Developing Windows Mobile Programs in MingW? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey all,
I have had a big look on the internet but I seem not to find this.
I am wondering about coding C/C++ in MingW for WindowsCE.
Also, I normally code Console Based Programs. Can I run them in WindowsCE as well? (When Cross-Compiled I mean then).
Also, I am wondering What Librarys / Headers can I use?
Already lots of thanks.
But I cant seem to find what I am needing.. =(
Thanks already,
Kind Regards,


Questions concerning programming with WM 5

Does anyone of you know which dll's I have to use to get the following information:
- the net the sim card is booked in
- states of my GSM unit
- states of my telephone unit
Can anyone help me getting these information or tell me where I might find them?
Thank you very much in advance.
On Wm5, state and notification broker. No dlls required.
Please move your question to the development forum, for better responses :wink:
Sounds nice. But there's a problem: we do not only use WM 5 Pocket PCs. Many of our devices use Windows CE instead.
Do you know which P/Invoke I have to use?
If you're definitely not using WM5, but WinCE, then it's a hell of a lot more trouble. You need to use TAPI generally, this will give you answers to each of those queries.
I don't use Managed Code, so check out
If you're using Compact Framework, there may well be managed libraries to get access to this stuff easily.
Native Code ≡ Pain
I checked the library on but it doesn't seem to be very useful. Is there any way to find out the functions compiled in the API dll's? I'm sure Microsoft offers a way to get the wanted information. But I cannot find it

Python on WM5?

I'm working with a team considering this - any thoughts? Any pointers to previous discussions are welcome, but I didn't see any. Also, even if advice is don't do it, any ideas or suggestions for optimization would be great. HW is Apache. Thanks in advance, Jeff
umm hate to point out the obvious but its been done, there is a port of python IDLE available already
as seen here
Sorry - should have been more clear - we're looking at developing Python apps on top of that port. I'm curious as to whether people have any suggestions on how to improve performance of Python apps running on Windows Mobile.
You should as those sort of questions on the PythonCE Mailing List:
Python is just a bitza of C and other languages such as ruby etc.
what would you want to do with it on windows mobile that you can do in those anyway?
im currently developing an online game (as part of a larger project and for windows/ linux/ mac) and it is quite usefull, but to establish it on a new platform would require a bit of ground work. i have been able to run some scripts ive written for the desktop on the CE version but it is limited to what it can do.

Beginner's pointers?

Hi chaps,
I've just got myself an O2 XDA Orbit - great device, and now I'm looking for developing for it - just simple things at first, like a Blackjack game, or a simple Today feature with the sun and moon times on it; this sort of thing.
I've got Visual Studio .NET 2003, but I see that in order to program the latest devices, you need VS 2005 (?). So, I've downloaded Embedded Visual Studio C++ v4 with all the SDK's and I'm hoping to develop for an earlier version of Windows Mobile, and hope that it works.
So while I've got all that, I'm now stuck as to where to start! Can anyone point me to a good book, or something online which will help me through a simple CE application? How you do get the Today screen working, for example? I realise that this might be asking a lot, but a couple of pointers would be great - if you could!
Many thanks,
I'm just starting out myself with windows mobile programming. You can find a lot of info from msdn. Here is an example Hello app.
You can find a lot of good stuff at the code project site also.
eVC has wizards that will get you going. One thing I found out about using eVC is that you won't be able to debug your programs on a WM5/6 device since the SDK's are not compatible with them. It can be a bit of a challenge to fix bugs without a debugger. I can't get the debugger to work with the emulator either for some reason.
A question for other eVC developers out there. Is it possible to use the emulator to debug programs or do you all have an old PPC2003 device that you use to do your debugging? Or have you all moved on to VS2005?
I've bought visual studio 2005 standard and it is great - it fully supports WM5/6 (with sdk) and runtime debugging - for .exe it works well but I have problems with .dll - I can't debug dll files - does anyone know how to make it?
Pleas look up threads started by vijay555.
He wrote a comprehensive article on the tools and possibilities to begin developing for these devices.
Just as a quick side note:
There is no need what so ever to pay M$ money for VS 2005 if you want to develop in C / C++.
Apps written in eVC++ 4 will work perfectly with WM 5 and 6 and if you need any missing API (not many of those) you have 2 choices:
1) Manually unpack the SDK and link to it.
2) Use implicit linking (that LoadLibrary and GetProcAdress).
levenum said:
Pleas look up threads started by vijay555.
He wrote a comprehensive article on the tools and possibilities to begin developing for these devices.
Just as a quick side note:
There is no need what so ever to pay M$ money for VS 2005 if you want to develop in C / C++.
Apps written in eVC++ 4 will work perfectly with WM 5 and 6 and if you need any missing API (not many of those) you have 2 choices:
1) Manually unpack the SDK and link to it.
2) Use implicit linking (that LoadLibrary and GetProcAdress).
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Sorry about the delay in replying...
Many thanks for the pointers.. Just a matter of starting now!

I want to make an app :D

Do you know a site or thread which has basic instructions about making a "hello world" app for PPC? Just to get me started.
What tools do you guys use? (doesn't matter if they are free or not)
How do you export/publish it as a .CAB?
PS. I searched and didn't find a thread like this and I don't want to use somebody else's thread.
Are you familiar with programming?
I use Visual Studio 2005 to create my apps. It has the ability to create a *.cab file as well
Visual Studio 2005 is not free.
You can find tons of info at the MSDN.
You can also use some library simplifying access to pocketPC by taking care of all necessary OS calls. Xflib looks good, especially if you want to code games, there are also some examples provided with lib download, and sources for most games hosted on their site are available. Might be a good place to start if you'd like to avoid learning winAPI and get right down to coding the actual app Another good thing is that it uses open source ceGCC compiler, so MS Visual C isn't needed. Also, you won't really need to make CABS to distribute programs coded this way, since they consist of one single exe file.
Go to for downloads and install instructions.
And if you're a total beginner when it comes to programming, I'd try scripting out first. Have a look at mortscript (good because of it's multi-platform usage) or AutoIt (for windows desktop)
Thanks for the answears so far .
I'm not a programming noob, but not profesional. I've done some apps and games. I plan to start with easy things first as a coin toss app... it comes quite handy... or perhaps a handy stuff thing, inclusing the coin toss, unit converting (there are many), dices, chronometer, etc. All with stadistics and many options, like a random mode and a rigged mode ;D for dice and coin toss...
Then move on to something greater, who knows.
For something like that I suppose visual studio is best. I'll try both anyway. Any advise?
By the way is there an emulator like toolkit for J2me? Something a friend can download to run it without a programming software (or a phone).
Thanks again.
Edit: I believe I found an emulator, at least for XFlib (found there).
Device emulators
visual studio has its own device emulators you just have to download the proper SDK's like WM6 sdk or WM5 sdk to be more device specific, it's supports emulator debuging and device debuging but apps made with VS tend to slower and more memory hungry than apps implemented in C. But for me it's the easiest way to app development.
can you post the emulators link or better yet the whole thing itself here if its small enuff? im also working in xflib and would be much easier to use a standalone emulator rather than the one with vs2008. thanks

Please help, info about using java on wm with c# & googlemaps api

Hi first I must apologize for posting here I know I should post in the questions and answers section, I have already done this twice with two similar posts but I have not received a reply I beleive because the expert programmers are less likely to look there to help people as most questions are about useing software not developing it. anyway here is what i posting before I really hope someone can help me...
Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could answer this question for me.
I am creating a wm app and for part of it i want some information from googlemaps, the maps api is in java and i was thinking of ways to incorperate this into my app. Can i create a java program to get data from google and have my c# program run the java program and get info from it? I could write my program totally in java but i don't like the way i have to first start the vm and launch my program from that is there a way to automate this? also I need quite a lot of information from the phone so using c# will make getting this info easier.
or are there any other ways i might be able to get the info I want, I don't really know anything about applets but could they somehow be used?
oh btw the specific data i want is distance between to map locations (via googles route not direct)
many thanks i hope someone can help
I apologize again for posting in here but this app is for a final year project and I need to know if im barking up the wrong tree as soon as possible.
I might be wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge, Google Maps API is actually JavaScript API, not Java. If you found Java API, it's most likely a wrapper. And if it exists, I'm sure C# wrapper should exist as well. You might want to take a look at this. I know it's not exactly what you are looking for, but it might be helpful to some degree. Also, one other thing I can suggest, is to look at Virtual Earth API. I'm almost 100% positive, that they do have a C# implementation of the API.
Hi hobbbbit thanks so much for your reply, so googlemaps api is javascript , I have never used javascript before and saw that the api used objects methods and looked like java so i just assumed thats what it was. If there isn't a wrapper for c# do you (or anyone) know of a way of using the api to obtain one of the objects and use it in c#?
I would use virtual earth but unless I am totally wrong here I thought to use it you needed a licence which costs around $8000 which I don't want to pay for. Even with google if I wanted to release the app i think I would have to pay although I have contacted them and they say I can develop my app using the free api.
Ok well I took another look at virtual earth, I really am a complete idiot. I signed up for a FREE developers account so hopefully everything I need I can get from there.
again thanks for your advice if you hadent posted I would probably still be trying different ways to hack google earth to work in my wm app.
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
cornelha said:
On codeplex is a windows forms project that uses googlemaps api as wel as a few others. Im pretty sure you can get an idea of how to go about this from there
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Superb this was just the thing I was looking for I will be sure to study this code closely. Thanks so much for the information.

