iPhone look - Wing, P4350 General

hi there, is it possible to make my wing look like an iPhone? if so, I searched alot for topics about this but couldnt find anything, can anyone help me with this please? thnx in advance.

search for "iFonz". You need to download a few other things along with it but it works pretty well. I have an iPhone as well as a Wing and the look is very similar. Also iFonz responds a little bit better than the normal operating system when it comes to launching programs and such.

People are wanting Diamond looks and you asking for iPhone still Lol..

The Stig said:
search for "iFonz". You need to download a few other things along with it but it works pretty well. I have an iPhone as well as a Wing and the look is very similar. Also iFonz responds a little bit better than the normal operating system when it comes to launching programs and such.
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thnx bro, that really helped! i get my original iPhone 8GB monday, but as I can't wait and just was curious i started this topic. lol
gonna start searching now, again thnx m8!

This is not on the proper forum. It should have been posted under the Herald section, not the development section. Other than that, I'm glad you got an answer.

Get an iphone if that is what you want.


I'm Getting No Help Here

I posted up earlier and then tried to reply to my own thread to get attention/help
If anyone can help me with an opinin to transform my TILT HTC 9300 from the factory to the best applications themes thats all I'm looking for!
I tried a couple of things and I haven't pinned it yet
any help would be HUGELY APPRECIATED!
something that would end up as nice all around as the iphone is what I'm looking for thru windows. If theres something someone could recommend Much appreciated
try ifonz, that makes it look like an iphone .
but u should atleast reflash the ROM then install the eye candy, factory rom is really slowww
Ever try searching? You're not going to find ANYONE who will agree on the BEST apps. You're just going to have to try by trial and error. Go search in the forum for your device, look at people's sigs as they often have links to cabs, etc.
ampin said:
I posted up earlier and then tried to reply to my own thread to get attention/help
If anyone can help me with an opinin to transform my TILT HTC 9300 from the factory to the best applications themes thats all I'm looking for!
I tried a couple of things and I haven't pinned it yet
any help would be HUGELY APPRECIATED!
something that would end up as nice all around as the iphone is what I'm looking for thru windows. If theres something someone could recommend Much appreciated
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Your best bet is to start off by going to the forum for your phone and reading EVERYTHING (especially the stickies). Then after reading EVERYTHING, in detail, you will figure out exactly what you want to do.
Thanks alot "I really appreciate that"
ICP-Fan said:
Your best bet is to start off by going to the forum for your phone and reading EVERYTHING (especially the stickies). Then after reading EVERYTHING, in detail, you will figure out exactly what you want to do.
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Hey thanks alot to all 3 of you! I knew I was gonna sound like a schmuck on a unicycle But I figured I would just jump in, as I have been using a second phone, with the tilt being an expense till now
Thank you very much Ampin

iphone rom

Hi, i have a XDA Orbit 2 and was wondering what is the best iphone skin or infact the best skin for it. I have windows mobile 6 installed.
Any help would be great as i am a little new to this
Hi humbug68 and welcome to the forum.
Try doing a search of the forums looking for 'iphone'.
You probably should also look through the wiki to make sure you know what you're doing or else your nice new Orbit2 could end up an expensive paper weight.
There's so much great information in these forums - you just need to take the time to read through. There's plenty of folk who will flame you for asking 'noob' questions as well, so a bit of research will also keep you safe from that.
Good luck!
here is a couple to get you started, but as cr1960 says you are better to start searching this stuff yourself. once you find the skin you want, if you run into an issue post the question into the thread for that skin release.
humbug68 said:
Hi, i have a XDA Orbit 2 and was wondering what is the best iphone skin or infact the best skin for it. I have windows mobile 6 installed.
Any help would be great as i am a little new to this
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Try this one http://www.iphonethemeforpocketpc.com/?ref=thankyou
thanks guys, i have been browsing the forums for a while now trying to understand some of the things i am reading and i am slowly getting there.
Appreciate you advice

[July 16,2008]How Many People Want The Wizard Camera Updated????

Hello fellow wizard owners.
As we all know< the wizard's camera looks like (....) and the buttons in the UI look like they came out of the 80's or win 95.
I have figured out how to change that.
Here's the problem:
I can not find a SET of graphics that look like a set.
So I need help. If someone can help me search for graphics and post them on this thread I will update the camera.
I also want to see how many people think it is worth it to them.
It is already a lot of work fixing the images and testing and fixing... and so on.
If you think it is worth it, please post immages (size and color does not matter I can fix that) of buttons that you think would look good in the interface.
When you post, please PM me as well if you can. just so I know there's something new on the thread.
Here is the link
I think that it would be a very welcome addition! Now, when we show people the Wizards camera intereface, they go-"WHOA! Your old Nokia still works? Oh...wait a sec, thats a newer phone? Wha??!?!?!?!////!?/eleven!?" heh, I for one am going to search for some buttons for you my man!
ashasaur said:
I think that it would be a very welcome addition! Now, when we show people the Wizards camera intereface, they go-"WHOA! Your old Nokia still works? Oh...wait a sec, thats a newer phone? Wha??!?!?!?!////!?/eleven!?" heh, I for one am going to search for some buttons for you my man!
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well I finished already and update the first post.

Windows live

I just got a HTC Touch, from my cousin
I was trying to use the windows messanger but It does not have it installed, and Ive been looking for it without any luck
Any advice?
Portgas D Ace said:
I just got a HTC Touch, from my cousin
I was trying to use the windows messanger but It does not have it installed, and Ive been looking for it without any luck
Any advice?
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Welcome to the forum
Have a look here:
Thank you. I liked this place I have found tons of things and mostly I do not understand but at least I have an start
Portgas D Ace said:
Thank you. I liked this place I have found tons of things and mostly I do not understand but at least I have an start
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I know what you mean
You´ll get used, just do a lot of search and a lot of read and soon you´ll fell more confortable

Android on htc hd2?

I have seen in other threads that there is the possibility to run Android on the htc hd for example. Is this also possible for the Leo? I am asking because I find the idea of having two OS on the hd2 pretty stunning. Not to forget that google navigation will probably not be available for winmob. Thx
Look around, there is a thread already about android on the HD2
olymde said:
I have seen in other threads that there is the possibility to run Android on the htc hd for example. Is this also possible for the Leo? I am asking because I find the idea of having two OS on the hd2 pretty stunning. Not to forget that google navigation will probably not be available for winmob. Thx
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The search tool on this forum is your best friend
Like Cryonic90 mentioned, there is a thread on this already, and it is packed with discussions about the what you are asking for.
Tired tired by these noobs...
I am pretty happy that I could make you feel superior.
and now please close this
first off yes theres places covering this but as your new to this then its forgiven , i think we were all new to this at some time or other so lets lighten up and welcome someone who shares an interest instead of making them wish they had gone elswhere.
but yes it has to be said google is your friend and it soes just what it says ' search ' so good luck with that..
oh and yes im really excited at the prospect of having a working haret-android port for my HD2 also. its gona take time though.
ok. good vibes and happy tidings to all for now.. bye bye..
Thank you, good sir.
Closed as other thread covers this.#

