer to the Windows folder of your device, then select the corresponding tone in Settings > Sounds & Notifications.

Thanks i will try these

I had the same idea some time ago and I did it, is cool to have the same sounds in the desktop than in the ppc.

yea.definetly a good idea. i change the tone once i realised it was different.
i think it would be more helpful if there are other mirrors. coolios man!
keep it up!


More Sounds. Any ideas?

I want more sounds on my device much like my PC.
I want a different sound for:
MSN contact online
MSN Paging Me
Calander reminders
Oulook eMail notification
XpressMail eMail notification
SMS Messages notification
And probably others later
Anyone have any ideas as to registry hacks to add sounds for items that use the default sounds and how to change them?
you should store any sound media files in MyDocument folder and go directly to Setting-Personal-Sounds&Notifications to set them as you need.
Don't know if you have been to Sounds & Notifications lately, there is a very minimal selection of items to apply sounds too.
Don't know if you have been to Sounds & Notifications lately, there is a very minimal selection of items to apply sounds too.
I use my SD card for all sounds.
First if you create a My Documents folder on the SD card and dump wav files in there, the Phone App will look in that directory on your SD card and you can choose ringtones without doing anything.
The only directory that I found that Sounds and Notifications picks up is Windows. You can dump WAV files in the Windows directory and it will pick them up under Sounds and Notifications.
For the sounds and notifications though it does not automatically pick up any directory except for Windows folder. (I think. I haven't found any other directories that it picks up. I tried putting WAVs everywhere and unlike for Ringtones the only directory that works is Windows)
Since I have a bunch of WAVs I just use my SD card and I would rather not clutter up my Windows directory or use up the space on my phone.
So what I have to is this.
First go to sounds and notifications and set your sounds and notifications. Just choose whatever sound is available. (Doesn't matter to what)
Then use a registry editor and go to
There are a bunch of subkeys and each pertain to an event. For each subkey look at the (Default) Value and that will tell you for which event that key is for. i.e. for new e-mail the value is "Messaging: New e-mail message"
Then just edit the "Wave" value and set it to your wav file. Do not use the extension though. If your wave file is example.wave then just put in example.
The path I use for my notifications is the following value:
\Storage Card\My Documents\example
Assuming that there is an example.wav in the above directory. Obviously just change the above path to wherever your wav file is. I have not tried using any other sounds other than wav files so I don't know if you can use mp3's or mid or other sound files.
This at least works for the default notifications. I don't know how to add new sound events for the examples you were giving.
If you set these registry settings try not to go back to Sounds and Notifications or you will lose the settings. Then you have to set them again using the above steps. When you exit the Sounds and Notifications applet since it didn't recognize the paths you changed the wav files to, it will just put back the default like alarm1 or something so then you have to change them again.
Hope this helps
making custom ringers in sounds and notifications
wussup man.. maybe i can be of help.. i just got my vario a few days ago and ran into the same problem as you. i dont like the default sounds for the sounds and notifications too. what u need to do is if u wanna add sounds to any of those, u need to make sure that your sounds are in WAV format. then they will show up in the list.. hope this helps.. good luck kid
Am I speaking Greek? :-(
But Seriously, maybe I am not communication properly. I want to add sound events such as when a new contact somes online from MSN or any other IM product, I want a unique sound. This is not currently an option in sounds and notifications, I want to add my own if anyone has any ideas on how to do this.
Found this on MSDN:
I guess you would have to add the event directly into the registry. BTW, this is for CE5.0 not WM5.0 but should be something similar of which events might be available.
I found several notifications' keys in my registry that had no Default values (event name) nor Wave (name of sound file). For example when the battery is low it will play lowbatt.wav if it's available in Windows dir. But this low battery event does not show in Start>Settings>Personal tab>Sounds & Notifications>Notifications tab. To add it go to:
Create a String value named "Default" and set the value to "Low battery warning". Then go to Start>Settings>Personal tab>Sounds & Notifications>Notifications tab, and there you'll be able to select "Low battery warning" and customize it.
Now if we could only find out what keys define the other extra events.
While we are at it, I found this. Apparently It is for changing the default tap click.
And this:
Sounds (and soundevents) are all over the place.
So far as I know there are 4 places:
- 21 general sounds in HKLM\snd\ in a 21 line multiz string (possible to include paths) See previous post in thread.
- phone sound events in HKCU\Controlpanel\SoundCategories and Sounds
(don't have a phone so I cannot be for sure)
- System Notifications/warnings in HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications
- Screen Taps & Hardware buttons in WAPEAPI.DLL, WAVE\100 to 103
where HW buttons (Loud/Soft) = 100 and 101
Screen taps (Loud/Soft) = 102 and 103
(see attached image)
The latter have to be transplanted with Resource Hacker. Dunno if you can overwrite the WAVEAPI.DLL in de \Windows folder. But it is worth a try.
EDIT: the waveapi.dll.0409.mui is used on my system which is overwritable ;O)
UPDATE: Works splendid. Very nice sound effects (using all above together) Laughing
ps: don't forget to keep a modified copy on your Memory card. After a hard reset the default waveapi.dll.0409.mui will return from ROM.
(or make a proper backup everytime you change something like I do)
Tip: use sndrec32.exe to edit you wav file and do wav conversion
Tip: if you overwrite a \window system file you can always delete it again and do a soft reset to get the original back.
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from this thread:
Re: making custom ringers in sounds and notifications
inspired_708 said:
wussup man.. maybe i can be of help.. i just got my vario a few days ago and ran into the same problem as you. i dont like the default sounds for the sounds and notifications too. what u need to do is if u wanna add sounds to any of those, u need to make sure that your sounds are in WAV format. then they will show up in the list.. hope this helps.. good luck kid
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Hi All my sounds are wav, but they still don't wanna play. I put them in the windows folder, but they don't play. All are 22000Khz 16 bit stereo max 120kb files. So nothing big. But can't make them to play, even if there are selected.
What should I do?

Editing Sound Files...

Inside the windows directory are the usual menu noices, like one is called menupop.wav. These files are inside the ROM, but without flashing the entire ROM, is there a way i can edit the sound files, so that i don't hear the normal cilck that windows mobile gives you.
I want to replace them with some softer vista sound effects. Is this possible??
Thanks in advance.
right click on it remove the read only and try to copy a file with the same name over it, not sure if it will work but it should.
there are 3'rd party plugins that let you choose your own sounds for windows.
Can you please tell me what these plugins are called? I would also like to mess with the windows sounds...
I use a program called cool edit pro. Its not to expensive, but you can edit just about anything but AMR. But what I do for that is use nokia converter. You can convert wav to amr files. With those two peices you can edit any sound file on our beloved devices. One thing I can say, some of the are read/write protected, yes. But when you veiw the files on your computer via active sync, you can modify the permissions.. Hope that helps. Nokia converter is a free program, but Nokia discontinued it about 4 years ago. I can give a link to it and the key (the only reason I offer here is because it is free!!!)

[APP] Star Trek Communicator (new CAB +REQ for better version)

REQUEST (for better version):
Hi all coders! I have a request for a new Diamond app to fulfil my geek fantasies! Here is what I would like it to do:
Flicking the Diamond (like Kirk flicking open a Star Trek original series communicator) will perform the following actions:
1) Play attached .WAV file (or make it configurable)
2) Come out of standby (if in standby or backlight was off)
3) Go to configurable location (e.g. Home, Phone, Notes etc.)
I wouldn’t normally make such a request but considering some of the great apps appearing on this board I thought it would be worth a try
I like this
nice idea
Nice idea!
As a Trekker and sci-fi geekette myself would love this to go with the wonderful Star Wars lightsaber app
EDIT: Ignore this.
Sorry, I misread your post
This is a Great idea! please someone help us out here
Very interested to see how this works! I wonder how easy it is to develope for this phone...any pointers anybody?
yeah. this sounds like an awesome idea.
I noticed other threads saying that it would not be possible to wake up from standby as the g-sen doesn't poll then.
But I think it would still be fun, when on, to flick/flip the phone and get the wav sound and jump to the phone/dialer screen...
am i geeking out a little too much??
redman99 said:
I noticed other threads saying that it would not be possible to wake up from standby as the g-sen doesn't poll then.
But I think it would still be fun, when on, to flick/flip the phone and get the wav sound and jump to the phone/dialer screen...
am i geeking out a little too much??
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That is a shame but understandable as the battery life would be even worse than it currently is.
Maybe tapping one of the volume keys to wake up the G-Sensor will be a possible solution?
And no, you can never be too geeky!
I vote for this. Great idea.
Working Trek communicator sound!
As is it is unlikey that someone will write an app to do this, I have created a little something with the little knowledge I have!
The attached file will allow you to get the classic Star Trek communicator sound everytime you come out of standby by pressing the Power Button.
You will need to install MortScript available from here:
- Once MortScript has been installed, create a folder in Internal Storage called 'Trek'
- Copy all files in the attached zip to this folder
- Using File Explorer on your device, click on 'TrekEnable'
There are no options per se, but you can do the following:
- Using Notepad on your PC, modify the file 'TrekPlay.mscr' to play a different WAV file of your choice. I have included two versions of the Star Trek communicator sound, a quiet version (enabled by default) and a loud version
- If you would like the files in another location, you must modify all the .mscr files and change the path
- Using File Explorer on your device, click on 'TrekDisable'
- Delete the 'Trek' folder
NOTES: I have noticed that if you quickly power off then on again it will not play the sound. If you power off and leave it for about 10 seconds or more before powering on again it should work
Works good man Thx
Edited: But for some reason time to time it plays the sound twice or three times..
New Cab Version
OK, I managed to get an easy to install and uninstall CAB working for this. You no longer need to install MortScript either.
The attached file will allow you to get the classic Star Trek communicator sound everytime you come out of standby by pressing the Power Button.
- Copy the attached CAB to your phone and run it
- Select where you want to install it: Device or Internal Storage (I recommend Device as it is only 120Kb and should work faster)
NOTE: Default install directory is \Program Files\Wired Trek Communicator
There are no options per se, but you can do the following:
- Modify the file 'TrekPlay.mscr' to play a different WAV file of your choice. I have included two versions of the Star Trek communicator sound, a quiet version (enabled by default) and a loud version
- Go to Settings > Remove Programs and select 'Wired Trek Communicator' then click 'Remove'
- If you quickly power off then on again it will not play the sound. If you power off and leave it for about 10 seconds or more before powering on again it should work
- Sometimes it will not sound after powering on but you may find that certain events cause it to sound afterwards, such as certain notifications
- It will also play the sound when removing the stylus if the phone comes out of standby
- If phone is in standby and you have set an alarm, the sound will play before your alarm sound
Some of these issues are down to Windows Mobile, others I may be able to workaround at some point.
Found another issue: Doesn't work properly with S2U2. Makes only sounds if I put in the USB cable which is attached to my PC.
Came across this post yesterday and thought to myself, that's a cool idea!
So I gave it a go, let me know what you think.
Download here:
PS: I haven't done extensive testing, so if there are issues just tell me.
It requires .net 3.5. You can install that with out your carrier though.
The app brings up the dialer and plays the communicator sound when you flick your wrist

Windows 7 Theme Sound Schemes in Windows 8 - SOLVED

Hi I searched for this and I did not find this. Perhaps some ideas could be discussed, it's not just a question.
I noticed that the theme sounds have been removed in Windows 8 (though the folders are still there in the Windows folder, just empty). Yet, the seashore/sailing themes from Windows 7 maintain the sound schemes. I have tried saving these and they just disappear. I copied the Win 7 sounds into the the same location in Win 8, restart, it does nothing. The only way I've found this is by adding one sound at a time, importing, which would take forever for just one theme.
Anyone found a way?
Ok here is what to do:
1. Log in to Windows 7. Click Start, Run, regedit.
2. Go to HKEY Current User, AppEvents. Highlight AppEvents and click 'export'. I named it as Windows 7 Sounds Complete. At this point, I saved the default Win 8 sound scheme in a folder in case the regedit file nukes the Win 8 sounds.
3. Log in to Windows 8 / 8.1. Find the location of your regedit file, I saved it on the Win 7 desktop. Double click this, click yes.
Now, if you go to control panel, sounds, you will ALL the Windows 7 sound schemes there. These become present in Windows 7
themes that you use in Win 8/8.1.
I have a theme from another forum (which has been down for about a week now) which inserts cursors, and sounds, in addition to the themed GUI itself. I will try to take a look tonight and see if I can offer some helpful info.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Hi, I tried to click thanks but some strange error comes up about permissions...?? thanks anyway!
Anyone else find anything on this?
On the occasion that I boot into Win 7 for something - like now - I remember how pleasant the various sound schemes are. If we an imitate Aero, we can do this!
Solved, in first post.

[XAP][24/04/2016][0.1]CustomSystemSounds: Set system ringtones and vibration pattern

Welcome to CustomSystemSounds!​This tool allows you to edit specific system ringtones and their vibration pattern!
If you're a Windows Phone user since Windows Phone 7, you may notice that some vibration patterns and some ringtone still exists within Windows 10 Mobile.
As this is an unofficial way to edit ringtones and vibration and the tool is at its first public release, you may get some unexpected problems!
Use this app as your own risk!
Notes and advices
This tool require an Interop-Unlocked Lumia devices.
Is compatible with Windows phone 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile (Redstone too).
You can edit the audio and the vibration pattern separately.
Items help
Incoming call item is named "RingTone"
Toast notification item is "Toast Notification" (You may notice two more "notification" elements, at the moment I haven't tested their functions)
If you set a long sound or a loop to the wrong notification, you can press the volume button to stop the timeline immediately
Within the file picker, Windows may open the photo picker instead. Press the three buttons within the bottom bar, you'll find an option to get a list of available pickers (Including the file explorer)
As this is a customization tool, I've added the possibility to choose two different LiveTile styles: a colored one and a white/transparent one.
Latest version: 0.1 - 24/04/2016
Wow, tks bro ??
Thx for the good idea but that Tool isn´t handy for me.
I have a problem to find out how to pre listening the Sounds.
So i´d all exchanges with the Windows Explorer.
Great idea / app, this one could actually be really useful for me.
Unfortunately, I cannot test or use it as it does not run on my Samsung ATIV S (it is uses Lumia vcReg, I looked into it, and I have not (yet?) installed the VCreg libs on my phone).
However, as a app developer myself, I could alter the code to get it working on Samsung phones (using RPCComponent or similar hacks). Well, I also could write a new app from scratch with the identical functionality, but that would be a lot of work.
But your app is not open source, so I ask you; would it be possible to release the code of this App? Maybe even share it on GitHub so I can collaborate?
If you dont want to, thats your decision and perfectly fine, but please consider making it open source as it would help further development.
Thank you for reading, feel free to contact me on XDA.

