Devs OR MRTScript: GPS Lost Phone Idea - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey guys
I was thinking of this program when I lost my phone the other day. It had died so I couldn't call it to find it, and I didn't know if it was at work, in the car, etc.
Basically, could an app be developed that, when the phone is at say 5% battery life or when it is about to die- have it send an email or SMS with its GPS coordinates. Even if it isn't lost, I wouldn't mind it shooting an email to an email address I never check.
Is this something that could be scripted for MortScript?
What do you guys think?

bump? tttd

check this app
you can suggest to the dev to include the 5% battery feature


911 Emergency Help for my Tilt

K i just wanna start off by saying i am very cluesless when it comes to smartphones and pda's. I just purchased a tilt from at&t and hot it yesterdya i love the phone but am having a huge issue with the battery life. I charged the phone yesterday fully and took it off the hook today at 12pm for work. By around 6pm it was already at 50% battery life and later on when i got home at 8pm was at 28%. Is this something normal happening with the tilt?
I have read some of the forums when it comes to all the programs and fixes for it and its like completely un-understandable to me. I downloaded a program that i heard would fix this issue while i was at work called Kaisertweak but i have no idea what to do with this program. if someone can give me a step by step on this id greatly appreciate it.
If you guys need to know what im using the phone to make the calls is mainly texting and also using AIM on the phone. I also have email updates from work every 2 hours setup on Activesync.
One thing about the phone i find wierd is that activesync is always on and i have to keep shutting it down.
My phone is up to date with the new rom also i believe its 1.62.502.0
Again i am completely clueless when it comes to these things so if anyone has any step by step tips for me on exactly what to do id greatly appreciate it.
Hi, your in the wrong section...this Hermes PPC's. Try the Kaiser forum here for assistance:

Push effect on battery life?

Can anyone tell me how much battery gmail uses if i have sync on and recieve maybe 5-6 emails a day? from what i read some people say almost nothing and some people say alot so i dont know what to think
Not really sure how to quantify it but I'd say not a lot. When I have sync on, receiving about 20 emails a day I notice no significant difference in battery life compared to when I have sync off.
Depends on how many emails you receive, more emails more battery eaten.
How long is a piece of string?
No one can answer that question for you. Clearly the battery drain depends on how many emails you receive.
So, try it out for yourself.
obviously it depends on how many mails you recieve a day thats why i specifically said 5-6....
Aha - in that case I'd say it will use around 10.
I can't see from what you've written how large these emails are.
For instance 5-6 small emails can cause the same drain as 1 big email.
Again, no-one can answer the question in a meaningful way for you.

Battery Issue Finally Fixed

I read on another site to simply turn off the always on in the wireless settings (not the background data in the sync menu) and my battery life has at least doubled. I was worried that my e-mail would not download or other apps would not work, but all my email still comes. The trick is that while your phone is in sleep mode it does not look for email, but once you use it the phone will get your email. Unless you MUST get your email right away, I would highly recommend changing this setting. All input would be greatly appreciated, I want to see if my good luck is working for other people. On a side note I am using Fresh ROM 2.0d.
Could you post the specific path to the setting you're talking about?
If I set my wifi to anything other than "never sleep", then once my phone goes into sleep mode I have to follow a long, convoluted, pain in the ass procedure to get wifi to work at all.
Hopefully that's not the setting you're talking about?
I posted this exact same thing in another thread two days ago. I was so stoked on my battery performance that I wanted to tell others. It's incredible the difference it makes! If you want even better performance go into Settings>Location...uncheck the use wireless networks box, and check the use GPS. Believe it or not the GPS uses a lot LESS battery life to detect your location than the wireless networks.
I'm getting like 2 whole days out of my phone now after doing these things...and that's with pretty moderate use. Hope other people try it out too.
subliminalurge said:
Could you post the specific path to the setting you're talking about?
If I set my wifi to anything other than "never sleep", then once my phone goes into sleep mode I have to follow a long, convoluted, pain in the ass procedure to get wifi to work at all.
Hopefully that's not the setting you're talking about?
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where are these options?
I agree, I used the GPS as well, not the use wireless network. I forgot about that one. Your phone will only use the GPS when it needs it, not all the time like we used to think. The exact settings are at MENU/SETTINGS/WIRELESS & NETWORKS/MOBILE NETWORKS\AND UNCHECK ENABLE ALWAYS-ON MOBILE
alexthearmo said:
If you want even better performance go into Settings>Location...uncheck the use wireless networks box, and check the use GPS. Believe it or not the GPS uses a lot LESS battery life to detect your location than the wireless networks.
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This will vary from person to person. It will depend A LOT on how good your coverage is in the spot you're currently at.
GPS is GPS. It will require the same amount of juice anywhere on the planet.
Cell chips are different. They are hardcoded to give more electricity to the radio circuit when the signal is weak, for obvious reasons. So if you have a cell tower in your back yard, then yeah, you'll get great battery performance relying on cell based options. If your nearest cell tower is 4 miles away, and you're one of those people that loses signal when you go into your basement, then telling your phone to use cell info is only going to chew up battery even faster....
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
But, good advice none the less, just not for me.
scirio said:
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
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Yeah, people on the forum use the word "fix" WAY too quickly.
"Fix" means everything works like you would expect, and like it should. Around here, people use the word "fix" when what they really mean is "here's a half-assed workaround that's a complete pain in the ass, but it will get 10% of the people by until something better comes along...."....
scirio said:
no thanks. This isn't a fix, it's a pref change.
Fix would mean that everything stays the same and you just get better battery life.
But, good advice none the less, just not for me.
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+1 - 6 minutes and counting to receive a test / text msg, while phone is sleeping. Nice the know though, if I need to really trade connectivity for battery duration. I should test whether sms polling is tied to the email polling interval. Cause it ain't interrupt driven with this setting.
edit: i know it's not really sms polling, but rather the lack of an interrupt(-ion of sleep).
Yes, you are right, it is not a fix, but a great way to increase battery life and like I said, everything works the same. I get messages the exact same way and email will go straight to my phone once I use it.
bigupurself7 said:
Yes, you are right, it is not a fix, but a great way to increase battery life and like I said, everything works the same.
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You sure about that?
When my wife sends me a text, I want to see it 5 seconds later, not 5 minutes later.
That may not matter to you, but when you make a statement to the whole world, you have to realize that some of us care about things that you might not.
How thoroughly did you test before you decided to say "everything works the same"?
Did you really test EVERYTHING? Or did you just test "everything that matters to you"?
I used to turn off background data and stuff on my stock 1.5, and I was thrilled I could actually leave it on with 2.1 so I wouldn't have to wait for google voice texts and gmail to come in. With 2.1 I can go the whole day with moderate usage and still have 40% at least left when I go to bed. Let it charge overnight and I'm good. This is good to know though if I am out in the sticks in a pinch and need the extra battery.
maybe it's different in 2.1 but in 1.5 i tried turning off the "always on" setting under mobile network settings under wireless controls but i found that after a while the phone will fail to restart evdo upon awakening and the only way to fix it is reboot. Never tried it on 2.1 but to me between the time on without signal fix nd upgraded radio i get all the battery life i need...
I get messages right away. I just got another one, tested it with a friend and it came right away!
On a side note, messages and phone calls have nothing to do with the internet. Remember we used to get text messages and phone calls way before smart phones.
bigupurself7 said:
On a side note, messages and phone calls have nothing to do with the internet. Remember we used to get text messages and phone calls way before smart phones.
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Key words... "Used to"....
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
bigupurself7 said:
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
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But at what cost?
That's the big question here. Are you 100% sure that you're not missing any communications, or having them delayed?
I'd LOVE to have better battery life, but when it comes down to it my phone is a communication tool. If any battery tweaks delay messages, then they're WORSE then useless, they're actually harmful.
If I wanted to use my phone as a half-assed replacement for a PSP, then I'm sure I could squeeze some amazing battery life out of it, too. But above all, and with NO compromise, I must be able to send and receive communications instantly.
That's what a phone is.
bigupurself7 said:
trust me, it works for me, wish it worked for you guys. its great having amazing battery life!
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Have you rebooted while in that mode?
Yes I have rebooted and just did another test. Got the text right away. Even more interesting is I have a program called Mobile Defense which can find your phone if it is missing and that works as well since it is all done through text messages.

[Q] Extreme battry drain: 100%-0% in 2 hours

Hi all,
in the past couple of days I have experienced extreme battery drain on my HTC Legend. It's got stock rom and nothing else modified except ADW
- It can lose most of it's battery in a couple of hours
- Yesterday I pulled it out of my pocket and it was SCORCHING hot
- Today it was drained in same way and I checked the battery >settings>About Phone>Battery>Battery Usage and it showd Display to 97% even though the screen had been off for most of the time.
This hasn't happened before and started sometime after the recent issues with Market. Don't think this has anything to do with it, but perhaps one of the apps instaled/updated around this time?
* The network usage is not showing any abnormal traffic
* Perhaps it's the SwitchPro Widget casing problems?
* ADW?
This is a list from AppBrain over which apps I have installled:
Facebook for Android
AppBrain App Market
Google Maps
Handcent Location Plugin
Layar Reality Browser
Astrid Task/Todo List
Google Goggles
myTimeSheet Free
Call Meter NG
ColorNote Notepad Notes
3G Watchdog
Body Fitness(320+ Exercise)
Kaloer Clock - Alarm Clock
Smooth Calendar
Street View on Google Maps
SwitchPro Widget
Handcent SMS
SMS Backup & Restore
ES File Explorer
Android Agenda Widget
Sprite Backup 2.2
Barcode Scanner
eBuddy Messenger
Prey Phone Tracker
DigiClock Widget
Text-To-Speech Extended
Call Confirm
Google Shopper
Advanced Task Killer
SilentMode OnOff
Posten Sporing
Remember The Milk
Call Logs Backup & Restore
Scandinavian Keyboard Speed Test
Google Translate
Google Sky Map
One Click Add Event
Norwegian dictionary
Gmail Unread Count
How to knot a tie
What Additives?
Switch off your phone and remove d battery and keep it out till some time may be 5 mins will be ok.. and put battery again in and start your phone.. and don't overcharge your phone ever.... kill all d applications with advanced task killer...
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
If you haven´t rooted your phone you should go to the store where you got the phone this sounds like a factory malfunction
tobbeson said:
If you haven´t rooted your phone you should go to the store where you got the phone this sounds like a factory malfunction
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Your phone draining in 2 hours is possible , mainly by keeping every app active while having wife/gps and bt on. But this still should not result in a scorching hot casing , hotter then normal maybe ,but not scorching.
Might wanna do as he said and go after the warranty ( hope you got a backup phone) it tends to take a while before you get it back if ever and not recieve a new one.
Good luck!
g0dshead said:
Your phone draining in 2 hours is possible , mainly by keeping every app active while having wife/gps and bt on. But this still should not result in a scorching hot casing , hotter then normal maybe ,but not scorching.
Might wanna do as he said and go after the warranty ( hope you got a backup phone) it tends to take a while before you get it back if ever and not recieve a new one.
Good luck!
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It's done it again. Before I can turn it in, I figure I can just do a factory reset and start from scratch. That's what they are going to do anyways.
Here in Norway, we are by law getting 5 year warranty on our phones and it's the shops responsibility to find the EXACT cause of the malfunction. If they can't, you get a new phone (just a new ruling where an iPhone owner got a new phone because the shop couldn't prove it's not the owners direct fault). If I turn it in, they are also by law required to supply me with a phone with equal functionality within 7 days. Ie. a smartphone for a smartphone. I'm also covered by Idiot-insurance (I'm an idiot, I drop my phone in toilets, lakes, from a car window...etc.) so I'm covered no matter what.
BUT I don't want there to be any thing wrong with the Legend. Is there any app which can show me which apps are "open" or consuming power?
It's also turned off and rebooted by itself without any user input.
Battery Monitor for info, Battery Details to prevent overcharging.
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App
Sounds like a dodgy app that you installed around the time the problems started.. If you can remember what you installed I'd start there, otherwise.. Go for the factory reset..
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Sebastian768 said:
It's done it again. Before I can turn it in, I figure I can just do a factory reset and start from scratch. That's what they are going to do anyways.
Here in Norway, we are by law getting 5 year warranty on our phones and it's the shops responsibility to find the EXACT cause of the malfunction. If they can't, you get a new phone (just a new ruling where an iPhone owner got a new phone because the shop couldn't prove it's not the owners direct fault). If I turn it in, they are also by law required to supply me with a phone with equal functionality within 7 days. Ie. a smartphone for a smartphone. I'm also covered by Idiot-insurance (I'm an idiot, I drop my phone in toilets, lakes, from a car window...etc.) so I'm covered no matter what.
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That's awesome. In Australia, the carrier isn't obligated to provide you with a warranty that's the length of your contract. So for example a few years ago I was paying a handset contract for a phone that was already dead.
They also aren't obligated to provide you with a phone when yours is getting repaired, and to get your handset replaced it needs to be sent away for repairs three-to-six times before they'll admit it's faulty. Most people just end up "upgrading" their contracts to a more expensive one to get a new handset rather than spend six months with a semi-broken phone.
Anyway, did the factory reset work?

Something Is Sucking the Life Out of My Battery

My Mugen EXTENDED Life battery arrived this week and I am not getting the sort of hours that I thought I would get .. I have WiFi and GPS turned off and still getting 24 hours with NO USE AT ALL .. But first....
I use Advanced Task Manager and I just turned on my Streak after not touching it for 24 hours. I go to the area where you END TASKS and I don't think there is one thing that isn't running. Even programs that I have never used since I downloaded them.
It's like my Streak is possessed. It has a mind of its own. ALSO, no matter what I do I cannot make the screen stay on for more than 10 seconds. I change it to 2 minutes but within no time at all it has gone back to the 10 second turn off.
When I end EVERYTHING I close and open Adv Task Manager and these are now running ..
Alarm Clock
Outlook Tasks
Tasks Storage
Advanced Task Manager
I wanted my screen to stay on so I could STARE AT IT and see what starts running first, making EVERYTHING follow ..
aaarrrggghhhh ... Am I just going insane ?? I am not kidding when I said that EVERYTHING was running when I turned it on for the first time today.
CLOSED Advanced Task Manager. Played a game called Beads .. Opened Advanced task Manager .. Besides the ones that were already running .. this is what is running NOW.
Beads turns on my maps ?? Playing a game starts Swype? I guess it is a chain reaction? If the Streak checks my email something else will start? I have CNN and a few other News websites on the Streak. They started by them selves or something started them during the time the sStreak was in my purse and also one of my Twitter programs started by itself last night. ONE LAST THING. Beads was NOT running. I ended the game and it really ended. Still it turned on Maps .. or something did.
/me smells copypasta
The Jack of Clubs said:
/me smells copypasta
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Yep .. that is MY POST also. I need an answer to my problem. Is posting in 2 forums a no-no ?? I posted here first and nobody has replied, cept you. meanwhile .. my streak is still opening random programs.
you can post as much as you like. i do recommend changing that one parameter in build.prop. dunno why that was ever set to 0.
Please check the frequency of email-fetch on your Streak. It might be so, that it checks your emails kinda every 5 minutes, which kills the battery so fast!
What rom r u using?
Maybe a factory reset N install a new rom I.e 2.2
Also has to do with refresh rates on your Widgets, I had the same problem when I got my streak back in June, I had every screen with an updating widget N it just killed my battery. Looked flash to my mates though, until then started laughing at me having to recharge all the time.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
What's the battery usage like with the dell battery maybe the extended battery are no good
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I found using the "email" app with push just chewed through my battery
When i switched to gmail i got days out of my battery
The Jack of Clubs said:
you can post as much as you like. i do recommend changing that one parameter in build.prop. dunno why that was ever set to 0.
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I looked and don't see that to change. Someone said should we add it? My other question is what program do you use to edit those files .. seems they open and read only.
ALSO .. I will use the same name here to avoid confusion .. I actually have 'shEEEsh' on both boards. I created the other account one day because for some reason I was having problems logging in. I can't figure out how to unsubscribe.
Hey ..have the same problem...battery life sucks ..and decreased the brightness and stuff but no change ...
Being a newbie to android ..need you guyz to shEEEsh pointed out ,how do u edit the build .prop file ..I used astro to open the file in text but could not find any reference to " debug.sf.hw"....need help here friends ...this is my primary phone ...and need it to run atleast for a day ....
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Im also having this same problem, battery doesnt last for a day, it needs to be charge up 2 times atleast to last a day for just regular usage and not even heavy browsing and multi media stuffs.
Im just hoping the official 2.2 froyo will fix this issue
Right now Im getting alot of dissapointments on my Streak
rvnteck said:
Im also having this same problem, battery doesnt last for a day, it needs to be charge up 2 times atleast to last a day for just regular usage and not even heavy browsing and multi media stuffs.
Im just hoping the official 2.2 froyo will fix this issue
Right now Im getting alot of dissapointments on my Streak
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What have u setup ss your mail app ?
I'm having the same issue. Yes I have several email accounts that are checked every 15min. Maybe it's normal but my Touch Pro2 would go almost 24-hours with the same configuration. I unplugged my Streak from the charger 7 hours ago and it's at 59% right now. I am noticing the battery life is getting longer as it goes. First day the battery didn't last 6 hours and it was at 1%...
ipguy said:
What have u setup ss your mail app ?
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just my gmail and 1 yahoo account. Now Im not using it as a phone anymore and its on flight mode, its still draining its battery fast
And my shock is, I'll leave it fully charge when I go to sleep and in the morning I'll see it 47% left in its battery. Device has no sim card, on flight mode and not being use, and still consumes that much battery???
Its on DJ Steve's Froyo 2.2 v1
My last hope is the official Froyo to fix the battery drain and bluetooth headset in-call volume issue.
rvnteck said:
just my gmail and 1 yahoo account. Now Im not using it as a phone anymore and its on flight mode, its still draining its battery fast
And my shock is, I'll leave it fully charge when I go to sleep and in the morning I'll see it 47% left in its battery. Device has no sim card, on flight mode and not being use, and still consumes that much battery???
Its on DJ Steve's Froyo 2.2 v1
My last hope is the official Froyo to fix the battery drain and bluetooth headset in-call volume issue.
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Your using the gmail app for checking google mail right ? OR are u using the email app?
ipguy said:
Your using the gmail app for checking google mail right ? OR are u using the email app?
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Im using gmail app for google mail and email app for hotmail. I notice my hotmail is checking every 15mins, so I changed it to never and I uninstalled the yahoo app for my yahoo mail. right now Im charging to full charge then I'll monitor the consumption later. Then I'll report back. thanks
rvnteck said:
Im using gmail app for google mail and email app for hotmail. I notice my hotmail is checking every 15mins, so I changed it to never and I uninstalled the yahoo app for my yahoo mail. right now Im charging to full charge then I'll monitor the consumption later. Then I'll report back. thanks
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Delete any accounts setup to use the email app and report back, i had the same problem with the email app, just creamed my battery, after switching to gmail app (fortunatly i only have gmail accounts) i got days out of my battery, not hours
I kid you not
Report back
I did a complete reset and whatever the problem was is now GONE .. After the reset I did an over night charge. Woke up Sunday with a FULL Mugen Extended battery. My son played with my Streak for hours Sunday. Mostly YouTube and internet radio. I spent lots of time re-installing all the programs and entering email accounts etc. I have my settings to NEVER turn the phone screen off because it is just annoying .. ESPECIALLY when playing a 'thinking' game.
Today has been 72 hours since I unplugged it from the charger and I am at 58% .. I am not going to put it on the charger until it won't start !!
using 3g data will eats your loads of battery.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
shEEEsh said:
I did a complete reset and whatever the problem was is now GONE .. After the reset I did an over night charge. Woke up Sunday with a FULL Mugen Extended battery. My son played with my Streak for hours Sunday. Mostly YouTube and internet radio. I spent lots of time re-installing all the programs and entering email accounts etc. I have my settings to NEVER turn the phone screen off because it is just annoying .. ESPECIALLY when playing a 'thinking' game.
Today has been 72 hours since I unplugged it from the charger and I am at 58% .. I am not going to put it on the charger until it won't start !!
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Is your email still setup the same as previously ?

