Wifi connects... sometimes only??? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

Hi all.
My qtek is not ok...
I used to have WM2003 2nd Edition. Very hard to set up my Wi-Fi connection... After some time, and all the possible configurations, I managed to access the internet using it...
On the next day or so... nothing...
Well, good reason to upgrade to WM6. Just finished, upgrade ok, I think.
Wi-Fi not much... Once again, my SSID cannout be found - just my neiboughors´s... Add it manually, after some tries with the "work" and "Internet" options, it worked...
I made a soft reset, and now cannot connect anymore... SSID appears as unavailable, and is impossible to connect to it... My laptop is working fine with the same router, same ssid, same everything
Tried to delete the connection and create new one several times, nops...
Is it normal that the network cards work sometimes, and then without any changes, stops working?
Thanks for your help

Definetely no. Try to adjust the router to broadcast in 802.11b only but I think that will not help, something is wrong with the network card I think...But you should try
BTW turning on the wifi on WM6/WM 6.1 is kind of strange, you have to enter in the comm manager, then settigns->wifi->turn on wifi, and finally to turn it on the comm manager. How did you turned it on?

yes mate, I also believe the problem is with the network card.
Is there any way I can test it?
Is there a way I can substitute it?
Or my best shot is buy one SD network card (that will use the only SD available...)

Have you tried to connect to other networks aside from yours? The reason I am asking is because you can see your neighbor's network, so it is weird that it would see yours randomly. Try with different networks before spending the money in a SD wifi card. Good luck.

Understood... kind of
hi guys
I tried the Simeonfilipov suggestion of adjusting the router to broadcast in 802.11b only and Wifi connects in no time...
Now I have slow wireless connection, but all devices can use it
Does anybody around have a D-Link DSL G624T router working fine with a Blue Angel integrated network card??
Can you publish or email me the specs to let me check mine?
Thank you all guys.

So the problem is not in the network card You have to have an option in the router menu to broadcast mixed signal - B an G, to use G on your laptop for example for faster connection, and B for the Blue Angel ? Good luck!


PC, WiFi, PPC, IP solution?

OK so after having problems connecting my XDA2s to my laptop via wifi to use it's ADSL connection, I began to realise it was a major issue for a lot of users.
Having covered almost all the threads here regarding PPC WiFi issues, I still am perplexed as to how the whole thing is successfully set up.
I concluded that it was virtually impossible; that the PC would not provide the PPC with an IP address so I would have to use some sort of application to manage the connection. However, yesterday for some reason only the omnipotent holy deities of the grandiose gods of WiFi would know, I had it working perfectly. For about 10 minutes, until I decided to disconnect to see if I could readily re-connect. My hopes were of course, dashed, and I have not had it working again since.
I have tried every combination of settings on both the laptop and the XDA to no avail, and have followed more threads and links than I can count on my fingers and toes. I've tried all the same settings I had when it was working (briefly) but still have no real success.
So basically, what's the deal with getting this damn thing working? Maybe what I need is a step by step idiot's guide on how to initially set up the wireless network on the laptop first, to make sure it has all the right settings? I'm using a Vaio running XP home (built in WiFi).
Has anyone completely resolved this problem yet? I would really like a solid, clean method of setting up the connection rather than stumbling through a million different combinations of settings and ending up with something hashed and unstable.
Many thanks for any help on this, I'm sure it's a tiresome subject for many.
......And as is always the case, as soon as you post about it you figure it out!
If anyone is still having trouble using their XDA2 to connect to a PC's ADSL via WiFi, ive got it figured!
RE: ive got it figured!
Me too. I have a XDA mini S.
I don't know what settings to put into the thing. I had it connected for a short while but when I went into internet explorer it started connecting to GPRS instead of WIFI to internet.
Clearly I haven't got a clue. The book is of no help either.
Any ideas?
Think i'm connected to the internet. It doesm't seem to want a password although one is listed listed in the router. Just can't stop it going over GPRS instead of the wifi for intenet????
problem solved
Hi All
Ok heres what I did .
under my work network
set ,set up my proxy server to "this network connects to the Internet.
Then go to advanced
Under select networrks ,Network management,Set both to "my work network"
Network Card
Network adapters
"My network card connects to work
Then select the network card ie sandisk
tick Use specific ip address
type in 1 thats on your network ,It will connect but you wont be able to browse still
Then soft reboot
change from use ip adress to "server assigned ip address"
soft reboot
and bingo

wi fi connection problem

My mini s seems to have a problem connecting to my home network. When i switch the wi fi on it searches but does not connect. I hard reset a coyuplke of day ago and switch on the wifi and it found my network then promted to enter key, which i did. The phone then connected no problem. No when i switch wifi on it doesnt connect. I go into network cards tab and look what networks are available and my network is there with available next to it but the options have all change (key be given out auto etc...) so i change them to the correct ones etc.. but still it doesnt connect? What i'm i doing wrong? I has worked in the past but not now. I have not installed and 3rd party software and my router is working fine (laptop downstairs works no problem off network).
any ideas
i just reseted my router and renamed my homenetwork and assigned a newwep key. started wifi on mini s and it connected straight away to the my newly named network. switch wifi off then on again and now it wont connect. it see's the network and says its available but wont connect. under the settings the network key has changed. it's defo a problem with the phone cus everything else works fine (laptop, psp). it's just not saving the network info???
and ideas???
think it could be because i've upgraded to o2 new rom??? Could somebody with the latest UK o2 rom please confirm that ther can connect to the networ?
This also happens to me with the latest O2 ROM.
What you have to do is to manually connect and perservere by going to Network Cards, tapping the network and then select Connect. It may take a few go's but it will connect eventually.
Report back how you get on.
You may want to set up your router to assign a fixed IP address to the Mini S's MAC address as well.
Sounds like the problem I've been having. I've also got an O2 rom and am having problems connecting to any wifi network, even though it worked fine the first time.
I've tried going to the network cards page and clicking connect, but it hasn't worked so far. talkingbollox - when you say 'eventually', how long are you talking?
I'll also try assigning a fixed ip address later, but my hopes aren't high.
when you say 'eventually', how long are you talking?
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Sometimes 2 attempts, sometimes up to 20.
20! I probably tried about 10 times before I gave up. Surely this is a fault. You shouldn't have to waste so much time just to get a connection! :x
I tried MAC address filtering too but that didn't seem to work.
Do you think this is a O2 ROM problem or a hardware problem? If it's just O2, I think I might try a different ROM. Any suggestions which ROM to use?
My Mini S came already with the latest rom I think, and it works fine with my router (BT Voyager 2110)
Are you guys using the 802.11g reg edit?? Maybe thats why its not working, I actually did the hack before I ever turned on my wifi so I don't know if it worked without it. Try it My wizard connects with my router in G only 8)
Search the forum you will find loads of posts about it, and I think somebody has even made a cab file that does it for you, along with some speed tweeks that make your system faster.
It must have taken me in excess of 40 goes to connect last night.
Yes, I am using the g mode hack. My Voyager 2100 is set to broadcast in both b and g (i.e. mixed) mode.
I had the same problem... what I did was just entering the dns adress of my router.
So the ppc doesn't wait for the dhcp server to asign it .. it works great when surfing at home !!!

WIFI and GPRS not working

I'm really racking my brain on this one. I would greatly appreciate any ideas, as I've long run out of them.
I have a one week old Wizard (Cingular 8125 variant). It has one of the latest roms with AKU2 on it. Using Registry Wizard, I selected the option to add wireless G compatibility at some point in time. Wireless initially worked after setting my phone and router up per a tutorial on a popular Axim users forum. A day or two later I went to use WIFI and I get nothing. GPRS/EDGE initially worked also, but at the same time it stopped working. I've spent countless hours since trying everything I possibly can to get WIFI to work.
---The problem---
I am not able to connect to the wireless router. My Wizard sits on "connecting" forever then maybe 5 mins later it says unable to obtain an IP address. When I look at the status, it says for the IP address the whole time it says connecting. Since the problem started, I have yet to actually connect using any settings. The first day I configured the wireless it worked perfectly, with WAP encryption and all.
---Some of what I have tried---
On my US Robotics wireless router I've turned mac filtering and all security settings off, making an open network. I removed the WAP setting for the connection on the Wizard as well. I've tried all the suggestions I can find on any WM 5 and 2003se related forums to no avail. I've tried all the various combinations of limiting to B/G only or mixed, using work/internet settings, and deleting WIFI connections and creating new ones. I don't have a proxy setting in any of my connections. The whole time my battery usage is set to the highest (performance) setting and I'm right next to the wireless router. I've tried turning off all proprietary speed enhancement options. I even installed a program (Pocket DHCP) recommended by Axim PPC users to figure out why I'm not receiving an IP. Since I'm not really a DHCP wiz, I can't tell from the results what is causing this.
I'd be greatful if anyone can help me with figuring this one out. Thanks in advance!
maybe a dumb question, but...the wireless part of the router is working fine? did u tryed with a laptop or pc?
did u tried a hard reset?
That's actually a great question. I did connect fine the first day I configured the wireless and made no changes from then until it stopped working, so I'm just assuming that the router is working properly. Unfortunately I don't have access to any other wireless device/laptop to test it with.
I'm getting ready to do a hard reset right now. I was really wanting to avoid this but I think I have no other option. Hopefully this will fix whatever setting was messed up. I have a slight hunch that the registry change for allowing G access was the cause of the problems.
maybe i missed this in the original post, but have you tried making your device use static ip's on the lan instead of dhcp?
I didn't try static IP's for two reasons. 1. Firstly I couldn't figure out how to set this up. 2. I don't want to have to fiddle with removing the static IP when I'm away from home trying to use a different wifi hotspot. I would like it to be seamless and just connect when I turn wifi on near any unsecured network (other than the usual pressing OK to connect).
I did a hard reset and directly after this I tried to connect to my open network. Amazingly GPRS/EDGE now works, but WIFI still does not. Then I did a factory reset on my USR router then changed the settings back to how it was just set before. Now, I'm connecting. This doesn't make any sense since the settings are the same now but it's working, maybe theres a glitch with the router that this fixed. This small progress seams like a miracle.
Now that I can connect to WI-FI, I have a new problem. When I try to load pages in internet explorer, it says page not found or whatever the standard error message is. I'm so close I can smell it. There must be some setting that needs to be changed on my Wizard.
I report that I am now absolutely delighted with network connection on my Wizard. After hard reseting the phone and the router, now I can connect to both WIFI and GPRS. Not only that... but also PIE will choose WIFI if I'm connected to a wireless router, otherwise it will default to GPRS/EDGE without any interaction from me. This stuff is really awesome when it works. It is difficult to setup correctly though.
somehow wifi routers r not 100% reliable, every now and then i need to reset my linksys or i cant get ip as in your case...but with a normal reset is enough in my case...
That's good to know. Maybe I didn't even need to hard reset my Wizard, just the router. Now I know to start with the router because it's much easier to reconfigure. This is the first time that I've implemented WIFI on my own network. What happens if a public WIFI spot won't give you an IP anymore? Surely you just can't go and reset it. Granted it's not nearly as old as Ethernet, WIFI has been out for long enough that you think they would have these major kinks worked out.
Nicnatros said:
... but also PIE will choose WIFI if I'm connected to a wireless router, otherwise it will default to GPRS/EDGE without any interaction from me.
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How did you manage this? I have been struggling for ages to set things up this way. Can you post your settings from settings>connections>connections>advanced>select networks. Also settings>connections>network cards.
I would like to be able to just turn on wlan from comm manager and use wifi to surf and connect to my wireless lan, but if no wifi available to default to my T-mobile gprs connection for surfing. Currently having to manually change the settings "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using" My Work Network or Tmobile gprs each time I want to use either.
What I want is the option
if wifi available
use wifi
else use gprs
Well my friends and I were like sitting around drinking foo-foo drinks and I just like stumbled upon the answer. Just kidding, it's fun to play the role of your avatar, especially mine.
Settings, Connections tab, Network Cards, Network Adapters tab: My network card connects to Internet
Settings, Connections tab, Connections, Advanced tab, Select Networks: Set first one to My work network. Set second one to MediaNet (or your gprs/edge/etc connection profile).
Now with those set, edit the My Work Network profile and make sure that under the proxy tab check connects to the internet option, uncheck the proxy option. Now edit your MediaNet (or other carrier data plan) and make sure that this contains all options for your carrier like proxy, modem, etc. If you are a Cingular user, go here to verify all settings for medianet. (Note that you will ignore the beginning couple steps when they say to place medianet first in the "select networks" settings. Start after step 6. Also they used the CingularGPRS connection profile instead of the MediaNet one) http://www.pocketpcaddict.com/forum...ular-8125-windows-mobile-5-phone-edition.html
When you connect to your WIFI router first and it asks you if it's work or internet, always select internet. If you are not sure what it's set at, go out of range or unplug your router. Go into network cards and find your router SID, click and hold on it and select remove. Then when you try to connect to your WIFI again it will prompt you for this, make sure you use internet setting.
Now if you have done everything correctly, Internet Explorer will use WIFI when it's turned on and you get a connection. All other times it will default to GPRS/EDGE. I can go from one to the other back and forth without changing any settings, only enabling and disabling WIFI in the comm manager.
Trashman said:
somehow wifi routers r not 100% reliable, every now and then i need to reset my linksys or i cant get ip as in your case...but with a normal reset is enough in my case...
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Linksys WRT54Gx? if yes look into dd-wrt . stable and has a lot of features . other hardware is supported as well just check on their webby.
yaboc said:
Linksys WRT54Gx? if yes look into dd-wrt . stable and has a lot of features . other hardware is supported as well just check on their webby.
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I have read many many many posts about people having issues with the wizard and that exact router... I personally would stay away from linksys.. i work in a field that deal with 3rd party routers and such, anytime an end user has a linksys i can usually prove 90% of the time that its the culprit (80% of the time powercycling it does the trick)
Nicnatros said:
Go into network cards and find your router SID, click and hold on it and select remove. Then when you try to connect to your WIFI again it will prompt you for this, make sure you use internet setting.
Now if you have done everything correctly, Internet Explorer will use WIFI when it's turned on and you get a connection. All other times it will default to GPRS/EDGE. I can go from one to the other back and forth without changing any settings, only enabling and disabling WIFI in the comm manager.
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This seemed to do the trick for me.
I am sure that I had tried all possible combinations previously but what the hell, it is working exactly how I want now.
Thank you

Help Connect to Wifi???

I have just flashed my wizard back with Wizard Love in hopes that it would fix the Problems I have had since I got it connecting to wireless networks to access the internet.
This did not work though... So I wanna know what I should do next. I just flashed the phone today so all settings are the defaults.
I have in network cards the following:
NET 2000...
Remote NDIS...
Virtual Ethernet Intermediate...
I can't at the moment see any wireless networks and I am at the university and my city has a city wide wifi network too. so they are available just can't see to connect... A typical protocol would be great as most of the posts I've read users are having trouble connecting not seeing networks... at this point I am envious of them.
I wonder...If you knows how to enable Wifi? You need to start it in CommManager (Some ROMs requires you to click the buttons for 2 times in order to start it).
If it is started, you can see an additional LED lits with the phone signal LED.
So, I installed a couple different ROMs of WM6 and still no wifi connections??? I can't see any access points or my home router yet and I am ready to give this thing the toss... The device came with the box and CD from cingular so I think its authentic. But I can't tweak settings to get a wifi signal for nothing. The LED blinks and the antena icon is on in the toolbar but no signals... I will entertain the most entertaining suggestions..
is it possible the sdio card is dead???
just wondering here... is it possible that the sdio wlan adapter is dead and if thats the case can I replace it and how difficult is that????

[Q] Problem with wifi Samsung Galaxy 5 (i5500)

Hi, I've some problem with wifi connections. I own a lynksis wag54g2 wifi router. I can establish a connection, but after some times (it's not standard, it may vary), my device disconnect from the router and it's not able to reconnect. All that i can do is plug off my router (i take off the ac adapter) and when it's up again my phone can connect. it's very frustating, but i don't know what to do? i've tried setting something in wifi preferences' on my phone but nothing change. i've also flashed my firmware to the new one, hoping that it could fix that problem, but it didn't. someone could help me?
you can update the firmware to a newer one. this would fix your problem.
I have a problem with WIFI on Galaxy 5 (i5500)(Europa) too. They have already changed my phone with new one, but the issue remains. So, for the second time now, I was able to connect my phone to my router for the first time, but after the first interruption or disconnection of WIFI I could not access to wifi anymore.
When I enable wifi in the phone starts ''connecting'' but then reports ''interrupted'' eventhough the signal is recognised as strong.
Firmwire version is the latest available. Router is encrypted with WPA2. Also I can access to router with my HTC Tattoo (Click).
Does anyone know the solution?
I have a decision to make(today), becouse If there is no solution to this I will change to another phone as I still can (Galaxy Spica).
Advise please.
Thanks a lot
What router do you have? have you tried with any other wifi network? i said that because my have this problem only with my router, and not for example with my girlfriend's one.
I found a little fix for my router, linksys wag54g2: open up the config page (, go for wireless tab, select protection page and click on save settings. that reload the router and my phone is able to connect again.
Thanks for your advice. There is some problem with router.. When I restart router the wifi on the phone works until swiched off or interruption becouse being out of range. When I try to connect to wifi again does not work unless I restart router again. ..catchy.. Interfering with mobile connection also makes the drop of wireless connection on my computer, so I need to restart router. I don't know the permanent solution. If anyone has any idea how repair this forever please let me know.
Here is my problem with my wifi with the galaxy 550.
For security reasons, my wifi network can't be detected (invisible). If i want to connect a new device by wifi, I must first set my wifi visible and then register my device.
Then I set my wifi as invisible again and the device can connect automaticaly to my network without "seeing" my wifi network.
Problem is that once i set my wifi as invisible again, my galaxy fail to connect because the network is unvisible.
Is there anyway to fix this ?
I have just read similar post on another thread and replied find it here
I ahvent installed anything, perhaps its to do with the handset if its locked to a particular carrier? just a guess and a question...
try to use static ip!!
CaptainTim said:
Here is my problem with my wifi with the galaxy 550.
For security reasons, my wifi network can't be detected (invisible). If i want to connect a new device by wifi, I must first set my wifi visible and then register my device.
Then I set my wifi as invisible again and the device can connect automaticaly to my network without "seeing" my wifi network.
Problem is that once i set my wifi as invisible again, my galaxy fail to connect because the network is unvisible.
Is there anyway to fix this ?
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I have an answer! Hope it works for you.
My provider gave me really easy solution for wifi connection not connecting even though it was my own network with all the right info. It worked great the first time, then for some reason the phone locked in the "off" position. So I removed the battery to reboot (later learned the right way by pushing the volume button on the left and the power button at the same time)
Anyway, try this....
turn phone off - remove battery - remove sim card - wait a few minutes - reassemble - then the network should log on with no problem.....Good luck!
HeiDuDer said:
try to use static ip!!
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Didn't work :/
Super1285 said:
I have an answer! Hope it works for you.
My provider gave me really easy solution for wifi connection not connecting even though it was my own network with all the right info. It worked great the first time, then for some reason the phone locked in the "off" position. So I removed the battery to reboot (later learned the right way by pushing the volume button on the left and the power button at the same time)
Anyway, try this....
turn phone off - remove battery - remove sim card - wait a few minutes - reassemble - then the network should log on with no problem.....Good luck!
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Didn't work neither.
I have same problem after upgrading to 2.3.5 Wi-Fi shown as it is Active, but it is turning off and on and scaning and off again all times
htc tattoo
hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllp hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp
I have same problem after upgrading to 2.3.5 Wi-Fi shown as it is Active, but it is turning off and on and scaning and off again all times
I have same problem after upgrading to 2.3.5 Wi-Fi shown as it is Active, but it is turning off and on and scaning and off again all times>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

