[Req] Task Manager Button area expansion - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Can a smart person please expand the touch area for the tastmanager button in the title bar?
Since HTC already uses the enlarge title bar application to show all the icons enlarged, it would be great if the task manager app could just take a bit of the area to expand the area to touch. I usually have to hit the upper right conner more than twice to hit it correctly... it is just too small for my large fingers...


New XDA2, is it possible to...

...use the icon in the bottom bar (profile, close running apps...) but without the 02 ACTIVE menu?
Or may be use the active menu but WITHOUT the links in the left part of the screen? I want to let the today screen be free (in order to customize it with Calendar+, worldmate2004 etc...) but the icon in the bottom bar are very useful.
Or is there any software that allows me to put icons in the bottom bar? For istance a BATTERY icon in the bottom bar would be appreciated, but HOW??
I find in fact the upper space not enough to put all the icons I need...
Thank you all
I find in fact the upper space not enough to put all the icons I need...
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Hmmm maybe you can try Facelift from www.novosec.com/pocketpc with this you can browse on your today screen, have a look!

No today screen scroll bar. anyone willing to develop?

when u have a number of today plug ins up and it goes over the screen limit the ugly (IMO) scroll bar come up could someone try and develop something to remove this and enable a touchflo like scroll of the today screen much like the iphone in this video :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFITXsB56Z4 in the first 7 or so seconds. thanks
Infuruno said:
when u have a number of today plug ins up and it goes over the screen limit the ugly (IMO) scroll bar come up could someone try and develop something to remove this and enable a touchflo like scroll of the today screen much like the iphone in this video :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFITXsB56Z4 in the first 7 or so seconds. thanks
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I have this idea also for a fue weeks now, this will be realy nice to see. Because now i dont have to many plugins on today screen because that scroll bar is so ugly and anoying. Let's see what can be done
I'd love it, too. I know that too many plug-ins on today screen will decrease performance, but I'd just love to have weather plugin or quick dial pictures just below the bottom edge. That would be fantastic, especially when used with FTouchFlo...So...pretty pretty please!!!
My todayscreen is about 500 pixels long, so with the ugly desent bar....You gues
With severals programs you can change the value of :
Horizontal Scrollbars Width (2)
Vertical Scrollbars Width (2)
Then there will be juste a black line....the scrolling you'll do with FtouchFlo
Yeah - I use 'FTouchFlo' and I can scroll on the today screen with my finger (you will have to make the vert, scroll bar thin as above post).
So search for 'FTouchFlo' on these forumns.
Yeah,but scroll bar is quite useful everywhere else,isn't it? Well,at least for me it is...
sabestian said:
Yeah,but scroll bar is quite useful everywhere else,isn't it? Well,at least for me it is...
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not when you have touchflo I rarely use the scroll bars unless im using the stylus but even with the stylus I don't always use the scroll bars anyway i just want the today screen scroll bars removed or something .
But its nice to know if you've got anywhere to scroll to in the first place,right? I like seeing where I am in the list,that's what I use scroll bars for. Just information. Also,sometimes you've got small menus popping down (for example when choosing appointment time or something) when scroll bars can be useful.
sabestian said:
But its nice to know if you've got anywhere to scroll to in the first place,right? I like seeing where I am in the list,that's what I use scroll bars for. Just information. Also,sometimes you've got small menus popping down (for example when choosing appointment time or something) when scroll bars can be useful.
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well then you wouldn't install the program if someone developed it. I would prefer a scroll bar less today screen and so would some other's, its not all that useful to me. I never put items over the limit cose in my opinion they look ugly. and a finger friendly way to scroll through the plug-ins on the today screen.
I agree with sebastian. I like to see a thin scroll bar of width 12px in IE when I check my gmail. I like to see when I'm close to the bottom of the page so I don't have to waste my time scrolling right down to the bottom. It would completely disorientate me to not know where I am in the many lists in all the programs I use, or to know how may things there are in my list. Wouldn't it with you?!
SMS, Resco file explorer, agenda one, Adobe acrobat, word, pocket E-sword, and file browsers in all my other programs (like TCPMP, SPB Imageer which i use frequently) are all pretty much screwed when I set the vertical scrollbar to minimum length 2. Besides that black line is pretty noticeable and annoying.
What we need please is a SEPARATE scroll bar for the today screen. I'd donate straight away for that.
+1 to frenchglen
Edit: double posted! sorry
frenchglen said:
What we need please is a SEPARATE scroll bar for the today screen. I'd donate straight away for that.
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e x a c t l y
I second that. I would also like to get rid of the (IMO) ugly ugly today scroolbar. Willing to donate.
frenchglen said:
I agree with sebastian. I like to see a thin scroll bar of width 12px in IE when I check my gmail. I like to see when I'm close to the bottom of the page so I don't have to waste my time scrolling right down to the bottom. It would completely disorientate me to not know where I am in the many lists in all the programs I use, or to know how may things there are in my list. Wouldn't it with you?!
SMS, Resco file explorer, agenda one, Adobe acrobat, word, pocket E-sword, and file browsers in all my other programs (like TCPMP, SPB Imageer which i use frequently) are all pretty much screwed when I set the vertical scrollbar to minimum length 2. Besides that black line is pretty noticeable and annoying.
What we need please is a SEPARATE scroll bar for the today screen. I'd donate straight away for that.
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I only want a program to get rind of the today screen scroll bar not for evenything, an alternative i wouldn't mind is a program to make the scroll bar less that 10px which is the current minimum. what exactly do you mean by separate scroll bar?
What I (and I'm pretty sure the others) mean is:
We want to be able to scroll up and down on the today screen without an ugly scroll bar AT ALL (an invisible one),
But leave alone the normal scroll bar in all the programs we use. I don't want to get rid of that!
Besides, you can't make it invisible, the registry only allows it a minimum of 2px. To resize it, try SKTools or google/search the forum for the registry hack.
frenchglen said:
What I (and I'm pretty sure the others) mean is:
We want to be able to scroll up and down on the today screen without an ugly scroll bar AT ALL (an invisible one),
But leave alone the normal scroll bar in all the programs we use. I don't want to get rid of that!
Besides, you can't make it invisible, the registry only allows it a minimum of 2px. To resize it, try SKTools or google/search the forum for the registry hack.
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this is the reg hack:
To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
For the vertical (right) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like > if you dont wanna see it > 0

Vista Taskbar

I moved my Vista Task bar to the vertical right hand side of the screen today and noticed that youtube and BBC videos bennefit greatly from that extra bit of screen height. Yet I actually prefer the task bar to be hoizontal along the bottow of the screen. Decision decisions...
So I would love to hear your thoughts; which Taskbar setting do use/prefer? Horizontal or Vertical? Always On top or hidden?
I guess this is also an oppertunitiy to include a picture of your desktop (fuzzing out anything that is personal of course).
For Firefox there is a plug-in called Full Screen that switches it to full screen and back with a small icon (so, no need for F12 key). When I use that it also uses the space normally occupied by the taskbar.
I did have the taskbar at the left-hand-side for a while, but I didn't like it.

A few odd theme-ing questions

1. Im looking for a top menu bar. ("start" bar) thats clear so my background is behind it, or a link to some bars of different bars.
2. Im also having a little trouble with themes. in the tabs, which ever one is open the icon is not in the bottom bar, the rest are there when they are not open. any ideas?
3. I don't know if its possible but if there is a another theme option in the todays settings, like Windows mobile 6.1, htc black. it changes the color of highlighted stuff.
**this is for a CDMA touch diamond. sprint**

Cool page swipe action

I was just reading the latest gossip on Nexus phones. Saw a home screen shot of a page of icons and the icons looked slanted. Then it hit me - instead of swiping from screen to screen, what if the block icons (apps) just appear to individually rotate to the icon in that same position on the next page! Or put another way, the flat icon is actually a four sided box and only one side shows at a time. Swipe and all the boxes rotate to the next side you swipe toward. A widget would seem to rotate and morph into whatever is on the next home screen page!
That might look pretty 'fresh' compared to the current way of screen refresh we now know.?.
Sound promising?
So basically, like a Rubik's cube? Or am I picturing it wrong?
Yep. Looks like the icon of a specific app rotates as it was a cube. Are we right?
