Activesync blocks alarms and executables - Touch HD General

On my TouchHD, when I connect to my PC via ActiveSync, whether as a guest or doing a full sync, I find that my alarms are blocked - Tmail.exe can't open, Repllog can't open, alarms I know are there won't go. (They'll go on the desktop though.)
Often, the problem extends to all executables. The message is:
"Cannot open 'X'. A critical component is eaither missing or cannot start because program memory is unavailable. Tap Start > Settings > System Tab > Task Manager, stop programs that did not automatically stop, and try again."
or occasionally:
"Error starting 'X'" or "cannot execute X.exe"
When I disconnect, all access is immediately restored, no reset necessary.
Also interesting is the fact that some things running under Manila - the stock pages, say, or weather or even mail (!) - open up fine. Phone likewise, and related functions like the favourites page and the Contacts application behind it, are fine. However Opera and HTC album don't open, nor does the camera, or sound settings Advanced page.
This wasn't always the case; it's only started up in the past week or so. Which implies it was something I put on. Now, I'm one of those tweaking junkies that makes half a dozen changes a day, but I seem to recall playing around with Background4AllTabs, adding an analog clock to the home page, putting on and taking off MobileMagic, trying G-Alarm and settling on Klaxon instead, and various and sundry other wee bits. If any of this rings a bell with any of you I'd be grateful for ideas, theories, dirty jokes, whatever.
Many thanks.

having same issue. anyone have a solution to this?


How to delete a "Start up" shortcut

To make a long story short:
-I have installed skype on main memory
-I decided to uninstall skype and re-install it on SD, and I did it
-Now, everytime I turn on my JasJar (but not after a Soft Reset) I get an error message saing the application Skype with folder Programs, etc... could not be found...
How can I remove this annoing message?
See if their is a shortcut in the Windows/startup folder. That's where they always use to put those links. Odd thing is that after I uninstalled Skype, I never received that message. I have the folder on my device, but it doesn't look like it has as many links as WM2k3SE had in it.
I'm familiar with that folder, but unfortunatly it's not there... there is only one file named Outook...
I had this problem too
Then I just did a hards reset and now it's gone, but Skype Crashes. What software have you all installed, maybe there is a conflict?
I have:
Voice Command
SPB3 (installed after skype failed, thought this might be it)
Total Commander
active sync is the culprit for skype
It took a while to work out, but here it is: Skype works fine as long ActiveSync is not on. In the old machines, AS would kick in and appear in the memory only after you sync'd. Here it comes up automatically, whether you sync or not. In fact, you should see Active sync running in the background virtually always.
Clicking on the memory you'll see its always on, you press stop, and Skype works for 5-10 minutes, until AS turns tiself back on.
Any fixes for this in the registry?

Run ActiveSync when you WANT

stopping activesync
is there a way to stop activesync from running in background on my 8525? my pda freezes every once in awhile and have problems with connecting to pc. to connect to pc i have to go to memory and shut off activesync before plugging in usb. i've tried to delete repllog.exe in the notification queue with no luck. help LuXx
Reducing lock-ups and freezing:
A key consideration here is the active sync application that is linked with many lock up problems - particularly overnight or during active syncs auto scheduling process.
A quick way to temporarily shut Active Sync down (as well as any other programmes running in the background) would be say Magic Button or HTC X Button which are quicker than using the running programmes in the memory menu to do this.
However Active Sync can start again by itself via various scheduling routines. There is a way to prevent this known as the "Fake Server Trick":
This 'server trick' was discovered by an Aximsite forum member known as Invid
This post originally created by IamNotMe (Adapted)
"1. Turn on your Device
2. Go to Start > Programs > Activesync. This will open the Activesync program.
3. Tap Menu at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This will bring up the Options Menu. Notice the option Schedule... is greyed out? This is the all-critical option we need to get access to. But as it's disabled we can't change Activesync's default synchronisation schedule.
Ok, so how do we enable the Schedule option? Easy!!! Fool Activesync into thinking there is an Exchange Server to sync with:
1. From Activesync's Menu tap on Add Server Source.
2. In the following screens you can enter any old garbage. It does not matter, but just in case your unsure, just type the following in the indicated boxes:
Server Address: fake
Tap Next
User name: fake
Password: fake
Domain: fake
(Ticking save password or going into the Advanced menu makes no difference, so no need to bother).
Tap Next
Untick all of the 'Data you want to synchronise' options
Tap Finish
3. Ok, we're done creating the server. You should now see in Activesync's main screen your normal Activesync connection(s), and a new connection called Exchange Server.
4. Go back into the Menu, and lo and behold the Schedule option is now enabled! Go ahead and tap it!
5. You will see that both options in the Schedule screen may be set to Every 5 Minutes
6. Using the drop downs, change both the Peak times and Off-peak times boxes to Manually.
7. Press the OK button at the top right of the screen.
Congratulations! Activesync is now gagged from opening on it's own and ruining your life! Your work is not done just yet though - time to clean up and get rid of the now unwanted fake Exchange Server.
1. Go back into Activesync's Menu, then Tap Options.
2. Highlight Exchange Server, then tap Delete. A warning message will appear about removing files etc, but as you have no files associated with the fake Exchange Server, it's nothing to worry about - just tap Ok.
Edit: Some people have reported that settings "stick" better if you Do Not delete the fake server just leave it, it does not actually do anything anyway - it was just a way to set active sync to manual operation not automatic. Item 3 below, if you leave it in place will therefore show two Sync Connections i.e. the real and the fake.
3. The list will now only show your remaining PC Sync connection(s). Obviously do not delete these!"
You should also:
ensure Active sync is turned off fully after use. Use the likes of Magic Button say or HTC X Button to do this.
consider using a scheduler to perform a soft reset automatically say before any alarms go off in the morning. This ensures unwanted programmes like active sync and others do not crash the system when the alarms go off or crash the device when you try to switch on. SKSchema or xbar would fit the bill for this.
Avoid leaving device on charge overnight.
Running only one or two Today Plugins and avoiding some apps that like to synchronise automatically with internet sources push mail / weather etc. (although with a good neat set up these can operate ok)
ensure any applications required on wake up are installed to Main memory (today plug ins, wallpapers etc), with all others installed to SD Card
Do not overfill main memory Hermes performs better with a good bit of spare space.
Do NOT let your device go to sleep by itself! Always use the on/off button to put it in sleep mode. In fact I would go further and suggest you go to:
Start>settings>system>power>advanced and remove the ticks in the two little boxes.
Just remember to use that on off button. Of course the device should be able to sleep by itself BUT this XDA does not perform well and often crashes if you let it sleep automatically.
Always use a task manager to close running applications. You can go into settings, running programmes to do this but it is far easier to have running programmes shown in your task bar and an easy way to fully close them. (That is what a task manager does).
Regularly clear out the PIE cache or better still move your Internet Cache to the SD Card. Use a Registry Editor (PHM Registry Editor
PocketIE Cache in storage card
Create these folders:
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies\Storage Card\Pocket IE\HistoryAdd the following registry keys, string data type:
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]"Cache"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files""Cookies"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies""History"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\History"
Magic Button: (Task Manager)
HTC X Button (Task Manager)
HTC X-Button.CAB
thats what i needed . thank you!!!
LuXx said:
is there a way to stop activesync from running in background on my 8525? my pda freezes every once in awhile and have problems with connecting to pc. to connect to pc i have to go to memory and shut off activesync before plugging in usb. i've tried to delete repllog.exe in the notification queue with no luck. help LuXx
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In addition to the fake server trick, I also saw last night something about turning off "advanced network functionality" in Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC.
I just unchecked it within the last 24 hours, but I'm hoping it will have a positive effect on this kind of problem.
Just to clear this up, this *trick* will also stop activesync from launching even when I'm not connected via USB. I notice through out the day I will close activesync 5 or 6 times (I use magic button) it seems to like to launch on it's own, I suspect this auto scheduling was the cause.
yeah it does work well... the only time active sync pops up is right after a soft-reset (it's not in startup folder so i don't know where it's being lanuched from) and when you plug it into the computer (which is fine). Other than that it stays close and the phone runs a lot faster and has more free RAM when active sync is not running. Again, another no-brainer performance fix the OS and Phone Mfg'rs completely missed!
But if I am using DirectPush, how does this help me?
perlmane said:
But if I am using DirectPush, how does this help me?
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Well is doesn't really as you need active sync running!
Wow. This is brilliant, thanks!
mikechannon said:
Well is doesn't really as you need active sync running!
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Something wierd happened. I had to do a hard reset. Since it recovered from that, I cannot use DirectPush anymore. The ActiveSync choices no longer list "As items arrive" as a choice. It only lists the time choices and manual. How do I restore the "As items arrive" option?
After hard-reset the activesync connection wth your pc is erased. Erase all activesync connections both on PC and on device and reconnect them via usb and after "pairing" you will have back your options. Prior that deselect 'advanced network functionality' in connections>USBtoPC
Teo2005 said:
After hard-reset the activesync connection wth your pc is erased. Erase all activesync connections both on PC and on device and reconnect them via usb and after "pairing" you will have back your options. Prior that deselect 'advanced network functionality' in connections>USBtoPC
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I did this and saw the "As items arrive" item appear and then leave the list of choices. Any other ideas?
Great Trick
mikechannon said:
Reducing lock-ups and freezing:
A key consideration here is the active sync application that is linked with many lock up problems - particularly overnight or during active syncs auto scheduling process.
A quick way to temporarily shut Active Sync down (as well as any other programmeds running in the background) would be say Magic Button or HTC X Button which are quicker than using the running programmes in the memory menu to do this.
However Active Sync can start again by itself via various scheduling routines. There is a way to prevent this known as the "Fake Server Trick":
That is a great help. My Cingular 8525 is much more stable after running the trick. However, I did notice that from time to time, Active Sync could be found running even after the "Fake Server Trick." Is this normal? Should I redo the "Fake Server Trick" from time to time or is once enough?
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uhh..un-plug ur cable?
shapirosj said:
mikechannon said:
Reducing lock-ups and freezing:
A key consideration here is the active sync application that is linked with many lock up problems - particularly overnight or during active syncs auto scheduling process.
A quick way to temporarily shut Active Sync down (as well as any other programmeds running in the background) would be say Magic Button or HTC X Button which are quicker than using the running programmes in the memory menu to do this.
However Active Sync can start again by itself via various scheduling routines. There is a way to prevent this known as the "Fake Server Trick":
That is a great help. My Cingular 8525 is much more stable after running the trick. However, I did notice that from time to time, Active Sync could be found running even after the "Fake Server Trick." Is this normal? Should I redo the "Fake Server Trick" from time to time or is once enough?
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There are one or two applications that you may run that can restart ASync, various mail apps, online time sync apps and yes plugging in the cable to do a manually state ASync. Once started AS contines to run at least until a soft reset or using your task manager, you shut it down again. So routinely after doing an AS it will need shutdown.
Whether you need to do another round of the Active Server Trick has been debated recently. It seems that for some folks if they follow up the procedure with the step that says to delete the Fake Server because its job is done; find later that doing this causes the wanted change to manual ASync not to stick.
As the fake server, if set up correctly, does not actually connect to anything, then those who wish may re run the trick. This time not deleting the fake server at the end.
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activesync still not working
After following the procedure with the "fake" server name, my sync does not work. In fact, I cannot locate the "exchange server" at all on the screen. Do I have to reload the cd-rom program from scratch? Any suggestions...
abricko said:
yeah it does work well... the only time active sync pops up is right after a soft-reset (it's not in startup folder so i don't know where it's being lanuched from) .....
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Yep, I notice it's there after a soft reset as well. Is there a way to prevent that as well with a regedit?
I did the fake server trick, deleted the fake server, but didn't do a soft reset. I noticed that AS still loads on its own. I respecified the fake server but left it on this time. Hopefully it stays shut annoying.

What's eating my Mobile Favorites during sync?!

I've got a new Sprint Mogul that I'm syncing with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have "Mobile Favorites" checked under Change Content Sync Settings. During synchronization, sometimes all or nearly all of my favorites from the Mogul disappear on both the desktop and the handheld.
This occurs often enough that I regularly copy a backup of the folder on both sides since I have to restore it a couple of times per day. It's pretty annoying, since I really do want to be able to edit, add, and maintain mobile favorites on my desktop.
The behavior is thus far unpredictable and inconsistent. Often I can go several syncs without it happening, then favorites suddenly vaporize. One consistent feature is that only favorites in folders disappear - the 2 that are in the root favorites folder never do. Often, the most recently-used, added, or edited on the Mogul will survive, while the rest disappear. Typically, favorites are safe until I use PIE then are liable to vanish, but sometimes I can use it without this happening.
Does anyone have any ideas what's going on and how I can stop it?
Same thing happening on my Touch
Found this thread through a Google search. Sorry to revive it but haven't found any explanation for this on the web.
My Mobile Favorites just wink out of existence right before my eyes ... really, I'm staring at my Touch, with ActiveSync cabled in and doing it's thing ... and ... blink ... blink ... blink ... every few seconds another one just disappears.
Very strange.
I'm having the same issue. Has anybody found an explanation or solution?
Favorites disappear - MS aware of bug
I read about this here:
Sounds like a bug that has yet to be resolved.
Oh yeah, it is also an issue with XP SP3 and ActiveSync 4.5.
Here's my solution...
I let it do the syncing for me as far as Contacts, Texts, Speed Dials, Web Favorites, etc. The only things I really use ActiveSync for now are flashing and transferring large files to my SD card (music, ringers etc.)
Once you get an account on the site and D/L the mobile client to the device, run it and let it sync the first time to save everything (Contacts, texts, Speed Dials, Pictures, etc. If you have alot of pictures it may take a while or even freeze on you, so it might be a good idea to move the pics to your SD card before the the first sync.
After that go into your ActiveSync settings and set it to only sync files and media (unless you use Outlook at home, then set it for that too). Once done, any time you sync that way, it won't touch the Web Favorites and you don't have to worry about losing them. Another good thing is everytime you soft reset your device, Dashwire does a sync just to make sure nothing is lost. It will also put everything back if you flash a new ROM too. (Of course you have to re-install the mobile client and sign in first, but you don't have to worry about losing your Favorites in the process.)

Active Sync on HD?

Just got my HD and one thing I have noticed is active sync seems to be trying (every few minutes) to make a connection to/synching with something as I noticed upon checking the "quick menu" in the top right hand corner that Active Sync is listed in the quick menu, if I then close it by clicking the "x" it clears from the list. I then check it again a few minutes later and it's back in the quick menu again??
So it seems to keep opening up and running in the background, for some reason, is this "how it is" or is there a way to stop this?
I haven't setup active sync to connect/sync with anything it’s just as it came out the box?
Any help appreciated, not really a problem as such but not really much point in it continually trying to sync when it has nothing to sync with??
I'havent received my HTC HD yet, but on my FSC loox N560 PDA the situation with ActiveSync is the same. It always opens in the background no matter how many times you shut it down. Unfortunately I think that's just the way it is...

Pocket Outlook randomly opens

Hi all,
A bit of a strange one, this.
Outlook seems to open on top of whatever program I usee at seemingly random times (not related to any of the 3 pop accounts polling)
I have tried uninstalling Email Scheduler (have had it since day one, but the problem only started yesterday, but thought I'd check) and no change.
I've also disabled/moved the polling to be doubly sure, but no change either.
I've tried removing the lnk in the start up folder as it opens on boot, but no change again.
Any ideas?
Found the issue. I reticked "show account picker when starting messaging".

