[APP] VipRegExport 8.0 Registry backup Utility based on ini file - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I have created small utility Called VipRegExport.
Requirement : .netCF 2.0 higher
What Utility Do
It reads input ini file and create registry export per section for every values in that section. It saves registry in .reg file.
Sample ini file
# Secion name will file name to be export registry values in it
# this is how you can comments
#Setting for all third party software
F19=HKLM\Software\Apps\VicSoft ClearTemp
S01=HKLM\Software\Softick\Card Export\RunTrayClientAtStartup
S04=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Default storage location\All Files
S05=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\save\Save Location\Default
S06=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\audio\shell\save\Save Location\Default
S07=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\video\shell\save\Save Location\Default
S08=HKCU\Software\HTC\Camera\4.00\Strings\Save Location
S10=HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS\EnableAGPS\Assisted GPS
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Click to collapse
There are three command line arguments supported
argument 1 : <inifilename including path> if not given then default is VipRegExport.ini
argument 2 : <Output Folder name including path> If not given default Application Folder
argument 3 : <slient Option> Default is 'N'. If you want to run in slient option then pass third parameter as "Slient"
What is slient option : It will not display any error message like "Registry key does not exist to export" and exit application after export completes.
GUI also gives ability to select input file as well output Folder.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\000010a will export just one key 0000101a in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
where as F03=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HButton will export all keys and subkeys under that registry.
Basically if you want to export full registry including all subkeys and values then put actual key name in value If you only want to just export single keyvalue in specific registry then put keyname\valuename.
It also support HKCU, HKLM, HKCR, HKUS formats as well.
Restriction : Currently export can not export some new registry type like reg_multi_size etc but so far none of my registry values that I needed to export are of those type they mostly String, int, and binary value they all are supported.
Above restriction is removed. Now utility support all types of Registry. Credit Goes to Elemris craetor Kheb. ELemris Thank for helping me out on and sharing your code.
Uploaded new version
Now you can export entire registry with below in INI file
Version 8.0
Fixed "\" in key reported in post # 10
Version 9.0
Quick Fixed "@" in key http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8347552&postcount=10
If you like my work then please consider donating
Do we need to put F01, F02..... what's happening if I have 2 F01?
F01, F01, F03 is just key in ini File It is not used any where in Program but it is needed in ini file as they are part of ini like section , key and value

Posted Version 4.0
Posted Version 4.0

posted new version 6.0.
Completely working. no restriction any more.

Interesting, thanks.
just one question, then.
So using:
will make complete registry dump? in one file?
I wouldn't ask, but i just cannot test it at this moment..

Can not export all reg's at present but i will include in next version
pupakota said:
Interesting, thanks.
just one question, then.
So using:
will make complete registry dump? in one file?
I wouldn't ask, but i just cannot test it at this moment..
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New version can export entire registry

returns an empty key
I have a question:
Do we need to put F01, F02..... what's happening if I have 2 F01?

F01, F01, F03 are basic part if inin and they are needed.
romualdrichard said:
returns an empty key
I have a question:
Do we need to put F01, F02..... what's happening if I have 2 F01?
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Click to collapse
F01, F01, F03 is just key in ini File It is not used any where in Program but it is needed in ini file as they are part of ini like section , key and value

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notice that space between configu

Tipo here only. I found that it tries to write this key but I have:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Manila] instead and empty.
Maybe the key is locked or something like that.

\\ are not written correctly I think in name of keys?
I tried to backup F10=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FdcSoft (pimBackup settings) and found that the custom list (folders list) does not have \
I have "\Windows\Rings\*.*"=dword:00000001 in the backup reg
But after, in the reg I have WindowsRings*.*
Looks like, the import (from sktools) needs \\ to save \...

Actuly it was fixed in version 7.5 but i did not released it.
It is now fixed in new version 8.0

May be a good option would be to have an information in the .ini to set the export directory when you load the ini.

romualdrichard said:
May be a good option would be to have an information in the .ini to set the export directory when you load the ini.
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I will add in next version. Right now planning to add WAP export e.g emails setting, wi-fi setting etc exported to xml

Hi v3patel,
stuff like this must be a sticky, because it helps us devs a little bit. Ok there are more other things, but not based on a ini file. With that and mort i have done now two tests and they look really good. I hope you will support it further. And when i read your last post (top on my one) then it is very interesting. Thank you for sharing with us...


[how to] Make a CAB file to import registry settings

Guys, I was just asked how to prepare a cab file containing registry settings, to save you having to configure your registry manually each hard reset.
Anyway, the process is (relatively) easy!
Purists and coders would generally do this by writing your own installer cab. For this route, follow this thread and engage brain to OverDrive!
However, the easiest way is to grab a copy of WinCE cab manager.
Install that app. Find any existing cab that you've used to install an app before. Load it into CabMan. Using the interface, remove all existing files and registry settings etc. Set your own Cab name, company name etc in the settings.
Then, you'll see on the file menu, there's an option to import a .reg file.
So: export all the registry settings you want to rebuild from your PDA, using a good registry editor. I recommend Kilmist Registry Editor .
Save each exported tree as eg 1.reg, 2. reg, etc.
Then, copy them onto your pc, open each file in notepad and copy and paste the contents of each into 1 large file, eg RegCompiled.reg. (You don't need to do this step, but for your own reference you may want them all in one place)
Then, import that into CabMan. Now, it may not work - I think you need to have a valid reg file, which is basicaly the same thing you've already got, but with a first line header saying:
"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"
No speech marks.
Grab this line for yourself by exporting something from your pc's registry using RegEdit, then load into notepad and grab the first line.
Ok, CabMan should now show the number of imported registry entries on the tree on the left.
That's it! Save, and then run on your PDA.
Try a test run first before relying on it for life and death!
vijay555 said:
Then, you'll see on the file menu, there's an option to import a .reg file.
So: export all the registry settings you want to rebuild from your PDA, using a good registry editor. I recommend Kilmist Registry Editor .
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I'm using for this purpose two regeditors - both freeware:
PHM registry editor [Philippe Majerus] v0.70 - for its search feature
TRE registry editor [TascalSoft] v0.90 - for import/export and ability to edit MULTI_SZ values.
There is one great utility: SSnap
Run SSnap before and after installation and compare files. Use any diff program or [my choose, but comercial] UltraEdit
baniaczek: thanks for the alternatives.
PHM is very good, but unfortunately at least in the previous versions, the export wasn't very helpful.
A good reg editor is a fairly essential tool, so use what you get on best with!
I have a question, is there anyway to make it so that the cab will also delete a registry key on the phone? any help would be appreciated. thanks.
vijay555 said:
Guys, I was just asked how to prepare a cab file containing registry settings, to save you having to configure your registry manually each hard reset.
Anyway, the process is (relatively) easy!
Purists and coders would generally do this by writing your own installer cab. For this route, follow this thread and engage brain to OverDrive!
However, the easiest way is to grab a copy of WinCE cab manager.
Install that app. Find any existing cab that you've used to install an app before. Load it into CabMan. Using the interface, remove all existing files and registry settings etc. Set your own Cab name, company name etc in the settings.
Then, you'll see on the file menu, there's an option to import a .reg file.
So: export all the registry settings you want to rebuild from your PDA, using a good registry editor. I recommend Kilmist Registry Editor .
Save each exported tree as eg 1.reg, 2. reg, etc.
Then, copy them onto your pc, open each file in notepad and copy and paste the contents of each into 1 large file, eg RegCompiled.reg. (You don't need to do this step, but for your own reference you may want them all in one place)
Then, import that into CabMan. Now, it may not work - I think you need to have a valid reg file, which is basicaly the same thing you've already got, but with a first line header saying:
"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"
No speech marks.
Grab this line for yourself by exporting something from your pc's registry using RegEdit, then load into notepad and grab the first line.
Ok, CabMan should now show the number of imported registry entries on the tree on the left.
That's it! Save, and then run on your PDA.
Try a test run first before relying on it for life and death!
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4 reg hacks u can also use my way and i think it is a lot faster
btw i cannot upload the ppt file 2 xda (dont know way it is only 3m) if someone can it will be great
The WinCE CAB Manager is the ultimate utility for developers of applications designed for the Windows CE operating system. But it's not freeware!
You might build the CAB online: http://www.supware.net/CabGen/

HOWTO: programmaticaly create a shortcut to a file/folder

I need to create a shortcut to a file or folder using eVC++ 4.0, anybody knows how to do this??
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx alot
It's very easy:
Just create a file (with lnk extension)
and write to it:
10#"my_app.exe" -launch
this is what it means:
10 - length of the string after #. This value doesn't have to be accurate because it is usually ignored.
"my_app.exe" - path and name of the target of the shortcut.
-launch - command line parameters (if you have any)
You can also add: ?incon.exe,0 to take an icon from another exe / dll
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you very very much,
but I need a small thing, could you please provide me with a complex example so I can understand all features supported for shortcuts.
Thank you again,
A number of us have posted about the structure of the .lnk file.
Search against my username for the word completeness.
now, I searched and got how the thing works, but I have a problem with coding this stuff:
When I attemp to write to shortcut file like this:
strData.Format(_T("%d#\"%s\""),strFilename.GetLength(), element.strPathname);
The file is not written correctly, what I get is the data I wrote in the file with a square charecter after each letter like this:
#□4□0□"□\□S□t□o□r□a□g□e□ □C□a□r□d□\□M□y□P□r□o□g□r□a□m□.□E□x□e□"□
so how can I solve this? and does it relate to unicode?
That's because you are trying to write it in UNICODE. This adds zero to every byte.
You must use fopen, fprintf, fclose functions or just create an array of char and use FileWrite to create an ASCII text file.
Thanks levenum,
but isn't windows ce file system unicode based? if so, how can I use ASCII format to write unicode filenames?
Thanks alot
#include <Oleauto.h>
char convertUshortToChar(unsigned short in)
char con='\0';
return con;
and add Oleaut32.lib to the list of object/library moduals in you project settings.
just call that for each unicode character that you want to be ascii and write the result to file.
Two things:
a) The file system may be UNICODE, but shortcuts are ASCII text. Also ASCII functions like fopen are supported.
b) There is a much easier way to convert UNICODE to ASCII:
mbstowcs(unicodeStrBuffer, asciiStrBuffer);
OK, I did it, but I think that there is a problem with Windows mobile, and it is a big problem.
Till now, I beleive that you cannot create a shortcut to a unicode-named file, I failed to do that, File explorer was not successful, Resco Explorer was not better.
Worse, they do not tell you that you cant create the shortcut, they create the shortcut for you and when you try to open it they conclude that the path was not found!!.
Very bad huh?
I thought that all file names are in unicode?? Use my shortcut creator in GSMbeam file open dialog to try and make a shortcut to a file named like you said. If that shortcut dose not work send me the file in question and I will try and see whats going on.
Ok, I downloaded your program and tried to create a shortcut for an arabic-named file, simply it did not work.
I know its not a bug in ur program, its a bug in Windows Mobile, it is mainly a bug in the design itself, how does Micro$oft design windows mobile to be unicode based while non-ascii characters are not supported in the shell links, its really a shame.
You can be sure that this will happen with asian characters along with Farsi, Hebrew, Arabic and all non-ascii characters.
Programmatically, what happens is as follows:
1. A program converts a filename from unicode to ASCII to save it in the .lnk file.
2. If the file name contains non-ASCII characters, those will be converted to NULL character.
3. When the shell tries to resolve the link target it does not recognise the filename because some characters are NULL.
Thats what I found out!!
Take this file name for example (Arabic): 2مرحبا.mp3
Try to solve the issue, and please inform us whatever happens with you..
Best Regards,
So the problem is how to get the shell to read unicode in lnk files. I re-wrote a lnk file in unicode to see if it would work but it would not. There are a lot of non english ppc users, surely this problem has come up before?
As an experiment I also made shortcut to a folder using utf-8, I think that contains arabic characters and also the ascii characters. After removing some garbage that my editor put at the front of the lnk file worked fine. Try making a shortcut in notepad and saving it as a utf-8 file then rename it on your device but make sure there is no extra characters.
أنا قادر على أكل الزجاج و هذا لا يؤلمني. -- I think those characters are arabic and they are copied of a utf-8 table site so if the shell can read a utf-8 lnk that contains english letters then maybe it can do the arabic too.
Actually, non English UNICODE characters are translated in to extended ASCII codes (128 - 255). When the system needs to translate these codes back to UNICODE it relies on code page definitions in the wince.nls file.
If your locale is properly set to Arabic and you have a valid nls installed (ether you have Arabic ROM or some sort of Arabic language support installed) you should be able to reference Arabic file names using ASCII links.
So, can I depend on string conversion functions we discussed before in this topic to convert characters according to my code page?
I have an arabic ROM installed on my Wizard, it is the i-mate rom on O2 device, so the arabizer doesnt work well, may be because the serial number of the O2 device.
Anyway, I should invistigate this issue on my friend's JamIn device, and we should come up with a workaround for this wiered problem.
Regards all,
I have tried creating a shortcut on my friend's arabic-enabled JamIn device, the shortcut refers to arabic-named file and it worked good.
levenum, you are right, it depends on the code page on each device, so your device will not be able to create a shortcut to an arabic named file.

WM6 kitchen help! ERROR building default.hv and user.hv

hi what does it mean when i get this message?
"ERROR building default.hv and user.hv"
ho do i solve this issue..?
all response are greatly appriciated...
Go to the temp/dump directory,there'll be a log.txt look at it toward the end, it'll tell you what RGU file errored out on what line.
Okay.. here is the log.txt
I dont know what to look for or how to interpret what I see..
Please take a look and explain how to solve this...
Microsoft (R) RGUComp Version 1.0.000
Registry file processor and hive builder.
Copyright (C) 2004 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved.
built: Nov 19 2004 15:17:13
importing registry file ".\boot.rgu"...
(RGUComp) done!
Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.00.2134.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999.
Creating new cabinet 'Packages\packages.cab.pkg' with compression 'MSZIP':
-- adding packages\034e7cf6-8a37-40ad-85bd-6851b921866a.dsm
-- adding packages\039fec56-be2a-4756-af7c-a5d6c1c0dcd1.dsm
-- adding packages\074cb6af-3a60-414e-b574-dc3d6e10f728.dsm
-- adding packages\ff46409f-ed26-4a0a-a3a3-5e9af96a1748.dsm
-- adding packages\ff46409f-ed26-4a0a-a3a3-5e9af96a1748.rgu
-- adding packages\ffffffff-0009-49d9-a5a8-8abdf1b7936f.dsm
-- adding packages\ffffffff-0009-49d9-a5a8-8abdf1b7936f.rgu
Completed successfully
Microsoft (R) RGUComp Version 1.0.000
Registry file processor and hive builder.
Copyright (C) 2004 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved.
built: Nov 19 2004 15:17:13
importing registry file ".\boot.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\8cb4ac12-6bc5-4bda-ab45-539988c36a95.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\29356830-10de-437d-ad6a-6c7d60a7dea4.rgu"...
package "DRM" does not contain .rgu file "29306538-2ad1-42a5-8414-502a65277eb5.rgu"
importing registry file ".\Registry\ae879543-c73e-4888-812b-d8177c404612.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\e658c544-26bf-45ac-a458-2044a5d1e698.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\23ba5346-78b8-4436-b7d2-f30712c3cef4.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\1026cf4d-a304-4c1c-8953-c4d43bfb6961.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\1138cea3-8c39-43ca-b5ac-f83d1f1fbb81.rgu"...
package "OEM_PhoneInfo" does not contain .rgu file "142251b8-84ac-406f-86b2-6ba2c378d741.rgu"
importing registry file ".\Registry\1911ed01-5dbf-4b5b-94e8-cb4c3df6ac01.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\193feaf3-e7b9-4bd2-a4c9-045b173239a8.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\25865771-b284-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66.rgu"...
package "OEM_Cert9" does not contain .rgu file "25b75993-5b5b-4aca-a24a-dc892d433bb8.rgu"
importing registry file ".\Registry\25d7c6b7-6429-4af7-915c-db7387417df8.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\26316bc7-c258-11db-8314-0800200c9a66.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\2649e262-7cab-4487-8c5e-25ca0ecaf7ed.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\2dbdf3b4-d684-4a18-affd-de995e0415a9.rgu"...
package "OEM_ExtDLL" does not contain .rgu file "2ee3e52c-c919-46fa-9ba1-fba96139437a.rgu"
importing registry file ".\Registry\2f9c257e-cd05-41bb-bb39-232aac902d6f.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\2fcd7939-1a42-4d8a-adf4-c4604fe44d29.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\30b7e1f7-4612-469a-8b50-edcb445a670e.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\30d57824-1462-4dbd-a910-45fafff473cf.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\362f0472-1b51-437b-8da9-09532ec2b9b7.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\397f1061-1c74-4744-bd3c-7855c43e801e.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\3a63ca0b-1a5b-4124-8de4-1f0eb745d3cc.rgu"...
Failed to parse value name HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pocketMax\Spacer2!!!
InitRegistry FAILED in file ".\Registry\3a63ca0b-1a5b-4124-8de4-1f0eb745d3cc.rgu" within a few lines of line 4.
ImportFromPackageListStrict: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed importing ".\Registry\3a63ca0b-1a5b-4124-8de4-1f0eb745d3cc.rgu"
wmain: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed building DEFAULT hives
try to check if "3a63ca0b-1a5b-4124-8de4-1f0eb745d3cc.rgu" is a saved as unicode and if it has empty line at the very end of file. Send me that RGU file po my mail: [email protected]
file sent.. check your email
Okay.. I've figured out that I have this "ERROR" problem when including the following OEMs in the kitchen for flashing..
"Divx mobile".." Claunch 12.04" and "Spacer2" for use with the LG Plugin.. I made these OEMs with the Package Creator 5.4 by Ervius..
I've made other OEMs as well.. and they seem to be loading fine.. except these.. I can live without the other two but really want to get the Claunch 12.04 to work for future flashing..
if someone can make me that OEM .. that would be great..
i made them yesterday..check the posts or check them from my signature
Its line 4 of this rgu: 3a63ca0b-1a5b-4124-8de4-1f0eb745d3cc.rgu
Probably dealing with this entry or what follows:
Just post what you have there.
b16daddy sent me ......rgu here it is:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i already sent him fixed version:
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Click to collapse
That might choke as well. First you will need to change "dwors" to "dword" . But, I believe you are limited to 8 characters following a dword. Not 100% sure on this, but I have had hive builders choke when I have accidentally put in a DEC value that was 9 digits or longer instead of the 8 digit HEX value.
for now.. I've excluded the OEMs that gives me the .hv problem from the kitchen..
but I still installed the LG today Plugin, Today Agenda 1.1 and PocketCM Keyboard 0.13..
No porblem in loading and flashing..
but afterward when I tried to navigate to it on my phone.. Setting/Home/Items (to select items for Home Screen).. Its not in the list.. none of it.. I can find it in /Program Files (Where it was installed) and launch it.. but cant put it on the home screen..
Secondly.. I noticed that all the programs installed from the OEM Package that was released on 12-17-07.. everything was installed into /windows.. and only used up 6.xx mb of the storage memory and only a little of Program memory...
but with these User OEMs I added.. it ended up using more memory after flashing.. was it something i die (or failed to do) while making theses OEMs?
Please help...
If you are not seeing them in the Today Items menu, you are probably missing the regs that designate the apps as Today plugins. Something similar to this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\Today Agenda]
As far as your memory. Everything built into a rom goes to \Windows. So, if your OEM is moving files elsewhere, you are copying them and not really moving them. I do not know which OEMs you are using, but you might want to check to see where the files are being placed.
Well.. I used the Package creator 5.4 by Ervius to create these OEMs from Cab files..
I only followed the steps that were provided in the download...
How do I configure it to make the registry that designates the apps as Today plugins?
and can you tell me how to get Claunch12.04 to work with the kitchen? I really want to include that app ..
there might be a problem with Package creator (or better said, there is a prob) - some appz uses setup.dll to create some Reg.Keys an PackCreator only extract keys from provisioning xml (provxml) unfortunately it doesnt analyze setup.dll (one way - install WM6 emulator, export registries, install app. extract regs. and compare regs - or u can do it on Ur device - not recomended)
wow.. this all seems too complex for me to handle.. I am no software genius ..lol .. just someone who likes tweaking with his toys...
maybe i should just wait for the new package to be released.. or wait til the new BuildOS.. I hear it has a function that downloads new and updated versions of OEMs...
i wonder though.. where will it download from?
will there be a ftp server designated for OEM Uploads?
well.. I guess I'm just gonna have to install those apps manually for now...
Colonel00, Phsnake..
since you guys seem to know what you are talking about.. will one of you please make those OEMs for me?
I really like the LG Today Plugin, Claunch 12.04 and the Today Agenda Plugin.. can you make it so that it would install into directory: My Device/windows.. and have it show up in the Today items menu?
there might be a prob (same as SCLPC - it has some hardcoded paths), but in general all u need to do is edit cab file with WinCE CAB manager and edit %InstallDIR%. but registries.....

[Problem] Set icons in start menu

I´ve got an issue that i can´t set an icon to task manager and messages in start menu/settings/System. See the pic below. I use a cab file to apply these icons.
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
twopumpchump said:
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
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Thanks for the tip. I made an OEM of my cab to make it easer. This is what reg i have for the task manager, but it dosnt work.
EDIT: Btw, how is rank determined? Dont really understand what ""Rank"=dword:000002BC" means..
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
seeM_ZA said:
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
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Thanks for the tip. I have the folder to run last in customization. I understand thats its some sort of hex value or whatever, but i dont understand it so i can place the icons where i want them.
The icons are made by dlink ithink.
2BC = 700. The rankings go from 0-999, and most are higher, which is why that one appears on the low side. The easiest thing is to just arrange everything on the phone (drag and drop), then export the entire start menu registry key and just put that into your start menu EXT. I'm not sure exactly how the values vary left to right and top to down.
I heard somewhere that the built in start menu 'drag n drop' messes with the ranks? I'm probably wrong though
I believe the ranks go in this order.. 1 being highest, 8 being lowest. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope NRG doesn't mind me butchering his start menu with my awesome paint skills
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
+ Que PPC said:
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
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Thanks for the help + Que PPC. The PNG is ok as it works in start menu. Btw, i made a package, instead of an cab. Much simpler to edit. What is the correct CPL for task manager in start menu/setting/System?
I have no clue on CPL or how to determine posistion
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
+ Que PPC said:
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
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Only need to learn hex editing to position the icons then
I´ve tried theese, but none of them works.
easyst way - works great in build 23112
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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- I can confirm that this works fine.
- However, this is good for lnk that have direct entry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start]. But how to know which cpl index refers to which setting/program shortcut?
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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The thing is that i dont get the icon that is in SYS, i get the on in the exe. Would not matter if i change it.
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
+ Que PPC said:
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
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Could be.. Probably. I sure hope not
You should convert the rgu files to xml files.
XML always run after the RGU, So its better to use when making custom modification.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=369457 (second post)
Th e cpl's are loaded in a provxml in the oem folder (don't remember which one off the top of my head). If it's messing with desired settings, rather than loading another provxml during first boot, and slowing down first boot even more, it's better to either edit or delete the oem provxml. Personally, I'd delete it and then put your start info in an app.reg in an EXT that runs near the end of the build.
Edit: the provxml with all of the cpl's is mxip_HtcApps_translation.provxml, and it's in oem-lang 0409. It's a complete waste to run this thing, imo. Just put it in an app.reg and you'll get a faster first boot.
Sorry but for change icon position in start menu, cant you do it just from start menu moving that icon and then go to the right reg key and export it?
This work for Kaiser dunno if Leo,Tp2 or Topaz has different way.
hi fellow chefs
i post my question here as i thought it would be better then openijng a new thread for it
i keep marketplace in my rom but i cant set it to the internet folder
i have looked in the initflash.dat and there is nothing there about marketplace(at least not that i could find)
i have looked in the sys map from market place and found a provxml
i changed it there the same way i did for taskmanager and it still doesnt work(for taskmaanger it works)
can some one help me out where or what i need to edit to have marketplace in internet folder
i attache my provxml so you can see what i have done

.RGU file entries not applied.

While cooking my ROM for testing under emulator, i create a directory called "MyTweeks" and copy it under sys folder.
That directory includes the following files:
1- "mytones.mp3".
2- "initflashfiles.txt" --> empty.
3- "option.xml" --> contents are not necessary.
4- "7fd5181e-f7fc-4404-908a-7f71e2568c53.rgu"
The .RGU file includes:
; Set Default RingTone
After the ROM boots-up, i found the .MP3 file copied successfully to \windows directory, but the registry tweak is not there
can any one tell me what's wrong with this .RGU?
Also, any registry entry is missing....
You should post this to the respective kitchen thread to get an answer.
you better check for duplicated GUID(number) or post your whole rgu contents. do you have enter(empty line) at its end?
eventually - another guid has priority because of overall number rule(thus your tweak is overwritten by another rgu).
and ignore posts like above...it's typical here;/(you know +1 to posts count, but 0 help given).
pupakota said:
you better check for duplicated GUID(number) or post your whole rgu contents. do you have enter(empty line) at its end?
eventually - another guid has priority because of overall number rule(thus your tweak is overwritten by another rgu).
and ignore posts like above...it's typical here;/(you know +1 to posts count, but 0 help given).
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Your comment sounds good for me.
I already post all the content of the .RGU file as above, nothing more in the file.
Yes, i entered a blank line just before the end of the file.
There is no other GUID with the same name in the whole project at all, it is actualy unique number like this:
How can i give this .RGU a priority? or make the changes after all other changes?
if this question couldn't be answer here, where exactly should i post (whitch Threads)?
higher number has higher priority(at last in normal kitchens), so ffxxxxxx- will overwrite 7fxxxxxx-.
just do search for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0 on whole kitchen(UNICODE search) to determine, if that reg entry is doubled/tripled etc...also, make another search(ascii search) for same reg entry regarding provxmls(as it's another way of reg import, and this is overwriting all rgu's eventually).
on the other hand i wonder about mp3 as ringtone, are you sure, if that file is ok(i mean, if it really work as ringtone on your actual rom)? sometimes system sets ringtone to default, if file set is let's say..bad.
btw, do not make guid by yourself, use tool for this:
ahhh, another thought:
try to add
to your reg.
pupakota said:
higher number has higher priority(at last in normal kitchens), so ffxxxxxx- will overwrite 7fxxxxxx-.
just do search for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0 on whole kitchen(UNICODE search) to determine, if that reg entry is doubled/tripled etc...also, make another search(ascii search) for same reg entry regarding provxmls(as it's another way of reg import, and this is overwriting all rgu's eventually).
on the other hand i wonder about mp3 as ringtone, are you sure, if that file is ok(i mean, if it really work as ringtone on your actual rom)? sometimes system sets ringtone to default, if file set is let's say..bad.
btw, do not make guid by yourself, use tool for this:
ahhh, another thought:
try to add
to your reg.
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1- MP3 as a ringtone is working fine if i manually change it. why you're wondering about that?
2- I tried to do the registry manually after booting, it works great. but in kitchen it isn't.
3- I tried many time to Generate a UUID by the help of the site you sent me with no success.
4- I did a search in the project and found the following:
Search "RingTone0" (4 hits in 4 files)
G:\HTC-HD2\Work\SYS\OS\mxipupdate_metabase_001.provxml (1 hits)
Line 1: <?xml version="1.0"?><wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic type="Metabase"><characteristic type="FileOperation\%CE2%\MenuUpArrowDisabled.bmp\*" translation="install"><parm name="datatype" value="string" /><parm name="semantic-type" value="file" /><parm name="rw-access" value="3" /><parm name="access-role" value="88" /></characteristic><characteristic type="FileOperation\%CE2%\MenuUpArrowBackground.bmp\*" translation="install"><parm name="datatype" value="string" /><parm name="semantic-type" value="file" /><parm name="rw-access" value="3" /><parm name="access-role" value="88" /></characteristic><characteristic type="FileOperation\%CE2%\MenuUpArrow.bmp\*" translation="install"><parm name="datatype" value="string" /><parm name="semantic-type" value="file" /><parm name="rw-access" value="3" /><parm name="access-role" value="88" /></characteristic><characteristic type="FileOperation\%CE2%\MenuSelector.bmp\*" translation="install"><parm name="datatype" value="string" /><parm name="semantic-type" value...
G:\HTC-HD2\Work\SYS\Phone\2a6583ff-6047-46cc-b9be-b7deca1152c3.rgu (1 hits)
Line 125: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0]
G:\HTC-HD2\Work\SYS\Shell\mxip_system.vol (1 hits)
Line 71: 
G:\HTC-HD2\Work\SYS\zzz_MyTweeks\ffe8dc40-7d63-11e0-a411-0800200c9a66.rgu (1 hits)
Line 17: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0]
5- I tried "DefaultSound" with no success.
You didn't mention a .dsm. I suspect you need to create one with the same guid as the .rgu.
Farmer Ted said:
You didn't mention a .dsm. I suspect you need to create one with the same guid as the .rgu.
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I used "totalfire" to create one but the same problem still there.
also, if i removed it from the folder, the BuildOS creates a dummy one with the same results.
really, i fed-up, but i'm thanking all of you whom tried to help
I just need any one of whom success to apply his own registry tweaks in his cooked ROM to tell me how he did it..
As Simple As this....
edit.. I attached the files that i need it to be installed...
ok, this may be weird what i am gonna write, but have you tried to place your ringtone in proper place designed for additional ringtones by initflashfiles?
here's catch - some things WONT work when not COPIED while first boot.
i have no time for explaining this, but try to edit initflashfiles to copy this ringtone to proper place, than edit reg to match.
and another interesting thing: try to rename Mytones to mytones.
before this - check one thing with rom that was not working earlier - make sr, and go into windows to see, if your file became..folder.
there's small chance of getting weirdness with files with capital letters in name, sometimes.
and finally - did you make softreset before checking, if ringtone is set after flash(do NOT check this before first softreset)?
and postfinally - convert your file to something native for WM(weak advice, but...).
btw, skip dsm for this, it is useless for such things.
I tried but still something wrong.
I have no problems with the file copy, the file copied successfully.
The problem with the registry entries... any registry entries within the .RGU file didn't applied after flashing the ROM or even First Softreset after first boot.......
There are nothing changed in the emulator registry for any of the registry entries.
one thing, you are making this for emulator(Oo)?
have you checked your pack on real device?
you shouldn't take emulator behaviour as sure mirror of real thing...
You should try putting another registry key into that .rgu; it could just be a dummy key (like hklm\software\test). Then see if it is parsed during cooking. It's starting to sound more like a provxml is over-writing your values during bootup.
Farmer Ted said:
You should try putting another registry key into that .rgu; it could just be a dummy key (like hklm\software\test). Then see if it is parsed during cooking. It's starting to sound more like a provxml is over-writing your values during bootup.
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That's exactly what happened.
The Dummy was not posted.
So, Whitch provxml is over writing my REG? or how i could come over this prob?.
robekia1 said:
That's exactly what happened.
The Dummy was not posted.
So, Whitch provxml is over writing my REG? or how i could come over this prob?.
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Search for all provxml in oem, and go through them!

