Hermes says it's charging when it's not - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

For the last few weeks, my herm has been randomly displaying the charging icon both in the tray area and s2u2, when it's actually running on battery. i've noticed the battery life has started shrinking a lot, going down to one day and a half tops, on 3g with a new battery. has anyone had this problem? could you please help? i've searched the forums and haven't found anything

Don't think I've seen this problem before. Typically folk will suggest a hard reset. You can try that although I'm not so sure it's a software issue.
I would check that all the battery connector contacts are clean and contacting the battery well. I would also ensure that the USB connector has no bent contacts or any contaminants in it. I suggest these things because it's almost as if the device is detecting falsely that a usb cable is inserted.

I'm pretty sure it's hardware related, because i've done hard-resets and rom changes, and the same thing happens. but usually it happens when the phone is in stand-by. when i turn it on, it says it's charging for a few seconds, then shows the battery as it should

hostedrage said:
I'm pretty sure it's hardware related, because i've done hard-resets and rom changes, and the same thing happens. but usually it happens when the phone is in stand-by. when i turn it on, it says it's charging for a few seconds, then shows the battery as it should
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Mmm that though just sounds like a bit of lag.

so that means it's not actually discharging my battery faster? thank you for your answers, Mike

mine does it too, its just a bug with the hardware i think. usually mine shows charging after i turn the screen back on then after 5 secs or so changes to normal battery indicator.


My Jam is DEAD, can it be the Batt ?

half an hour after having a phone call I noticed the devide was off,
tried to turn it on, but it didn't turn on.
when the device is connected to the charger there's no orange charging led, and if the Battery is out the red led goes on.
Is the battery dead ?
battery seems to be the culprit
Unfortunate !!
Seems like a hardware problem.(battery seems to be the culprit)
Have u noticed any signs of overheating while u were last on the conversation?
sometimes the Hansfree kits also get shorted due to Moisture or a loose connection resulting in Rapid Discharge.
Just examine the battery for signs of BLOATING !!
Simply fitting a borrowed battery from a friend may sort the problem out.
Give it a try before having the set opened up.
Didn't notice any overheating or any signs of bloatingon the battery, event though there is a slight smell of somthing fried up,not sure if it comes from the battery or the device...
to bad none of my friend got a similar device
If you plug it into the computer does it act different, (maybe the red light for example)... Your problem sounds similar to one I had recently, but also a little different....
Well, a hard reset fixed the problem,
weird... :?
ps - still having a problem with my SD slot ..

Batteries shorting out on Hermes

I've had my Hermes now for 7 months, and I'm on my third battery. The OEM lasted about 6 months, the extended battery lasted 3 months.
There's no warning...just shuts off and will not turn back on...ever with those batteries. Replace the battery, and it works fine.
Anyone else have this happen? I also have a Wizard for that's a couple of years old and it's still on the original battery.
tvone said:
I've had my Hermes now for 7 months, and I'm on my third battery. The OEM lasted about 6 months, the extended battery lasted 3 months.
There's no warning...just shuts off and will not turn back on...ever with those batteries. Replace the battery, and it works fine.
Anyone else have this happen? I also have a Wizard for that's a couple of years old and it's still on the original battery.
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Need more detail. I assume you charged it occasionally
Did you find the battery drained excessively quickly - say in just a couple of hours?
Have you ever hard reset the phone?
What happened with these batteries when you tried re-charging them?
Did you get the constant red LED when charging?
I have the same problem, it takes about 5 h to drain the batteri:-(
I start up the phone and leave it on the desk without doing anything.... and after 5 h the batteri is dead.
I have installed the latest rom, tried without the sim-card, everything!
The problem started from one day to the other.
mvh lars
mikechannon said:
Need more detail. I assume you charged it occasionally
I usually throw it on the charger every night.
Did you find the battery drained excessively quickly - say in just a couple of hours? No, the batteries behaved fine, with streaming and programs being used like word and PIE, it will last all day.
Have you ever hard reset the phone?
I've hard-reset a few times...currently running BlackIV and 1.41. The first battery died using Black 2.5 and then 3.0. BTW- love the BlackIV.
What happened with these batteries when you tried re-charging them?
Red light on the phone, and they get HOT!
Did you get the constant red LED when charging? With the dead batteries yes, with a new battery, no.
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I now have ordered a couple of extra batteries just to have around. I don't want to have to wait a week for a battery.
tvone said:
I now have ordered a couple of extra batteries just to have around. I don't want to have to wait a week for a battery.
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Well that's a puzzler alright. I can understand 1 maybe even two batteries ending up faulty but more than that! Now if you were just getting the red LED then we might have considered a not infrequent problem folks report here on that situation (usually caused by the battery draining to a very low level and refusing to start charging again). BUT you said your battery despite the not charging, red LED, gets hot and that I have not seen reported.
To be honest I think you may have a hardware fault (possibly intermittent that is damaging the battery. Likely sources of the fault would be the battery connections (poor contacts at battery or at m/board) or in the battery charging controller circuit. Just possible that it might be at the USB socket. Non of these apart from a routine check of the battery contacts are easy to check, which of course is a real pain if you are out of warranty.
Just a thought - but do you have access or could you aquire a desktop cradle with a slot for charging a spare battery? (Available for about £10ukp on ebay and other various places)
If you're out of warranty (or even in warranty), firstly this would give you a chance to keep your batteries charged without charging in your Hermes itself (and hopefully eliminate a hardware fault). Also, some of your knackered batteries may be "recovered" by charging them in an external charging cradle.
I had a red-light charging problem with ONE battery myself which was cured by charging the battery overnight in a cradle rather than in the device itself.
...might be worth a try?
My battery function is a little strange too, though I haven't had my 8525 long enough to have killed the battery.
I charge it on a USB cable. It charges very quickly, and when it is charged I unplug it. After this, the battery drains VERY fast and the device gets hot. It is NOT hot while charging. If the device goes into sleep mode after this, it won't wake up w/o a soft reset.
I've found that doing a soft reset right after charging fixes this behavior. It's almost like my 8525 does not realize it has been unplugged from the USB cable, and it overstresses the battery by trying to draw too much power from it.
Usually my battery will last three to four days even with heavy use, provided I soft-reset it when I'm done charging it. If I don't, it will last just a few hours -- though I typically end up having to soft reset it anyway because as I said if it goes into sleep mode after charging it, it won't come out of it w/o doing the soft reset.
It might be a good general rule to perform a soft reset after charging this thing. It's worked for me, anyway.
I also developed the dreaded white screen problem too. After talking with At&T Business Customer Service, they overnighted a new phone.
Just speculation...I think it was some type of hardware failure that caused the batteries to run hot and fail. I feel this also contributed to white screen from excessive heat.
New phone ran fine all weekend. Charging did not generate heat, and had no white screen of death.
Side note...WM5 is horrible compared to the latest WM6 upgrades found here. I couldn't wait to get this phone re-flashed!
Yeah ... it sounds like it is definitely necessary to soft-reset after charging.

Really annoying problem...

Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
Have you tried keeping the battery out for a day?
When I got my phone, the first 7 charges I turned the phone off and charged it all the the way up (to get the calibration accurate). Now the battery life is excellent, I can use it for couple of days without charging.
You should try returning the phone, seems it is fine software wise. Can you use the phone with the charger in? If yes, then there is probably something wrong with the battery or the hardware that is interacting with the charging.
I've tried keeping the battery out for about 24 hours but it didn't help. I can't start the phone when I have it plugged to the charger. I'm going to return it today and see if they can just exchange the phone in store or if they need to ship it somewhere to be repaired
Thanks anyway.
Sounds like a defective battery to me...
That's a good idea, better to get a new one.
crapforbrains said:
Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
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switch off wifi, install Advanced Config, select all power management enabled
and try again. i also had the situation that my hd took 1550 mA. so the battery was sucked empty within several hours. now everything runs perfect...
Have exactly the same problem
I have exactly the same problem. One moment the phone works and charges fine and the next it shows irratic battery levels and eventually needs to be shut down. Following the shutdown you get the 'Battery level too low' message on startup, right after the Smart Mobility screen. In my case I think the problem mostly started when the phone was either just connected to a PC using the sync cable or when trying to top-up the charge using the wall charger. I also noticed that when the problem appears the plug symbol would appear (indicating it is charging) or sometimes not and then when checking the battery level, the indicators would actually go down sometimes losing 2 or 3 at a time until there is only 1 left and the phone says it needs to shut down. Pluging in the wall charger does not help as the LED indicating the phone is charging only stays on for a few seconds.
Now, I had many trials with removing battery, sim card, memory card or any of those in combination and sometimes these seem to work, but I think the key is the temperature of the phone. Every time I went to the car to drive home, where it was cold, the phone would start charging again, when just before that it would not react to anything all the time I was in the warm office.
I have now contacted HTC and am sending it to their repair centre tomorrow. Hopefully this is recognised as a fault and I will get a replacement. BTW, they arranged for a free courier pickup. Not bad, but the key for me is that the phone is being replaced as I really like the phone.
Update: Got a replacement after 1 week
Got my replacement phone today and hope that this time I have no further problems. I also had to return my previous one with a screen problem (see my post here
Everything went quite smootly and I liked the offer of a free of charge UPS pickup, so the only complaint I really have is that HTC send me a new phone but no replacement screen protector. Just the original screen sticker (the one with some writing on it) had been stuck on. It was in a bit of state like it had been taken off and put back on several times. I just called them to send me a replacement screen protector, but I don't hold my breath to get one. Probably end up buying it from the website.

seemingly dead Hermes.. help :(

Hey all, I've searched the forum and not found much at all..
I have no idea why this happened but my Hermes won't turn on at all, power button has no effect whatsoever and when I try to charge it I get the red light of death..
I put it down on my desk with ~80% battery last night and when I went to check for messages (by watching the service LED for a few seconds) in the morning the LED wasn't flashing so I tried waking it up and it was dead.
Plugged it into the charger, RLoD.. what the ****?
Anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
Usually caused by something that causes the battery to drain below 10%. Then you can get the RLOD. The charging circuit gets locked up and won't allow the device to charge. A pesky problem, but at least you have the RLOD, if you didn't then it could be the motherboard fuse.
So some things to try, non of them guaranteed and sometimes it works after trying these things several times over:
I have put my battery in my friend's Hermes and it says its 100% charged, I have put his battery in my Hermes and it still won't boot..
It's really weird.. BTW already tried your RLoD fixes, none worked.
I really hope I can fix it, I keep trying to slide open the non-existent qwerty keyboard on my Magician and it's frustrating using an OSK :S
aaron11193 said:
I have put my battery in my friend's Hermes and it says its 100% charged, I have put his battery in my Hermes and it still won't boot..
It's really weird.. BTW already tried your RLoD fixes, none worked.
I really hope I can fix it, I keep trying to slide open the non-existent qwerty keyboard on my Magician and it's frustrating using an OSK :S
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Other than hard reset (don't think you mentioned doing that) I have only one other suggestion and that is the battery contacts. Hopefully not fractured between the pins and motherboard, but worth a try at cleaning the contacts and pushing the battery against the contacts.
If that doesn't work then I fear a motherboard fault.
Ok well for some reason my Hermes decided to boot up this morning after sitting on my desk for a night..
Weird stuff..
aaron11193 said:
Ok well for some reason my Hermes decided to boot up this morning after sitting on my desk for a night..
Weird stuff..
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It is strange. Sometimes charges can build up within capacitors in a circuit and the "logic" can be disrupted. This is why sometimes it's a good idea with some faults to leave the battery out for a while to clear any such charges. However in your case with all the battery swapping and so on, I am a little sceptical that this was the cause.
If it happens again, I'd certainly be looking for a fault between battery connectors and the battery or between the connectors and the motherboard.
Let's hope that's it cured however

[Q] Instant battery flatlining

Hi folks,
For the last year, my JasJar (Windows mobile 6.1) has been going well. But in the last 2 weeks, it developed a major fault.
What happens is that at unpredictable times, the battery just drops all its charge and the device then reboots, gets part of the way, loses its charge again, then tries to keep rebooting again, over and over.
I thought the battery might be stuffed, so I switched to another battery - same thing.
Sometimes this abrupt loss of battery charge is triggered when I send an SMS. The text message doesn't transmit, and the battery loses all its charge, even if it was on over 95% charge.
Ideas anyone?
Could there be a subtle software issue which can cause this?
Or, is it more likely hardware - a sign that my 6-year-old jasjar might have reached the end of the road?
Would it be a loose connection? It sounds like a connection to the battery is lost and therefore reboots. Does it show any of these problems whilst connected to mains or only when on battery?
I haven't heard an issue like this before, so I really suspect it's a hardware fault.
-Jonny- said:
Would it be a loose connection? It sounds like a connection to the battery is lost and therefore reboots.
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What's interesting is how sudden power draws, such as sending an SMS, often trigger the problem.
-Jonny- said:
Does it show any of these problems whilst connected to mains or only when on battery?
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Always works perfectly on mains. The problem only appears on battery.
-Jonny- said:
I haven't heard an issue like this before, so I really suspect it's a hardware fault.
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Starting to look that way. Sad, because I've only had the JasJar for a bit over a year.
Try first a hard reset.
I remember a battery problem, after a new soft.

