I have dumped the x1s rom - XPERIA X1 General

here download them:
I will port the wm6.1 xip to it,late

bluegatar said:
here download them:
I will port the wm6.1 xip to it,late
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Hi - could you pls provide the link to the rom - I need a new one too !


PDAVIET wm6.1 rom (the fifth version)

If somebody wants to try it: Green Black Black
http://www.pdaviet.net/showthread.p...E9zet:%3C/smallfont%3E%3Cbr%3E%3Cbr%3EPOLARIS Black Black
Thanks to PhamQuang!
Any mirrors?
fktsndr said:
If somebody wants to try it:
Thanks to PhamQuang!
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I'm using PDAVIET WM6.1 (PhamQuang) on my Eten X500. Very clean and fast.
So how may we download the Polaris ROM (can't read Vietnamese, & Babelfish hasn't helped) ?
ianl8888 said:
I'm using PDAVIET WM6.1 (PhamQuang) on my Eten X500. Very clean and fast.
So how may we download the Polaris ROM (can't read Vietnamese, & Babelfish hasn't helped) ?
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ust go to the link above, select english language, say thanks and do the download
OK, after quite a lot of frigging around (the English US tab changes very little) the ROM is now DL'ing
Now to put it in a kitchen and remove some stuff ...
Here is a mirror
version black http://rapidshare.com/files/100838938/POLARIS_WM6.1_v1.28.61.02_BLACK_PV.rar
Great news!!!
tabarda said:
Here is a mirror
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Pass for archive : PhamQuang
raramomo said:
Pass for archive : PhamQuang
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Forgot to ask
Nice ROM... fast and smooth.. only I dont have the same radio and protocol as what he is showing in the screenshots.....
found updated radio and protocol.... loaded... awesome rom!!
great ROM !!
Very fast rom and stable rom! pleanty of ram left over 60-63 all the time..
Great Work PDAVIET!
Only thing i miss in the rom is the Streaming Media
Very Good release !! Thank you PdaViet !
A minor problem :
Video Calls are not working
Thank you again !
Very nice work and fast rom, thank you!
How can i download the Black rom??
omaga said:
How can i download the Black rom??
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here http://www.mediafire.com/?vynnbnc2lzl
pass : PhamQuang
Another mirror
pass : PhamQuang
Hi All, Wonder this ROM support iPAQ RW6828 Model?
calvinljh said:
Hi All, Wonder this ROM support iPAQ RW6828 Model?
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Yeah! It does! Try it!
NOPE, don't d o that the above reply , he might just kidding you ... just don't use it with 6828.!!!

[help] PKGTool don't work with the last build of WM6.1

Hello !!
I need to extract the last rom for Hermes :
Windows Mobile 6.1 AKU1 v3.62 - CS OS 5.2.19900 Build 19900.1.0.0
In order to cook myself my rom !
NBhextract is OK !
Dumprom is OK !
But when i use PKGtool in order to get my SYS and OEM folders, pkgtool find any informations about the dump folder
Have you some idea to solve my problem ?
Great thanks !!!
Nixeus said:
Hello !!
I need to extract the last rom for Hermes :
Windows Mobile 6.1 AKU1 v3.62 - CS OS 5.2.19900 Build 19900.1.0.0
In order to cook myself my rom !
NBhextract is OK !
Dumprom is OK !
But when i use PKGtool in order to get my SYS and OEM folders, pkgtool find any informations about the dump folder
Have you some idea to solve my problem ?
Great thanks !!!
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Is this a Cooked ROM? If it is, the *.dsm files may have been removed, so getting package info can't happen.
hummmmm !
Yess it's a cooked build, so i need to find this build at official for hermes
But i think there is no official wm6.1 build, so i need use the last cooking kit for hermes !
Great thanks friend

For testin only

Hi everyone
this is just a test... I do not have a Polaris so I can not test the rom myself.
I'm going to release a rom for Prophet and Kaiser that are in 9 differant languages. ENG, DAN, ITA, FRA, ESN, NLD, GER, NOR and PTG
but I will release them for Polaris too if this one is working.
so if you don't know how to flash back to a working rom it this one is not working please do not flash this one ...and I take no responsabil for damage it might do to you device
If anyone has a Polaris that they wan't to sell verry cheep... for me to use for cook purpose only ...it not have to be fully working I'd be glad to buy it
Rapidshare download link: removed need to try cooking again it was a nogo
Hi Gullum I am d/l now, thanks for the contribution
taiseer999 said:
Hi Gullum I am d/l now, thanks for the contribution
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I remember you advater from Kaiser forum so I'm shure you know what your doing I'm crossing my fingers...
If it boots I need to know what is not working
gullum said:
I remember you advater from Kaiser forum so I'm shure you know what your doing I'm crossing my fingers...
If it boots I need to know what is not working
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Its a no-go gullum, it won't pass the 1st splash screen
Could you show any details?
whistler168 said:
Could you show any details?
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read first post again
this was a test rom

[REQ] Lookin' for german ROM (WM6.1)

I'm searchin' for a german ROM for HTC Touch Viva. CID is already ok. Are there other ROMs from other devices which I can use with that device?
Greetz Ronny
I am also searching for a german (unbranded) ROM.
I hope somebody can help
First of all,
if you want to flash another rom, you need to hard-spl or uspl your device.
but besides that, you also need a german backup-rom for waranty purposes. this can only be done, if someone is willing to do a romdump on his MDA basic.
i can help you with the romdump, just send me a pm.
c3ro said:
First of all,
if you want to flash another rom, you need to hard-spl or uspl your device.
but besides that, you also need a german backup-rom for waranty purposes. this can only be done, if someone is willing to do a romdump on his MDA basic.
i can help you with the romdump, just send me a pm.
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First thing is already done. There is a WM6.5 WWE runnin' on my Opal. Just need another ROM ;-)
Greetz Ronny
I am also searching for a german image for my HTC Opal.
I would appreciate if someone could link an original image.
Many thanks for your support in advance !
I need also a original german HTC Opal (Viva) rom.
I will flash it to my MDA Basic (T-mobile).
You can cook it, here the source for german :
WM 6.1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=547314
WM 6.5: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544445
I would do it... is there a manual anywhere? im a newbie ... Chef is already on my computer.. a base rom is also there... i just dont know what i've to do ...
Nilven said:
I would do it... is there a manual anywhere? im a newbie ... Chef is already on my computer.. a base rom is also there... i just dont know what i've to do ...
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The kitchen is in your PC, you are the CHEF
Do you use old kitchen or new kitchen (base on platform rebulder)??
for this time as request from my friend, I am setting Ervius kitchen for OPAL, this is a "Multi language" Kitchen. you can read it here:
I will post it here if it work well on OPAL.
I use the old kitchen.
@ExtractDumpXIP.exe I get the following message:
[Info] It is a common ROM.
[Error] File is damaged, end address small than start address.
[Error] File is damaged, end address small than start address.
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I get this error all the time. It doesn't matter whether I use another ROM.
Need help!
Greetz Ronny
I take back everything and maintain the opposite! ^^ With an official ROM it works. Back to work. If luck wishes me.
Nilven said:
@ExtractDumpXIP.exe I get the following message:
I get this error all the time. It doesn't matter whether I use another ROM.
Need help!
Greetz Ronny
I take back everything and maintain the opposite! ^^ With an official ROM it works. Back to work. If luck wishes me.
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Better You use my kitchen, I will upload it soonest, it's base on ervius visual kitchen multi languange & multi device.
Nilven said:
I'm searchin' for a german ROM for HTC Touch Viva. CID is already ok. Are there other ROMs from other devices which I can use with that device?
Greetz Ronny
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hello mate
try this

[SYS] Builds 23568 & 21903 WVGA 0409 - Ready Package

Hi guys
here is latest build for cook, ready to cook, only copy in your kitchen
Download From 4Shared:
Builds Release(Click HERE)​ All Pass is: Reza
Download From Rapidshare:
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If U like my Work,only download this link To Support me!​
The file link that you requested is not valid.
Another mirror plz.
dm03 shm3h said:
The file link that you requested is not valid.
Another mirror plz.
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Fix it u can Download now
bah agha reza
khodayish shansi didamet inja. daghighan chiziro gozashti ke donbalesham. hala in XIP ro x1 kar mikone ya na? avalin bare mikham xip ro taghir bedam
mahyar_mm said:
bah agha reza
khodayish shansi didamet inja. daghighan chiziro gozashti ke donbalesham. hala in XIP ro x1 kar mikone ya na? avalin bare mikham xip ro taghir bedam
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hi mahyar,plz write english in this forum,like farsi in Ir-Tci
yes its working for x1, u need set MSXIPKernel Folder in "dump\ROM\Shared\21891\MSXIPKernel"
build 21892 released,and i packed that and now is uploading.... waite for one hour to download newer package
build 21892 WVGA 0409 Raady Package is upload and put in 1st post
This is only Professional ?
thanx bro
Siemens Lover
update package
update package to 23541 for wm 6.5.5,
excellent. There was a guy in the Topaz forums that would ready the latest builds for the chefs... but he started cooking his own roms and stopped uploading the ready packages.
So back to manually collecting builds.
I hope you keep this up as it would be very sweet to simply download a build package that was already sorted through.
Pro or STD ??
thanx for these
Yes thanks for putting in the work!
updated to build 21893 wvga 0409
updated to build 23544 wvga 0409
thanks to tom
Ready to use
updated to build 21895 wvga 0409
Thanks Reza, been looking for this.
updated to 23547 WVGA 0409
thanks tom
reza_majd said:
Hi guys
here is latest build for cook, ready to cook, only copy in your kitchen
Builds Release(Click HERE)
4Shared is best​
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Thanks, Reza. But what is the password? Cause when I want to open them with WinRAR it requests password...
Black.Heart said:
Thanks, Reza. But what is the password? Cause when I want to open them with WinRAR it requests password...
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hi reza
good work u r doing bro.any chance for QVGA
