my first winmobile app - number formatter - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Dunno if this should go here or not... anywho...
I was bored today and been wanting to learn C# and .NET CF for a while, so here the first version of my first app....
I got sick of how it stores new numbers by default (i guess depending on the rom you'll get +61.... or just 0433......) and I have some international numbers and the whole thing is a mess, so what this does is it tries to match.
its all based off a rules file which you will find in the .cab
.. so how it works is like this... there is a rule "+614xxxxxxxx:04xx xxx xxx"
so that will take any number that starts with +614 and is followed by 8 numbers an change it to store as 04 with the numbers spaced like they normally are.
The rules are tried in order, lines starting with a # are comments (I've included 7 rules which converts all aussie numbers to how they are normally represented)
So, when the program is started it will run through your contacts and try out every number (which might take a few seconds). Any that it finds will get shown in a nice tree where you can check the numbers you want stored permanently.
you can get the .cab here and it needs CF.NET 3.5
I seriously hope there wasn't a inbuilt way to do this....
I'm probably going to release the source once its cleaned up a bit, but untill then, leave a reply if you want it.
Also, is there a nice regex which can do this?
Oh, the rules are mostly for Australian "standards" so you will probably need to fiddle to get them working well for you... paste your local rules and I'll add them
Let me know what you think.

your announcement would do much better in the devers part located here:
maybe one of the mods want to move this topic, so the author gets more feedback?

the cab file won't install on my Elfin

more info? have you got CF.NET 3.5 installed?
I may have stuffed up the cab (although it works fine on my kaiser...) is the exe and the needed rules.txt file, just make sure they are both in the same folder and it should work

bump to get some feedback (threads move too quickly here )

jdgordon said:
more info? have you got CF.NET 3.5 installed?
I may have stuffed up the cab (although it works fine on my kaiser...) is the exe and the needed rules.txt file, just make sure they are both in the same folder and it should work
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the cab installation is unsuccessful. so i cannot try it out. i do have netcf3.5 installed
BTW i also wrote an application similar to this but is specifically for Philippine users.

I guess I stuffed up the cab setup bit in VS... does the exe in the zip I linked work? the cab does nothgin except put the exe and rules.txt into the programs folder


ROMkitchen are out of date..... Who wants to change????

Hello XDA users....
I think you know it all, that the ROMkitchen is a fine application to get our device nearly perfect.
But the ROMkitchen is out of date. This means many applications aren´t not in the actual version. Therefore Auburnham and I thought to update the applications.
The problem is, that the amount of added applications to the kitchen is to big to make this happen by us two. Because of this problem I´m searching for some people, which wants to help.
Another problem is, that you need for this a device that haven´t got installed that piece of software. This means that when you want to help me with Phonext for example, you must have a device without any version of Phonext installed.
So, if you are going to help me make a snapshot of your device with the ssnap - Application.
Install the software.
Make again an Snapshot of your device with the ssnap - Application.
Send these two files to [email protected] with inforamtion about the program you have installed and the exact Version you have installed.
When I´ve got analyzed the two files i will reply to you with a wishlist of files that have been created on your device. After sending me the files, i can update the kitchen....
IF there are any quesions or anything else, feel free to contact me....
Good Idea :
I'd be happy to contribute.
Tell me which application you want me to install and I'll do it provided that I find the procedure (that I've seen being posted elsewere in this forum).
NB : I'm using XDA I with a Frenchy 3.16 and be stuck with it :evil: ; so there is no chance for me to re-build a new a geniun 3.16 Rom again.
My XDA is all up and running.
I've overcome my Language FRA error message after purchasing a SD card reader and loading the ROM through the bootloader. 8)
Now, I'm about to install ttn 3 on my XDA. Do you want list it in your kitchen ?
What do you need exactly ?
I would be happpy to help. I am a regular user of your site and appreciate the effort that has been put into it.
I understand the effort needed to keep things working and up to date.
I'm in!!
Just let me know what you need and when and I will maker every endevour to help.
Thanks for all you do
Check out
Select and download the programs you want to take and send an email to me, that i can remove the files.
Follow the instructions.
If there are any questions ----> Email me....
Thx for Helping.
Tanguy said:
Now, I'm about to install ttn 3 on my XDA. Do you want list it in your kitchen ?
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Tomtom wouldn´t fit in the free space. Already didn´t work for TomTom 2.
Maybe i can include the Gps part....
OK on the priniple for GPS. How to best handeled tha case of a sotfware GPS 3.0 on (CD's) that has an upgrade GPS 3.03 to be dowloaded from the web site.
Does the snapshot comes at the end of the 2nd install ?
Howdy all,
I just noticed we had a thread started on this project. I've been working on updates over the weekend and noticed there have already been quite a few. So here are my contributions, including updates and additions:
Converter CE 1.8c
StorageTools 1.9
PocketNav 2.73 (no snapshot necessary, executable only)
EzWAP 2.5
Polyphonic Ringtone Support (no snapshot necessary, additional files for \Windows directory only)
New Addtions:
Resco File Explorer 2003 *
Resco Picture Viewer 4.11 *
Pocket Player 2.5 *
Pocket Music 3.0 *
Microsoft Money 2003
Olive Tree BibleReader 2.31e051
AOL Instant Messanger 2.0
WESTTEK ClearVue Suite *
QuickTasks 2.8 *
InkSpot Newsgroup reader *
Macromedia Flash player 6
Animated Today 2002 (not necessary, requires flash player) *
* Trial version, must be registered
I've sent these snapshots off to Stefan, along with the files that I thought might be necessary for these programs. This is going to be great for all of us, but a lot of work for Stefan. We all owe him a great deal, so take him out for a nice meal the next time you see him.
LumpiStefan said:
Tomtom wouldn´t fit in the free space. Already didn´t work for TomTom 2.
Maybe i can include the Gps part....
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I don't want to make this any more complicated than it is, but for some programs, it just doesn't make any sense to install to the XDA memory. Most of the media players and "Misc" programs just take up too much unnecessary device memory when they would work just as well on the SD Card (if that's available).
The problem is that those huge programs require just a few small files to be placed on the device itself. So after installing a few of these types of programs, you've used up a lot of device memory from these small files, even though you installed the program to your SD Card.
Is there a way to alter the kitchen a bit to allow cooking of the necessary device files only, and allow the user to later install the program to the SD Card (being careful not to overwrite the files in ROM with files in RAM)?
For instance, with the TomTom program, if you start with a clean ROM and SD card, take a snapshot, then install the program to your SD card, then take another snapshot, you could determine what files need to be on the device, and what files don't need to be on the device, and allow users to either cook the entire program or just the necessary files in the ROM. (Note: This is a good example of a run-on sentence). Would this be a difficult feature to add to the kitchen?
auburnham said:
For instance, with the TomTom program, if you start with a clean ROM and SD card, take a snapshot, then install the program to your SD card, then take another snapshot, you could determine what files need to be on the device, and what files don't need to be on the device, and allow users to either cook the entire program or just the necessary files in the ROM. (Note: This is a good example of a run-on sentence). Would this be a difficult feature to add to the kitchen?
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Maybe the esiest Option is adding a new Select Point for the kitchen like "misc", "System Tools", "Phone" ....
This means having the programs double in the kitchen, but how cares.
I don't know exactly, but when you install a program to the SD-Card, could you select the part where to place it?
If yes, this could be a big problem. Many of the programs store the path in the registry.
If no, i could also provide a ZIP-file, where the rest of the programfiles are in, hust to unzip to the Storagecard.....
auburnham said:
We all owe him a great deal, so take him out for a nice meal the next time you see him.
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Sounds good. I'm hungry all the time.... ;-)
LumpiStefan said:
I don't know exactly, but when you install a program to the SD-Card, could you select the part where to place it?
If yes, this could be a big problem. Many of the programs store the path in the registry.
If no, i could also provide a ZIP-file, where the rest of the programfiles are in, hust to unzip to the Storagecard.....
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I believe this really depends on (1) how well the program was written, and (2) if you can install the program with CabInst (i.e. has a cab installation).
For example, I try to keep my SD Card organized and tidy so if I use CabInst I install the program to an appropriate folder on the SD Card. If I have to install the program from the desktop, I install the program to the SD Card root, then try to move the program to an appropriate folder and update the shortcut. Most of the time this works without even changing any registry entries, but sometimes it doesn't. Two examples from the above list of applications are AOL Instant Messenger 2.0 and Pocketmind PocketMusic 3.0. To function correctly, they both need to be in their original installation folders on the SD Card.
But perhaps the best solution would be to have an associated .zip file to go on the SD Card, as you suggested.
Now the kitchen should be up 2 date again.
Only missing is PocketConsole and the Part "Software that needs to register"
So happy cooking and again Thx a lot to all users that helped me.....
A Windows-way for cooking a ROM would be great for two reasons: 1) Don't hassle your server with lots of traffic and 2) Practical. Advanced users could cook a ROM without having a PC with Unix.
For example I tried cooking the Spanish version of the ROM and not all the programs I chose were installed and the worst thing is that the boot logo was just garbage, it was showing program code on the screen as a logo
Marton said:
For example I tried cooking the Spanish version of the ROM and not all the programs I chose were installed and the worst thing is that the boot logo was just garbage, it was showing program code on the screen as a logo
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Ok. Fixed the problem with the bootscreen.....
Tried also adding as much application, and all have been installed.
Can you tell me, what files / programs are missing?
No one else told me that there have been a problem wirth this ROM. I think it's because of the situation that most of the useres are using WM2003 ROMS....
You can also use the kitchen under "Windows" just have to set up a Cyguin environment on your system....
Also i didn't know how many Kitchen's are implemented by other users, but mine one is the only "official". You can't believe that everyone would be able to set it up.......
Thanks Stefan!!!!!!
Now it seems to work but if EzWAP is selected, it throws a Log error when trying to cook...
P.S.: Do you know if a Spanish WM2003 exists?
Edit: This is the error:
Cannot fit files in given sections
Error splitting files
Just cooked a ROM... I selected the "Windows Mobile XDA" Boot Screen and now it is not garbage anymore but now it shows mirrored and upside down...
Any ideas?
Marton said:
Just cooked a ROM... I selected the "Windows Mobile XDA" Boot Screen and now it is not garbage anymore but now it shows mirrored and upside down...
Any ideas?
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Hello Marton.
I relaised that this is a problem with the Image.
This Image have been sent to me, and i ithink it's created wih the wrong parameters....

Custom Setup After Hard Reset

Guys, Have been searching the site for a couple of weeks now and cant find a solution to my problem.
I work for a company that deals with alot of XDA2 units, so far I have managed to develop a custom extended rom that works fine, but have not been able to find a way to remove links from the start menu and the program menu. seen several threat on the site but no solution. The links have to be removed if a hard reset occurs. At present It has to be done by cloning an image onto the unit (1600 in total)
Any help would be appreciated.
I would love a program which based on a txt file would "delete","rename"... files and/or registry.
Something that could be executed from config.txt
there was a thread about a .bat interpreter but i don't think they got it working.
M4io said:
I would love a program which based on a txt file would "delete","rename"... files and/or registry.
Something that could be executed from config.txt
there was a thread about a .bat interpreter but i don't think they got it working.
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I'm using Restorator utility (search through the forum) to do the aforementioned things and much more. Works flawlessly with new Second Edition rom
thx, I completely forgot about that utility. I will defenitely give it a try

CAB file version issues

Hi everybody!
(hi doctor nick)
I'm having a few little issues with CAB files on my pda2k.
maybe this should be in the blue angel thread, but it's to do with application development, so i put it here. I also tried the forum search, with no results.
i'm wanting to use all my customised cab files that i made for my XDA2, and use them on my new device, the PDA2K.
all of the cabs work, and all of my applications run.
however, upon installing the cab, a message comes up on my pda and says "the program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of windows mobile software"
i've checked the version nifo in all my .inf files.
i've compared them to newer cab files that don't give me that message.
the inf files look fine.
is this a registry setting perhaps, that i could change?
like i said, all the apps work, i just want to stop it from giving me that warning.
does anyone have any ideas?
thanks !
The warning is just about what it says: You are trying to run older (ie now specifically designed for SE) software.
Noithing to worry about when thing work as supposed.
You can get rid of the message by setting the OS verion inse the CAB files higher (but you need ie. WinCE Cab Manager by OCP Software for that) .
i know there isn't anything to worry about. the apps work.
it's just that for the purpose of creating an SOE, i don't want customers to have to click "ok" everytime they reset their device, all apps must install without prompt from beginning to end.
I have winCE cab manager, and have set the version and build number higher in the inf file, yet i can't seem to get rid of the message.
any other ideas ?
you have to set the lower version number to th version of WinCE youre using now.
Set some 'very high' value to the higher version number
There is another thread on this somewhere . . .thats where I got this info from
yeah, tried that too
i sset my version details like this:
still no good.
anyways, i'll keep searching for the related thread. i new there would be such a discussion in here, just a matter of finding it.
I think it was versionMin=4.21
M4io said:
I think it was versionMin=4.21
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thanks M4io,
that's the link i was looking for
ok, there seems to be something wrong here.
either that, or i'm doing it wrong (highly unlikely :lol: )hahha.
anyway, i've tried all different versions, i've tried all different build's.nothing. still won't work.
so i downloaded the latest operator settings for my device.
that cab ran no problems, so i extracted the inf, then i copied all the version info from that one, and dumped it into the inf that i'm trying to package. ran the cab on the device, and i still get that error !!
how can that be?
there must be something else in my cab, that governs version conflicts.
Hi Twinair,
please try to set it as follows:
I've tried with the above settings buzz, but it still doesn't work.
does the CEsetup.dll, or setup.dll have anything to do with version control perhaps ?
could be, that you should use your own setup.dll
I really don't know now... I've never made a cab which was not complaining about the older version... (
Looked for it also in internet, but found nothing...
But if you download the trial ver of OCP CabManager, you can unpack cabs for SE and take a look there... my trial period is expired now...
Maybe you can try to use setup.dll out of such cab...
damn, still not getting anywhere.
i've put in the correct version info, i've used a setup.dll file from a known working cab file, i have the latest full version of cab manager.
i'm fresh out of ideas
back to the drawing board.
if i figure it out, i'll let you know.
This is what MSDN says at
Installation Warning Messages
When a legacy application is installed on a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC capable of screen rotation, the warning message will appear
This dialog is to advise the user that the application they are about to use may not be aware of square screens or screen rotation, and may not display properly in landscape mode. This dialog will only appear if the VersionMin value (which specifies the lowest OS revision number your app supports) file is less than 4.21.
Since setting VersionMin to 4.21 will prevent your application from installing on older Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, it is recommend that you disable this warning message by setting the BuildMax value (which is typically unused) equal to the following values:
BuildMax values
0xA0000000 Application supports square screens (240x240 pixels).
0xC0000000 Application supports screen rotation.
0xE0000000 Application supports square screens and screen rotation.
These parameters can be changed by editing the [CEDevice] section of the INF file which cabwiz uses to generate your CAB file.
Should do the trick[/b]
...perfect man, let me test it... )))
GREAT!!! it works!!!

Could someone create a workable cab file for these files?

Hello there,
I was just wondering if someone is able to create a workable cab file for these dumped ROM files. I could not find any cabs already created.
Thanks so much for your time!!
Do those include the depended-upon files like the dlls and lnks? If not there's no point cabbing them up. It looks like they might just be the exe files for the games.
Funnily enough I was thinking of creating a cab for those games at some point so I can pop them onto any future 'light' or 'superclean' ROMs without having to cook them in from one of the available kitchens. But I haven't created a cab before so I'd need all the files that come with, i.e. the exes and lnks and any dlls. (I think that's all they use, about 8 or 10 files between them. I 'm doing other stuff just now but if noone's posted any cabs soon I'll make one.
Anyone who can save me the bother of finding out which files I need if they already know them (and even attaching them) would help of course!
Cheers fella.
Dunno why but the exe and one dll in there are zero-byte files for some reason, but I'll assume the list is full and get them from my own rom here.
Now we'll see how long it'll take me to learn to make cab files from a standing start. This could be either hours or days. Don't hold your breath..
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks chunkymonkey for your effort in creating the cabs and thanks Mike Parsons for your contribution for the files. It looks like when I dumped my original files I did not have the "hide system files information" unticked.
Your help is much appreciated.
Here's version 1.
You need to create your own shortcuts.
Solitaire works great!
Thanks chunkymonkey that was quick!!
Solitaire works great but bubble breaker kicks an error SHCreateMenuBar Failed...Cannot open Bubble breaker resource file.
Thanks again for your efforts!
Righto. I'll let you know if I get that sorted.
vjgrace - can you (or anyone) search you PPC for softkb.dll pls?
Not inc on this Satin ROM and I don't want to have to flash a new ROM just to get the dll file and then flash back.
Ta. (Otherwise this'll have to wait for when I next do flash ROM - most likely when Faria brings new one out)
You got it!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Right now I am in the process of redumping the recently released dopod wwe and hopefully it will be in there.
And here it is...
Thanks again,
Ta. Bear with me.
Ah, no, I've got that package file, do you have the dll itself kicking about anywhere, perhaps on your ppc?
(DISREGARD above - I didn't look properly in the zip, sorry)
Try this one.
Should work and have shortcuts, but they're not correct shortcuts, i.e. going into Programs instead of Games in Start Menu. Also BubbleBreaker has no space between the words.
Sorry I can't test them for you but games are already burned into the ROM I'm using.
V3 - took the shortcuts back out and added the correct ones as a separate cab.
I need to get the shortcuts to install properly. Just needs me to work out inserting srtuff into the xml file of '' but not from the other one. I don't know xml as you can no doubt tell.
For now though, these 2 should make the Games folder the same as presinstalled ones, including the games folder icon for the start menu.
Uness someone who can test it tells me different.
Great Work and Effort!!
Hello chunkymonkey,
Boy you are on the ball!! Solitaire is working like a champ but the bubble breaker still gives me the same error, it very well may be something on my end because I have installed the Dopod Lite version by edhaas (great slim version) and it is a very clean/light version may be missing some files in the ROM, I don't know.
You definitely have given me the inspiration to pursue this further, attempting to create the cabs on my own...You have created a workable game from start to finish without having created a cab before, so THANK YOU!!
On a side note, the shortcuts are not working, the game folder is created but the shortcuts are dead, but thanks anyway.
Once again..thanks for your time,
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
natzakaria said:
Does anyone have a working standard games cab?
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i still get the error on bubble breaker for some wierd reason..
gues i'll have to see if thier is a free version, thanks for getting solitaire working thou, iut keeps the misses quite
Fixed cab
here's a fixed cab with correct shortcuts and bubblebreakers 'missing' files.
i installed it but i have this "error shcreate bar error"
There ya go, guys. I know this thread is old, but whatever. That one works fine.

BSB tweaks error, please help

I've just installed BSB tweaks 1.6 from a thread on this site, but when I come to open it I get an error saying
"An uexpected error has occured in BsBTweaks.exe.
Select quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information
This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft.NET compact framework that the version installed on this device"
What is the Microsoft.NET Compact Framework and where do I get a newer one?
If I click on details it says
"BsB Tweaks.exe MissingMethodException
This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft.NET compact framework that the version installed on this device"
snerkler said:
I've just installed BSB tweaks 1.6 from a thread on this site, but when I come to open it I get an error saying
"An uexpected error has occured in BsBTweaks.exe.
Select quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information
This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft.NET compact framework that the version installed on this device"
What is the Microsoft.NET Compact Framework and where do I get a newer one?
If I click on details it says
"BsB Tweaks.exe MissingMethodException
This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft.NET compact framework that the version installed on this device"
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The clue's in the error message (and the 1st post in the BsB Tweaks thread).
You need to download and install .Net 3.5.
I believe there's a link for it in the BsB Tweaks thread.
It's in post #41 for some reason, there's a link in post #1 but that doesn't work...
and this :
Also make sure your phone is using the 3.5 as default and not 2.0. Go here: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETCompactFramework. Change the DWORD data of entry 2.0.7045.00 from 1 to 0. Next Change the DWORD data of entry 3.5.7283.00 from 0 to 1 and then reset. This disables 2.0 and enables 3.5.
lol seems we all answerd same time , i was looking up info while responding
webjunky said:
and this :
Also make sure your phone is using the 3.5 as default and not 2.0. Go here: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETCompactFramework. Change the DWORD data of entry 2.0.7045.00 from 1 to 0. Next Change the DWORD data of entry 3.5.7283.00 from 0 to 1 and then reset. This disables 2.0 and enables 3.5.
lol seems we all answerd same time , i was looking up info while responding
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err, what language is that? I'm afraid I'm only a beginner
Gavinbat said:
It's in post #41 for some reason, there's a link in post #1 but that doesn't work...
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I've downloaded this and unzipped it and I have loads of files, what do I do with these now?
Oh, and what is this "manila" I keep reading about? I've googled it and can only find info on the city or web publishing systems
Copy the .cab to your phone memory card, then install it from there
Mannila, still not sure myself only got phone yesterday pm!
Gavinbat said:
Copy the .cab to your phone memory card, then install it from there
Mannila, still not sure myself only got phone yesterday pm!
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I didn't get a .cab file like normal, just got a heap of files, system files, NET files, Mscore files, whatever the hell those are?
snerkler said:
I didn't get a .cab file like normal, just got a heap of files, system files, NET files, Mscore files, whatever the hell those are?
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Your learning curve is a steep one but let's battle on.
I have just gone to the same thread/post and downloaded the file you should have downloaded. If that's not what you have, go back and download the correct file type. Its a zipped file with a load of other files in it. This type of zipped file is called a cab file.
Connect your phone to your pc via activsync (read the manual, it tells you how), then copy this cab file (do not extract it, just copy it across as it is) to your phone.
Next, open file explorer on your phone (you will find this tool if you click Start at the top left of your phone and scroll down), find the cab file, double tap on it and it will install.
Job done.
PS: Don't forget to get into the habit of posting in existing threads to get specific answers. So for BSB Tweaks, post in that thread. Chances are your query has already been answered in that thread.
Keep going, any more questions, come right back.
PPS: manilla is the flashy fancy interface on your device that gives you all those beautiful weather animations. It is HTC's attempt to make the device more presentable and user friendly than just using the plain old windows mobile interface, which is well past its sell-by date.
snerkler said:
I didn't get a .cab file like normal, just got a heap of files, system files, NET files, Mscore files, whatever the hell those are?
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Use the one that Gavinbat suggested above...
And ignore the stuff about editing the registry. Don't worry about that. Just install the cab on your device and then BsB Tweaks will work.
wacky.banana said:
Your learning curve is a steep one but let's battle on.
I have just gone to the same thread/post and downloaded the file you should have downloaded. If that's not what you have, go back and download the correct file type. Its a zipped file with a load of other files in it. This type of zipped file is called a cab file.
Connect your phone to your pc via activsync (read the manual, it tells you how), then copy this cab file (do not extract it, just copy it across as it is) to your phone.
Next, open file explorer on your phone (you will find this tool if you click Start at the top left of your phone and scroll down), find the cab file, double tap on it and it will install.
Job done.
PS: Don't forget to get into the habit of posting in existing threads to get specific answers. So for BSB Tweaks, post in that thread. Chances are your query has already been answered in that thread.
Keep going, any more questions, come right back.
PPS: manilla is the flashy fancy interface on your device that gives you all those beautiful weather animations. It is HTC's attempt to make the device more presentable and user friendly than just using the plain old windows mobile interface, which is well past its sell-by date.
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Thanks. Got the .cab file this time. I have no trouble installing .cab files but for somereason it didn't extract first time, therefore I thought I had to do something with all the other files :-/
I've got BsB tweaks up and running now, but it still doesn't seem to function properly. It doesn't seem to have changed opera in the sense that I still can't click links unless I zoom in. I do have the opera link click turned on.
Also when I check the boxes for the programs I want to use rotation for they uncheck themselves everytime I leave the menu. I will have a look at that BSB tweaks thread and see if anyone else has had these issues.
snerkler said:
Also when I check the boxes for the programs I want to use rotation for they uncheck themselves everytime I leave the menu. I will have a look at that BSB tweaks thread and see if anyone else has had these issues.
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You definitely need to read up on BsB, because you're expecting something that's not correct.
Just spend some time reading the thread - there's a lot of help in there, so don't just skip to the end
Glad you got it running at least
I read this thread a couple of times and still didn't get it right.
Can you please help me?
i downloaded all the needed files. first i installed Net 3.5. than i restarted and then i installed the BsB Tweaks cab file and then i restarted the phone again. when i tryed to activate the BsB Tweaks app it gave me the the error you have been talking about here, and i can't get past this problem...
any suggestions?

