Email icon - XPERIA X1 General

Hi there,
After doing some tweak updating - primarily 'Schaps_AdvancedConfig_v2.0.2.0.CAB', it seems my email icon (on all panels) will no longer relinquish it's status of 2 unopened emails. I deleted all my mail accounts in the hope they would go away. I've also sent/received from an inbox which has a number of emails, 8 were received and yet it still stayed at 2 unopened.
Anyone seen this before? Any suggestions on why it is doing it?

Well it fixed itself - As much as I'd love to give you a great explanation, I did nothing and they've disappeared.


Hotmail notification

Hi guys!
Nice skille community you've got here, I'm still browsing through all your previous posts, but I can't wait to ask you this:
I have long been looking for a solution (tweak or software) that would allow me to schedule an automated send/receive on my Hotmail account just the way it works on my regular POP accounts.
Any hints?
So far, I have kept MSN Messenger always on, which allows real-time e-mails reception. But I don't really like this workarround as it drains both my battery and my monthly data transfer allowance (don't know the word for that...).
However, if you were to tell me that this is indeed the only workarround, I would appreciate the answer to this: what are the parameters that would make my Wizard ring or vibrate, depending on which mode it's in, upon reception of a Hotmail e-mail? It does that just fine for POP accounts, but not for Hotmail (although it keeps vibrating whenenver someone pops online on MSN Messenger, which is a pain in the a..).
Well that's it for now, I truely hope you guys can help me out!
I truely wish this was a feature as well. I would love at the very least to be able to set a Hotmail retreival schedule. One of my biggest complaints!
There are several programs to check your Hotmail automatically:
HTTPMail Provider:
Well I paid and downloaded HTTP Mail.
At first it seemed I had found the solution I was looking for BUT the data consumption is simply enormous.
Your average send/receive with the regular Hotmail account (the one that cannot be automatically retrieved) uses 1,12 kb when there is no new mail.
Now, the same operation, still with no new message, consistantly uses more than 700 kb! That's basically horrific...
So back to square one, but 10€ lighter :evil: !
Still, thanks very much for trying to help! But this really isn't a good solution...
Again, if anyone has another idea, please share ;-)!
I put this Pocke MSN wish list togther a while ago:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
Original post:
Live Messenger
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
___ said:
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
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8525 and missing emails.

I'm running the leaked version of the Cingular rom and while I know this isn't final I was kinda hoping that some things would get fixed. One of them being the missing email problem.
After a few hours receiving a email it just disappears into thin air!!!!! and yes I have it set to always show emails no matter how old they are..
Where are my emails going? I want to keep ALL my emails until I decide to delete them..
Anyone got any suggestions? I have tried everything and nothing works..
Out of curiosity am I the only one on a 8525 that has this problem?
Have you used the site search, and tried the retrieve 999kb header fix?
Yes and they still dissapear..
I have tried everything..
i too am having this problem. you are not alone. guess now i will be trying out 3rd party mail clients for the time being. everything else with the upgrade is fantastic so im not going back
This is still an issue with me also. Using a verizon pop3 account.
Incorrect Settings...??
MrDSL said:
I'm running the leaked version of the Cingular rom and while I know this isn't final I was kinda hoping that some things would get fixed. One of them being the missing email problem.
After a few hours receiving a email it just disappears into thin air!!!!! and yes I have it set to always show emails no matter how old they are..
Where are my emails going? I want to keep ALL my emails until I decide to delete them..
Anyone got any suggestions? I have tried everything and nothing works..
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In order to help, we need to know what pop account you are using... for instance, I had this problem with Gmail messages disappearing after a couple of hours to a day... found out that there is a non published setting that appears when using the phone's auto config feature... Let me explain...
when setting up the pop3 account for gmail, the settings are as included on their website... problem is that I have my outlook connected at home and constantly checking messages, and is configured to leave messages on server.... But with the other machine pulling the messages, for some reason they disappear on my TyTN even though I have it set to grab messages for the last 7 days...
what the auto config feature has done was to add "recent:" without the quotes in front of my account name, so it reads "recent:[email protected]"... Once that was done, my messages stopped automatically disappearing... Try it, what do you have to lose that you haven't lost already...
MrDSL said:
I'm running the leaked version of the Cingular rom and while I know this isn't final I was kinda hoping that some things would get fixed. One of them being the missing email problem.
After a few hours receiving a email it just disappears into thin air!!!!! and yes I have it set to always show emails no matter how old they are..
Where are my emails going? I want to keep ALL my emails until I decide to delete them..
Anyone got any suggestions? I have tried everything and nothing works..
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Also found this link for you... It explains what I was trying to say, just shorter and better...
debonairone said:
what the auto config feature has done was to add "recent:" without the quotes in front of my account name, so it reads "recent:[email protected]"... Once that was done, my messages stopped automatically disappearing... Try it, what do you have to lose that you haven't lost already...
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The first setup I edited out the "recent" and had the disappearing mail problem - I deleted that email account and ran the setup again leaving the "recent:" text in and bingo my Gmail works as it should on my P3600i.
Thanks for the tip.
PS. The only bug now is that the mail that I sent also appears in the Inbox - is there a way to correct this?

Display error on email tab

Not sure how to get rid of this but my email tab in touchflo shows a 1 against it like there's an unread email in there.
There isn't. There are no emails in there at all!
I've done a soft reset and it was still there afterwards so I did a send receive and got 6 new emails but it then showed as 7 on the tab.
I then did select all & delete but it still shows as 1 on the tab and it's really winding me up!
Any idea why it's got stuck like this and how I can cure it?
Many thanks guys.
Cret said:
Not sure how to get rid of this but my email tab in touchflo shows a 1 against it like there's an unread email in there.
There isn't. There are no emails in there at all!
I've done a soft reset and it was still there afterwards so I did a send receive and got 6 new emails but it then showed as 7 on the tab.
I then did select all & delete but it still shows as 1 on the tab and it's really winding me up!
Any idea why it's got stuck like this and how I can cure it?
Many thanks guys.
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Have you gone into All emails section and checked all email accounts including outbox, inbox, sent, received etc
Yes, look in Outlook Inbox, it's more than likely the welcome email
Thanks guys - I thought I'd gone through all the folders but somehow I missed a new Tips & tricks one in the Outlook Inbox. No idea why that's only just come through but embarassing that I didn't spot it.

Email notification issues

I'm pretty new to the Hero and Android, but loving both! A million miles better then symbian!
I'm having an issue with the email notifications, I have ditched the touch wizz interface and am using the standard one which I find a lot more user friendly, as part of the desktop I have two email accounts listed but with regards unread emails neither update in sync with the phone notificationseg the notifications say I've 6 unread mails the folder shortcut says I've got 2... is there a fix for this?
Also as an aside, is there a radio on this phone or an app I can get?

[Q] Disappearing email

In the last few days I have noticed that the emails that were on my HD Mini and have been looked at once, have disappeared when I go back to view them again. I checked in the deleted folder (not easy for as far as I can see this can only be done by expanding an existing email, clicking on Menu so that it shows "inbox" at the top left, and selecting "Deleted" "Sent" etc.- surely there is an easier way!). Anyway, as I'd lost all my emails, I had to wait for another to arrive to do the above. Nothing in Deleted Folder. Went to MS Outlook on my PC and checked there - not there either. Went to Virginmedia webmail - all still there!
Just witnessed what triggers this phenomenom - went to check for new emails, there were my old emails in the inbox, hit send/receive, there they were- GONE!
Anyone out there any ideas what may be causing this?
Afraid I have no idea why this happens but I have the same thing with googlemail. Could it be some sort of feature to de-clutter the inbox and speed things up?

