dear all, thanks for your effort, this is a great forum,
I have many locations saved on a google file .kmz that i see when i open google earth, is it possible to download this file on touch diamond to see these location when opening google maps???
Thank you very much
Does anyone know of a text only adventure game for the MDA Vario ?
Also I cant sync it with my pc so it will have to be in the format I can just extract on the MDA.
Many thanks for your help
get pocketDOS and some old text based pc games like Zork
But I need a .cab version ....
Any ideas ? Links ?
Try NetHack for PocketPC
Try nethack if you remember this one. It's a text adventure game.
There's a cab install there.
Here's the file anyway...
Im asking a big favour
Could someone please download the .cab file and post it on here as the firewall is blocking me from downloading it from any of those mirror sites at work.
Please please please ,,, pretty please ....
Thanks all
stupid !
Thanks Everybody
That game is cool
But do you know of any text only games in .cab format ?
Many thanks
Anybody ??
Your best bet is to download an Infocom games interpreter (called a "Z-Machine", google it) and the relevant gamefiles. Then it's a matter of tastes, but you probably want to start with "Wishbringer".
Could you please add the .cab files onto here ?
Thank you very much for your help
Here it is..emulator (copy it to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs) and a game file (Zork I) which you can place in My Docs or in some subfolder of MyDoc.
Here you can find out more about txt based games and download some more Zork games.
Fantastic thank you
That works a treat ....
Guys and gals, don’t forget to check out my brand new, MS-DOS / x86 emulation-related article at
(Sorry for flooding – IMHO, this article certainly deserves attention because it answers ALL the questions a Windows Mobile user may want to EVER ask about emulating MS-DOS. Make sure you read it!)
Ok this thread is for you guys who keep asking for programs, games etc, all over the forums! Most of these can EASILY be found withough posting a new thread simply to get a solitare game! I'll give you a few tips on searching and where/how to find what your looking for!
First off, a great majority (if not all) programs and games, are installed through files called Cabinets! These are what we refer to as .CAB files. .CAB files are one file that contains multiple files, hence the word "Cabinet". These files are normally easy to find.
The easiest way to find a program is by using a site im sure were all fimiliar with! GOOGLE! Simply go there, if you know exactly what program/game your looking for type it in and add a .CAB on the end! (Example: Office Mobile.CAB) And right there under the first link, is a XDA thread with the Office Mobile download that ive seen asked for all over this forum!
The second way is thru the XDA Forum Search, and guess what! Its google again! Though this ONLY searches the XDA forums! Just be specific with it! (Example: HomeScreen PlusPlus)
The third way I've found is from Freeware For PPC this site hap PLENTY of freeware! Games, Programs, Themes, Etc! Use it!
If you still cant find what your looking for, post it in this thread or another dedicated thread for programs/games! Id be happy to assist in search, let's just keep these threads clean! Happy hunting!
I need to find bluthooth audio cab. I think it has been deleted can anyone get it for me im trying to get music to play through my bluthooth and not my phone. Thanks alot peoples!!
I know in Zcink's thread on cab files. There is a file listed for the bluetooth.
I think its around message 135. Hope this helps. Also in the Herald mobile 6 forum the sticky from Papamopps has lots of helpful links.
Thanks alot!!!!
hi guys,
please any one tell me how can use GPS in x1? with and without internet connection.
you need to go out from your house or building. then turn on GPS.
Thanx for quick reply, but which program I have to work with it? the google maps or the Quick GPS and the both working with internet.
casper1521979 said:
Thanx for quick reply, but which program I have to work with it? the google maps or the Quick GPS and the both working with internet.
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Click to collapse
you looking for software for navigation? i am using tomtom, and it does not use internet as tomtom already contains the maps.
there are other softs that will give you cordinates of your location. dont remember names as i dont use them.
hope that helps
thanks pal, but could u send the download link for this software,coz i don"t have it
thanks pal, but could u send the download link for this software,coz i don"t have it.
sorry am new user, could u also please give me briefing about it?
lol, one of the threads getting worse with every post.
Here is my contribution:
1. Use the forum-search, there are many threads here concerning nav-software, with or without internet connection.
2. Read the manual and help files of your X1
3. Use google with the keywords of your prefered nav-program you decided for after step 1. Most of the programs are not free, so there is not just a download-link to be given, you must pay for it. Surprised?
i dont know coz, am coming from the moon!!!!!!!!!!!
First, if u dont want to help, dont write and second i know i hve to pay
i dont know coz, am coming from the moon!!!!!!!!!!!
First, if u dont want to help, dont write and second i know i hve to pay
You could try one of these: TomTom, Sygic Drive, Sygic McGuidder, Mireo Ginius Drive, Destinator, Garmin.
You should probably check which program has the best maps for your region/country. To do so you must find a forum from your county for gps programs or ask people who use gps regularly such as taxi drivers.
Most companies offer trial versions of the programs so you can easily check them out. Remember that you might need skins for the programs if they are not displayed properly on your WVGA screen (I know for example that Destinator's previous version needed skin to work on Xperia and Touch HD).
thanks pal for helping
i was wondering if anybody had the download link for tomtom 7 maps for xperia, i just need the U.S western maps, is there a way to find in a .cab file rather than a .rar file?
try ---------
contact the manufacturer
warz07 said:
i was wondering if anybody had the download link for tomtom 7 maps for xperia, i just need the U.S western maps, is there a way to find in a .cab file rather than a .rar file?
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Maps need to match your tomtom device id. Use it to purchase maps from
Just a clue!
Hi warz07.
I don't believe that there is any cab for you to install the maps, unless someone makes it for you on purpose...
But I have a sollution that it's just what you want, regarding the maps...
I can't give you the direct link to download them, don't want to break the rules, but I'm pretty sure that you'll figure it out with this clue I give you.
Why don't you try a google search on "gpsunderground".... or just type in directly ""?????
Easy no!? It's registration free... All you need is there, just search and read, there are step by step guides on how you can register the maps within your HTC....sorry X1 (clue!), worked like a charm for me.
Give it a try and tell me if it worked for you.
PS: After you searched that forum if you still don't get the HTC clue, tell me and I'll light up your way.
maps are warez......not allowed here
read the rules before you post again