some frustrating things!!can anyone help - XPERIA X1 General

hi there.
week old owner of the x1. So far loving the phones but some small stuff is quite annoying.
1. it seems like the phone came with a layer of plastic under the protective layer. the frustrating thing is that the layer below doesn't fully cover the whole screen, leaving some space and i ended up some lints underneath.
Is it okay if i take it off, I'm kinda scared to mess up my $800 phone?
2. my battery seems like it barely lasts a whole day....the body keeps getting warm and I have wifi, bluetooth offf. but if the phone's warm that surely means theres program running, no?
thanks for the help

Not sure what you mean by the protective layer but I may be able to help with number 2
By default, hitting the "x" doesnt close the program, it keeps it running the in the background. Hit the task manager icon in the top right (3 horiz lines with an small triangle pointing up) and see what programs are running. You may find you have all sorts like the sms managers / picture viewers etc.
You can change the setting so the "x" closes the app - go to Settings -> Task Manager -> Button Tab -> and select the option "End Programs by tapping X
or alternatively you could press and hold x to close the program (I find it easier to change the option tho!)
Cheers - Hope its some sort of help!


XDA Mini S Phone operation problem

Hi, I have recently bought the 02 XDA Mini S (UK edition) off o2.
I am havin the following problem:
If I turn on my phone and let it load at the today screen:
1. use normal programs such as file explorer, IE
2. Then open up phone (so it shows the keyboard, start> Phone)
3. When I go into task manager to close programs that I have previously opened the tasks have no text but have a picture next to them. if i select say a program that has the file explorer sign next to it and then select switch to it will open a different program, for example IE or the phone keypad to dial numbers
4. If i close all normal programs in ther i can then move down and select programs that appear not to be there, for example the screen is white but something is selected because there is a blue selection box around that item.
5. I can close all programs fine, but then if i go into Start > phone, nothing seems to happen. i can get into the phone option through the contacts menu but if i press the "keypad" left soft key nothing seems to happen.
I have identified that when i go into task manager and then click Menu > View > change mode a task named " cprog.exe" has a title phone when the phone keypad is open. When i end the phone task this title of phone disappears.
I have tried running a new task to get it to open but nothing happens. I took the phone to several mobile shops and showed the blokes in there. generally they have all said that it appears to be a glitch in the software and that I should ask for a replacement.
One of my mates has one and he has the same problem so i think it could be a problem across all the XDA Mini S's does anyone else have this same problem. Can you let me know how to over come it (So far my only way of overcoming this problem is to turn the phone off, and then on again to acess the phone keypad again but this is very frustrating)
Cheers all
was having the same problem myself i think its something to do with task manager closing down key pad.
do a google for magic button and use that to close down running programs instead of task manager should sort it out.
cheers mate, is there any that you can recomed (ie the one that you have installed yourself) I don't want to muck up the phone.
here you go.since i started using this i have not had the keypad problem.
hope this is what you are looking for.[/code]
sorry link does not work i`ll try again;
ahh cool mate, your a life saver! can i easily uninstall this if i wish to, how would i go about it!
cheers for all you help
once its installed, how do i open this to close selected programs? cheers
use memory manager)
you're shutting down the phone app. don't shut it down or better still use settings/system/memory/running programs and stop what you want or stop all. you don't need to download stuff. it's been covered here before.

PocketNAV without stuff in upper-right?

Hello all!
Sorry if this was asked earlier; didn't find anything like it in the search.
Basically, I really like PocketNAV's functionality; I'd just like it to be invisible unless I call it (via mapped button). Is there any way to get it to display nothing in the upper-right? If I uncheck everything it still has a grey bar in the upper-right (with the time) that blocks my icons. Any way to remove this, or other program just like PocketNAV that doesn't have that problem? Thanks!
Thank you,
I use SpbPocketPlus and it doesn't put anything in the upper right corner, though that's where you go to use it. For awhile I thought it was broken and then I figured out you have to actually press and hold in order to get it to display the drop down menu. Might be just what you're looking for.

Anyone tried Pontui ?
Its free and looks pretty cool... gonna install it when i get home (no cables here) if anyone has a play before the end of the day i'd appreciate opinions before i do the deed myself!
Well, i gave it a try yesterday on my WM5 wizard.
Its overall look and feel is really quite impressive. All the animations are unbelivably smooth, even without any overclocking. The app is finger-friendly, but i dislike list scrolling method they used - it's not like the one in fTouchflo, or iContact, where you scroll the list as if it was a physical object and moves in sync with the finger sweeping the screen, but instead the list moves in the direction of the sweep: if you put your finger on the screen and move it down a bit, the list will start scrolling down at constant speed. if you move finger farther down, it will accelerate and again keep constant speed if finger is still. if you move finger up, it will slow down, move it u even farther, ant the list will reverse direction and scroll up. It's not very intuitive, not to mention that it's really hard to use to precisely scroll long lists. If they changed this one thing, the overall fell of the program would improve significantly.
Beside that UI is clean and well designed, gives you quick access to start menu, settings (control panel, wifi, BT, GSM module, sound volume), tasks, calendar, appointments and clock, it also has some customizable menus for accessing frequently used software.
The downside is that it replaces your Today screen, so you won't be able to use your favorite Today plugins.
Overall, it's worth a try, especially for a user who just wants a phone with a simple, yet really good-looking interface. More advanced users who like to be able to customize everything might find this a bit limiting.
Overall, the program really has huge potential, and let's not forget that it's just the first public version. It will certainly improve over time. I'd recommend giving it a try, just be aware that there are some uninstallation issues read the tread on pointUI forums for more info, or if you have something like SPB backup or other software that does FULL device backup, use it and if something goes wrong, simply HR the device.
By the way:
Given it a try, and was impressed by the smooth flowing interactive menu's. But I find its quicker and easier to use SPB Shell (yes it looks basic in comparison but its straight forward and easily customised) and have therefore unistalled the software. However do not be put off by my comments, give it a go.
prior to my phone breaking ( solutions on a postcard please) i used this UI for a few days and throught it was pretty cool. theres deffo a learning curve as some of the apps are located in strange places but overall i was very happy with it.
Impressive, but very bad support for non-English OS.
Give it time. Its a brand new and revolutionary program and those guys are doin it all in their free time so you got to give them time.
I'm running this on my wizard, Tried it and I liked it enough that I won't leave it alone.
Runs fast on my wizard, thumb approved, things are organized a little funny but after a day of using it everything is cool, I haven't looked yet but I would like to custom the 4 icons that lauch programs and some things are linked incorrectly but overall i'm impressed with the program out of box and I hope development keeps up.
i just wanted to ask
does the weather application on PointUI cost... if so.. .does any1 no how much
thanks in advance
weather is free
i think they get their weather info from yahoo/weather channel, free
Been using this for 3 days now and I love it. This and pocketCM with a the pontUI skin is amazing. Also the Iphone a like skin works well.
The main screen is great with the middle ribbon allowing really smooth action to access Analogue clock, digital clock, Calender, Tasks, Local weather and appointments.
Main screen top contains from left to right; Lock, signal meter Carrier info, Volume, Battery and Cog (settings).
You can lock the device on lock icon, hit the signal icon and the screen flip animates to show all connections settings (Flight mode, phone status wifi things like that) Hit the Speaker Icaon and you can adjust phone and speaker volumes as well as mute. hit the battery icon (which show bat level) and you can see battery life and go to power settings and backlight settings (well I can't but hey it's a beta) Hit the Cog and too many settings to list but among them is update feature so you can get the latest version straight to your device, you can also exit PontUI Home from here.
You have four icon down the bottom of the main screen which are, left to right; phone icon for call history list, tap it then swipe right on a name to call or sms them. Envelope icon press this to go to your email account (can choose which one through new registry string) next is SMS icon tap it to go to standard SMS app. Then last is the WM Icon, tap to go to windows media player (can choose which one through new registry string).
There is also a bar with an arrow down the bottom which you tap this then gives you four options; New, from which you can create new Email, SMS, MMS, Appointment, task, document or spreadsheet.
Favourites which shows all apps in the start menu folder. Applications which allows to to smoothly scroll through all installed apps and Currently running which does what it says on the tin.
As this App evolves i'm sure these menus will become nicely configurable.
I 'm really loving this App and it's only BETA. I'm running HTC Trinity (orange M700) and it's just sooo smooth. I tried Freestyl, which is good and I've been following, but when I tried this, I was blown away.
It's kind of nice to have an App that seems to integerate well with the phone rather than being a kind of clucky overlay that you can tell isn't meant to be there.
I urge you all to try it and see what you think.
Cheers all.
loving it
What i think they can improve are:
1 make the hardware buttons to work, now i can't take a picture, record any sound, or change the volume with the h-buttons.
2 a contacts app will be nice and as well a favorite contacts like the htc home
3 a way to close app on the currently running menu
4 a little bigger back button or more to the left cause when i try to pres the back button with the tumb i usually had to try 2 or 3 times couse is really near to the border.
finaly a way to select favorite app that don’t depend of the start menu
don’t get me wrong i think that app is amazing but this 5 thing will make it perfect to me
I am loving Pointui!

Blank square on taskbar

Has anybody seen something like this before? (See attached screenshot)
I've somehow developed a black square over the right hand side of the taskbar. As you can see, it covers half the signal strength icon, the battery icon and the task switcher. OK and close buttons manage to appear over the top when necessary, which stops it from being catastrophic.
I think it's come about from over-enthusiastic tweak installing, probably from something designed for TF3D that doesn't translate to regular WinMo. Or something.
It looks like it ought to be a reg key that needs deleting/altering, but I'm a bit gun shy about causing further damage.
An R2A install isn't far off anyway, which ought to kill it.

Xperia z3 concept ideas

I am on vacation so please forgive the lack of pictures to show my ideas this vacation has been rather stressy so i am back on my concept ideas and overall ideas.
First we have a design idea i've noticed the frame around my z1 is fairly strong and scratch resistant so i think it could wrap around the entire back of the phone for a single unibody construction it would also eliminate my concern displeasure that the phone is held together by glue at the back, it would also be completely airtight in the back as there would be no opening, I'd assume it would be more durable aswell.
another idea would be remaking the flaps to lock into place when closed to open you press something, or drag something or maybe magnetic locking, but maybe that wouldn't work with the rubber. I also think if possible that the phone could have a water sensor so it knows when it is submerged, where it enters a sticky keys like feature for the screen so you can use it under water so it takes hard presses to register something water wouldn't be capable of, the phone would also know when the flaps are open or closed and instantly warn if it get's in contact with water with one of them open like vibrating constantly and having an alarm with the screen flashing, it may not always save a phone but it would be useful in my opinion as you'll notice before actually submerging the entire phone if the sensor can be located around the frame but then comes the design problem, unless the sensor can be hidden allong the light stripe idea somehow, if not it could be one small sensor, perhaps the sensor could be located inside the flaps.
A special magnetic dock charger that works with all xperia devices that comes with a remote and inbuilt strong speakers with bass, aswell as a screen with multi color backlight indicating charge time music playing etc would be worth alot aswell too me, I'd pay 200 for something like that.
Lastly I have some more ui ideas they are more personal wishes though
First the notification bar as you know, fills up rather quickly with icons for each app notifying you resulting in it being completely full often, so my idea is simple, one icon with a number next too it showing how many apps that are notifying you, or simply a number.
I also want to be able to hide any notification bar icons for example i don't always need to know the reception I'd rather have that in the drop down menu i would only want it to show when there's one or two bars or simply as a warning on bad reception.
Then theres the softkeys theres alot of ideas and changes I want to make as you know the apps icon replacing the home icon on the home screen, but then theres the back and recent apps button, First off a back button in the home screen does nothing it just sits there it dosnt even turn the phone off it simply sits there filling up space, so here's a few ideas, unless Google are the only ones to be able to do such changes, or if there's a rule against such changes.
1. back button should only show when theres something to back from,* another crazy idea would be a softkey power button in the corner of the home screen replacing the back button, the most crazy idea would be getting rid of a phones power button entirely as theres tap to wake up now, only if it worked when the phone was off, honestly having a power button in the corner would not be very clean too me but it's an idea,* what would be more my preference is the turn off menu in the drop down bar.
I would also like more sony apps like compass or other useful features could call it sony smart tools or sony smart apps, Power user apps like cache cleaner ram freeing would also be great, my dad's LG g2 has a free ram app.
A silent life log app that syncs everything you do and visit in the cloud would also be fun, like using trackid to record which music you were listening to that day when you visited a national park etc, unless such a feature is too consuming.
Then theres recent apps theres two ways this could work,* my first idea was to just remove the recent apps button when there's no recent apps, it would only show when theres recent apps in it, my second idea is to hold down the apps icon to access recent apps instead of having a separate button for it, personally I want to be able to close or minimize apps so they won't end up in recent apps, when i don't want them to.
I guess i want it as clean as possible I think getting rid of an actual power button all together would be a good idea too, at least for me as it would make a phone look nicer more modern, it would also give space for something else.
I guess i want dynamic softkeys,* we have keys on a screen but they work just like physical touch buttons,* they are permanent 90 percent of the time i want to change that, as you practically get the same experience with actual capacitive buttons virtual buttons are not utilized properly in my opinion.
My other idea would be freedom in screen rotation, I use an app so I can use my phone upside down and due to the omnibalance design it feels and looks natural, not having a sony logo makes it impossible to tell if it's upside down or not, so i think all phones should have that freedom by default, I also think there should be a tablet ui for landscape on all sony phones I'd love to have the soft keys at the bottom when in landscape, i was highly dissapointed when i found out I couldn't use my z1 in landscape until I found an app for it.
I also don't think the menu should cast any shadow at all the screen should not darken it would then feel more like the menu is just icons and not a separate menu screen which is what I am aiming at uniformity, i would also get rid of the dot at the top next to the text about which order you have your icons set in, the icons are all fairly pushed in the middle I want them to use up the screen, so much space at the sides used for Nothing it gives a zoomed in feel I am referring to the z ultra though, to put it simple all menu icons simply popping up on the screen when you press the menu button no underlay of any kind not even boxes for folders just 4 small icons together to show that it's a folder
I've also noticed the soft keys and notification bar is not entirely transparent it casts a light dark shadow I would assume that's a limitation not being able to get rid of the underlay entirely due to it being hard-coded but i don't know how open android is to manufacturers, I am extremely picky about these things so I notice them pretty quickly I guess i am obsessed with perfection when it comes to technology, lastly getting rid of the blue grey ui sometimes rarely showing up like example when you change the volume, it makes me feel like that's stock android sometimes peeking out I'd like a similar ui design across all of android.
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