privacy issue, sorry
There are various ways you could do it...personally the Wisbar Advance Desktop can do this easily and is my perference. RLtoday as well can do this. Either choice does not require programing knowledge...mostly xml.
PS...Touchwiz interface is much better.
HTC Diamond skins for Samsung Omnia
Yes...pls create some HTC Diamond Skins for Samsung Omnia....
I would like to integrate a program on my touchFlo 3D today screen like photocontact pro (to manage profiles) or SPB traveler (or any other). Do you think it's possible to do so, as I did on my WM6 today screen?
Thanks a lot
HTC Diamond ROM 1.93
should be possible but theres like a million files in manilla
good luck trying to find the one u need
maybe when someone makes a very powerfull manilla editor
Not really... TF3D is an UI platform that resembles Flash greatly. Thus, no external application integration is possible (in current version).
I am hoping that this can be a reality: let this be a place to post new or old Themes and Skins, and leave the discussion end for the original threads, some of which are listed below. This way, no one has to search through the nearly 4,800 posts in the 2.1 Collections Thread, for example, to find some ideas or files.
I have started below by combing through the last few pages of posts of the Collections Thread, and a couple of others. Due to the limitations of time and software (and likely, ability) the pictures that I intended to showcase these great themes and skins did not make it through.
Thank you to all of the creators and editors for these themes; I hope everyone can appreciate the time and energy they expend to create or edit these themes that the rest of us download and use within seconds.
SPB Mobile Shell 2.1 Theme / Skin Collections Thread
SPB Mobile Shell v2.1
mtkates work
Ultimate WM7 for SPB Mobile Shell
Windows Field Revisited for SPB Mobile Shell
Greatbal's Diamond v2.1 with Landscape for SPB Mobile Shell
Greatbal's Diamond v1.2 Converted To VGA-Layout C-3 Contacts
Windows Field Revisited - Custom Skin for SPB Mobile Shell
My BlueWaves Theme
Today Plug-in "GSmart TOUCH" V1.3 05/03/08
greatbal's work
My Omnia MS2.1.2 Theme
My XPERIA MS2.1.2 Theme
My [Updated] HTC Diamond SPB MS2.1 Theme
My Glassy GSmart SPB MS2.1 Theme
My GSmart SPB MS2.1 Theme
[Updated 12-Sep-2008] Omnia SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.2 Theme
Samsung Today Theme
Updated 9/02/08) iPhone Theme for Mobile Shell - Landscape and 2.1.2
SPB Moble Shell 2.1-Meets good design-calling all designers
GSmart Brite White
brite white tweaks & extras
I'm looking for a good source of old style WM Today screen themes for the WVGA screen. I have a pile of them for QVGA, but nothing for WVGA. Everything that I find on this forum is for TF3D, which I don't use.
I've tried a number of searches and had no luck finding a good source of themes for this screen size.
Am I missing something?
little help...???
just make your own if you're using 6.5
MS has a free site for it
I get round the WVGA theme (or lack thereof) this way: use a QVGA theme + a WVGA wallpaper
they used to have a tsk maker on the microsoft site for WM 5.0+ but i can't find it anymore
I updated to the official T-mobile 6.5 rom yesterday and it's great and 6.5 without touchflo is pretty accessible. There are little things that I think should be optional such as the start menu bombarding your screen which can be kind of an inconvenience but other than that it's great and the default UI is actually tempting to use over touchflo.
Anyways, the theme that comes preloaded with the rom is quite frankly repulsive. It's too friendly and not sleek enough. Are there any touchflo 3d 2 themes built for WinMo 6.5?
Learn how to make some themes then...its not that big of a deal...
use SPB Mobile Shell,and incoming Infinity by Ageye.
Both Touchflo 3D and WM theme suck.
hi i got a question regarding using SPB Mobile Shell. I am on stock sprint and currently use one of the customized tf3d and system fonts that one of the members at ppcgeeks forum made. if i install SPB Mobile Shell on my tp2, will i still be able to use those fonts?
Here is where I would like to have a thread full of links to a bunch of alternatives to Winmo programs (or skins) that follow the Windows Phone 7 Metro guidelines.
nickschot's WP7 Metro theme -- skins Windows Mobile itself to have the black/blue Metro look.
Host v1.5 -- standalone WP7 shell.
MSkip ProPlus WP7 -- wp7 skin for SPB Mobile Shell
Fireslave's WP7 Suite -- WP7 skin for Throttlelauncher
Other Compilations
Chrisch's WP7 VGA Suite -- xdaShutDown, ThumbCal, TCPMP, Showcase, Resco Explorer, S2U2, S2P, htcCalculator, G-Alarm, QILIN PhoneCanvas, and bootscreen.
Trekfan422991's WP7 skins for common programs -- iContact, iDialer, iAgenda, Throttle Explorer, XDAshutdown, and WP7 StopWatch.
This thread is mostly for my own benefit, so I don't have to go trolling Google with 'WP7 winmo themes' and 'Metro Style winmo6.5.x' and such to skin my phone, and decided I'd put this out there for all of you to look at.
As always, massive thanks to the developers of all these great programs, and reply with anything I missed!
Dont forget the TodayXLive interface!