HELP phone answers the incoming call by himself at the first ring !!! - Touch HD General

Hi there,
i didn't have this issue before but i have new sim card since a week and on vodaphone FR ( sfr) ...the thing is that when somebody calls me , at the first ring , the phone autoanswer to the call and i have no choice to speak !!!! if the phone is in my pocket, the time i take it , the phone has answered since a long time ...i don't know why it is like that .....
i have checked in the phone settings if i had had set the auto answer but no.
in HD tweak or Schaps3 , i did nothing like this .....
please help, it is more than annoying ......
another question: how to disabled the answering machine logo and notification displayed on screen when you have a new voice message ( i also have everytime "voicemail" displaying on the screen asking me to set the number)
thanks for help

i found the answer by enbaled the sleep function in hd tweak .....
so all is fine now ....but i still have the voicemail thing when a new voice message is waiting ...... if somebody knows .....

My phone always answers when I try to retrieve it from my pocket.
Very frustrating, any tips?

Maybe remap the keys? i didnt have a problem with this so far!
or use s2u2 to lock all buttons and use slide to answer feature.
this will sort out your problem besides its always a good thing to place your phone so the buttons face the bottom so when you pick it up you wont accidently press them.. make sence right?

Which version of s2u2 do you use I notice there are two on their web page - VGA or QVGA?

vga. it has inbuilt wvga support.

probably you have installed gyrator, which by default when you move your phone, it uses the g sensor to detect movement and answers your phone, go to the events of gyrator and disable the event

I had this too - thanks for pointing out that it was a behaviour of Gyrator.
How annoying! Turned it off now.


How to stop screen on when new sms arrives?

Hi every one.
So i set "button lock" and also disable mainly all notifications but every time a new sms arrives,the screen goes on.I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
I been checking every thing i could check but i can´t find the answer about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Third party software Pocket Zen Phone or phoneAlarm.
Ok i´ll check it and see what i can do.
Cheers mate.
User22 said:
I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
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There are many occasions the Magician turns on its screen. Rather than trying to find and disable all these, I copied TPDisable.exe and TPEnable.exe from the original Extended ROM into my Program Files folder, and then assigned them to a hardware key (using Hotbutton, so that I can use the same key for both).
As the name implies, TPDisable disables the touchscreen (not the display!), and TPEnable re-enables it. So, before I put my Magician into my pocket, I now disable the touchscreen (one press of a button). That still leaves the keys active, true, but I found that normally the touchscreen is much more likely to be the culprit when strange things happen on your Magician while it's in the pocket, and turned itself on.
@ tadzio
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe
or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if you hold down power button for 2 seconds to switch off backlight? Does the light still illuminate on receipt of sms?
@ cruisin-thru
I can´t see the point of your question,mainly because the thing i am looking for is to "switch off" my Qtek like a normal mobile phone,i mince buttons locks and screen off when a new sms or incoming call arrives and when you push power button for example,then screen go on and also release the lock of the buttons.
Any one can say that then i can use deltalock.I did it but the battery live is going down very quick.
Screenlock is not working properly also,i will say that Deltalock is 95% a lot better than Screenlock.
And finally,why microsoft is developing this OS without fully screen off selectable option???. Who knows!!!
User22 said:
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you Daniel.
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Both programs are in the Extended ROM. Most users have made this visible (though not writable) by performing a Hard Reset, and immediately after completing the initial screen adjustment and mini-tutorial and before the device starts installing programs, a Soft Reset.
If you do not want to do a Hard Reset, search this site's FTP server for Magician Extended ROM downloads. There were a few there last time I looked.
Well,after config hotbutton to TPDisable and TPEnable i can´t enable the screen and hardware buttons.
TPDisable is disablind the screen but also all the hardware buttons ( with and without button lock at settins),even the power button.
I use same hardware button for TPDisable and TPEnable ,is that correct or i am doing silly things?
If I arrive an sms the screen is switching on and after a few seconds switching off again if I don't press any key or tap the screen!
It's a changeable registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Power /
WakeupPowerOff =12 (the default is 180)
DisableGwesPowerOff=0 (the default is 1)
If you switch on the Jam (power button) need to press some other key too, because it switches off after 12 seconds!!!
by Avers
Well that is another solution but i insist that there should be an easiest way to keep the screen fully off when a new sms or what ever arrives,including hardware buttons off ofcourse.
Any suggestion more?, perhaps at the end and betwen all of us ,we can find the solution.
I think the best solution is third party software like PHONEALARM,
it's easiest way to get main tweaks of Pocket Windows.
get it there
Well my friends,pocketzenphone is not doing what i am looking for.
Next step is to try phonealarm,but probably will work the same way as pocketzenphone,leting the screen to go on every time a new sms arrives.
Sorry for my languaje but F... microsoft and F... devil gates.
As you can read on this post ,phonealarm IS NOT doing it.
phonealarm has option named "Don't activate backlight on alarm"
ALARM there means any event, that needs notification.
now i am understanding, that it is some differ that you need.
also i advice you make some registry tweaks to make a very short backlite time when sms arrives.:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\WakeupPowerOff = 10
this timeout in seconds. is used when our device self power on, when SMS arrives or we push the POWER button and do nothing anymore
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\DisableGwesPowerOff = 0
this key is enables this power control system (necessarily change it, or first key will not work)
after the editing registry you need to reboot PDA.
sorry for poor english, i translate text from russian.
if you want to use online translator i can give you original URL
Thank you for your reply i will try like you and others point out and also will keep looking for that utopic soft.
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
bnycastro said:
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
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If you read one of my post ,you will see that i allready said that Deltalock is working but it is KILLING the battery live very fast and when i say VERY FAST it mince that you will get almost 6hours against the normal live (more than 15hours).
Cheers mate.
I think if you keep your ppc on all the time you will get this battery life. Anyway I think deltaLock is for keeping your PPC on and having screen and button lock, not having it in suspend mode and not allowing the screen to power up. Sorry about that, seem to have misunderstood your post.
Don´t worry mate, at the end we are all together trying to find a solution to this microsoft silly programing, any comment and any new idea is wellcome.

How to disable incoming call notification window

Some registry tweak or something?
weenter said:
Some registry tweak or something?
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You just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call?
I gather it is the Former coz In the latter simply turn On <flight mode>
U can also set the device to recieve calls without Ringing by setting it to Pick up after <zero> calls.
Using a handsfree here would be an advantage.
U wont Miss any call.
I just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call. Is it possible?
weenter said:
I just want the ringer to RING without any other indication of an incoming call. Is it possible?
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i'm also looking for a way to do this
Did anyone found a solution for this ?
texarcana said:
Did anyone found a solution for this ?
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I doubt it... Seems kinda pointless, having the ability to tell you who is calling, but then deliberately turning it of..
yes, but when someone is calling, there is always a delay.
When you hear the first ring, the caller already heard it twice.
Maybe by disabling this, it would speed up the process a bit
texarcana said:
yes, but when someone is calling, there is always a delay.
When you hear the first ring, the caller already heard it twice.
Maybe by disabling this, it would speed up the process a bit
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That's the network, not the device.
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
texarcana said:
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
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Well... The cause may be that, but I doubt showing a caller ID screen will change the times....
texarcana said:
It can't be the network, I never had this problem with my Nokia phones.
I personally think it's a flaw in the dialer application or in WinMobile itself.
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I agree with texarcana here, the lights begin to flash on my phone when it rings a good few seconds before the screen get around to displaying the incoming call notification.
This is on WM 6.1, on my new HTC Diamond Touch.
I assume that notifications such as an incoming call or text message are either
A) A windows message sent to a background service awaiting it.
B) An application is executed with parameters describing the event
In either case, i believe it must be possible to redirect the notification in the registry. However, if the notification method is at fault (ie causing slow response, most likely to be true if B above is true.)
I'm going to investigate, I'll post an update of my results.
Im really sorry to bump this really old thread but has anyone solved this?? I would like to disable the incomming call notification too.. cuz I just added a full screen caller ID, but the damn notification pops up and covers the photos of my contacts.. so whats the point of the caller ID if i, not gonna be able to see the pictures
well i know its in Hkey_curent_User\controlpanel\notifications\phone
but im not sure how to disable it...
or even more important (for me) only disable it for a certain #...? thanks! anyonbdy
To Diamond I found. cab which options are unblocking "flash light for." in SOUND & NOTIFICATION it didn't give but nothing. I dug around in the HKLM/Drivers/Builtln/Keylight and Keypad register and I turned off LED generally speaking but I blocked buttons
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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thanks, works for my htc pure with phonex
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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this will make the bubble of incalling to disappear??? if not who can i do it
hustlehard82 said:
first you'll need a registry editor, then edit the following key:
change the 1 to 0
im not sure if this is exactly the fix you were looking for. its intended for stopping he default caller id bubble from blocking fullscreen caller id apps like s2u2.
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Didn't work for my samsung i760, what about DispllayOrder? Set it to 0 too? Or what would that do exactly? I'm curious now, it's set to 1 so if all else fails, I could change it back to 1 again... I guess. I'd just like to know first before I go blindly jumping into something.. haha
Sidenote setting it to 0 did work I just had to reset my phone so remember to reset your phone after changing this, I see the curtain try to popup, or at least the frames but nothing after that... Although sometimes it does act buggy and I'll completely miss or be able to answer a call cause my phone will constantly viberate (No pickup on ringtone at all starting) then after the call is missed the viberating will stop but my phone will still be frozen... Thats when the screen is off though..
Okay after a few tests sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesn't work at all and the curtain will still show up... Then again screen off sometimes the phone wont ring at all, I'm setting it back to 1... LoL
I just wish there was a way or a more advanced notification manager, it should be just like being able to disable incoming text messages and disabling sent message notifications..
I'd love a fix for this too, as I already have a picture caller id with PocketX Photo Contacts Pro...
But it's annoying as all get out!! To put it politely, I slide to answer then I've got to press the left softkey too! In order to answer a call, if I could just disable the built in windows mobile caller id curtain then it'd be a heck of a lot easier...
Please let's get a scripter on this to start working their way around and tweaking it to be able to be disabled..
As for ring delay which is also a few other posters concern of the phone taking it's own sweet time to decide when to start ringing... This is what I used for my i760, I'm sure someone here could turn this into use for any phone make and model:
Ring Time Limit Fix:
**772 [service code]
six zeros for the code (000000)
Scroll down with the d-pad till you see end of basic nam
hit right d-pad to change "exit" to "more"
hit middle d-pad to select
hit the down d-pad 76 times till it says slot cycle index
Change this to 1 or lower EDIT: By entering the value with the number pad and then you hit the middle d-pad to exit.
This changes the frequency at which the phone talks to the tower and will
start the unit ringing MUCH faster. the lower you go the faster but the more battery it uses. I find 1 gets the phone ringing within 3 seconds but doesn't hinder battery life.
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I've got mine set to 0 though, but then again, I don't get very many calls, plus I have my phone charging a lot. Also I always carry around a spare extended fully charged battery in my holster... Usually my battery lasts a whole day... But with it set to 0 my phone picks up and rings at the end of the first ring on the callers end.

message/mail notification not working

does vibration or popup notification of new messages/new mail work (both active and sleep state) on touch hd?
i do not get anything even i set it accordingly in the notification settings. all i see is a number pop up in touch flo tabs. deactivating touch flo does not help either.
any ideas?
Same problem here.
It worked sometimes, not it doesnt anymore and I dont know why (perhaps a confict with a program??).
sms notificatian not working anymore.
Same her not working anymore
its a bug that has been there since the HTC Diamond
anyway to fix it?
Please Help.
I cant live without sms notification!
There is a Registry tweak for the Diamond that fixes this - it should work on the HD too :
set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
set to "0" to enable wake up
EDIT : This was referenced from a Thread on the Diamond Forum
EDIT : Actually, having re-read your problem, this may not fix it - sorry.
brodos123 said:
I cant live without sms notification!
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Hd Tweak allows you to turn sms notification on.
Also make sure you have done
then click on voice mail and text messages and then get settings.
Missing New Mail Missed Call Notification
I have the same problem phone does not display an new message or missed call icon in the upper tray. Seems to have happened after using HD Tweak and trying to hide the battery Icon, which is now in place of where the New Mail or Missed Call Notification Icon is normally displayed.
Anyone else expereincing this problem and any ideas for a solution?
Notification Problem Solved
Disconvered that I had an extra battery icon in upper tray from SPB plus. Removed thatand everything is now working fine.
My partner received his shiny new HTC Touch HD last week and after a few hours realised it was giving no notifications of text messages. Absolutely nothing as people have described here! It was new out the box and was making no noise, no notification on the Touch Flo, not even the standard Windows Mobile icon at the top. We tried every setting we could think of, and passed it to a friend whose had his HD for a couple of months now, who also couldn't find any good reason for its silence.
We gave in and hard reset the device (since it was only a couple of days old and he had yet to fill it with stuff!)
I'm glad to say, the hard reset solved all! No idea what the problem was, but it now gives all the correct notifications and obeys settings.
Just thought I'd share this in case others happen upon this problem since the thread gave us hope (in that others had the same problem) but no solution. I realise a hard reset isn't an elegant solution, but it did fix the problem
Fixed mine
Pauls suggestion for the diamond worked for me. My Touch HD running Energy ROM (WM6.5). I hadn't even noticed since my last ROM upgrade (i pressume) but my phone only alerted me to a new SMS when I had it switched on (not in stand-by). When I did notice I checked all the settings I could find for alerts and notifications, sms etc. The following registry tweeks fixed mine:
Paul.Ferrari said:
There is a Registry tweak for the Diamond that fixes this - it should work on the HD too :
set to "1" by default. meaning NO wake up to SMS message
set to "0" to enable wake up
EDIT : This was referenced from a Thread on the Diamond Forum
EDIT : Actually, having re-read your problem, this may not fix it - sorry.
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Vibrate when answering

hey everyone..
i've used my friend's HTC Diamond for like a week, and this thing that when u make a call and the phone vibrate when the other side answers is pretty unique, is there anyway i can do this with the Xperia ? like is there an option or some kind of application for it ?
Go to "Phone" settings and open the "Advanced" tab. Check the "Vibrate device when connection is established".
umm,, there is no such option,, there are only send a msg when reject a call or save contact .. .. nothing else .. :S
Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature
i did that.. the options are :
*slide keyboard to answer call
*REject call with a txt msg
*enable missed call reminder
*add new number to contacts
*Press Send key to open call history
:S .. i looked everywhere .. + this dialer really ruined the keyboard,, it became smaller when i try to write a new number..
lol,, omg,, now after uninstalling it the software, the options are still there.. even after hard reset , and the numpad is still small :S .. >< how can i get it like it used to be ? big and easy to touch .. lol >.> seriously >.>"
umm also, i just noticed that when someone calls me now my phone doesn't show me who's calling,, it just keep rining till i press the answer button.. :S
YYYYY said:
Install the Blackstone Dialer, then you´ll have this feature
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Do what he said!!
I did .. and read above what happened to my phone ..
Which version have you installed?
the one from the topic above ? ( this )

[problem] WM 6.5 slide lock problem: UNKNOWN CALLER ID when in suspend/power off mode

there is a problem with WM6.5 roms lock slider:
if a call comes in & the lock is active but the phone is in suspend (power off or manually pressed the power button) the call will show "unknown caller"
you will not see the name until you answer od then you can see it later as missed call
this is annoying as you can not screen the calls & answer/ignore the ones you like
the slider lock will show the name only if the sceen has not turned off yet (did not enter suspend mode yet)
is there any fix out there?
I am thinking if someone knows how to make the screen light dim firest the turn off only (without power off / suspend) then it will work
anyone has a registry tweak to just turn screen off & leave the ppc running without suspend?
or any other fix????
i like to use the wm6.5 lock, i know i can use S2U2 but i prefer this one & hope we can fix it
Same issue !
Same problem here...
i use Chobit Company SmartLock and HTC phone Canvas...
HTC phone canvas is first to present ID caller then in communication WM6.5 lock is activate by Suspend mode in communication... because Chobit Smartlock is in use... other i have the same issue like You...
unknown caller with WM6.5 lock when it s suspend mode...
i agree, if anybody knows how to solve this problem... i buy it !
lesscro said:
Same problem here...
i use Chobit Company SmartLock and HTC phone Canvas...
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hmm i couldn't get the smartlock to work for me on my xperia
i used CsDevCtrl and it's sorta working... it auto locks my device if the backlight turns off or if i manually put it in suspend mode *power off button* and locks on wake up.... has a bunch of features i'd never use so it's a bit more complex than i'd like. but even with that auto lock i still get the unknown caller... i'll have to read more about htc phone canvas.. i'm not really liking the xperia dialer anyway... never have...
p.s. while we are on this topic of wm 6.5 screen lock... anyone else notice that alarms sometimes don't display the minutes if the phone is locked ? the slider works and everything for snooze and dismiss... but... it just shows the hour of the alarm.. and then dots like "10:...." even though the alarm is for 10:25...? plz post if you are also havin this problem...
again tho.. these problems might just because it's not the offical build yet... these problems may be worked out with an offical release... nothing i can't live with at the momemnt
so i still have no luck with this unknown caller ID issue
i am sure someone knows the registry many programs just use screen off
for example media player as you can play music while screen is off
or S2U2 can lock / turn off screen but leave phone working unsuspended
please help
I've noticed this also but if you use a dialer that has its own slide to unlock then it tends to work least for me anyway..
It does take about 2 seconds for it to go from unknown caller to who it actually is though..
not sure if device dependant, when a call comes in and no id showing I simply press the power button twice (off then back on) and i.d then shows
Hmmm, after showing Unknown for the Caller ID this morning, now the caller ID is showing up on wake. Strange. Only thing I have done was install the sdkcerts cab. I'll test further.
no caller id in tmobile wing after installing s2u2 1.62
Has anyone tried changing calleridmatch?
Use a registry editor and go to HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value is by default 8, i.e 8 Digits. Change that to 7 and soft reset.
I will test and see if it helps, it used to help w/wm6.1.....
killerskincanoe said:
p.s. while we are on this topic of wm 6.5 screen lock... anyone else notice that alarms sometimes don't display the minutes if the phone is locked ? the slider works and everything for snooze and dismiss... but... it just shows the hour of the alarm.. and then dots like "10:...." even though the alarm is for 10:25...? plz post if you are also havin this problem...
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i did not notice that i guess because i did not the alarm with lock screen before
but thanks for pointing it out
i fixed the problem
all what you need is to unzip the attached file..use the 2 files inside to replace the ones in "\windows" folder
i used resco explorer to replace because they are protected windows files
then soft-reset...everything works better after that & shows full clock & am/pm too
It seems that the latest builds of WM6.5(builds 21221 & 21222) have solved this issue...
ekksman said:
not sure if device dependant, when a call comes in and no id showing I simply press the power button twice (off then back on) and i.d then shows
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that trick worked with my phone
the fix was simple & there the whole time and i did not know...
its good...not perfect (should work by itself) but at least now i know who is calling
again thanks for your input
noellenchris said:
Has anyone tried changing calleridmatch?
Use a registry editor and go to HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value is by default 8, i.e 8 Digits. Change that to 7 and soft reset.
I will test and see if it helps, it used to help w/wm6.1.....
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thanks, but i checked my registry
& i do not have callidMatch at all there???
aa125690 said:
It seems that the latest builds of WM6.5(builds 21221 & 21222) have solved this issue...
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i have eten rom build 21501 & on other phone 21510 and both have same problem
noellenchris said:
Has anyone tried changing calleridmatch?
Use a registry editor and go to HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value is by default 8, i.e 8 Digits. Change that to 7 and soft reset.
I will test and see if it helps, it used to help w/wm6.1.....
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I tested this out, no help. But the power button trick works...hmmm. I wonder what's going on and why this works?
21501 and same problem on
htc titan.
AWESOME! thx you!
ahmedfikry said:
i did not notice that i guess because i did not the alarm with lock screen before
but thanks for pointing it out
i fixed the problem
all what you need is to unzip the attached file..use the 2 files inside to replace the ones in "\windows" folder
i used resco explorer to replace because they are protected windows files
then soft-reset...everything works better after that & shows full clock & am/pm too
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DUUUUUDE... haha thx!
u got right on that.. i'll download and give it a try.
although i haven't yet had the chance to check since my latest ROM update if it was just the rom or 6.5... but i'll test and reply with results THX AGAIN!
p.s. i wonder if above mentioned power button trick will work with my alarm situation on the lock screen.. willl also investigate!
SOOO>>> has anyone else tried using a custom .mp3 or .wav msg tone.. a non-short one.. i'm using one about 11 sec long.. and when the device is locked, screen on or off... and a msg comes in.. the tone cuts in and out... as soon as the device is unlocked
it stops cutting in and out... doesn't do it if the device isn't locked....
anyone else experiencing this?
killerskincanoe said:
SOOO>>> has anyone else tried using a custom .mp3 or .wav msg tone.. a non-short one.. i'm using one about 11 sec long.. and when the device is locked, screen on or off... and a msg comes in.. the tone cuts in and out... as soon as the device is unlocked
it stops cutting in and out... doesn't do it if the device isn't locked....
anyone else experiencing this?
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Yes. I notice that the cuts happen when the video plays (the small arrows to the left and right of the slider) Once that times out, the music is contiuous.
noellenchris said:
Has anyone tried changing calleridmatch?
Use a registry editor and go to HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value is by default 8, i.e 8 Digits. Change that to 7 and soft reset.
I will test and see if it helps, it used to help w/wm6.1.....
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Thanks!! this worked for me. Using "Udk WM6.5 BETA2 21500 - base v2.04" (device= Touch Diamond)

