hw6915 Great problem - Sable

I have my hw6915 with the screen " Serial HP Invent vG.30". I have tried various fixes for this but dont work. Activesync dont connect, UNI_ExitBootloader say that "Cannot open USB port". If i use hpRUU.exe for flashing the rom it say than canĀ“t connect. I am using windows XP sp3. What might be the problem?

Could be that showing on screen "Serial" the only mode for works is RS232 and no USB?

It should say 'Serial' until you plug it into the USB Cradle, from that moment on it should say 'USB'.
Then again you can use the UNI_ExitBootloader proggy to get ride of this screen.

The problem is that when i plug it into the usb cradle dont change to "USB" it still saying "SERIAL"

Indeed, thats bad.
Maybe reset it and try another Cradle from a friend or so. Else check that the USB port itself is clean from dirt.
If it doesn't work in another USB-Cradle i guess it's broken somehow

Yes, i have test the cradle connector and it have two pins broken, i have used other and it work perfectly, i have used the UNI_ExitBootloader.exe and i have the PDA working again, but the GSM dont work, i have seen the configuration of the GSM and all data is empty, Firmware, IMEI, protocol,etc, i think that Radio ROM is corrupted. I try to update with the new official Update in Spanish, but ther is a failure and the pda be stalled when I reset it back to bootloader. I have try some times and always the same. How can i update the Radio rom my CEOS is in Spanish?. Thanks


critical problem in jamin for help please

My friend's jamin when he tried upgrading with smart1 wm6
after the flashing process finished it gives the 3 colors of boot loader
the screen flickers continously with the 3 colors
no way to hard reset the device
and activesync doesn't feel it
I searched all the forum for a problem like this but I didn't find any
any suggestion please, or any help?
Flash NVID Rom and try Smart again. Read WM6 upgrade Manuel and readme for the ROM.
NetrunnerAT said:
Flash NVID Rom and try Smart again. Read WM6 upgrade Manuel and readme for the ROM.
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Please how can i flash with the activesync doesn't notice my device and where's NVID Rom
Ok. I'll search for it but please help how can I flash it to the device which doesn't recognized or felt by PC
If your device is in bootloader mode, activesync cannot recognize it but this is normal. Jamin is recognize only as a usb device and you can downgrade it to NVID rom easly.
Then you could upgrade your favorite rom, I suggest PDAVIET
Bye for now
divxmaniak said:
If your device is in bootloader mode, activesync cannot recognize it but this is normal. Jamin is recognize only as a usb device and you can downgrade it to NVID rom easly.
Then you could upgrade your favorite rom, I suggest PDAVIET
Bye for now
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I think I didn't discuss the problem well
The Problem is when I start to flashing a rom a message tells that check if the usb is connected and if the device is connected .
This is happen with the device is connected to the cable and the tricolor screen is flicking . and the device doesn't open doesn't flashing.
must use NVID rom. maybe qtek nvid one from here? http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Prophet_ROMs
hasanemara said:
I think I didn't discuss the problem well
The Problem is when I start to flashing a rom a message tells that check if the usb is connected and if the device is connected .
This is happen with the device is connected to the cable and the tricolor screen is flicking . and the device doesn't open doesn't flashing.
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If the problem still there, Try to release the battery for 1-3 hours and put it again to the device, go to the boot loader and pray. Hopefully it could work. Actually, this way worked on my Himalaya and Prophet.
Just run the "Step 1" component of the PDAViet ROM (http://rapidshare.com/files/32728615/Prophet_PDAViet_Step1.zip), which is just a plain AKU 2.20 NVID. This will find your device even if its in bootloader mode (it doesnt depend on activesync). Just flash it with that sucker and you should have a working phone on WM5, then you can safely upgrade it to WM6 (or leave it if you like).
ekto said:
Just run the "Step 1" component of the PDAViet ROM (http://rapidshare.com/files/32728615/Prophet_PDAViet_Step1.zip), which is just a plain AKU 2.20 NVID. This will find your device even if its in bootloader mode (it doesnt depend on activesync). Just flash it with that sucker and you should have a working phone on WM5, then you can safely upgrade it to WM6 (or leave it if you like).
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I shall try and tell you the result
error 260 this is the result
i have a slight variation problem like this...
1. i was upgrading my O2 Neo to the latest WM05 & the phone went to bootloader mode & the upgrade started searching for the phone as normal..then some error & it stopped upgrading while the phone was in bootloader mode..
2. at that time,i got an urgent call & had to leave the phone in bootloader mode...
3. when i came back..the phone was dead & now it wont startup at all.. not even in the bootloader mode.
4. Maybe the batteries dead...so i charged it (Over night)..nothing happened in the morning..
5. kept the battery removed for about 5-6hours & still nothing happens..it simply does not startup.
6.I've tried holding the camera button & resetting, but it wont go into bootloader mode.
7. i;ve tried holding the connections button + camera button _ reset but it wont hard reset...
can anyone help me here...
what can i do???
hasanemara said:
error 260 this is the result
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Error 260... If i remember correctly that's "cant find device" or something.
Few things to check:
Is the PC you are upgrading on running windows vista?
If so, use a different PC running windows XP.
Have you tried a different USB cable?
If not, do so, this tends to be the cause of problems like this.
Have you checked device manager?
Go to control panel, Administrative tools, computer management, device manager and see if you can find your device. If it has a yellow ! icon on it or is listed as "Unknown device" or anything like that then you may need to reinstall the drivers (int hsi case the easiest way to do that is to reinstall activesync). If everyhting is working properly it should show up as "HTC USB Sync", "PocketPC USB Sync" or something like that under the heading "Mobile Devices".
Have you just plain tried another computer, regardless of the OS?
I found that I could never get my phone to flash on my laptop, but it worked without a problem on my desktop. This is not to say laptop's cant do it, it simply means some computers just have problems like (in my case i believe) no USB 2.0, or too low-powered USB ports.
ekto said:
Error 260... If i remember correctly that's "cant find device" or something.
Few things to check:
Is the PC you are upgrading on running windows vista?
If so, use a different PC running windows XP.
Have you tried a different USB cable?
If not, do so, this tends to be the cause of problems like this.
Have you checked device manager?
Go to control panel, Administrative tools, computer management, device manager and see if you can find your device. If it has a yellow ! icon on it or is listed as "Unknown device" or anything like that then you may need to reinstall the drivers (int hsi case the easiest way to do that is to reinstall activesync). If everyhting is working properly it should show up as "HTC USB Sync", "PocketPC USB Sync" or something like that under the heading "Mobile Devices".
Have you just plain tried another computer, regardless of the OS?
I found that I could never get my phone to flash on my laptop, but it worked without a problem on my desktop. This is not to say laptop's cant do it, it simply means some computers just have problems like (in my case i believe) no USB 2.0, or too low-powered USB ports.
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No I didn't change any and I can connect my o2 xda mini to the same cable
I want to ask few technical question
If So there will be a big problem with those types of devices
a virus for example can destroy my device's board or processor!!
Yesterday My friend went to an I-mate customer service who tel him that
the board had been destroyed by the bad software !!!!!!!!!
Please Give me technical advice about this problem
and is there a web site for him to buy this board (i-mate jamin)?
I've tried everything... even tried it on my desktop... but my phone just wont turn on now. i've kept the battery removed for more than 8hrs now... i've even charged it for more than 8hrs non-stop..nothing happens..
maybe i should get hold of a charged battery & try it with that battery...?
Any clue how to get my phone started??
got it working !!! PHEW... i used my HP battery which was charged & put it into it..now i've got my bootloader & i'm installing the new OS as we speak... 15% done.... keeping my fingers crossed
done.. got my HP Ipaq battery , which was charged & my new started up in bootloader more.. PHEW !!!
66% done... keeping my fingers crossed
ok, installed...now, one more problem..my touch screen's not working...???
Any idea what to do?
i installed "Prophet_PDAViet_Step1"

Activesync and usb mode not working...

Hi all
I can't connect my Polaris through usb anymore. Nothing happends when I connect the cable. It starts to charge but that's all.
I've flashed my Polaris twice(with 2 different roms from this forum) now since I noticed the problem, using the "micro-sd way" but nothing helps.
"Disable advanced network functionality" didn't work either.
I'm starting to think it's a hardware problem but I can't send it to warranty-repair because I don't have the original rom and I can't flash it back to the original Spl because this can only be done through usb.
But it's still chargering fine when I connect the usb cable so there is some connection still.
Btw., when I put the phone in bootloader mode it says "serial" in the bottom of the screen and it doesn't change to "usb" when I connect the usb cable but my PC pops up a message that says "Usb device not recognized" and under "Device manager" is says "Unknown device". I've tried another cable and another computer but nothing helps.
Any help???
Same happened to me!
I flashed udk r6 rom from SD card after it i could sync from USB normally,
Then i flashed the same rom second time for clean install - again using SD and now i cant sync through USB only through bluetooth...
I thinks its some bug not HW failure maybe uninstall drivers (i use vista btw) and install again?
I've tried uninstalling Activesync and download a new "setup" file and the install activesync again, but this didn't help.
I hope that the problem is software related because if it's hardware related i can't get it repaired through warranty...
Hello, it happend to me to. It just wan`t unlock. It wan`t hard spl. or go into usb mode, only soft reset works. No warrenty, so it will stay in the locker. AS don`t recognaise it. I have the Glass rom, and there where never any problem with it.
It could be a bad contact at the mini-usb connector as it happened to me. Try another cable or push firmly the connector.
maag said:
It could be a bad contact at the mini-usb connector as it happened to me. Try another cable or push firmly the connector.
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I have already tried another cable and pushing the connector firmly but nothing helps.
I don't understand it because my wall-charger works fine and my headset works fine also. The only thing that doesen't work is acticesync...
exactly the same problem here. after upgrade to r6 and a radio upgrade to murata through PDM activesync no longer works. furthermore the computer doesn't even respond to the phone being plugged in. i had the same response in bootloader mode of not being recognised, but try as i might it will not respond when turned on!
Very frustrating as cannot connect to pc (xp) in anyway.
ICS will not engage as it says "check usb cable connection"
Has anyone moved any further with this issue? i had some issues with the phone being stuck in a bootloader cycle after a radio upgrade but after much angst a Hard reset (and removal of the presumed offending microsd card) solved this!
Read a kaiser thread on possible failure of the microusb connection, specifically the 'B' connectio but elevation of this pin proved fruitless. anyone have any pearls of wisdom on this one?
Try this and it might work...
Start -> settings -> system -> USB to PC
Disable "Enable advanced network functionality".

no connection with pc

i have a htc touch elf0100 and i'm having a lot of trouble trying to get a connection with my pc. i already read every post here and i don't seem to find the solution to my problem.
here's the thing. i make a hard reset because i was having a lot of trouble with the room that i have so, i decided to make it, but when he reboot it won't pass by the align screen and now i'm stuck in the boot loader screen.
it says that the ipl is 2.27.002 and the spl is 2.28.0000, what i need is to make a connection with my pc so i can flash the room with the one that i have. i try with the mtty but i just can't get the usb port open, and i have try everything.
my o/s is win xp sp3
so please if someone could help me, i'll be very thankful
and i'm sorry about my english, bye.
i think the problem is in mini usb port in ur elf. go to htc customer care.
before sending it off to the care center maybe try a different cable
also..when you plug your device in,does it charge?
I kinda had the same problem which disappeared after a while...
I too had a smiler issue, now Im using the cable that came with my camera, and it works perfectly.
I just have the same problem,changed usb cable,tried on other pc with activesync 4.5 but again csn't syncronize with the phone.plz help.
maybe u can't believe this but i tried device reset via phone menu,then synchronization done ok.

Dead Uni

I have universal and a few days ago i accidently flashed radio rom 1.18 into it. Now when you try to turn it on it just shows startup logo sayng NO GSM and radio rom version. When i start it in bootloader it says SERIAL, and when i connect usb cable it still says SERIAL, it doesn't switch to USB? I found out that if you have already connected the cable BEFORE you go into bootloader, it will change to USB, but the pc doesn't seem to recognise it. Instead it says UNKNOWN USB DEVICE? Please help me, i have tried almost everything, but no succsess. Is there some serial cable schematics or something like that? I tried connecting COM cable to mini USB connector, and when i go to bootloader mtty gives me phone info {phone type, lcd display type blah blah} but i can't write anything, like my keyboard is disconnected. Or maybe my com cable was broken, i don't know?
Welcome to forums
Have a read here:
Try to reinstall another ROM
Hope it helped,
i had the same problem. Flashed a Radio. Though i'd Bricked my uni.
The problem i found was i left my SD-Card in, After taking it out. I re-Flashed, And the ROM re-installed XD
So my adive is. Try taking out ur SD Card

[Q] HD2 and ActiveSync.

Hi all.
I just a got a HD2 today. And the first thing that came in my mind was "Let's go to xdaDev to get a nice custom rom". I downloaded one.
After that I put the usb and try to make it syncronize. And the problem is here : ActiveSync dont reconize the phone. I spent the last 4 hours to google why it shall not work. I tried to unstick option at "Start=>Settings=> Usb to PC" but it dont work. Nothing more after perfoming a hard reset and reinstall ActivSync.
But something is strange : When I go in the bootloader, there is the 3 color screen and the phone Display "Serial" at the bottom of the screen ; and when I start it again with USB plugged, it doesnt display "USB" instead of "Serial" it's just void and if I remove the USB "Serial" is displayed.
Plz help me to make the phone syncronize .
I use Windows XP (no firewall, no antivirus) and an official Orange Rom. My SPL is 1.42.0000. I just hope there is no hardware problem ...
Some news ...
The HD2 isnt detected on 2 other PC (Both Win XP). I managed to syncronize my old Diamond too, and it worked well. Same with a HTC Touch and a Touch Cruise, the 3 ones works.
I also tried to use Bluetooth to get an Activesync connection and this time, it noticed the HD2 but no way to get a synchronization.
Any ideas ?
Try this: goto Settings, Other (Miscellaneous settings), USB to PC, Enable faster data data synchronization. Try to tick and untick the last setting.
It doesnt work . I'm trying to follow a "GoldCard" tutorial to flash to an official HTC rom. Maybe it's Orange operator rom ... But if you have any other suggestion, let me know
I can't believe that it's such a s*** to just connect the last HTC phone to a computer. The tutorial need ActiveSync to get the SD card ID so I will not succes in this way.
Is there another software that can be used instead of ActiveSync ?
Did you flash any rom at all or are you still stock?
If you have flashed already, Have you tried to go back to the default shipped rom using sd card (not goldcard)?
Find the rom that shipped with your device, extract the RUU_Signed.nbh file from it, copy it to your fat32 formatted sd card, rename leoimg.nbh, put card in phone, boot phone with down volume held, hopefully you get the message on the three colour screen saying something like 'press volume up to start' or somesuch.
THis should not only flash the rom, but also fix spl if it has become corruptted(which appart from hardware errors is the only reason i can see that it wouldn't recognise a USB connection)
Make sure it is the correct rom for your phone, though, correct vendor and region id.
I must say if you havent flashed yet it sounds like a hardware fault with teh usb cable/connector
I'm currently running a stock Rom from a french operator nammed "Orange". I haven't flashed anything since ActiveSync just dont want to know anything about my HD2.
Maybe I shall send it back to the seller. That's so frustating ...
If i dont find a way to solve this problem until the end of the day, I will return the phone.
Anyway thx for trying to help me
To me either the cable or the phone is faulty. Try another cable if you have one, if not just have the phone exchanged.
Phoque_You said:
I'm currently running a stock Rom from a french operator nammed "Orange". I haven't flashed anything since ActiveSync just dont want to know anything about my HD2.
Maybe I shall send it back to the seller. That's so frustating ...
If i dont find a way to solve this problem until the end of the day, I will return the phone.
Anyway thx for trying to help me
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Ah in that case then i'd seriously consider taking it back /sending it back. Especially if you have tried more than one computer, sounds to me like faulty cable or USB socket.
kilrah said:
To me either the cable or the phone is faulty. Try another cable if you have one, if not just have the phone exchanged.
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You must be right. I tried everything and I never had so much pain with my others HTC to get syncronization
I had the same problem not beeing able to connect to the internet via computer. After playing with the activesync settings on the Computer -> conection settings-> ticking on and off some of the boxes->ok, it worked again.
I have connected to three of these phones ( 2 french 1 english) and no problem whatsoever, everything happens without needing to touch any of the settings...is your pc even recognising that something is being plugged in on the USB?
Have you installed the latest version of activesync?
If you have done all the obvious things and it still does not work, the phone or the cable is defective...It should connect straight out of the box with a standard, un changed version of activesync.
Send it back!

