.NET CF + Flash 7 Disable Context Menu?? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi, I'm new to the forum, and have tried to find a solution searching on it (here and on the web) to my problem, but couldn't find a thing.
Mi problem:
I've got a .NET Form with an embeded Flash 7 player (the activex using a custom AxHost class, etc. not using a browser).
Everything works like a charm.. except for the fact that I don't want the Tap-n-hold menu to pupup, because my application is based on drag and drop, and it's awful when the menu pops'up sometimes.
Has anyone tried to do this before.. and succeded?
Things I've done:
- FlashControl.Menu = false
- Hooking to the Hwnd of the control and handling WM_CONTEXTMENU
- Lots of things like hooking on my form and checking for a WM_NOTIFY
from SHRecognizeGesture or calling SHRecognizeGesture before WM_LBUTTONDOWN is invoked (silly but had to try.. dont blame me
I believe the problem is the control uses SHRecognizeGesture on WM_LBUTTONDOWN... is there a way to prevent this?
Perhaps if I could disable completely the feature in my aplication would also be nice (I don't use it at all)
Thanks in advance just for reading

Tried, but failed
Tried, failed but found a way out! Install "FlashPlayer 6" on the PDA and put a big, transparent button in the Flash application you created. Don't forget to put it in the bottom layer of course...
In FlashPlayer 6, the menu does not appear when you are clicking a flash-button.
Sadly, the FlashPlayer 6 does not support FLV-videos, so I hope you don't need to use those.
You can find FlashPlayer 6 on http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/pocketpc/2002.html . Remove FlashPlayer 7 from your PDA and just run the executable on your PC, with your PDA attached to it.


Macromedia Flash problem. Fixed...Now with 100% more FUN!

Installed Macromedia 6 and 7 for PPC and tried both of them. None of them work.
I tried opening the SWF's in PIE but it just gives me an error saying PIE isn't associated with .swf
Anyone know how to make these .swf's run?
I should probably clarify a little more. I have the Actual .SWF file on my storage card. I am not going to any website and load remotely.
Specifically trying to load local from storage card.
***EDIT 2***
Solved my own problem. Look here:
***EDIT 3***
Well, that page is good for information and all, but for those who want instant gratification.
***EDIT 4***
Uploading a fun Flash game that actually WORKS!!! Use your stylus to keep the guy walking.
For better performance Overclocking is kinda neccessary to have a decent FPS and Click and Hold the stylus to change setting like:
View > %100
Quality > Low
Full Screen > On
Don't forget you can hold the stylus down anywhere within the flash to have the WM5 swirly dooley to bring up more options.
Things I need this to do:
- Keep the backlight on while this program runs.
- Always have "Low" Quality selected
- Landscape mode being selectable or always "ON"
Would anyone know how to do that?
Thanks for that, all working - I had the smartphone version of this but not the pocket pc version cheers.
For all those british nostalgics - old bbc2 clock flash attached :wink:
I'm just glad somebody found this useful. Heh, I guess I was one of the only ones looking around crazy to play Flash files locally.
Thanks for the SWF as well.
does the flash player work with the pda screens? does it accept inputs....or just for watching swf's?
edit.. ok i read your edits.. the stylus works find....

Finally! TouchFlo works! - ALPHA 4 (stable) AVAILABLE

Update 2007-10-16:
Here you have new release which is much more stable than all previous!
Mostly I was working on solving problems, increasing performance and reliability, so:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings, Office etc. solved.
2. Problem with excluded applications list solved.
3. Many improvements had been done in scrolling together with bugs fixing.
4. Problem with a few instances of FTouchFlo running at the same time solved. You'll not start more than one instance now.
5. Problem with forwarding stylus events to gwes in scrolling mode solved. It was the reason of a unstable scrolling.
6. Problem with memory leaks when starting applications solved.
What's new:
1. Possibility to set up initial mode: "Scrolling" or "Launching".
There is additional parameter int the config file:
;Initial mode (S - scroll, L - launch)
2. Now you'll see small icon at top of your screen showing current FTouchFlo mode.
S - scrolling, L - launching and D - disabled (application is in excluded apps list).
You can now switch between modes by tapping at the icon.
3. A few more or less bugs found and killed (of course some new bugs introduced )
Thank you all for good ideas, unfortunately it's just impossible to implement them all in reasonable period of time + I was really concentrated on reliability and performance.
I hope that A4 is a last Alpha version!
P.S. Don't forget to uninstall all previously installed FTouchFlo versions! Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete.
Update 2007-10-15:
Friends, I really didn't feel good yesterday when I was writing description to Alpha 3.
Error is in description how to toggle between scrolling and launching modes. You should use DOWN->UP->DOWN gesture to toggle. E.g. from the bottom of the screen, move your finger to the top and then back to the bottom.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-15: Alpha 3 available now!
Thanks to all donators!
Changes in alpha 3:
1. Solved problem with iContact and other applications without name of window. Just put name of exe file into excluded programs list.
2. Delay function added to configuration: delay time in milliseconds before "standard windows behavior".
3. Launch applications function added.
FTouchFlo now has 2 operation modes: scrolling and launching.
To toggle between operation modes you should use up-down gesture. If mode has been toggled you'll hear a beep.
You can use GestureWaitingDelay parameter in the config file to set up how much time FTouchFlo will be waiting for gesture. So, for example, if you'll set up there 1000 ms, FTouchFlo in the scrolling mode will be waiting 1000ms before start scrolling. As less GuestureWaitingDelay, as fast you should move your finger. Try to find suitable value for you.
Once you're in the launching mode you can use 4 gestures:
down-up, up-down, left-right, right-left to start 4 different applications.
There are 8 parameters in the config file for this:
You can guess what they mean by their names, actually...
As an example I can show how to start .swf files by Down-Up gesture:
DownUpAppCmdLine:/Cube Launcher 0-03.swf
Before installing alpha 3 it is necessary to uninstall previous versions. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha, alpha2 and alpha3.
P.S. Application becomes more and more complicated and it is harder and harder to introduce new features. I've spent 2 days near the computer and I'm going to calm down for a while. Also I've got flu, so alpha 3 might be affected by this fact.
Thank you!
Update 2007-10-14: more info about Alpha 2
1. Before installing alpha 2 it is necessary to uninstall previous version. Calibration.dat file you shouldn't delete because it is the same for alpha and alpha2.
2. FTouchFlo reloads configuration file (with excluded programs list) each time you're opening new application, so after you add new application to exclusion list, keep in mind that FTouchFlo will start ignoring it after you switch to other application and then switch back.
Update 2007-10-14:
First of all I want to say Thank You to all donators!
Alpha-2 version is now available!
1. Improved calibration routine.
2. Excluded applications list added.
3. FTouchFlo doesn't work if SIP is working.
4. Delay before "standard windows behavior" function decreased to 100ms.
5. Improved speed and reliability.
Still not solved:
1. Horizontal scrolling in Programs, Settings etc.
2. Transcriber doesn't works.
3. No sound on screen taps.
4. Strange issue: "In Spanish, it's installed in "Menu Inicio\Programas\Programs" and uninstall doesn't work.".
5. Possible to start more then one instance of MouseEvent.exe and possible to start Callibration.exe. Just now I remembered about these problems.
How to configure programs which shouldn't be affected by FTouchFlo:
There is a file FTouchFloConfig.txt in the program directory.
Contents of the file after installation:
; FTouchFlo configuration file
; Exclude applications
Exclude:TomTom Navigator
Exclude:Flash lite
; end of configuration
You can use application exe file name or application's window name. So, to put, for example, Calculator application to the list you should add there:
Program will re-read contents of config file automatically.
P.S. Don't forget about donations ... It is really hard to find free time.
P.P.S. In advance I want you to excuse me for my English and probably not so clear explanations. It is 3:10 a.m. now...
P.P.P.S. You may use this software on your risk. I'll not take responsibility for possible problems... and so on and all stuff like this.
Update: Scroll function videos: scroll 1 and scroll 2
Hi to all owners of HTC PDAs who wants to use TouchFlo but their PDAs doesn't support it!
After a deep research how touch screen works and communicates with gwes I've made an application which is able to intercept all stylus movements and process it or forward to gwes.
It is still necessary to do a lot of things like calibration and other stuff, but in fact it works!
I'll continue working but I really don't have much free time, so your donations will speed up development.
-=<Here>=- and -=<Here>=- you can see how it works now. It can recognize movements in four directions and start selected programs: Internet Explorer, Calculator, TMail and File Explorer.
Also I am looking for your ideas how to use this software... there are few possibilities I noticed and going to implement:
1. Start programs depending on direction (like it works now).
2. Use it for scrolling with finger.
3. Create a library so any developer can use it to implement their ideas.
Thanks a lot for my friends (Pavel and Sergey) who are working on this software. Without their help such progress wouldn't be possible.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've tested it on HTC Trinity, but I'm sure it will work on any HTC PDAs with touch.dll written according to Microsoft specification.
wow.. that looks awesome
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
DVS_WiNdz said:
I just saw your other video.. and wow.. I'm even more amazed
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Thank you! I've just added link to the second video.
Is there a cab for us to download?
HTC CUBE works in our ATOM
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT ButtonFlo.cab
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings V1.22.cab, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - AL_xx_Touch.zip into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
steveecourt said:
Is there a cab for us to download?
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Hi! Not yet. It is really not ready for publishing yet.
I am working on calibration now and after it will be done I'll publish first alpha.
P.S. Now calibration data gathered from my Trinity and hardcoded.
generalriden said:
HTC Touch Cube working on O2 ATOM(WM6 AKU0.7.0)!
PART 1 - Install your Touch Cube onto your Atom!
Hi guys,
I've managed to get the HTC Touch Cube working with jiggs's WM6 AKU 0.7.0. Not sure if anyone was previously successful in doing this. But unfortunately, at the moment, it is using the ButtonFlo method of turning the cube.
I dont have the expertise to get this thing working using the Finger or stylus to get the touchscreen to turn the cube yet.
Maybe one of you geniuses out there will be able to take this one step further and get it working fully! (I'm hoping)
Here are the files I used and hope it works for you guys on jiggs WM6 AKU070.
1) Install jiggs's WM6 AKU070 (make sure HTC HomePlugin is activated - dunno if you really need it).
2) Install HTC Audio Manager.
3) Install HTC Audio Mgr Today Plug-in.
4) Install Touch flo(Alpha).cab
5) Install JT ButtonFlo.cab
6) Map Touch Flo pgm to one of the buttons - I chose the O2 Media Plus button.
7) Soft-reset.
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings V1.22.cab, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete entry "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - AL_xx_Touch.zip into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
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I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
When you get the black screen, press the power button to put the device in standby mode, wait 15 sec and hit the soft reset, this helped me with the black screen problem in the past
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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Sounds very awesome do you think it work on kaiser and do you need help testing it, i have been trying on hermes since beginining and I dont mind been a beta tester for the kaiser model, just pm me if you think thts a good idea. anyways great work
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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thanks..hope you will PM me.. i need to activate the finger touch on this HTC CUBE & i think ur the man to help us.
efrost said:
I promise that I'll inform you personally when I'll be able to release a cab, so you'll be able not to map your Cube to some button, but use your finger to start it.
BTW, Cube still doesn't work on my Trinity. All the time just black screen.
Thank you!
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follow the procedure #2. YOU NEED THIS
PART 2 - Customizing Your Cube using Touch Settings!
Step 1: Install Touch settings V1.22.cab, then soft reset.
Step 2: Go to windows\startup and delete file called "Mediahubmini"
Step 3: Soft reset (I don't think it's neccesary though, but i do perform
this step.
Step 4: OH YES! Also install the missing ICON files for the APLauncher - AL_xx_Touch.zip into a separate directory (eg. \Touch).
Step 5: Copy the same ICON files(from Step4) into \Windows. (these files were missing in Part1).
Step6 - Soft-reset and you should see everything working!
<----download this .brn files (replace if needed old files)
(read this forum also CLICK --HERE--)
put it in ur /windows..THEN softreset
EVERYTHING WORKS TO ME NOW...i tried to install this program so many times, many times also i GOT THE BLANK SCREEN.
NOW I REALIZED MY MISTAKE, I did not copy & replace .brn & png file on my /windows...thats the key to work & no blank screen. Co'z no source of image after running the touchflo program and this files is the source
I can test also for blueangel device
Another keen Hermes volunteer here! I hope you're going to dish out some source code as I'm keen to learn how you have managed to hook mouse events!
Keep up the good work!
xplode said:
I can test also for blueangel device
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did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
egzthunder1 said:
did you try it yet? If so, does it work on the BA? Thanks.
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Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
efrost said:
Friends, take it easy! I'm really not going to release something that for sure will not work. I already posted above that calibration data taken from my personal Trinity and hardcoded in the program, so I would create calibration procedure and then I'll publish version for alpha testing.
For example, at the upper left corner my Trinity touch screen driver reports me X = 97 and at the lower left corner I have X = 90. On your devices I am sure it will be different.
So, it is necessary to have precise calibration procedure so your devices will work properly!
BTW, if you have implemented precise enough procedure for calibration, it would be great if you share it with me.
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Didn't mean to sound too overexcited, but... truth of the matter is that I am. I am as happy as a crackhead on payday
I saw the videos on Youtube and I liked the way it worked. It was blazing fast! In either case, keep it up!!!!
Umm.. I have a question. Do most of your phones run as fast as the one in the video? Mine is so slow.
Hi! I've found a few free minutes (at work) and implemented scrolling.
It scrolls standard contacts, e-mails, word, internet explorer etc. In other words, every window which has scroll bars.
I don't have possibility to create video and share it for now, but today evening you'll get it!
What mechanism are you using to hook the mouse events? Care to share any code?

WMP 10 Landscape Mode

Hi All,
I am running the latest dcd's ROM 3.2.3 on a Verizon XV6800. This is my first time playing with WMP 10 mobile. I have the classic landscape issue. I've seen this solved using the registry mod (HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation, set Ladscape to 1). This works , but when I slide open the keyboard the registry value is changed back.
I've tried some other players, but I need *.wmv files working so it's limited my choices a bit.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Since noone has an answer for this I created my own. This is a hack that works around the WMP limitation. I call it WMPLandscape.
WMPLandscape is basically just a lightweight window that monitors the state of the display. It changes the LandscapeMode reg entry, then posts a message to Windows Media Player. This causes WMP to play in landscape mode when in full screen.
To Install:
Just install the cab and start the app or issue a soft reset.
WMPLandscape runs in the background and is auto-started after reset.
If the app is already running, clicking the app shortcut will open the app so it can be closed or the about box can be viewed.
WMPLandscape should work on any ARM device running Windows CE 4.2 or higher, but only QVGA devices are currently supported. (this was really meant for the Titan.)
This is a pretty ugly hack, but it does seem to work fairly well.
Sometimes WMP will revert to portrait mode after the keyboard is closed. I am still trying to resolve this issue. If this happens, just open the keyboard and close it again and things should be back to normal.
I hope someone finds it useful.
**Edit: I removed this file after finding a nasty bug. See below for an updated version.
Here's a new copy. There were some memory issues with the first version. I still haven't figured out how to make it work everytime, but this one is a step in the right direction.
***Edit: The final version is below.
I was finally able to get this working more reliably, so here is the final version.
If you are having trouble getting Windows Media Player to play full screen in landscape, start by setting the registry key HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\LandscapeMode to 1 . For many phones, this is all you'll need to do and is better than having a background application running (even if it is very small).
For Titan phones (and probably others as well) the registry value is reset each time the keyboard is opened and closed, making the above fix only temporary. This app will make sure that the key stays at the correct value.
It is compatible with Windows Mobilw 5.0 and above.
Just install the cab file and soft reset the device.
View attachment WMPLandscape_1_0_2.CAB

[APP][REQ]UltimateSearch modification

Dunno if it is the right place to post it...anyhow I would let you to know this fabulous (maybe just my personal opinion) that allow you to enable on your today screen a complete search engine frontend:
It is called "Ultimate Search" and it's pretty cheap. I really love it because you can make a search on Google/yahouu/youtube/ecc...just by tapping one button on your today.
I've just one problem: it works only with IE, not with Opera.
I tried to open the .dll attached here with an hex editor to enable it to launch Opera instead of IE but unfortunally I'm not so able in theese things and so I failed.
Is there something who can help me?
Thanks a lot in advance.
PS: (to the mods) I posted here just the dll used by the program. No copyrights violated, no warez.
Come on guys...
there's really noone who could help me?
I'm sorry...never liked the "bump action" but I really need thi help...
So: ...BUMP...
use vjbrisk to map the iexplorer exe to the opera exe
Or maybe you can set Opera like default browser?
it wont open with any other Browser other than IE because its using the HTTPRequest and other commands provided by M$ in there SDK

UpToDate fix with Full working Internet Explorer 6

This is my first post and hopefully it may be helpful.
I have created a nice solution in order to run both UpToDate and Internet Explorer 6.
This solution was originally posted in this thread, but as long as this may not be visible, I have started a new thread
What you will NOT need
1) You will not need Fix UpToDate by doctorcete.cab
2) You will not need to cook your own rom
What you will need
1) Fix IE.cab
2) The files, which are attached at the end of this post.
There are 2 different versions.
Version 1 - Best - If you use MortScript
1) Use the two .mscr files.
2) Each of those files contains a registry modification and after that it executes Uptodate or IE respectively.
Be careful: If you installed UpToDate in a different location than the default you should manually open and edit the file UpToDate.mscr and replace "\Program Files\UpToDate" with your installation pathway. (You can use Notepad to open the file)
3) You can use these files to launch the applications instead of the default shortcuts.
2nd version - If you do not use Mortscript
1) Use the 2 reg files
2) Before opening each application, run the corresponding .reg script
3) Files are universal independent on your installation location. Therefore no change is required.
I hope you enjoy.
I can only launch it trhough mortscript then, not the default shorcuts right? or am I missing something?
You should build new shortcuts pointing to mscr files.
If you want to have also the correct image on those shortcuts, you can download the file attached.
UpToDate shortcut will only work if it is installed in the default location (/Program Files/UpToDate)
If you have another installation location, you should manually edit the shortcut and fix it accordingly.
EDIT: If you want to use these shortcuts place the mscr files in folder "/Program Files"
I don't want to hijack this thread, but has anyone been able to find a hack to increase font size within UpToDate?
good work step2p, it works alright with the shortcuts, congrats!, im very happy uptodate is finally getting some attention (after 6 or 7 months since the problem was discovered). Thank you!....
Fix UpToDate by doctorcete.cab
Dear All,
I still prefer to use Fix UpToDate by doctorcete.cab. I don't like IE6 any way. The simple solution is to run Fix UpToDate.cab. You can set Opera as you non-default browser, and Opera still works fine.
so what does this do? use PIE as the manilla internet browser???
what i imagined it would do is make PIE better with zoom, so might be able to zoom a bit better and it might be a bit faster? can anyone explain to me please?
UpToDate is an Electronic Medical Database for Medical Drs
If your are not a Medical Dr. You don't need to read this thread
good job... it works nice.
Good evening to all,
I know this is not the appropriate thread to post this but i do hope to get some help
I have installed a trial 17.2 on my pc.does anyone knows which file is held responsible for expiring the trial version in the registry?
how can i check the version of IE?
Don´t mind the version of IE. If UpToDate works out of the box (without any hacks) then you do not need this. If it doesnt work. Follow the steps as described above on the first post, Then it will work.
great work guys. any way to have finger scrolling work?
Just wanted to say that UpToDate works perfectly without needing any fixes if you access it through a proxy connected to your medical school, assuming that's an available option. It doesn't work using opera but does with IE, including zooming, etc.
well that's if you use an internet connection be it a data connection or wifi. this discussion is about uptodate completely on the phone (flash card) requiring no internet. thanks though
goldsfool said:
Just wanted to say that UpToDate works perfectly without needing any fixes if you access it through a proxy connected to your medical school, assuming that's an available option. It doesn't work using opera but does with IE, including zooming, etc.
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yooeee said:
well that's if you use an internet connection be it a data connection or wifi. this discussion is about uptodate completely on the phone (flash card) requiring no internet. thanks though
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Oh, I assumed it still connected to the internet to access some kind of database. So this program alone contains ALL of the information that's available online!?? That's pretty amazing if it does, especially if it updates with new articles. I'll have to look into this now...
Yeah, it's huge >2GB. If you subscribe, there should be an option for them to deliver a DVD to you for you to use with your Palm/Windows Mobile device. UpToDate updates periodically, currently it's version 17.2. Articles are not updated on a rolling basis, but rather in increments corresponding to new versions. The flash card version actually does not update automatically. So whatever version you initially received, it'll remain that version with the same articles. The only way to update articles is to get the new version. Fortunately, the updates do not occur that often and medicine doesn't change drastically between versions.
goldsfool said:
Oh, I assumed it still connected to the internet to access some kind of database. So this program alone contains ALL of the information that's available online!?? That's pretty amazing if it does, especially if it updates with new articles. I'll have to look into this now...
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many many thanks to all of you
thank you doctorcete ur fixes worked on omnia
and after applying the fixes I've downlaod this file
XDA WM 6.1 P.I.E for WM6.cab
now uptodate17.1 works and I.E 6.1 works
Ok, I haven't gotten this to work. I'm not quite sure what to do with the files. I'm using a Sprint Touch Pro. I placed both files in Programs/Mortscript. I can get everything up, but when i go into the drugs and press headings, it freezes. Any advices?

