Quake2 ? - XPERIA X1 General

Hey guys, I got the quake3 running on my xperia, but its not really playable so Id like to try quake2. However I cant seem to get it running!
Downloaded it from http://quake.pocketmatrix.com/ . When I start up the app I get like a control interface with a couple of buttons "Attack", "A", "B" etc. But behind these there's only a gray background. Sometimes the game seems to start, as I can hear in-game sound. But the screen stays the same. Also tried the xscale optimized one but that didnt seem to work either.
Help plz

This is one of the first things ill be trying when I get mine, Ill keep you updated. Hopefully it will be sometime next week when phones4u stock it

That'd be nice. Hopefully you'll get it as soon as possible

Just tried Quake. I start it with the X1 closed and it comes up but the display is part white i just get the weapon selection bit and the A B buttons etc, I try opening the X1 up and closing it but the display just switches orentation. when i pess the x to close it asks me if i really want to quite, when i press yes, the main display flashes up with 'Single Player' 'Options' etc!
Any ideas anyone?
Installed Quake2. I run the program it comes up with a box saying by Dan East or something, press ok then nothing happenes

weell I get a bit further than that but still doesnt work for me neither. Anyone with more luck?

I find it puzzling that in general Windows on PC "just works" but Windows Mobile breaks compatibility with even slight changes to the OS and/or hardware.
Why should a higher resolution screen break an app? Does Windows Mobile have no support for dealing with that? Surely you would expect it to detect an app trying to use a lower resolution and put it in some sort of wrapper to pad the extra space.
Its bizarre that even Java apps have compatibility issues from phone to phone. Why no standards so they work on ALL headsets? The whole mobile market is a shambles when it comes to compatibility but Java seems to have a better success rate (well, it usually displays SOMETHING) than Windows Mobile does, despite their being more variations of it around.

actually I dont think its the resolution...
Also, wvga has a different aspect ratio. So it makes sence that some apps dont fill the whole screen


First impressions

Just got my XDA today, and I thought I'd give some feedback as to what I've experienced so far, and mabye throw in a few questions to help me get more out of it Hope you guys dont mind.
First of all, goddamn its slow. I think my pentium 200 runs windows XP faster than this thing runs windows mobile. Its a 200mhz risc processor and it struggles to run an embedded OS. Mabye the bloated and slow windows mobile wasn't the best choice to run on the slowest of the XDA family, although I'll bet the bigger and faster models have exactly the same problem.
Secondly, how the hell do you close an application, because the 'close' button at the top right certainly doesn't do that. I send some texts, add some reminders and calender entries, close them, go back to the today screen and what do you know? the task manager tells me that they're all still open. I installed Magic Buttons and that helps a lot.
The dialer screen. Whenever I call someone or receive a call, thats it. Game over. The dialer screen wont close, minimise, go away or bugger off. If I want to see the 'Today' screen, I've got to restart the device.
Sorry for all that ranting Just one little question if I may.
Is there an addon for the the today screen that will collect the calender and tasks and birthdays and all that stuff and display them all together (in order)?
Also some desktop icons would be nice. My device spends most of its time displaying the today screen, I'd like some desktop icons to launch my most used applications, since my start menu can only display 7 (plus a few last-used applications)
Sorry if I sound like a moaning old git, but I expected a lot more from this device. A 200mhz processor running a streamlined (what a joke) embedded OS.
Old gits are perfectly allowable..
I use iLauncher and PocketBreeze. Check them out at http://www.sbsh.net ..
I don't think that the device is that slow personally. Although, I won't argue it is slow. I think some of it is the customizations that also get thrown in. I wiped out mine and didn't do any of the customizations, and it's much faster. (I have a Cingular 8125.)
The closing program is a common issue. The basic reason behind it is often times people want it out of sight when they close it. By it still being open though, it allows it (naturally) to load faster. Of course, opening too many apps, and you have the slow down issue.
It almost sounds to me like there may be something wrong with the phone though.. I have had no problems with the dialer screen. And you definitely shouldn't have to restart the device every time you use it. Perhaps a hard reset might be in order? If it still does it after that, maybe reflashing the device would be in order then.
Anyway, good luck with the phone!
Thank you very much for letting me know about those programs. What a difference they make, the device is a pleasure to use now
Need to sort out a 2gb mini sd card now, any idea where I can pick one up? I heard a bad story a while ago that ebay was flooded with cheap copies and bad quality storage cards I'm kinda scared to buy one now.
That I wouldn't know. I have a 1 GB card which is generally more than enough for what I need it for.
Glad to hear you liked PocketBreeze and iLauncher. I absolutely love 'em..
sk0t said:
That I wouldn't know. I have a 1 GB card which is generally more than enough for what I need it for.
Glad to hear you liked PocketBreeze and iLauncher. I absolutely love 'em..
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I'll second that!! I coulcn't live without them!!

Officially no longer iPhone fanboy... Software Progression of an Xperia Lover

When I first bought my Xperia, I HATED it! I was forced to give up my iPhone due to some of the “Call acknowledgement” programs that our hospitals use would not recognize the iPhone email format.
***skip to bold for what latest software progression is***
So I bought the Xperia and:
It wouldn’t play Youtube video AT ALL!
It was slow as hell.
Video playback was terrible and it was a pain to convert movie in the first place.
Camera performance was slow slow slow and poor
Windows itself is clunky and unrefined.
Call signal was weak and volume low
Media panel volume was low and noisy.
Why in the wide wide world off sports would Sony use a resistive screen instead of capacitive glass covered in this day and age? With a stylus no less.
FIRST time round:
-So I found XDA and:
Installed Youtube.cab and Panel. – First problem down!
Found the Video with Hardware acceleration thread – there are my pretty decent results (not perfect but decent) video convertor.
Found the Turbo your X1 thread and my video was greatly improved.
Loaded Xperiatweak and changed a Bunch of annoying Xperia behaviors and setting
Loaded SDTuneup.cab and was nicely surprised by the improvement.
Found the benchmark posts and played with setting constantly improving the performance more.
Found all the different tips and tricks threads between Xperia and HTC forums….nice!
SECOND incarnation:
-Then loaded the leaked X1i_GENERIC_UK_CDF1215-1832_R2AA008 rom and loaded from the SD card.
Hey! Everything and I mean everything works faster!
Video looks better!
Installed all of my old programs and tweaks plus the simple battery colors cab. SHAZAM! This is nice!
It is locking up WWAAYY less.
Youtube videos look 90% as good as they do on the iPhone.
I am getting happy with the phone,
I am no longer switching sim to my iPhone on the weekends. I may carry it to have a movie on hand but that is it.
I get the Sony panel set up to my PERFECTION with 3 RSS feeds, Calendar, com managers, and launch icons.
By now I’ve found the stylus is much easier to use when surfing full web pages as the icons and links are tiny but usable.
I am finding myself constantly pulling our my Xperia to play with it now.
AND FINALLY!!!!!!!!!
-I loaded (via SEUS) X1i_GENERIC_UK_CDF1215-1832_R2AA010 rom
** HOLY CRAP! After 4 hours of use the Xperia is working as quickly was the 008 upgrade was after a week with tweaks installed**
-Installed sdkcerts followed instantly by SEX1cons "Q series v1.1”. WOW! This looks slick as hell! I mean really ‘effing good!
-Installed Youtube Panel and cab. I can’t watch and download “HD videos” at the same time without lag. But after loading, “HD” trailers and such look 95% as good as they did on my iPhone. (almost there guys)
-Installed Xperiatweak
-REMOVED Xperiatweak – found that the Memory tweaks actually reduced my overall speed and if even attempted the default Panel mode would lock up my Xperia Constantly until a hard reset was performed. The "memory tweaks" made by Xperia tweak would also be reset to original by the phone. (advanced configs would not) I don't think everyone has had these issue with it but I found Xperia tweak more of a problem than a help at this time.
-Installed advancedConfig.cab and did almost EVERYTHING (sms notice, security notice disable, ) than I could from Xperiatweak (default IE cache, pic/video location, pressure threshold, etc)
- Put my memory settings (except for glyph cache-32kb) back to Original rom (File system-enabled, system cache-auto, filter cache-disabled) and found my Xperia is fastest here (don’t know why yet)
-Installed tomtom7.9 –downloaded the free map and a voice. With the help of quickGPS info TomTom locks on in about 10-15 seconds.
-Overall media volume seems improved too. I am not hearing any of the noise between tracks or when searching for tracks.
-Installed Facebook panel and have not seen anylock ups at all from it. And it is nice and speedy now.
When out to eat, I find myself throwing my phone up on the table with all of the other tards who throw their iPhones and Storms on the table to show off. I know I won't be embarrased by lock ups when they pick it up and start flipping through panels and programs. I am smilling by the "ooo's and ahh's" of having weather, calender, communications, launchers, and RSS feeds all on ONE screen. And TOMTOM (with Ozzy voice) seems to just blow everyone away. MY phone was crowned the new king of the hill and I am loving it!
Best of all, I seem to be installing programs for customizing looks and preferences instead of installing programs just to try and improve performance.
If you just want to be able to pickup your phone, load and ap or a song on and go, the iPhone is for you. If you want to be able to mold your phone to the way YOU want it.....the Xperia is it baby!
I,m Going the opposite way im afraid.. I am experiencing multiple crashes. my 2 week old xperia has a crack at volume button, its not very thumb friendly unless you install tf3d which i did. I really wish my operator O2 uk would stock htc phones becuse it appears this is a pig in a poke this model so its getting taken back to o2 and swapped for a ..iphone 3g i always insisted i would not get one, but now i am im going to jail break it etc hopefully by the time upgrade comes again o2 stock htc and i will know exactly where to come for all the help in the world bye people thanyou for all your help and advice during the short time i had an htc phone
respect kdspiv
i will send your text to friends who don't like the xperia hahhaa
The cracking thing scares me. I am planning on living with the crack when mine start to develope. But so far, even after two drops (I have to carry my phone and email 24x7 so my Xperia is CONSTANTLY being handled, slid into labcoat pocket, jeans pocket etc.) I haven't had issues yet.
The iPhone is kick butt. But there those of us (in a hospital setting for example) who live and die by enterprise business email AND have to rely on the phone to wake us up from a dead sleep. The lack of end-user settings (email format, hell..even email notification VOLUME) make the iPhone unusable.
The Xperia has it faults. And for those who like the "pick up and play" aspect of the iphone with movies and apps (like I did) the Xperia has a tough battle.
If sony would make a plug and play accelerometer (maybe internal to a class 8, 16 gig sd card maybe *i can dream right*) I would be a happy camper.
iPhone is a closed, locked room: WYSiWYG
Win is a crappy old room, but open, with potential, and inivting to paint & decorate
I had NEVER thought of tweaking a DLL or a system file in my whole life until this beauty came to my hands and stared at me saying: "make me yours, I will mod to your desires"
I'm happy
I LOVE xda-devs and I LOVE my SE-X1/HTC Kovsky
gtrab said:
iPhone is a closed, locked room: WYSiWYG
Win is a crappy old room, but open, with potential, and inivting to paint & decorate
I had NEVER thought of tweaking a DLL or a system file in my whole life until this beauty came to my hands and stared at me saying: "make me yours, I will mod to your desires"
I'm happy
I LOVE xda-devs and I LOVE my SE-X1/HTC Kovsky
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I can happily say, without any exageration, your SE-X1 was a nice portion of me finally coming to love my Xperia.
And something people who pickup my phone for the first time immediately notice. (especially the blutooth/headphone icon for some reason)
orangedavie said:
I,m Going the opposite way im afraid.. I am experiencing multiple crashes. my 2 week old xperia has a crack at volume button, its not very thumb friendly unless you install tf3d which i did. I really wish my operator O2 uk would stock htc phones becuse it appears this is a pig in a poke this model so its getting taken back to o2 and swapped for a ..iphone 3g i always insisted i would not get one, but now i am im going to jail break it etc hopefully by the time upgrade comes again o2 stock htc and i will know exactly where to come for all the help in the world bye people thanyou for all your help and advice during the short time i had an htc phone
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O2 do stock HTC phones, they just call them O2 phones instead - check them out on their site, they're almost identical to the normal HTCs, but with a little branding.
For me its all about the journey.
The process of improvement and customisation is very satisfying. Its like the difference between givin a house which needs doing up to your tastes and your needs, which is Xperia, and someone giving you a brand new rented house,the same as everybody elses, but you cant change anything in it, apart from buying new stuff.
No 2 Xperias are the same, check out this thread to see the vast array of looks and UI avaliable for X1.
DIY-ing is very satisfying !
Good thread this !
So R2AA010 works good huh? I'm waiting for a chef to cook up a new Rom base on this build, it's tempting for me to load it up with SESU but I dont want all the crap with it. Glad to see your X1 running good.
man I could convince plenty of my friends by sending them this thread.
but I wanna stay the only one with a SEX1 (cool name by the way) in town
but just as mentioned in the first post, I really was dissapointed for the first 2 weeks.
this is my first winmo device, I had no clue what possibilities there are.
today I'm totally satisfied with it, and not longer jealous on iPhone users.
romeo0119 said:
So R2AA010 works good huh? I'm waiting for a chef to cook up a new Rom base on this build, it's tempting for me to load it up with SESU but I dont want all the crap with it. Glad to see your X1 running good.
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It is working pretty well for me. The couple of issues I have seen are these.
XperiaTweak - did not work so hot for me with RA10.
-First, if I tried ever uning the "default" panel setting it would lock to the windows panel no matter which panel was selected in the program. And eventually would just lock up the machine all together.
-Second, when I tried the memory tweak the Xperia would actually slow down. And eventually it would revert itself back to stock memory settings.
second-Memory settings in general - Everything seems to work better at the stock settings. Maybe after the flash "breaks in" tweaking the memory via schaps advanced config will work better. Changing the glyph cache to anything besides 8 made no difference in the speed of movies or panels.
Also, for some reason setting the IE cache locations to the SD card causes IE to stop functioning. Opera still will at this time. I am not familiar enough to know if Windows doesn't clear out the history and cache when it is on the SD or not. So now I use the SD as default storage for pics and Xperia video only.
It takes twice as long to boot up as it did at RA8
Whether right or wrong, these are my observations so far.
Oops....forgot to say good things.
1. When opening up keyboard, landscape mode is instant. I mea it is complete by the time the keyboard open or closed.
2.Panel button still takes a good 5 seconds to deploy the panel navigation screen. BUT the screen are super fluid and the time it takes to completely implement a panel is 4 seconds flat from selection to fully functional with all my RSS feeds, weather, etc.
3. Menus are instant. All screens move much more fluid and programs start very quickly after selection now. EXCEPT for ANY program that changes settings such as Scheps Advanced Config or Xperia tweak. These types of programs seem to take almost twice as long to start up on my device as they did in RA8.
4. Phone Signal strength is very much better for me. I would lose signal in most areas of the hospital especialy Radiology (lead shielding) and anywhere in the Garden Cafeteria level (basement). But I have noticed today that I have had full strength everywhere and even half bars in Radiology with T-mo.
5. Over all system volume is better. Wired headphones is slightly louder, AD2P bluetooth is unchanged. But low volume movies are definitely louder and the Mp3 ringers are noticably louder too.
6. My wifi clicks on and off more often and doesn't seem to have a strong a lock as it did before. How ever internet speeds are a bit better when fully connected and my battery usage seems a bit better.
I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF THIS IS JUST WHAT I AM EXPERIENCING!!!! It seems each Xperia varies depending on how clean the rom loads or softwares loads were. Someone may break down the software and find out there are no changes and this is all in my head. But these are my results so far.
I'm glad for you
However, you should check the youtube again, My X1i kicks iPhone's behind in viewing any video, just the 800x480 vs 320x480 killed all my iPhone friends.
Well, in resoloution yes. Especially if you watch something like the NVIDIA HD demonstration video. BUT, I still have a bit of either lag or frame drop. I am not sure which is correct but they both equate to the Iphone still having smoother video both on youtube and on regular video.
kdspiv said:
Well, in resoloution yes. Especially if you watch something like the NVIDIA HD demonstration video. BUT, I still have a bit of either lag or frame drop. I am not sure which is correct but they both equate to the Iphone still having smoother video both on youtube and on regular video.
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Remember: when in 800x480, the device has to move FIVE TIMES MORE INFO (pixels per frame) than running the same video over a 320x240 device
800x480 = 384,000 pixels displayed per frame
320x240 = 76,800 pixels displayed per frame
To be fair, better compare a QVGA video on both devices, sans resizing
gtrab said:
Remember: when in 800x480, the device has to move FIVE TIMES MORE INFO (pixels per frame) than running the same video over a 320x240 device
800x480 = 384,000 pixels displayed per frame
320x240 = 76,800 pixels displayed per frame
To be fair, better compare a QVGA video on both devices, sans resizing
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You are exactly right. BUT!!!! 95% of the people who are going to compare them have a friggin CLUE about what you just said. They are simply going to look at it and say "Its not as good as my iphone" because they see the jerkyness before they seen the better resoloution.....
Maybe I am wrong about this on the larger picture. But in the people who have compared my Xperia to the iphone, this has deffinitely been the case.
I think both of you are right, but at the same time thats not point of the youtube issue, for me at least. Mine isnt working smooth anymore. It used to, when I was using the stock rom. So something definitely changed in the firmware that is causing problems. The X1 is definetly capable of pushing those HD youtube vides at the full 800x480 res-I know becuase mine used to. Not anymore
A hearty welcome to the windows mobile community my friend.
kdspiv said:
It is working pretty well for me. The couple of issues I have seen are these.
XperiaTweak - did not work so hot for me with RA10.
-First, if I tried ever uning the "default" panel setting it would lock to the windows panel no matter which panel was selected in the program. And eventually would just lock up the machine all together.
-Second, when I tried the memory tweak the Xperia would actually slow down. And eventually it would revert itself back to stock memory settings.
Just a thought re the memory tweak slowing your x1 down... when I was fiddling after flashing to 010 from 008 I noticed that the glyph cache was at 128 instead of the lower 32 that I was using previously... so I made sure to keep the higher setting... perhaps the stock setting was higher?
second-Memory settings in general - Everything seems to work better at the stock settings. Maybe after the flash "breaks in" tweaking the memory via schaps advanced config will work better. Changing the glyph cache to anything besides 8 made no difference in the speed of movies or panels.
I see you already did the glyph cache thing, disregard the above then? I also set the file system cache to 8mb and noticed that it was already enabled (but on 2mb) unlike the previous ROM and finally I also set the file system filter cache to 16384 sectors... this worked nicely on the last ROM so giving it a try now..
Also, for some reason setting the IE cache locations to the SD card causes IE to stop functioning. Opera still will at this time. I am not familiar enough to know if Windows doesn't clear out the history and cache when it is on the SD or not. So now I use the SD as default storage for pics and Xperia video only.
It takes twice as long to boot up as it did at RA8
I am not sure if mine is twice as long but its certainly a bit longer, although the more times I reboot it the faster it seems to get... could be just me getting used to it though...
Whether right or wrong, these are my observations so far.
Oops....forgot to say good things.
1. When opening up keyboard, landscape mode is instant. I mea it is complete by the time the keyboard open or closed.
I found this too... was working very well before but now seems to anticipate the change and does it instantaneously...
2.Panel button still takes a good 5 seconds to deploy the panel navigation screen. BUT the screen are super fluid and the time it takes to completely implement a panel is 4 seconds flat from selection to fully functional with all my RSS feeds, weather, etc.
Same with my device... I count to about 2 or 3 before the panel is up and ready for action, much much faster there...
3. Menus are instant. All screens move much more fluid and programs start very quickly after selection now. EXCEPT for ANY program that changes settings such as Scheps Advanced Config or Xperia tweak. These types of programs seem to take almost twice as long to start up on my device as they did in RA8.
Blazingly instant... it seems much more responsive and the windows folder comes up in about half the time... progs start awesomely fast and even Advanced Config is quick, I dont use xperia tweak so cant comment there...
4. Phone Signal strength is very much better for me. I would lose signal in most areas of the hospital especialy Radiology (lead shielding) and anywhere in the Garden Cafeteria level (basement). But I have noticed today that I have had full strength everywhere and even half bars in Radiology with T-mo.
I agree with this also... now where I used to get the G icon I get the E icon plus better sig strength... (o2)
5. Over all system volume is better. Wired headphones is slightly louder, AD2P bluetooth is unchanged. But low volume movies are definitely louder and the Mp3 ringers are noticably louder too.
Havent tried the headphones or movies yet... but its on my list as I have to study for a presentation this thursday so transferred my mp3 files for that and will be using it later...
6. My wifi clicks on and off more often and doesn't seem to have a strong a lock as it did before. How ever internet speeds are a bit better when fully connected and my battery usage seems a bit better.
Have not tried the wifi yet, but edge etc works very well... I agree with the comment on battery power, perhaps they are using a new power management system? I was installing/playing/tweaking my phone for 3 hours last night and it dropped to 90, no big deal I thought but another 3 hours (how time flies when you are having fun) later it was on 80, went to bed and this morning still 80 even with texts and weather update through the night... great stuff...
I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF THIS IS JUST WHAT I AM EXPERIENCING!!!! It seems each Xperia varies depending on how clean the rom loads or softwares loads were. Someone may break down the software and find out there are no changes and this is all in my head. But these are my results so far.
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I am very pleased you gave me the nudge to switch to the 10 ROM over the 08... it might be a list of little things but over all the experience is now much faster and smoother... well worth the change...
WHOAAAA! I think you are right! I hard reset to revert back to stock RA10 rom. Even though glyph cache came up in advanced config as 8, when I used another program to to views "device settings and stats" .... glyph cache is set to 128. What?! Dangit, which one is correct? I am not sure how to look through the registry and find out the actual setting but that is next on my what-to-learn list.
Maybe a conflict of some sort was the factor slowing my configuration type programs down?
So now I am finding a good portion the xperia-video-stutter may be mostly to video conversion and finding the proper convertor. (I know some of it is a driver issue) Yes, I have used the video converter listed on here. And it IS easy to use, but dang it is finicky, for me at least, as to how well it converts from movie to movie.
I have downloaded the examples on the thread. But they have a tiny bit of drop too. If I view them on the laptop the video has the same fluidity as it does on my Xperia. Again, resolution looks GREAT and motion is almost there.....but I want it all!
Another Xperia owner and myself have been traded a couple of movies. His movies look a tad better. His suggestion is that I get a better video ripper. His is on Mac so he cannot share his with me.
I also tried movies converted for my PSP through video vault for the sheer helluvit. They look pretty decent but the sound is ALWAYS off.
Wow, I am really glad for you. With XDA-devs around you never have to fear any software problems/bugs/insufficiency.
With dedicated developers who don't ask for much other than thanks and occasional donations, you will be really fine and happy on the software front
God forbid the following, but wait until the paint on your device start peeling off, wait until your keys decolorizing, wait until scratches appear on your keyboard, wait until pieces of your keyboard fall off, wait until your d-pad start cracking, wait until your device crack without any agitation on your part AND wait until your keys GET UNRESPONSIVE(you get tactile response but no character appearing).
I am being a wet-blanket but fret not, the telecom/service centre will show you love by giving you free-repair/exchanges.

wishlist for this phone...

i love this new phone and new os but some things are really annoying and i hope they will be fixed in a future software update
no custom ringtones and no seprate volume control for ringtones this really sucks cause if i turn down the game or music volume it turns down the volume for everything.
playing a game like need for speed and hitting that stupid search button will kick u out of a game ur playing.
setting wallpaers u cant set a full wallpaper u always got to crop the image first i hate this.
no turn by turn directions for maps.
the dialpad and message theme kind of sucks i hope this can be changed
i would like to be able to set a wallpaper for the main screen just not the lockscreen
headphone volume output need to be way louder
the phone tile when u miss a call or get a message would be cool if it would show u who u missed a call from and if u got a text message it would show who text u and half of the message or something like that kind of like what the me tile does when u post something new
putting contact tiles if it would show messages and misssed calls alerts on there tiles that would be great
the top menu bar should always show battery lift signal if u get a txt message etc.
improvment on loading time for games etc..
cant think of anything else i want changed right now
other then that i love this new os i been using iphone since the 2g iphone and this is just way diffrent i also use a android device
I'd like more options within text messaging. I'd like the ability to initiate a call from a text message, and the ability to add a contact from a text message.
I've been a Windows mobile user for quite a while, and made a switch to Android, now to Windows Phone 7, it's great, but I agree with everything you posted, but adding a file explorer it a must. The ability to select or hide different photos that show on the picture tile, an option to hide/show the keyboard while typing (so you can see the whole screen), and the ability to turn on/off wifi, Bluetooth from the main screen instead of digging into the settings each time. Plus a few more settings, like wifi rules, (turning off Wifi automatically after unused, if you like). It would also be nice to be able to remove that little white arrow in the upper right corner of the main screen, it takes up so much real estate on the main screen. Landscape mode on more screens would be nice too.
Oh, and the option to remove an account, I already have a Windows Live account that I don't use stuck on the phone. I don't see a way to remove it, and cant' change the email address or log in id info, only the password.
I'm sure updates will be rolling out to resolve some issues, or possibly apps.....??
you can just add a second windows live acccount and disable the first one by unchecking everything effectively disabling it. I wish you could delete the main one too. However, I posted this somewhere else, the phone got corrupted and after i did a hard reset and connected to my computer, the Zune software restored all my programs (in the backgrouind without my knowledge) and all was good again. There are some bad reveiws of this phone on youtube, but some of the reviewers got it all wrong. For instance the screen resolution for movies is EXCELLENT. It takes the zune software a long time to convery and copy some movies but worth the wait. There are some bugs and some things could use improving. I would say the one thing that bugs me the most is when you zoom in on a net page...the text could be sharper. But I can live with it. All in all the phone is a pleasure and I look forward to the updates.
Thing i dont like about video watching is Netflix over 3G is good quality.. but youtube is crap over 3G. There NEEDS to be a setting for this. Its just a hub extension, but hopefully something gets fixed.
A lot of your suggestions are for the OS, not the physical phone.
It would be nice if the OS could utilize the awesome speaker on the phone a bit more. For example, speaker phone is pretty weak. I also dislike how if the speaker is not slid out, everything is muffled. I guess they expected the sound to reflect better, but it just doesn't.
That's really all I can think of besides the lack of a microSD slot that's visible anyway. I'd take my phone apart to see if there is one, but I don't have a torx bit small enough.
Besides the OS limitations, I think the phone is awesome.
I want to be able to set the notification LED to blink for new texts, emails, etc
dccorona said:
I want to be able to set the notification LED to blink for new texts, emails, etc
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I second this. One of the things I miss most from my Tilt2 and all other winmo phones have been the blinking notification light.
Need more from microsoft
I want to be able to block unwanted call, more options in the settings menu and better functions for the camera.
definitely need to be able to explore the phone. more wifi options would be nice as well. also the speaker seems to be a bit lacking. ( sure thumps when i hook it up over the cd deck in my truck though!) I had the htc tp2 prior to this and i became completely addicted to the wifi router utility, so for me personally that would be the most important thing. if anyone knows about anything like this under development let me know. i'm always willing to donate to a good cause.
One of my teens got his old LG upgraded to a Surround for Christmas yesterday. I'd been thinking when my Tilt 2's upgrade time comes this summer I'd do the same -- but not after spending a frustrating afternoon helping him with it!
We played with it in the store several weeks ago. I think the slideout speaker is a gimmick but he's 16 and thinks it's great. We both agree the WinMo 7 tile thing is a bit silly but is FAST, and he loves the HTC Hub UI. The hardware is very good (though I'm not sure I agree with no micro-SD slot).
But using Zune software to sync is a PAIN!!! My Vista laptop took 1/2 hour to download the device drivers, then insisted on a reboot before downloading the Zune software (another 20 minutes). Then the Zune install insisted on checking for an upgrade (yet another 20 minutes) before going thru a rather painful 10 minute install.
Once installed, it was very unhappy when I changed the monitored folders, and took several attempts before it would sync with the folders I'd copied off the kiddos old micro-SD card. Of course what I was most amazed about was the lack of drag-n-drop support in Windows! What kind of lame-brained, Steve Jobs-style of engineer would nix that? (I did find the reg hack to renable that just a few minutes ago, but haven't verified it yet.)
Lots and lots of lockdowns in WinMo 7 that I don't like, as have been mentioned by previous posters. This whole thing reminds me why I disklike the iPhone's OS so much!
Maybe my next phone is gonna have to be an Andriod phone instead...
I kind of agree with all of you. Microsoft might have come into this having windows phone shut a little too tight.
However, that only means that there is more room for improvement.
Multitasking would be nice, especially ones that resonate when you dont have to see them, like streaming music. or at least faster app switching.
File Explorer is kind of important and Bluetooth file sharing too.
Tethering is not that important, but on my fuze I used to use it whenever I went on trips and the hotel tries to give me wifi for $30 a day...but eh... the screen is so much bigger, and it goes a lot faster too that I dont see any need for it, (besides plugins like java, or flash)
Oh and a definite must is the camera settings STAYING THE WAY I LEFT THEM. Whenever you exit the camera, it goes back to default. and on my phone at least, video recording goes to vga, so i would have to set it to 720p if i wanted it.
would love the call blocking and please a flash player!!!!!!!
After Multi-tasking and copy and paste are added in the soon to be released update, I would like to see a few more additions. Flash player, Pandora, LED indicator light options for notifications, ringtone options beyond what they have allowed so far, the ability to send videos as MMS messages and a battery % remaining would make me ecstatic.
heh.... guys you will never see multitask like it was on 6.5 ..
as multitask they say - future CLOUD infrastructure update .. which will allow run signed apps on cloud infrastructure .. that means = you will be allowed to create ICQ client .. part of client will run on MS servers . that part will collect ALL YOUR ICQ EVENTS .. and then send to phone via PUSH notify .. on phone side nothing will be rly changed ..coz multitask goal does not collaborate with main WP7 idea - ISOLATED ENVIROMENT FOR APPS
Keyboard directional arrows
Is anyone missing keyboard up, down , left and right arrows? I sure miss them. Lifting your fingers off the keyboard to position the cursor on a particular spot in the sentence is really time consuming and not very precise.
Correct, I will really appreciate arrows in the keyboard
Sent from my Samsung Focus using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
My only feature request for all WP7 devices is gapless music playback. I really, really hate the two seconds silence between tracks, especially on electronic music or The Dark Side of The Moon (man, I love that album.)
Wi-Fi Router
The most important thing that is missing on Windows Phone 7, no doubt, is the wi-fi router function. Today I have to walk with two phones, because of the missing of wi-fi router.
Another important things are:
- File Manager
- Send photos/files via bluetooth
- Outlook Notes synchronization
- Office docs synchronized on the Windows Live could be open on a computer and vice-versa
Main software that I wish to be developed for WP7:
- Log Me in
- SQL Server Client
- Olive Tree Bible
- Google Maps (Oh Google Maps, you don't know how I miss you and your amazing Latitude)
- Auto CAD WS
- Skype
- MSN Messenger
I agree with everything else you published.
MMS Settings
Be able to customize the MMS Settings, some carriers have differnt tier's of internet with different APN's and it is a Necessity to have that option!!!!

Problems with the 10.1v so far

After playing around with the 10.1v for a couple of days, here are the problems I've come across.
Android Ver. : 3.01
Kernel Ver. :
[email protected]#1
Build number: HRI83.BUKD9
Here goes:
Video playback is pretty choppy [alt. thread]
So far I haven't got any 1080p .mkv files to work. Heck most of my 720p .mkv stutters or doesn't play at all anyway. All are H.264/x264 .mkvs played using either MoboPlayer (with the ARMV7VFP codec update installed) or the default player. I know the literature mentioned that only H.264 Main profile is supported, but come on, my SGS plays those videos fine (except one which has an AC3 track - fair enough).
I'm guessing this is due to the lack of NEON hardware in Tegra 2. Nice job nvidia.
Update: After googling around it seems like there's no built in support for Tegra 2's h.264 decode hardware acceleration in the native Honeycomb libraries (--devs correct me if I'm wrong). There is however, this youtube video showing an unreleased Cyberlink media player doing hw acceleration. Although note that the device he's holding is a Galaxy Tab 7" (which of course, runs Hummingbird, and AFAIK there's no Tegra 2 version in the wild).
Apps have problems with plugged in headphones
This is really weird and annoying. If I plug my headphones to the jack in the middle of a video/audio playback (using both the default player and MoboPlayer), the sound would get routed to the headphones just fine. But when I, say, switch apps, or change media files using the gallery, sometimes the sound would get routed to the speakers even though my headphones are still plugged in. I can fix this by unplugging the headphone (which pauses the video/music) and plugging it back in - but it gets irritating after a while.
No proxy server settings
Important since I'm behind a server which I would really like to be removed but that's beyond my power. The XOOM guys have the problem as well. Just used Proxy Settings from the marketplace and most things would work.
App downloads fails sometimes
Sometimes if I put the marketplace into the background, downloads would continue to 100% but fail to install. Not sure if it's just me though. *Edited*
Browser ALWAYS fails to download stuff through the proxy
Weird really. Every time I clicked "save link as" or a site would try to download something it would fail - but only if I'm behind a server. I try to browse using WiFi as often as I can since I don't have that much quota with vodafone. Note that I am behind a Squid proxy with plaintext authentication (I just hate those stupid admins!) - without the username/password you'll just get HTTP error 407. I can browse using the exact same ports and protocol (HTTP) but can't download through the proxy. I still can't figure that out at all.
The only way I can get around this is by using Opera, and setting the proxy server in manually using opera:config.
No way to force the browser to use a desktop UAString
There's a solution to this apparently, and it works: link.
Contact imports sometimes gets stuck
Importing contacts from a .vcf file sometimes hangs (not force close) the contacts app. I exported my contact list from my SGS (had about ~112 contacts with disp. photos and multiple numbers in some of them) and put them in the Tab, and had to import 3 times. What's worse, I ended up with duplicate copies of the same contacts. So I figured out the easiest way of doing this is to delete the whole contact list and start again, but---
---There's no way to delete multiple contacts at once. I spent like 2 mins deleting contacts one by one.
Update: Solution: Sync contacts via your Google account. Thanks pegaxs for pointing this out.
Marketplace automatically switches screen to landscape mode
This annoys the hell out of me since I usually browse in potrait mode - the device feels a lot nicer that way. Whenever I launch the market, it rotates itself. Minor thing, but annoying. Okay, I'm nitpicking.
On top of those - only 1 usb cable (which wouldn't be a problem if it can be charged using USB ports in the computer), and a short cable at that. wtf.
Fyuh. Rant finished. For now.
Can someone confirm these on their tab as well? I can't seem to find any updates at all.
There's also no WhatsApp, Adobe Reader (the QuickOffice HD works, so not really a complaint), or a text messaging app (but curiously you can send an SMS to it and read it by sending it to your broadband number - it'll appear under Service Info. I haven't tried MMSing yet, but I tried calling to it. It just hangs up (with a busy tone).
Add to that list "backlight bleeding". Watched some videos last night for the first time (re-encoded some 720p mkv because they wont play) and noticed a lot of back light bleeding along the lower edge and along the right hand edge. Probably would not have been as bad or noticable if the video played at full screen. It only plays up to the limit of the buttons in moboplayer. The built in player plays full screen... BUT... wont play native divx/xvid.
And yes, have to agree... that USB cable could have been a little shorter... OMG! how bad is it. I know the size of the battery wont allow it to charge off the computer USB, but i have to put my tab on the floor to reach. Going out to buy a USB extension today...
The SMS thing seems to be a honeycomb issue, as all the Xoom guys are complaining as well... I cant find any settings for it anyway, as there is on say, the phone version of android. It is a bity sad that apps like "whatsapp" cant be used in it's place. I have seen a post somewhere saying "textfree" might work, but it is most likely restricted to US markets as it gives you a US phone number to SMS to.
As for importing contacts, i just sync them to the Google account and they come up on all my devices. No moving files around, or importing/exporting... just sync to gmail and on the next sync, any device you have linked to that account will be updated with the contacts list.
I hope a lot of the issues OS wise, like adobe acro reader and mkv/divx support will be updated in the next version of Honeycomb, like it has been developing on phone android. Maybe when twiz is released for the samsung tab, it might bring with it more of the same functionality as the Galaxy S phone does. The phone seems a better candidate as being a tab then the 10.1v does
interested to see where it goes from here... I can see it's not perfect, but i can see it isnt a bad start and it has so much more potential to improve
I feel like the volume up/down buttons are the wrong way around? i.e. the volume control button nearest the unlock/lock button is volume DOWN and i feel like it should increase volume?
Also when i press unlock the screen takes roughly 1 second to light up
(not huge issues, but little things that would seem easy to fix)
How bad is the backlight bleed? I haven't seen anybody else mention it on the Samsungs. I did just learn that Samsung doesn't always use their own panels in their products. They also seem to use different parts in the european products vs. the US counterparts.
Considering all the hoopla over the iPad 2 and the backlight bleed, I would think manufacturers might be a bit more cautious. Apparently that problem was due to LG, who Samsung sometimes uses.
I hope this doesn't turn into another iPad 2 and Asus Transformer problem where it takes fifteen tries to get a decent product.
bbeelzebub said:
How bad is the backlight bleed? I haven't seen anybody else mention it on the Samsungs. I did just learn that Samsung doesn't always use their own panels in their products. They also seem to use different parts in the european products vs. the US counterparts.
Considering all the hoopla over the iPad 2 and the backlight bleed, I would think manufacturers might be a bit more cautious. Apparently that problem was due to LG, who Samsung sometimes uses.
I hope this doesn't turn into another iPad 2 and Asus Transformer problem where it takes fifteen tries to get a decent product.
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Didn't notice this on a European unit.
pegaxs said:
Add to that list "backlight bleeding". Watched some videos last night for the first time (re-encoded some 720p mkv because they wont play) and noticed a lot of back light bleeding along the lower edge and along the right hand edge. Probably would not have been as bad or noticable if the video played at full screen. It only plays up to the limit of the buttons in moboplayer. The built in player plays full screen... BUT... wont play native divx/xvid.
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I didn't really notice much of the backlight bleed, but then again I might be too tolerant on that. I've got the display set at like 30%-40% brightness most of the time anyway. I personally think that the bleed is about the same as the Galaxy Tab 7".
pegaxs said:
And yes, have to agree... that USB cable could have been a little shorter... OMG! how bad is it. I know the size of the battery wont allow it to charge off the computer USB, but i have to put my tab on the floor to reach. Going out to buy a USB extension today...
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I need to get an extra one, since I charge mine next to my bed and the computer is on the other side of the room. I don't want to keep switching cables. I'll give a visit to the vodafone store to see if i can get one. Or just grab one off ebay.
pegaxs said:
As for importing contacts, i just sync them to the Google account and they come up on all my devices. No moving files around, or importing/exporting... just sync to gmail and on the next sync, any device you have linked to that account will be updated with the contacts list.
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:facepalm: why didn't I think of that
I'm pretty sure the problem is mostly software (well, apart from the backlight bleed), so I'm hoping a future update would clean this up for us. So far I've got the I8000 (good for nothing except playing movies) and the SGS. I9000 and both are excellent PMP devices.
Oh for those curious, there's a way to force the native browser to use desktop UA strings to sites: link It's for the XOOM but I've tried it and it works.
market apps no link
after downloading certain apps when i went back to the market those apps are showing free or $ amount instead of installed is that happening with everyone or just me. dosent look like market is registering my installed apps.
I noticed the same within the market app.. thought it was a feature
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
When the screen is black and on full brightness it looks horrible about 10% off the screen is lightgrey at best.
When using the device you don't notice it. Unless the edges of the screen are (supposed to be) black, while the brightness is close to Max...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
gjroeleveld said:
I noticed the same within the market app.. thought it was a feature
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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I agree, I think it is a "feature" of the Honeycomb Market. If you go to the "My Apps" section of the Market - everything you have downloaded or purchased will appear there, but they just show as "Free" or "$x.xx" when casually browsing for apps - which I find annoying.
My tab works great, the only issue is that I've got extreme backlight bleeding at the bottom and at the right side of the screen, the right side is not much of an issue but the bottom is extremely annoying due to the black. I'm about to return it.
Yes, the backlight bleeding is a serious issue.
I've seen 3 of these devices now and they all have the same extreme case of it.
I'm going to start to start a new thread soon when I have a chance to take some good photos, unless someone beats me to the punch
Heres mine, Vodafone got a new one ordered for me which can take up to two weeks for whatever reason. If it has the same issues I will claim my money back and wait for the thin version.
As to the OP for HD video playing, i was testing the HD capability and found that even with a Xoom its unable to play full 1080 and 720 without recoding them. Thankfully a xoom owner has already done his bit of testing and all you need to do is download HandBrake and import his settings Settings Link. Encoding takes a while but i have tested on 1080p and 720p and they play just fine. File size i took from 1080p was about 15gb and it was reduced to about 2GB or so. You'll still need to get rockplayer as it does HW decoding to make the video play smoothly. alternatively you can use moboplayer but i prefer rockplayer's quality decoding for some reason
I also have some backlight bleeding issue, but only when i turn my brightness all the way up, i generally leave it on auto now and there's no bleed what so ever. I believe someone on WP has already mention that he checked all the 10.1v available in the Vodafone store in his location and they all have backlight bleeding issue and i believe it to be a batch and QA issue.
Other than that its more towards apps not compatible with honeycomb and they tend to force close a fair bit. Even the app market and app list drawer tend to crash often and the uptake to produce 3.0 compatible apps have been very slow from what i see, but hopefully those 5000 people that receive the new 10.1 sexy tab will be motivated to make apps and widgets.

8 Release Candidate - June 2012

Does anyone have the preview and NOT want to download the RT when it comes out? I admit there are many things which annoy me with Windows 8, it simply takes too long to get many things done compared with Windows 7. I'll still give it a go though.....
phoneyericsson said:
Does anyone have the preview and NOT want to download the RT when it comes out? I admit there are many things which annoy me with Windows 8, it simply takes too long to get many things done compared with Windows 7. I'll still give it a go though.....
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I find that it works much more effeciently than before, ill defo be downloading it and testing it, in fact if its possible i might try an upgrade of Win 7 too this time to see how that performs
i'll try it, just so i can make an educated opinion about it.
i al really digging windows 8, at first it took a while to get sued to metro, but now there are some ui things that i really like about windows 8 and i am dieing to see what they are going to change in the release preview. There are a few complaints, but we all must remember this is a beta product and our judgements should be more geard for RTM and release preview
^^^ How about the settings though? It takes me really long to change different settings...I've had to pin so many things to the bottom screen because there's no Start.
Don't laugh now...I did try without the start and I will try again...but I have been using a mod to put start back...
I do like many of the UI changes though. Also I'm keen to seen how good my laptop battery is on it, Micro said it would be better than Windows 7...also, what do you all think of Micro Security Essentials for Windows 8? They claim it's far more advanced before with some mega anti-rootkit stuff that is not available anywhere else yet...
I would upgrade to windows 8 if there is at least some way to disable metro without breaking the OS in some way. I like the backend changes and the changes to explorer, task manager, and a few other middleware apps.
Rakeesh_j said:
I would upgrade to windows 8 if there is at least some way to disable metro without breaking the OS in some way. I like the backend changes and the changes to explorer, task manager, and a few other middleware apps.
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Try this!
It doesn't break anything...you install this like a program and can uninstall it. You can change the start screen to look like Xp/Vista/7/other.
phoneyericsson said:
^^^ How about the settings though? It takes me really long to change different settings...I've had to pin so many things to the bottom screen because there's no Start.
Don't laugh now...I did try without the start and I will try again...but I have been using a mod to put start back...
I do like many of the UI changes though. Also I'm keen to seen how good my laptop battery is on it, Micro said it would be better than Windows 7...also, what do you all think of Micro Security Essentials for Windows 8? They claim it's far more advanced before with some mega anti-rootkit stuff that is not available anywhere else yet...
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What settings you want,? Almost everything you need is a right click on the bottom left corner of the screen away, instead of reverting to something that adds the start menu, just ask us, there isn't a real reason to use the start menu as everything is still there.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I'll be installing it to a VHD for native boot. I've had a lot of problems with power management causing my laptop to shut down with the CP - so much so that I went back to running Server 08 R2 (I use my laptop for Hyper-V labs). Client Hyper-V in Windows 8 CP doesn't like my Atheros wifi anyway (why HP always puts in Atheros cards, even in its business-class machines, is beyond me).
Good..... But, the most annoying thing is that the start menu has been removed.
prime_225 said:
Good..... But, the most annoying thing is that the start menu has been removed.
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Yes! Almost anything I try to do takes longer because the central point is gone! I am determined to give the new menu system a try and not having a start button.
(I have cheated and use a mod to reinstall the start button see my link above if you're interested.)
dazza9075 said:
I find that it works much more effeciently than before, ill defo be downloading it and testing it, in fact if its possible i might try an upgrade of Win 7 too this time to see how that performs
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I probably won't bother. I did the upgrade with both the Dev preview and the Consumer preview and both times it cocked up in different ways. Give it a shot if you so please, but don't expect it to go smoothly, and do expect that you might need to do a clean install regardless
prime_225 said:
Good..... But, the most annoying thing is that the start menu has been removed.
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The start menu hasn't been removed, the metro interface page is the start menu, you can start typing your search queries on that page as you would in the start orb in vista/7.
Hope in better version, really hope, too many problems with previous release for me
MantisBoy said:
The start menu hasn't been removed, the metro interface page is the start menu, you can start typing your search queries on that page as you would in the start orb in vista/7.
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+1 to this.
Start Search has been in Windows since Vista, and if you still don't know how to use it then there's no helping you.
I jumped from XP to 7 when one of the first developer previews became available, and couldn't be bothered to figure out the somewhat complex re-organization of the various Control Panel items. However, once I found Start Search that didn't matter at all and I was able to get stuff done faster than XP. Example: typing [Windows Key]-p-r-i-[Enter] to get to Printer Management is much faster than moving my hand off my keyboard to my mouse, mousing to the start menu, clicking Control Panel, waiting for the Control Panel window to open, finding and clicking on the category I want, and then finding and clicking on the menu item.
The only annoying thing at present is that Control Panel Start Search results in 8 are, by default, hidden in their own category that isn't focused or expanded by default, which makes it take slightly longer to get to Control Panel items via Start Search. Aside from that I honestly don't really notice the "lack" of Start Menu. I pin the handful of apps that I (almost) always have open anyways, and everything else I launch via Start Search on my keyboard.
Keep in mind this is on a non-touch desktop environment where my workflow and usage have remained 99% the same as with Windows 7. The main reason I jumped to 8 was the frankly ridiculous boot time.
A new mobo with UEFI BIOS+SSD+Windows 8=Usable desktop from cold boot in literally 10 seconds.
DivinityCycle said:
+1 to this.
Start Search has been in Windows since Vista, and if you still don't know how to use it then there's no helping you.
I jumped from XP to 7 when one of the first developer previews became available, and couldn't be bothered to figure out the somewhat complex re-organization of the various Control Panel items. However, once I found Start Search that didn't matter at all and I was able to get stuff done faster than XP. Example: typing [Windows Key]-p-r-i-[Enter] to get to Printer Management is much faster than moving my hand off my keyboard to my mouse, mousing to the start menu, clicking Control Panel, waiting for the Control Panel window to open, finding and clicking on the category I want, and then finding and clicking on the menu item.
The only annoying thing at present is that Control Panel Start Search results in 8 are, by default, hidden in their own category that isn't focused or expanded by default, which makes it take slightly longer to get to Control Panel items via Start Search. Aside from that I honestly don't really notice the "lack" of Start Menu. I pin the handful of apps that I (almost) always have open anyways, and everything else I launch via Start Search on my keyboard.
Keep in mind this is on a non-touch desktop environment where my workflow and usage have remained 99% the same as with Windows 7. The main reason I jumped to 8 was the frankly ridiculous boot time.
A new mobo with UEFI BIOS+SSD+Windows 8=Usable desktop from cold boot in literally 10 seconds.
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Totally agree!
And I can't wait to try the Release Preview in June. Have some problems with my wifi drivers, but nothing hard to fix.
Demaar said:
I probably won't bother. I did the upgrade with both the Dev preview and the Consumer preview and both times it cocked up in different ways. Give it a shot if you so please, but don't expect it to go smoothly, and do expect that you might need to do a clean install regardless
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interestingly its the only way ive been able to get a couple of drivers to work, theres some changes under the hood that's really buggered up older drivers, course that might be laziness on the developers side rather than MSs fault but we shall see, im keen on trying this refresh button as well, kinda wondering how much it will gut the crap out of the all the stuff ive installed and how much is left in place, so anyway, if an upgrade doesn't work too well (and I don't think it ever has on a previously used system) ill test the refresh button as well
IDEA - wait a second...the refresh feature...does that mean that when we buy a laptop we just click refresh and reset in 5 minutes? So...we can get rid of all the bloatware inf 5 minutes? Ha
phoneyericsson said:
IDEA - wait a second...the refresh feature...does that mean that when we buy a laptop we just click refresh and reset in 5 minutes? So...we can get rid of all the bloatware inf 5 minutes? Ha
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Honestly don't know, it suggests so but then its probably possible for OEMs to "edit" the files for the refresh somehow, we shall have to wait and see
still get morw things done
I still get a lot more things done than what I could on iPAD and android tablet. I appreciate x86 for the fiest time after trying win8.
I will stick to this and x86.

